The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 250

Chapter 250: Visiting the Temple Fair 1

[Xiao Bai is so serious, I can see that he really accepts those who want to go to work. I just watched everyone say it, and I followed it, and now I suddenly feel a little ashamed. 】

[Me too, I’m used to blindly following the trend on Xingwang. I want to follow everything. Now that I think about it, it might be really easy to cause trouble to others. I will try my best to restrain my words in the future. 】

[I have already considered it very clearly. Planet M95 is indeed quite backward now, but the environment there is good, the folk customs are simple, there will be no troubles such as intrigue, and interpersonal communication is relatively simple, but can put more attention on it. At work, this kind of environment is what I yearn for. It doesn\'t matter even if the living conditions are a little behind. I have sent my resume to your mailbox. If I am lucky enough to receive an interview notice, I will rush to the M95 planet immediately. 】

[My resume has also been sent, Xiaobai remember to check it. 】

As a result, Gu Bai\'s live broadcast room has become a recruitment site. Almost all the barrages behind are related to work and resumes. Other fans who watched it rarely protested, but watched quietly.

The executive assistants and even the researchers who have just graduated from prestigious schools have already sent their resumes. If it wasn\'t for the fact that they were going to the farmhouse to visit the temple fair and watch the performance, Gu Bai wished that he couldn\'t look at those resumes immediately. All are recruited.

Their farm is too short of talent.

However, no matter how excited Gu Bai was, he still had to finish what he had promised his fans.

"Okay, I\'ll take a look at it when I look back. Whether it\'s passed or not, I\'ll give you an answer." Gu Bai said seriously, and then he didn\'t mention work-related matters, because he had already walked in with everyone. Farmhouse.

Since the venue of the temple fair was changed to a farmhouse, the farmhouse has become more lively. From the entrance, there are many tourists taking pictures there. All with big smiles, obviously in a good mood.

The first performance Gu Bai and the others encountered was walking on stilts.

The team was led by Liu Dali, and all the performers were employees working in the ranch.

At the beginning, Gu Bai called Li San and the others away to set up the task, and the task was to perform at the temple fair.

Because this temple fair was the first time their Blue Star Farmhouse was held, and the entire Interstellar was also the first, Gu Bai did not plan to find professional performers outside, but directly found the employees of his own farm.

On the one hand, it can save costs; on the other hand, it can also make all employees have a sense of participation.

It doesn\'t matter if the final performance is good or bad, as long as everyone is happy.

Now it seems that their hard work these days is still very effective. Whether it is the tourists watching, or the performers themselves, they all smile brightly and are very happy.

This was Gu Bai\'s original intention to hold a New Year\'s temple fair.

In fact, stepping on stilts is a very difficult thing, even Gu Bai has never stepped on it, but he only knows a general idea, whether it can be practiced well, and what kind of performance can be performed, are all things that Liu Dali and the others have pondered and practiced on their own.

They have been working really hard these days, almost researching and practicing from morning to night. It can be said that they started from scratch, and they are able to achieve this level. It shows how much effort and hardship they have put in. Gu Bai can see them all. , moved in my heart.

Thinking of waiting for the performance to end and sending the tourists away, he must pack a big New Year\'s red envelope for each employee as a year-end bonus.

[Wow, that\'s amazing! How can such a thin and tall stick bear the weight of a person and still walk freely? This is too powerful, isn\'t it, is it magic? 】

[Before, I thought it was amazing just by looking at the photos posted by others. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I just want to say good guys, bullshit! 】

[I can\'t even imagine that such a thin stick can stand on it and walk freely. It takes a lot of practice and beating to achieve the current effect. It\'s not a professional who dare not try it, right? 】

[Did no one notice that the clothes on them are also very strange? I\'ve never seen such a costume, it\'s strange to see it alone, but in such an environment, there is an indescribably wonderful feeling. 】

[I noticed it a long time ago, but I don\'t know how to describe my mood at the moment, so I haven\'t posted a barrage. 】

[Xiao Bai is really a magical treasure boy, how does he feel like he knows everything, how did he come up with these strange things? 】

"These are the customs of our ancestors during the New Year\'s Eve, and they happen every year. It\'s not unusual. It\'s just because we didn\'t inherit it, so when you first see it, you will think it\'s amazing. If there is a temple fair, you won\'t find it novel." Gu Bai smiled and explained the confusion to the friends in the live broadcast room.

"Also, they are not professional stilt walkers. They are all employees of my ranch. In order to perform for you, they have practiced from morning to night in these seven days. , you can\'t imagine it." Gu Bai said with emotion.
[My God, I am shocked, are these people all the employees of the ranch? If Xiaobai didn\'t say it, I really thought it was a professional actor who had practiced for many years. 】

【Seven days? It only took seven days to get such a result, which is unbelievable. I feel that even if I fall for seven days, I will fall as soon as I go up. 】

[Sure enough, if there is a treasure boss, there will be treasure employees. These employees are too hardworking and cute. I want to reward them. 】

[Me too, Xiaobai, can you give me a reward to them later? They really work so hard, and I\'m so happy to see them. 】

"Yes, all the rewards today will be distributed to every employee who participated in the temple fair performance." Gu Bai said with a smile, and then the sound of rewards continued to flow again.

This time, Gu Bai didn\'t stop the fans from rewarding them. After all, these rewards were all to be distributed to his employees, and they deserved it.

After watching the stilt-walking performance, Gu Bai took everyone to the lion dance performance. The performers in this performance were all workers from the farm, and Li San led the team.

Since Gu Bai set up the heads of the farm, the ranch and the Blue Star Hotel, there has been a secret rivalry between the three, but this is not a bad thing.

In order to win the other two, everyone will make themselves better and make more achievements in the field they are in. To a certain extent, this has stimulated their enthusiasm and potential.

When employees become excellent, they also make their field higher and better.

Gu Bai was quite satisfied with this.

In this temple fair performance, he also assigned different performances to different teams, and they competed with each other to get the present good presentation effect and win the applause and cheers of the tourists.

[This lion is so cute, it completely subverts my terrifying impression of lions. If all lions look like this, I think I can! 】

[Don\'t think about it, such a cute and cute lion can only exist in the Blue Star Farmhouse, and can\'t exist in other places at all. What if you want to go to the Farmhouse? 】

[This is played by a human, I can see the human legs below. 】


[Damn it, when it comes to human legs, how can it come out of your mouth so penetrating? I used to admire lions well, but suddenly a word came about human legs. I can\'t take a good look at the lion. 】

[Xiao Bai, what is this performance called? It feels so fun. The lion jumped up and down, and it looked dangerous. 】

[Are these lion actors also employees of the farmhouse? 】

"This is called a lion dance. Usually during the Chinese New Year or a gathering, someone will perform. All the performers here are employees of our company. The lion dancers are the workers from the farm." Gu Bai watched Explain to the fans in the live room.

He had seen it before when Li San and the others were training for rehearsal, but it was the first time he had seen the real performance, and it was even better than their performance during the rehearsal.

Because the splendid lion dance is not only their own movements, but also grabbing the color ball and climbing the plum blossom pile, and the real difficulty lies in the pace on the plum blossom pile.

For people without foundation, it is really difficult to get on the plum blossom pile.

In the beginning, Li San and the others fell countless times when they were training. Even though there were protective measures underneath, everyone still had more or less scars on their bodies.

Several times, Gu Bai decided to cancel the lion dance and stilt-walking performances, but the two teams insisted on gritted teeth, and kept getting better and better, until now they can fully perform for tourists to watch.

Li San and the others are now very comfortable going up and down the plum blossom pile, as if they were walking on the ground.

The performance of the lion dance was also very smooth, and even Li San and the others added the plot to make the plot of grabbing the ball more exciting and interesting, attracting a large number of tourists to stop and applaud them, even the live broadcast The fans in between looked straight and cheered for their favorite Lions, hoping they could win the final colored ball.

[The members of the Red Lions look so good, they will definitely be able to grab the last colored ball! 】

[The Blue Lions are the most powerful, well, you can see that they can come and go freely on that plum blossom pile, their bodies are flexible, and the Red Lions can’t even touch them, so if they still can’t grab the color ball, I will Just live upside down and diarrhea]

[It’s not, it’s really not, if you want to live broadcast, we’re not happy to watch it, it’s unappetizing, I can’t laugh or cry. jpg]
