The Invincible Big Shot Is About To Be Born

Chapter 229

On the way, when encountering Star River storm and hail, the black dragon spacecraft directly blasted through.

Yu Zhifang watched as the Star River storm, which was enough to tear up the peak of a plane Lord in the later stage, was blown away by the black dragon spacecraft, and his mouth was dry.

After the black dragon spacecraft exploded one galaxy storm after another, Yu Zhifang took out the two drops of starry chaos water and wanted to return it to Lu Yiping.

Lu Yiping looked at Yu Zhifang trembling and said, "since it\'s for you, take it."

Yu Zhifang was relieved to accept it.

The void plane is the first plane of the seventeenth plane, the largest plane of the seventeenth plane and the most prosperous and prosperous plane of the seventeenth plane.

After arriving at the void plane, Lu Yiping put the black dragon spacecraft away and directly broke the plane interface with Longjiao Jinniu and entered the void plane space.

A few people didn\'t stop much and flew directly to the sea of stars.

Luanxing sea is the largest sea area of the void level. It is located in the south of the void level. It can be reached in threeorfour days at most with the speed of a few people.

When Lu Yiping arrived at the luanxing sea, the sun was just right, and the luanxing sea was very lively and festive. After asking, Lu Yiping knew that it was the sea people of luanxing sea who were going to hold a four seas holy meeting these days.

The sea of chaos is the third largest force in the void plane. It is composed of many sea tribes. The four seas holy meeting is held every hundred years. This four seas holy meeting is the largest meeting of the sea of chaos, and of course, it is also one of the largest events in the void plane.

Therefore, many super families and large families of the void plane will come to participate in the four seas holy meeting of the chaos star sea. Except for the Maha clan and the forces under the Maha clan, almost all other super forces of the void plane will come to participate in the four seas holy meeting.

Yu Zhifang led the way, and several people came to the island Yu Zhifang said.

Although the sea of chaos is the territory of influence of the Sihai clan, it is not forbidden for others to enter, so Lu Yiping and several people have not been obstructed.

After flying for a while, Yu Zhifang pointed to a huge island in front of him and said, "Sir, that\'s the island."

Lu Yiping saw that the island was large, like a small land suspended on the sea.

The island has no aura and is overgrown with weeds. It is obviously a desert island.

Soon, Lu Yiping arrived at the desert island and fell down.

Over the past 10000 years, there have been some changes in the desert island. For example, the original mountainous areas have now been covered with various plants, and some peaks have now become flat.

Relying on his memory, Yu Zhifang took Lu Yiping and several people to the south of the island.

However, just as Lu Yiping and a few people were passing to the south of the island, they suddenly heard the voice in front of them.

"Incinerate all the carcasses of the orcs and dispose of them for me." One of them said.

"Yes, young master."

Lu Yiping and several people looked at each other at the words.

It seems that someone killed someone on this desert island to destroy the corpse?

Although strange, Lu Yiping kept walking.

Immediately, several people saw a group of sea clan masters in front of them incinerating a pile of corpses with divine fire. Those corpses were tall and belonged to the orc clan.

"He is a master of the Hai royal family!" Yu Zhifang was surprised.

The sea clan masters in front are wearing purple and blue battle armor with strange patterns on it, which is the clan emblem of the sea emperor among the sea clan.

The sea emperor family is the royal family of the four seas and seas. The head of the sea emperor family is the head of the sea emperor family in every session of the chaos star sea. Dozens of races in the sea family are under the command of the sea emperor family.

When Yu Zhifang saw that he was a master of the Hai Huang family, he knew it was bad.

Sure enough, at this time, more than 30 masters of the Hai Huang family all looked over.

The masters of the Hai Huang family were quite surprised to see someone coming. Few people came to this desert island at ordinary times.

"Young master, what should I do?" One of the Hai nationality Masters said to the Hai Huang nationality youth headed by him.

In the eyes of the Haihuang youth, he said, "if you want to blame them, blame them for their bad luck. Kill them all!"

Naturally, the fact that they killed the orcs cannot be exposed.

These orcs are not ordinary orcs, but tiger kings.

Suddenly, in the hands of the sea clan Zhonggao, more than a dozen people came out and flew to Lu Yiping. A dozen people suddenly cut out their long swords at Lu Yiping, with their swords in full swing and surging out.

These dozen people, impressively, are the peak of the late gods, and they are the kind that may step into the realm of the master of the plane at any time.

Yu Zhifang\'s face was startled.

However, just as the swords of these dozen people blasted in front of the first level of the road, the red moon suddenly waved out with one hand, and immediately, a fire light cut out, and the fire waves rushed to the sky, and these fire waves, with strange silver.

Immediately, all the sword Qi was cut open, all the masters of the Hai clan were cut by the fire, and the Shanghai clan God armor was cut open, all of them were shot upside down, spitting blood in their mouths.

The sea clan masters were surprised and surprised.

"Silver chop!" The Hai Huang youth\'s eyes fell on the red moon, and his eyes were burning: "you are a person of the gale sect!"

Silver light chop is the unique skill of the nether plane gale sect. The strength of gale sect is not weak. Although it does not enter the top ten super forces of the nether plane, it is also one of the super forces in the twenties.

In those days, red moon was indeed one of the ancestors of the gale sect.

The red moon did not speak.

The Hai Huang youth glanced at Lu Yiping, frowned, and then smiled, "I didn\'t expect you to be from the gale sect. I don\'t know what you are doing here?"

Then he said, "I hope you will forget what you just saw, otherwise."

"How else?" Lu Yiping said calmly.

"Otherwise, your accident is small. If it involves the gale sect, it\'s bad, isn\'t it?" The young man of Haihuang nationality laughed, smiling innocently.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face by the Dragon horn Taurus, which made the sea Royal youth plunge into the ground of the desert island.

The ground roared loudly.

Sand and stones splashed countless.

The masters of the Hai clan were stunned and looked at the Hai royal clan, who was inserted upside down into the ground of the desert island and only showed a piece of ass.

"Little Lord!" The masters of the Hai clan were in a hurry and rescued the Hai Huang youth from the pit.

When the Haihuang youth was rescued, his whole face was crooked, and the Haihuang masters almost couldn\'t recognize it.

The Hai Huang youth relaxed for a long time, and he stared at the Dragon horn Taurus in surprise and anger.

"Let\'s go!" However, he didn\'t say much, and said to the sea clan masters. Then, the sea emperor youth left with the help of the sea clan masters.

Looking at the sea family masters who left, Yu Zhifang worried, "they are from the sea royal family. The youth identity is not simple. We\'d better leave quickly, otherwise, when they bring the sea royal family masters, we can\'t leave if we want to."

"Go? Why go?" Longjiao Taurus laughed and said, "it would be better if they brought other masters of the Hai royal family."

(the third watch at 9:30 p.m.)