The Heir is Here: Quiet Down, School Prince

Chapter 51

"Uncle, if you come here again, I will call the police!" Anxia took out her mobile phone and said in a trembling voice.

The man didn't take her threat seriously at all, and came up with a grim smile.

As he approached, Anxia kept retreating and her face was full of confusion.

Just at the critical moment when the man was about to succeed, a cruel and accurate fist fell on his face, and the man screamed and fell to the ground.

"Who? Who is it? Dare to hit me, believe it or not, call the police! " The man swears. Anxia is shocked and looks at the visitors

Sheng Yize moved his fingers and his voice was cold: "you know the alarm when you are beaten? What did you do when you harassed a girl? Take sage's standard and ask others, and take scum's standard and ask yourself, uncle, you can really do it. "

The man was speechless. Seeing that Sheng Yize was not a good person, the two friends helped him up and ran away in a panic.

"Are you ok?" Sheng Yize asked.

Anxia shook her head and asked timidly, "aren't you gone?"

Sheng Yize pressed his hat: "Oh, there was something left here just now. Come back and look for it."

"Well Thank you. What did you lose? I'll find it for you! " An Xiaxia volunteered.

“……” Sheng Yize was silent for two seconds. He cursed: "stupid!"

"What, why lose your temper again!" An Xia Xia frowns, "although I'm not smart, but my IQ is normal, why do you always say I'm stupid?"

Sheng Yize was sullen and didn't want to quarrel with her any more. He slipped her collar and walked on.

"Hello, where are you taking me?"

"Go home!" Sheng Yize replied coldly, but he and an Xiaxia exchanged positions and pushed her to the inside of the sidewalk.

Anshasha didn't notice his delicate little action, but thought he was really bad tempered!

When he got on the bus, Sheng Yize reported the address of his home and reclined on the back of his chair.

Recently, I have made a few announcements, and this girl's trifles make him tired.

An Xiaxia stealthily takes out the mobile phone, changes a small vest, diligently edits the information, is ready to mercilessly black Sheng Yize!

Hum! This villain, she wants to black him mercilessly!

She could not help shivering when the cold wind outside the window came in.

In Yucheng in September, the sky is already slightly bright. At this time, it's late, and the temperature is even colder.

Anxia Xiazheng's hot editorial content, a dress suddenly covered her head, at the same time, the window slowly up.

"Well?" An Xiaxia grabs the clothes. With the weak light of her mobile phone, she can see that it's a man's coat. Looking at the style, it should be Sheng Yize's

Er Why are you so nice to her all of a sudden

"Put it on. I'm not smart. What can I do if I'm stupid again." Sheng Yize made fun of her on purpose.

An Xiaxia is speechless. He is really a boy who remembers revenge

Originally, she wanted to have a backbone, but it was really too cold. She thought about it, but she didn't have a chance to wear it.

Boy's coat, very broad, also very warm, with his unique clean and fresh taste.

Wearing his coat, an Xiaxia looked at half of the content edited and suddenly didn't know what to write.

She was stunned. Sheng Yize suddenly leaned over and asked in a low voice, "what are you doing? What's the name of s male star? He is arrogant, arrogant and has a bad temper... "

Ah ah! Found out!