The Immortal Doctress: Emperor's Consort

Chapter 145: Take advantage of me?

Ling Yunting took out a pot of Peach Blossom Fruit Wine instead of Peach Blossom Wine. Peach Blossom Fruit Wine was also very mellow, but the taste was not strong, and he would not get drunk even if he drank much.

Mu Zhiqing only took a sip and realized the difference, her pretty face filled with annoyance, "You lie!"

"You just drink this." Ling Yunting said spoiled.

"I\'m not!" Mu Zhiqing\'s cheeks were red, her eyes were drunk and she looked around, and suddenly found that there was a hip flask on Ling Yunting\'s left hand.

That must be peach blossom drunk!


Mu Zhiqing leaned her body, with one hand directly over the man\'s body to get the jug, but the jug was a little far away, she couldn\'t reach it.

Ling Yunting leaned on the ground, supporting his head in one hand and holding a hip flask in the other.

He raised his eyes to look at the woman who was trying hard to get the wine in front of him, and the corner of his lips slightly tickled, and at the moment when the woman was about to touch the hip flask, he moved the hip flask farther.

Mu Zhiqing\'s eyes widened suddenly, but she was a little confused because of drunkenness. Her black and white eyes were less sharp than in the past, and she was a little more charming and charming.

"Want to drink?"

The magnetic voice exudes fascinating charm, and the slightly hooked tail is even more unspeakable, like a bewitching sound, seductively hooked.

"miss you."

There was a low laugh from the man\'s throat, and the dark and dark eyes lit up with stars, which were shining and bright.

He suddenly hooked his right hand and directly pressed down the woman\'s suspended body, and landed firmly on him.

In the next second, she covered her long-awaited attractive red lips.

The clear breath of the man surrounded her, and the mellow and intoxicating fragrance of peach blossoms filled her lips.

His kiss is hot, domineering, and with repressed tenderness, beautiful and intoxicating.

Ling Yunting originally only wanted to taste it, but when he tasted her sweet and greasy taste, it seemed to instantly ignite his long-suppressed emotions.

Tossing and turning, getting deeper and deeper, her sweetness makes people completely crazy.

Realizing that the little guy in front of him was about to breathe hard, Ling Yunting let her go.

With this release, he met a pair of ignorant and confused eyes.

Ling Yunting\'s eyes paused, his eyes were so clear that he was a little guilty, as if he was bullying others while drunk.


Mu Zhiqing didn\'t say a word, but stared at him indignantly. Gradually, the anger in her eyes became more and more raging, as if Ling Yunting was an indomitable enemy.

"Dare you take advantage of me?"

The tone is different from the usual indifferent, with a touch of sharpness and arrogance.

Ling Yunting also didn\'t expect her to react like this, and he couldn\'t help being confused, his handsome eyes filled with worry, "Zhi Qing..."

He intended to get up and wanted to explain, but was suddenly held down by the woman.

Immediately afterwards, the Qiaoyan who was close at hand suddenly approached, and the sweet lips covered his lips accurately!

The fragrance is sweet and intoxicating.

She raised her head and said fiercely: "No one has ever taken advantage of me. You kiss me once, and I want to kiss me twice to earn it back!"

The woman is like an angry little lion, her eyes are obviously angry, and she can match the drunken appearance, but she is indescribably cute and charming in the eyes of the man.

"It turns out that the consequences of madam being angry are so serious."

He chuckled abruptly, his eyes full of flowers blooming, rippling with a happy arc.

Mu Zhiqing snorted coldly, the man\'s smile was tantamount to provocation in her eyes, she leaned over again, but the man took the initiative to cover her lips.