The Immortal Player

4 First Boss!

"That is relieving! Gladly I was able to register for the closed beta phase. The rumors were true after all!" Pedro leaned back to the chair and relaxed.

He was reminded that in his 'past', Bearth Online was only able to get a small number of Closed Beta Players. There were many different reasons for that.

One was the VR Box' price. It was not cheap. The developers of the game would typically provide closed beta players their needs to play the game. It might be free, or some may cost but is not more expensive than the VR helmet.

The second was related to the first one. VR Boxes were new technology. It meant that the first users would become the 'actual' guinea pigs. Of course, no one would want to be in that place.

What if it malfunctioned? What if there were hidden risks?

These questions arose to their minds. The uncertainty was clear and the risks were high. At top of that, they were to pay for a huge amount for that?

No way! Just for a game? To risk your life? Either you are a fool or a rich tycoon who is 'very' adventurous.

"We can't blame people for being careful. After all, unless you are like me who time-traveled back and knew about the future. You won't take this much of a risk." Pedro sighed as he stares at the website of Bearth Online.

"No need to worry about that. Let them think in that way. In any case, I might as well try to invite Annie and the others to 'switch' (1) to Bearth Online."

"Knowing them and the previous encounter, they will contact me once again sooner or later. As of now... should I go back to sleep? Oh~" Pedro glanced to his bed.

But before he stands up, he took a glance at the game logo of Bearth Online on the website. Suddenly, he was reminded of the most exciting and unique thing at the start of the game.

"In-game Names."

'In-game Name? Hmm...' He rubbed his chin as tons of ideas surged into his mind.

He remembered that the first "Cheat code or trap" considered by the players was the In-game Name, IGN.

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In the past, casually starting, even the closed beta players choose names based on their liking. Only until the official launch of the game that they learned that they can also get skills from selecting their IGN.

This was a godly, life-saving skill considering that deaths from AVR games, like Bearth Online, can cause instant deletion of their character.

This person was scouted by many guilds, including Pedro's Ares guild, but he joined a guild called "Starter Pack". That said guild, later on, belonged in the tier-B guild ranking. Knowing this, new players started selecting their ign carefully so that they could get some skills.

Due to the intense competition, Information was limited. It was up to the point that there was only a small amount of information leaked after the 6 years Pedro played the game.

Some of the 'leaked' information were the well-known IGNs of tier A professional players who ranked at the top 100. Among them was Hope and Faith.


The player that had this IGN was given a legendary-rated skill that boosts the Attack Damage and HP regeneration of you and your allies by 70% as your hp falls below 20%.

This was a godly skill specially designed for tanks. Imagine doing PVEs with your main tank having a skill like this. Not only it helps sustain survivability of everyone in the party, but It can also increase the firepower of everyone on crucial times.



The player that had this IGN also had a legendary-rated skill that boosts the attack damage of you and your allies by 150% and increases your life steal by 100% of your damage when your hp falls below 10%.

Only one word. "OP" It was super Overpowered!

Those two were amongst the well-known IGNs that gave a legendary-rated skill right of the start. Both skills' only weakness was that when the player's HP returns to 30% the effect will end and a cooldown of 3 minutes will start.

"Man, This chance given to me is a blessing. With so many IGNs available for me to choose from. Although, the number of the IGNs I encountered plus those IGNs that was leaked was not unlimited. I can still build a strong guild~No... The Strongest Guild from it!"

Pedro took a pen and paper. He started writing down a list of IGNs that he remembered. Then, He placed a mark on the IGNs he might use.

Sadly, In the past, he was not able to use an IGN that gave any skill. Hence, He marked the skills he was most familiar with or those IGNs that led their user/player to reach tier A.

Time passed quickly.

After an hour of staring at the list, He decided to go back to sleep. Rather stressing his mind on choosing the best IGN for him to use, It was best to clear his mind first. Besides, he had enough time to think about it.

In the morning, He did his daily routine. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, jog, and exercise, ate breakfast, took care of the dishes, then took a bath.

Though their family had maids, he was still brought up by his parents and was required to do house chores. One of those chores assigned to him was to wash dishes in the morning, 'since he was still unemployed.'.

After that, He took again the list and started to weigh the pros and cons of each IGN.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" Their doorbell rang. Pedro shoot up and ran towards their main door.

'It might be the delivery of my VR Box!' Pedro was excited and happy. So happy that his smiles were even about to reach his ears. He was expecting the delivery of the VR Box in that morning.

"Mr. Pedro Armaz?" The delivery man asked as he saw Pedro came out of the door

"Yes, That's me!" Four men, carrying a huge box, long like a bed but half the width. It looked like a refrigerator, but slightly bigger. The delivery man followed Pedro to his room and started to install the VR Box.

The delivery man gave him liters of the "Lifo". It is a liquid food composed of nutrients the body needs. It would be supplied to the user's body once the system notices that the user required some nutrition or food.

It was a feature added so that players who stayed in-game for extended hours will not have a problem of not eating. This was included the package he ordered online.

"Right, I should tell Annie and the others that I'll be switching to Bearth. Although I have conflicts with them in 'my past', it is still not proper for me, their guild leader, to leave them like that."

He had thoughts of inviting them to switch to Bearth Online but he decided not to do so. For one reason, Although the past is in the past, He can't afford for someone to stab him in his back again.

A wise man once said, "Once is enough, twice is too much, for the Third time... you're a fool!".

"Me, switching to Bearth is already a hint that something is unusual on this game. It's up to them whether they'll also play Bearth Online or not."

Pedro sent a message to Annie regarding about his quitting of Dragona Online and switching to Bearth Online


The VR Box was installed after an hour. He also received the reply of Annie and how she felt about Pedro's sudden switching of game.

She included in her message that they decided to continue to play the current AVR game, Dragona Online, that they are playing. For the reason that Bearth is still in its closed beta stage and it is too early to tell if Bearth Online is a good game.

"I did my part. It's them who did not follow my steps." He smirked. His gaze was fixed to the VR Box that was installed beside his bed.

He remembered his father and realized that his father will surely get the information that he purchased a VR Box. It will, with a hundred percent, anger his father. Hence, He must devise a plan or an explanation that is acceptable to his father.

"Ugh... I guess that was the best way to do this." He shook his head as he started typing on his computer.

"I didn't think that the first boss I would encounter is... My Father!"


Author's Note: