Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 328: You are all bullies.

Noah was astonished. He was almost scolding himself for leaving Norah alone inside but after hearing her, he knew he made the right choice.

He had no doubt about anything seeing her determination which he hardly saw in her.

But, for the first time, he started behaving like tsundere. He pointed to the ground and sounded grim, "Kneel..."

"Huh?" Norah was confused. She thought he was angry and obediently kneeled down.

Noah then ordered, "Raise your hands."

Norah followed in her confusion and raised both hands thinking he was giving school students punishment to her.

Noah's lips twitched seeing her raise hands above her head. He realized his girlfriend was a dummy. He had told her to raise her hand for giving flowers which she was holding.

His voice softened and said, "Is this how you give flowers?"

Norah's slow brain reacted and held flowers toward him and saw him chuckle.

"You are bullying me." She spoke like a wife bullied by her husband and pouted.

Noah raised his brows indifferently looking at her, "I can bully you more."

He kneeled in front of her in a swift way. Norah was startled and about to fall back but Noah wrapped his left hand around her waist and pulled her to him.

Norah flushed seeing him up so close, she was about to look away, Noah's right hand moved her nape and kissed her on the lips.

Norah widened her eyes and her first reaction was to try to push him but it soon stopped when his soft lips gently caressed her lips.

Noah tightened his arm when Norah started responding, forgetting they were on the lawn and it was still dusk.

He didn't go further thinking he might scare her and broke the kiss soon. He pinched her bright flushed red cheek and asked, "Got your answer?"

Norah shyly nodded.

Noah teased seeing her too quiet, "Where are the flowers?... You threw the flowers you brought here for me."

Norah panicked, "No no I somehow slipped when kissing."

Norah flushed more hearing herself and heard Noah, "Oh... I didn't know."

She pointed at him in bewilderment, "You... You... You are such a bully."

Noah stood up and pulled her up, "I have never said I'm not a bully."

Norah blinked her eyes repeatedly, understanding she will be bullied from that day.

Noah smiled smugly and was taking her inside, She held him and opened her palm which had two rings. Noah calmly took the lady's ring and put it on for her and took another one and wore it. "Let's go."

Norah smiled and followed him looking at their intertwined fingers.

Noah saw Alan taking Aria out. He hadn't seen Alan enter and didn't know when exactly he went in. He didn't show much of a reaction and asked, "Are you guys leaving?"

Aria changed questions looking at their hands, "Where are flowers?"

Norah flushed and Aria got the answer. Noah ignored it because Rian and Eva weren't there to tease him more, "Stay for dinner."

Aria teased, "I thought you had your dinner... I will call you tomorrow. See you."

Aria left with Alan happily while Norah said in bafflement, "You are all bullies."

Noah was surprised, "So you understood what Arrie meant by dinner. I was thinking I have a dummy with me."

Norah: ○_○

She accepted her fate and was also happy they weren't treating her indifferently as a stranger.

Two families merrily had dinner and decided to talk about engagement and wedding later days before dispersing.


Aria who had sent a message to Alan picked her up without caring to give a reason. Nobody dared to ask why he was taking his wife either.

Aria was wearing the seat belt when Alan told her, "Your friend doesn't know how to kiss."

"Seriously? That doesn't concern us and he isn't Eva."

Alan continued, "How can that be a dinner? I will give you starters."

Before she could know what was the starter he was talking about, he robbed her sanity. Then he placed a big bouquet of red roses on her lap.

Licking his lips, "Our kiss is the best."

Flushed Aria: "..."

He kissed her blushing cheek and took her out on a dinner date to relax her.

But after reaching there both saw Rian and Roxy at one end of the restaurant and Eva and Isaac at another end of the rooftop restaurant.

Aria had thought to tell them about Noah and Norah after dinner with her husband, sighed seeing them join three tables for a triple dinner date.

"Guys, our only single got his girl. He might marry soon too." She just had an inkling Hanes wouldn't allow them to date or just be engaged.

While three of Fourie and Roxy happily spoke, Isaac saw Alan's dark face. He understood Alan wanted to have dinner only with Aria. Alan decided to reserve a complete hotel from next time.

Isaac messaged Aria, [Your husband is pissed off with our presence.]

Aria saw the message and replied, [Chill. I have my ways.]

She just sent the message and raised her head, Amelia and Rowan who just entered the roof pointed at them when Aria saw.

"My little kids, Mind if we join?"

Aria shook her head with others and the table was rearranged again leaving Alan at loss. Aria thought it was the end but saw Eva's parents too.

Eva, Aria, Roxy, and Amelia laughed their hearts out seeing how older men and younger men chose the same place on the same day for the dinner.

Everyone's date with their partner changed to family dinner. Aria saw Alan sulking and placed her mobile on the table near him.

Alan solemnly checked her mobile screen and his eyes brightened. His wife had booked a yacht for the whole night.

"We are not taking anybody there." His low deep voice sounded near her ear.

Aria nodded resignation. They always watched the music fountain on the ground so she planned to watch from the riverside. Since it was their first date place, it was special for both.

Similarly, Isaac and Eva had planned to watch outdoor movies in the city outskirts. Rian and Roxy were going on a long drive and they were spending the weekend at the beach.

Nobody didn't tell anything to another couple.

Elders were going back home and resting.

And another new couple was on the call the whole night. "... By the way, how did your grandfather change all of a sudden?"

Norah on the other end felt it was still a miracle. "Yesterday, President Cooper, President Morgan, President Stanley were here. Brother Moran said grandfather had sent his men to kill Aria Cooper for pointing her gun at him and for looking down on him..."

Noah was shocked to hear that and continued to hear. "... Anyway, thankfully she was smart and escaped. Yesterday Grandfather got to know that Aria Cooper is married to Alan..."

She briefed what she had got to know and told what happened in the morning, "... Out of everyone's expectation, Grandfather asked me if I would like to marry that President. I said I will listen to him but he asked me back the same thing amiably..."