The Heir is Here: Quiet Down, School Prince

Chapter 149

-The next day, an Xiaxia went to school. Sheng Yize didn't finish filming. Her table was still empty.

Qi Yanxi was frustrated last night. He didn't come to sit next to her. Today, her eyes are cool.

Anxia shrank her neck and reduced her sense of existence.

The head teacher Bai ziyue finished class and announced a thing.

"We will have a hundred college basketball league soon. Is there anyone in our class willing to sign up for the school basketball team?"

There was a heated discussion in the class.

An Xiaxia looks at the empty position beside her, and is a little lost.

If Sheng Yize is here, he will surely join the basketball team.

Qi Yanxi's arrogant voice came: "teacher, I want to sign up!"

The head teacher looked at him in surprise.

In the office, there are countless rumors of Qi Er Shao's bad deeds. She didn't expect that Qi Yanxi would sign up for collective activities.

However, as a young teacher, she still hopes to influence Qi Yanxi and let him change his ways. Now she says with a smile, "then come on, monitor, get him a form."

The rest of the class continued to report, including health, and encouraged an Xiaxia and Su Xiaomo to join the cheerleading team.

"Cheerleaders are fun. They can go to training without classes. When they play in the league, they can also associate with students from other schools..."

Originally, an Xiaxia and Su Xiaomo didn't want to go, but when they heard that friendship, they both reported their names.

After school in the afternoon, an Xiaxia and Su Xiaomo are informed to go to the audition for the cheerleading team.

Only when I went to the playground did I find that there were many girls who signed up.

The leading teacher whistled and began to select.

A tall girl took the lead to come out, directly came a word horse!

An Xiaxia and Su Xiaomo are so frightened that their chins are almost falling off.

The second girl, with a snort of defiance, brushed her leg to her head!

Mamma Mia, is this a cheerleading competition or a gymnastic performance?

All of them performed their special skills. The rest, like Anxia and Su Xiaomo, ran 800 meters in a unified way.

"There are 12 places left. Only those who can run before 12 can join the cheerleading team, which is the most basic physical test." The teacher said seriously and whistled. All the girls rushed out.

Su Xiaomo has good physical strength. He runs at the front of the race. Anxia is sad and runs forward with short legs in the back.

The people around her, one by one, have surpassed her, running and running. Anxia Xia's sad discovery: he has become the number one from the bottom ~ ~

it doesn't matter, the real warrior, dare to face all the sufferings!

Anxia's twenty feet comforted herself in the middle of summer, panting and wheezing.

Not far away in the selection of basketball players, but also a smoke filled.

Qixia has always been a strong basketball school with many experts.

But Qi Yanxi appeared and immediately attracted everyone's eyes.

He clapped the ball, bent his knees and shot. His movements were as natural as flowing water.

When he's finished, he doesn't look. He goes to get the second ball.

Everyone's eyes on the field are almost staring out. Is this a load of X? Don't see how to know if you've made it!

But -

Bang -

perfect goal!

There were boos on the field.

Qi Yanxi shot one after another, like drawing a function curve. He made more than ten shots in a row, all of which were in!

No one dares to disagree.