The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 252

Chapter 252 : Give me a monkey

After watching the lion dance performance, because the final result was unexpected, both the audience in the live broadcast room and the tourists on the scene were still unsatisfied.

But every time the performance is over, the actors have to rest for half an hour or an hour before they can start the next performance. After all, they are all played by employees, and the performance is also very tiring and hard.

Although everyone still wants to watch it again, they can understand it. After expressing their love and hard work to the actors, they all dispersed to watch other performances.

In order to have a more lively New Year\'s Eve, Gu Bai integrated the Spring Festival customs of different places in the earth period and rehearsed several more programs, which also allowed tourists to have performances to watch and things to experience.

"I\'ll take everyone to post couplets. This is something that must be done during the Spring Festival. You can have performances or food stalls, but you can\'t have couplets." Importance of Chinese New Year.

[I learned a lot of knowledge in the live broadcast room today, and several times I suspected that I saw it was not a food live broadcast room, but a traditional knowledge popular science live broadcast room. 】

[I’m new here. I originally heard that there are interesting things that can be broadcast live here. Then I followed the hot search and found that the live broadcasts in the live broadcast room are indeed very interesting and fun, but someone just told me about this live broadcast room. The essence of it is actually a food live broadcast room, I am stunned, okay? Such a fun thing, such a good-looking performance, and the popularization of so much traditional knowledge, you actually told me that this blogger\'s job is to make food live broadcasts? Do you have a lot of question marks, little boy? jpg]

[Hahaha... It\'s normal. Netizens who just came in are indeed prone to misunderstanding Xiaobai. Xiaobai probably responded to the popular saying, the big boss of the group who doesn\'t understand traditional knowledge is not a good food anchor. 】

[The sisters upstairs summed it up so well. My Xiaobai\'s current identity is really hard to believe that he is a food host, but the fact is, even now, Xiaobai will still insist on live broadcast to make food, just like Xiaobai Such dedicated people are really rare. 】

[Sisters, it’s not a loss to pay attention. If you watch it a few more times, you will find that Xiaobai is really a treasure boy, and you can always find a lot of things in him that will shock you and surprise you. 】

[Following has been clicked, when will the anchor broadcast live every day? 】

[The live broadcast time is not necessarily fixed. Xiaobai used to live broadcast every day at noon, but now he is very busy and needs him to deal with a lot of things, and he is still a student, so the live broadcast time is not fixed, but as long as he is free, He will definitely broadcast it to everyone, so everyone can also follow his Xingbo again. He will send a preview every time he broadcasts, although each preview is sent one minute before the live broadcast, which is helpless. jpg]

[The preview of the live broadcast is issued one minute before the live broadcast. Is it so interesting, I can\'t laugh or cry. jpg]

[Yes, it\'s so interesting. You must have seen Faxingbo promoting its own industry to attract customers, but you must have never seen Faxingbo prevent customers from coming to experience it, Xiaobai is. 】

【What does it mean to prevent customers from coming to experience? It\'s a bit too much for the customers who deliver it to your door to refuse. 】

[It\'s not what you think, it\'s because there are too many people coming, and the farmhouse can\'t receive so many people. In order to give customers the best viewing and playing experience, Xiaobai will remind other customers who haven\'t come for a while. Come again. 】

[So it turns out, it seems that the farmhouse is really fun. It happens that I want to travel after the new year, and M95 planet can be used as one of the travel destinations. 】

[Envy these two words, I have said too much today, and I feel numb. 】

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room was chatting happily, Gu Bai and Lord Grim came to the experience area for writing couplets and posting couplets again.

There are not as many tourists here as in the morning, only a few scattered, Master Gu seems to have gone to other places, but this does not affect the experience of Gu Bai leading the fans.

"Have you seen these red papers? These are couplets, also known as Spring Festival couplets. They were an important Chinese New Year custom during the ancient Earth period. Every Spring Festival, no matter in the city or in the countryside, every household would pick a beautiful red Spring Festival couplet and stick it on the door. In order to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, it will increase the festive atmosphere. Another source of the Spring Festival couplets is the spring stickers. The ancients often posted the word "Yichun" on the Lichun day, which gradually developed into the Spring Festival couplets, expressing the Chinese working people\'s way of warding off evil spirits and eliminating disasters. The good wishes of welcoming Xiang and Nafu. (The second half is from Baidu Encyclopedia)" Gu Bai carefully explained the meaning and origin of the Spring Festival couplets with the fans in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room also listened carefully, and some even took out a small notebook to record it, especially the history students and teachers, their eyes lit up when they heard Gu Bai\'s popular science.

"Actually, there is a lot of knowledge about the customs and meanings of the Chinese New Year. After all, the Spring Festival is known as the first of the hundred festivals in ancient China. It is the most important festival and a festival that has been passed down for a long time. I know it too. It\'s just some fur, it\'s good for everyone to understand." Gu Bai said.

This is not his humility, but the truth.

Knowledge like Spring Festival couplets is known to almost everyone in China. It may not be so in-depth, but the basic knowledge is known to everyone.

"Then I\'ll take everyone to write couplets." Gu Bai did not continue to popularize knowledge, but prepared to bring all the viewers who watched the live broadcast to experience writing couplets.

While the audience can\'t physically touch the couplets and pens, the holographic pattern also gives them a great sense of engagement.

"In fact, there are quite a lot of requirements for couplet writing. The antithesis should be neat, the text should be concise and delicate, and it should be used to describe a beautiful image and express a good wish. Many couplets of the ancients are actually very beautifully written, but I am relatively weak in this aspect. It\'s not that tall, so I won\'t write those couplets of the ancients, the comparison I wrote myself is too appalling." Gu Bai said very self-consciously, and then began to write on the prepared paper.

Shanglian: Tianhe and the whole family.
The next link: Fukuoka has more luck and more luck.

Horizontal Criticism: Harmony Makes Wealth

"Okay, isn\'t the meaning very good, especially suitable for the current farmhouse." Gu Bai looked at the couplet he wrote, nodded with great satisfaction, and couldn\'t help giving himself a compliment in his heart.

[Haha... It\'s quite down-to-earth, it\'s really suitable for farmhouses, and it\'s also very suitable for me, Xiaobai, this couplet is not for sale, I want to buy it and put it on my doorstep. 】

[Fuck, the hand speed upstairs is too fast, I didn\'t remember to type before I came, and the above has been sent out. 】

[I want it too, the writing is so beautiful, even if it is directed at Xiaobai, I want to buy this couplet. 】

[Harmony makes money, haha... Isn\'t that what Xiaobai is talking about? This couplet really reflects Xiaobai\'s current situation. 】

[Xiaobai Xiaobai, do you want to expand a new business? I also want to couplet, but I really can\'t write calligraphy. Can you help me write a picture? The price is up to you. 】

[The local tyrants are shocked upstairs, I am not worthy. 】

[As soon as the local tyrants take action, we have no chance, weeping. jpg]

[Xiao Bai, I also want to send a pair to the elders at home. The price is negotiable. You can decide what to write, okay? 】

For a while, the live broadcast room was full of barrages asking Gu Bai for the couplet. Originally, everyone was still discussing Gu Bai\'s words and the voice of the couplet gradually diminished, leaving the space for those who wanted to buy.

Gu Bai has also seen this scene. It was no problem to give fans a few copies, but there were so many people who wanted to buy them that he didn\'t have much time to write them, so he had to refuse.

"Actually, my writing is not very good. It\'s okay to post at home, but it\'s still a little worse for sending people. It\'s okay to customize it, but I\'ll draw 20 fans in the live broadcast room later, and each of them will give you a copy. Couplets, just stick them at home." Gu Bai said.

[Wow, Xiaobai is too good, I thought I would have no chance to get the couplet, although the chance is very slim now, but it is better than nothing at all. 】

[Xiaobai is really the most fan-favorite anchor I\'ve ever seen. There is no one. I\'m really lucky to be able to follow Xiaobai. 】

[Well, I just love Xiaobai so much! Xiaobai, I want to give you monkeys! 】

"Xiao Bai is mine." A low and magnetic voice sounded from the side and spread to the entire live broadcast room, and then the fans who were frantically confessing to Gu Bai heard the words, involuntarily looked at the other end of the live broadcast, and saw Their live broadcast was being embraced by another tall and handsome man. Although he couldn\'t see the other\'s face and expressions, he intuitively felt that he was looking at them through the camera and declaring sovereignty.

[It\'s sour, today is another day of being fed by dog ​​food. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Xiaobai and Bangyi are too different. Xiaobai looks so cute in his arms. I think…]

[No, you don\'t want to go upstairs, didn\'t you notice that the first star\'s eyes are almost killing your door through the live broadcast room? Don\'t ask me why I can notice the other party\'s eyes from the blurred mosaic face, the eyes of the other party are really lethal. If it wasn\'t for the mosaic on his face at the moment, I\'m afraid that I would no longer be in this world. 】

【This pair is really too sweet, I can! 】

[The love between the first and the anchor is real. I have moved the Civil Affairs Bureau for you. Please get married there, thank you! 】

[Uuuuu... scared me to death, just at that moment, I felt that my heart was grabbed so fiercely, my heart almost stopped, okay? You can rest assured, I will never let you down again. I don\'t dare to covet Xiaobai anymore. I will never say that I want to give birth to monkeys for Xiaobai. I know that Xiaobai wants to give birth to monkeys for you. 】

[Hahaha... The sisters upstairs are so cute, and Xiaobai gave birth to a monkey for the big guy on the list. This picture is good...I want to see it! 】

[I want to see +1, Xiaobai, you work hard, and quickly give birth to a monkey for the big guy on the list, let\'s get rid of our thoughts. 】

The barrage at the back began to gradually go astray. Gu Bai snuggled up in Jun Morin\'s arms, watching the barrage on the public screen, he couldn\'t help laughing and laughing, but someone was still adding fuel to the fire in his ear.

"Since the fans are so demanding, does Bai Bai, who is a favorite of fans, want to satisfy them." Lord Grim\'s voice was not loud, but it happened to be the level that the camera could record. Suddenly, the live broadcast room exploded again.

Gu Bai gave Jun Molin an angry look, "Brother, if you have that ability, I don\'t mind you giving me monkeys."

"Hey..." Jun Molin\'s light laughter sounded in his ears, not big, but with an inexplicable sense of Su, making Gu Bai\'s ears flushed involuntarily.
