The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 274

Chapter 274: Opening Limited Edition

In fact, Tang Qiu had already contacted the private spacecraft and was about to fly to Planet M95. According to the plan, it should have arrived by now, but it happened that he couldn\'t leave in the past two days, so he has not yet set off.

Not only Fang Weixuan was curious about Gufeng Street, he was actually curious, but before he could see the whole picture of Gufeng Street, he couldn\'t allow his nemesis to see it first.

Even if others saw it first, as long as it wasn\'t Fang Weixuan, he would accept it.

"You are the big mouth, and your whole family has big mouths." Fang Weixuan immediately turned back and raised his eyebrows at Tang Qiu in the video, "I wish you continue to stumble, and don\'t come to M95 planet to get in the way."

Tang Qiu: "You silly, wait for me, I\'ll go right now!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Gu Bai was already used to it, and the purpose of this meeting had been achieved. He packed up his things and left the meeting room, letting the two apprentices continue to quarrel by themselves.

Since we want to limit the number of tourists visiting, we have to set a number now, and then we can go to Linda to make more Hanfu.

Or, limit the number of tourists depending on what\'s on Linda\'s side.

Thinking of this, Gu Bai went to Linda and told her what he thought.

"I\'m going to hold the opening ceremony for Gufeng Street in two weeks. Tourists will need to wear Hanfu to participate. How many sets of Hanfu will you be able to make by then?" Gu Bai asked.

Linda showed him about 20 sets of Hanfu designs, of which five were for men and the rest were for women.

Although it seems that the number is not large, the ability to design so many Hanfu in such a short period of time has far exceeded Gu Bai\'s expectations.

"There are design drawings. It is not difficult to make finished products. Mass production is very simple. I can make as many sets for you as you need." Linda said.

Only then did Gu Bai understand that in this world, the most expensive and most important thing is the design drawing. Once the design drawing is completed, the next production will be much easier. Unless it is a private custom, the others can be mass-produced by machines. .

Therefore, the problem of the number of clothes is not a problem for Gu Bai, but...

"The two sets of costumes must be completed by your own hands, and no details can be sloppy." Gu Bai urged them seriously.

Among these Hanfu, there are two sets of very special costumes, which he specially prepared for special people. I hope they will come to join us on the opening day of Gufeng Street.

"Don\'t worry, we have been busy with this these days, and we can definitely finish it before the opening in two weeks." Linda assured Gu Bai.

In fact, even if Gu Bai didn\'t tell them, they didn\'t dare to relax in the slightest. After all, these clothes were prepared for those two, so how could they have the guts to perfunctory.

"That\'s good, thank you for your hard work. You can prepare a set for yourself according to the style of Hanfu you like, and then come to the opening ceremony together." Gu Bai invited with a smile.

Linda: "I will definitely go."

They are also very curious and looking forward to this ancient street. These Hanfu have given them a great shock. I don\'t know what the scene is. They must wear these clothes to enter. It must be a more shocking existence. Bar.

"I can\'t wait. I\'m so curious about what this ancient street looks like." Linda\'s assistant, the younger sister, said excitedly.

Assistant 2: "Me too. Since I went to the snack street for the first time, I wish I could live in the snack street every day. It\'s just heaven."

Assistant 3: "I think Gufeng Street is definitely better than Snack Street. You need to wear these clothes to enter, and the scene inside must be very good."

The assistant, the younger sister, nodded immediately: "I have already chosen the outfit I want to wear, and I want this pink one. Starting today, I will use it all to make this outfit during off-duty hours. I must become the prettiest cub in Gufeng Street!"

"I like this set of emerald green, youthful and energetic." The assistant, the second lady, also has a Hanfu that she likes.

"Hey...then I want this set of goose-yellow. When the time comes, the three of us will go to Gufeng Street together and blind them!" Assistant Third Miss Sister is also very excited, wishing she could go to the opening now.
Listening to the excited discussions of the assistants, although Linda looked calm on the surface, in fact, she was already filtering all the Hanfu designs in her mind and choosing her favorite.

After Gu Bai returned to the small villa, he immediately posted a message on Xingbo.

Gu BaiV: After more than a month, the Blue Star Ancient City was officially completed. It will be officially opened in two weeks, that is, on May 20, 10021 of the ephemeris. Fans are specially invited to attend the opening ceremony. However, due to the special nature of the ancient city , The number of tourists participating in the opening ceremony is 2,000. Those who want to participate can register below, and lucky fans will be drawn at 12 noon tomorrow.

As soon as Gu Bai\'s post was posted, it immediately attracted countless comments.

【Is the ancient city of Blue Star completed? Congratulations Xiaobai! 】

【Congratulations Xiaobai! But I still want to say that there are only 2,000 tourists participating this time. This is too small. I have already prepared my bulging wallet, and I am waiting to buy a ferry ticket to participate in the M95 planet when it opens. There is a limit, but I still have to draw. I think I have a high probability of not being able to draw. I cried. jpg]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly 】

[Grandma, the ancient city of Blue Star you’ve been waiting for has finally been built, so hurry up and participate in the lottery. 】

【Two thousand people? Xiaobai, do you have any misunderstanding about your number of fans? Could you please take a look at how many fans you have on Xingbo, and then determine the number of people to draw? Smile. jpg]

[Only two thousand people? That is, nearly one in a million? Xiaobai, are you really joking? How lucky people must be to be drawn. The last life who was drawn must have protected the empire, right? 】

[Upstairs, let me tell you, this is not just a one-in-a-million probability, you are talking about Xiaobai\'s fans, but in addition to Xiaobai\'s fans, many passers-by are also watching. It\'s not just white powder that competes! ! ! 】

[I\'m going to cry, can this really be drawn? I really want to participate. I couldn\'t go to the snack street last time. If I still can\'t go this time, I have to cry to death. 】

[Stop talking, I will now call on my parents, grandparents, and grandparents to sign up together. The number of people is great. 】

[When the time comes, I hate less. Why didn\'t my mother give me more brothers and sisters, or even younger brothers and sisters? Now there are only seven people in the whole family. It\'s too difficult for me, woo woo woo. jpg]

[Hahaha... There are dozens of people in my family. This probability has suddenly changed from one in a million to one in tens of thousands. This has improved a lot. I think I was selected this time. The probability is still relatively high. 】

[I envy people with a large family, so I can only rely on myself, weak and helpless. jpg]

【Smile. jpg, I have already mobilized my entire company\'s employees to help draw. If you are drawn, all bonuses will be given out at that time. 】

[Ah ah ah... the evil capitalists, why are you still robbing us ordinary people at this time, you can just go directly, woo woo woo. jpg]

[This shows that in front of Xiaobai\'s industry, everyone is equal. No matter how rich you are, you have to act according to Xiaobai\'s rules, hahaha... What\'s the matter with being a little cool? 】

[I really want to know what the ancient city of Blue Star is like. When I listened to the information about the ancient dynasty era of the history department, I really liked that era. I wonder if the ancient city built by Xiaobai really restored the buildings of that era. Woolen cloth? 】

[I hope it\'s really restored, but don\'t build something ancient or not, it will definitely be embarrassing. 】

[Actually, I am a little worried. Although I am a loyal fan of Xiaobai, I can\'t help but worry. Even the big guys know very little about the information in the feudal dynasty. How does Xiaobai know this? Well, is it really possible to build an ancient city? 】

[Hehe... I told you this was a gimmick for a long time. You also know the information that the big guys in the history department don\'t know. How did he know this as a college student, and he still needs to restore it? He is so good, why didn\'t he fly out of the universe, obviously he just didn\'t know where to see the little bit of information, he thought he was good, and thought he could build it, in fact, he was cheating you fans of money of! 】

[I don’t understand all the time. There are so many great entrepreneurs and so many people who have contributed to the country. You don’t want to chase after them, you just follow a little kid every day. Recently, there are so many people on Bai\'s news, I want to close Xingwang after reading it. Is it really good to market like this every day? Isn\'t it bad to have a lot of time to study? 】

[The news about the brothers upstairs is outdated, isn\'t it? Gu Bai has long since dropped out of school, and he has the reputation of starting his career first. I think he is taking advantage of this empire\'s development of Planet M95. Do you want to make more money and study with peace of mind? nonexistent! 】

[Where did Heizi come from upstairs, there are still people who think Xiaobai\'s industry is a gimmick, I am really worried about your IQ, you should worry more about yourself than you have time to worry about Xiaobai. 】

[It really made me laugh to death, ignorance is not your fault, but showing ignorance is your fault. 】

[It\'s true that there are brain disabilities every day, especially this year. It is recommended that you eat more brain gold to replenish your brain. 】

[Sisters, don’t pay attention to these disabled people. After all, brain disabilities are difficult to treat. Let’s be a little sympathetic. It’s more important to think about how to be selected by Xiaobai. I just took a look, and the number of applicants has already exceeded 100 million. There are still nearly 20 hours until 12 o\'clock tomorrow, and I don\'t know how many people will sign up by then. 】
