Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 302: Parent-less, spineless girl

Elder Hanes stomped his cane hard on the floor and pointed his trembling hand at Noah in rage, "I will never agree for the impudent person like you to enter my family."

"Doesn't the happiness of the grandchildren come before your ego?"

"What kind of happiness could you give to my granddaughter? Buying a condo? Taking her out on shopping? You lowly businessman just can dream about reaching us."

"I'm sorry to know about your misconception of happiness." His firm eyes on Elder Hanes were unwavering.

Elder Hanes sneered, "I have no interest to know your ignoble definition of happiness."

"We don't have time for that."

They were staring at each other and whirling helicopter blades created a loud noise. Noah noticed Elder Hanes's gaze turning sinister.

"The consequences of your brashness."

Noah could make out by the strong footsteps who were dominating his men and a series of footsteps entered inside.

Moran frowned looking at Elder's top security men standing behind Noah. He turned to his grandfather and was about to speak but his father gripped his hand firmly to stop him.

Geoff wanted to help Noah and Norah but he wasn't sure the extent Noah could go in front of his father so he didn't want his son to oppose his father so early.

The atmosphere turned tense instantly. Norah was scared her grandfather might do something for Noah. She was about to run towards Elder Hanes to let him off, her mother held her hand ignoring Norah's pleading gaze.

"Mom, I can't..."


Madam Hanes didn't want to help. She wanted to see if Noah could stand against Elder Hanes and protect her daughter.

Even though Noah was at a disadvantage, he didn't show an ounce of anxiety. "Misusing powers."

Elder Hanes leaned back and simmered, raising his hand and moving it.

Noah realized those guards were armed and the rumors about the Hanes were right. They had a private secret sentry who was ruthless.

Noah was targeted by three firearms while they pushed Noah to get up. He just knew they wouldn't kill him but he wasn't sure how they would handle it.

"I see which is your way to climb up." He smirked, irritating Elder Hanes more.

Were they going to beat him? He felt it was considered an early payment before planning to elope with Norah.

"Kill his wish." Elder Hanes ordered his men to take Noah away ignoring his remark.

Moran and Norah couldn't control themselves and shrugged their parents' hands. Both went ahead to talk while their parents deeply sighed. They regretted being selfish to protect themselves putting Noah in danger.

Geoff clutched his mobile tight and decided to take the blame hence he pulled Moran behind, "Dad..."


Before he could continue everyone's attention shifted towards the door hearing many cars directly halting in front of the Mansion.

Elder Hanes grounded his teeth for allowing people inside the estate but his temper lowered gazing McLaren P1 exuding threatening aura to his and others' view.

Before the door could open, A series of strong footsteps heard all the guards who were outside, started groaning in pain.

A svelte and lissom alighted the car. She strode in without a flinch in her face looking at the situation.

A hint of surprise flashed on the faces of watchers but her petite face darkened as soon as her eyes fell on the firearms pointing at Noah.

She strode on her black and white checkered high heels. She looked fashionable in her white shirt, dark blue jeans, and long yellow blazer.

She ignored each and everyone there and stood directly in front of Elder Hanes.

While everyone expected her to talk, her slender hand went to her back under her jacket, and when it returned she had wielded a pistol which pointed on the Elder's forehead without a speck of hesitation.

The Hanes family members stood up in shock. Even though they knew Aria wasn't reckless and was warning Elder Hanes to send his men away, they couldn't help but tremble.

Noah didn't want to trouble Aria more. He wanted to solve himself. He couldn't understand how she got to know the situation.

"President Cooper!" Elder Hanes's assistant cried out and jumped in action.

Before his hand could touch her, Aria jumped to escape his leg attack and twisted his hand. Glancing at his face, she pushed him behind her where Levi was grievously standing.

Elder Hanes had thought she was just a meek girl when she entered and he wasn't scared of her firearm but her eyes.

They were terrifying.

He felt his blood freezing looking at them. He wanted to look away and compose himself but her murderous gaze was torturous.

It was his first time seeing somebody holding such an oppressing gaze. Everybody bowed him at his sight every single time.

Many companies give up just by his name. Many wouldn't dare to linger in his presence. A lot tries to impress him yet fails.

Why did it change?

He thought Noah was audacious but Aria Cooper was fearless and spirited. He didn't want to surrender but her demeanor, guilty-less eyes had the power to captivate and yield to her voluntarily.

He wasn't inexperienced. He had lived more than thrice of her age. So he took control over himself and checked her firearm.

At first glance, he identified it wasn't a toy. It was a real black Glock.

Her physique or style was no match to her bearing but she stood there without flickering even when a firearm pointed her.

"President Cooper, do you think we are playing here? Nobody enters the lion's den to snatch its prey."

Aria's voice was frosty, "Stop insulting the lion."

"You..." Elder Hanes fumed but understood what she meant.

Lion, the king of the jungle, hunts its prey alone unlike gathering a troop.

Breathing heavy, he cued his men to exit but they were hesitant looking at Aria.

Elder Hanes hit the wrong button. "Do you think she would dare to hurt me?" He smirked.

Aria's faint smile straightened his back unknowingly. "Chairman Hanes, if I kill or hurt you right now and once news goes out, Hanes Industries goes down in drain while Skyline stocks skyrockets."

"Bullshit." Elder Hanes instantly roared. "You are just a..." 'Woman' His eyes flickered and saw his assistant edgy.

He remembered he didn't hear everything about Aria so he grunted.

Elder Hanes' assistant spoke about what Aria said, "Chairman Hanes, Logically, whatever President Cooper said is the brutal truth. A small scratch on her could cause us a hefty price."

Every single one was rendered speechless excluding Levi and Noah.

Elder Hanes growled without believing him because Aria was just a parentless, spineless girl, "Elaborate."