The Guide of How to Be an Interstellar Tycoon

Chatper 202

Chapter 202: The Boyfriend Has Disappeared

"Live broadcast, little sister-in-law, which is your live broadcast room?" Jun Zhehao asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, the little sister-in-law is still an anchor, so there must be many fans.

"Bai Xiaobai\'s food sharing." Gu Bai didn\'t hide it, he was embarrassed to show it to his acquaintances, but he generously reported the name of his live broadcast room.

Jun Zhehao searched Gu Bai\'s live broadcast room very efficiently, and was shocked when he saw the tens of millions of fans and hundreds of millions of online viewers.

He guessed that Gu Bai\'s live broadcast room should have a lot of fans, but he didn\'t expect that there would be so many. It was already comparable to the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room of first-line stars.

As expected of his little sister-in-law.

Gu Bai unknowingly gained another little fanboy.

After entering Gu Bai\'s live broadcast room, Jun Zhehao concentrated on drumming in the live broadcast room, and did not speak to disturb Gu Bai, and Gu Bai was also concentrating on cooking.

For a while, the atmosphere in the kitchen was not bad, and I could only hear Gu Bai\'s voice occasionally. If I hadn\'t seen it, I would have thought that Jun Zhehao had already left.

But the fact is that Jun Zhehao has moved from reality to the live broadcast room, and soon became one with the fans in the live broadcast room.

[Xiaobai\'s new fanboy: Hello everyone, I see you were discussing steamed buns and dumplings just now? what is that? Where can I buy it? 】

【what? Is this upstairs a new arrival? It\'s been a long time since I saw such a new Mengxin. Welcome to Sahua. 】

[Hehe, the little brother is in the photo, the measurements, do you have eight-pack abs? If you say it, my sister will tell you where you can buy buns. 】

[Xiaobai has another little fan brother, the little brother has exploded photos, and the elder sister will buy you steamed buns. 】

[Xiaobai attracts so many fans every day, it\'s not uncommon for a little fanboy. 】

[But such a novice fanboy is still rare. 】

【Very suitable...hehehe...】

Jun Zhehao watched the fans teasing him in the live broadcast room. Not only did he not feel shy, but he felt it was quite new. Such an experience was something he had never had before.

He has lived in the royal family since he was a child, and was educated to become a qualified royal family child. He needs to do a lot of things, such as reading, etiquette, cultivation of elegant hobbies, etc. He has endless courses and training every day, and the only amateur The time was also used by him to practice the mecha, so he had little experience with other things.

After going to college, his situation became a little easier, and he had more time to do other things he had never experienced before, but he couldn\'t start.

Fortunately, Jun Zhehao\'s character is that kind of carefree, optimistic and cheerful, and very good at self-regulation. Otherwise, he has been so strict in his life since childhood, and he would have been depressed long ago.

Watching the live broadcast is actually the first time. I didn\'t expect the people in the live broadcast room to be so fun.

[Xiaobai\'s new fan brother: No, although I haven\'t watched the live broadcast before, I know that you are fooling people and won\'t fall for you. If it\'s a big deal, I\'ll ask my sister-in-law. 】

"Little sister-in-law, do you know what the fans in your live broadcast room are talking about?" Jun Zhehao turned his head and asked Gu Bai.

"Want to eat steamed buns?" Gu Bai asked.

Jun Zhehao said honestly: "Well, I\'m curious, I haven\'t eaten it before."

"I don\'t have enough time today, I\'ll make it for you next time." Gu Bai said with a smile.

Although this was the first time I saw Jun Zhehao, Gu Bai had a very good impression of Jun Molin\'s cousin.

Jun Zhehao suddenly said in surprise: "Really? Can you do it, little sister-in-law?"

"Well." Gu Bai nodded in response.

Jun Zhehao got the answer he wanted, turned his head happily and prepared to show off in the live broadcast room, but found that Aite and his people exploded in the live broadcast room.

[@小白的新情哥, who were you talking to just now? Wouldn\'t it be Xiaobai? What\'s your relationship with Xiaobai? 】

[@小 【\'s new fans, listen to the tone, this little fan should be the person who calls Xiao Bai\'s sister -in -law, ah ah ... little brother, sister, don\'t want you to take a picture, you secretly take a photo of us The photo of Zhang Xiaobai can also be viewed from the side. My sister will give you all the buns I bought. 】

[@Xiaobai\'s new fan brother...]

[Xiaobai\'s new fan brother: No, my sister-in-law said that she will make buns for me in the future. You can keep what you bought yourself. It\'s definitely not as delicious as my sister-in-law\'s cooking, hee hee. jpg]

Jun Zhehao\'s smiling face at the end was so hateful, it made the fans in the live broadcast room feel itchy, and wanted to beat people.

It\'s a pity that I can\'t beat him, so I can only continue to watch him show off in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the leaderboard in the live broadcast room appeared.

[Baibai\'s family: @小白的新小哥, get out of here! Don\'t let me in and catch you! 】

[There is a bird on the top of the list. I haven\'t seen it for a long time. I thought the top guy was going to abandon our little white. 】

[A group photo with the big guy in the front row. 】

[Good afternoon, boss! 】
[The tone of the boss is a bit wrong, isn\'t it? How come you know @小白\'s new fan brother? 】

[I also feel the same way, some idea flashed through my mind, but I failed to grasp it. 】

[This tone, the content of this speech, no matter how you look at it, it looks like...]

[Is it the boyfriend of the little brother? Is this jealous? 】

[It shouldn\'t be, why is the little brother\'s boyfriend in Xiaobai\'s live broadcast room, and it is also Xiaobai\'s number one list, if this is true, wouldn\'t it be too dramatic. 】

[Xiaobai\'s new fan brother: @小白的family, who are you, if you let me go, I\'ll go away, if you have the ability, you can perform a live show and show it to me. 】

Jun Zhehao looked at a user who suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, and arrogantly went back.

But after the fight, I always felt that something was wrong, and there was a chilly feeling behind me.

Then the next moment, a man with a black face came in from outside.

"Brother, why did you come in?" As soon as Jun Zhehao saw Jun Molin\'s cold face, his body shivered honestly, and he stepped back with his feet and got closer to Gu Bai.

"Go away?" Jun Morin\'s voice was cold.

Jun Zhe\'s heart was so blessed, and his face was full of inwardness. He wished that the time could go back to one minute ago, and he would definitely slap the cheap self.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Jun Zhehao asked cautiously, "Brother, that person just that you?"

Lord Grim didn\'t answer, but the eyes staring at him said everything.

"Uuuu...I didn\'t know it was you, so you can\'t blame me." Jun Zhehao huddled beside Gu Bai like his little daughter-in-law, and explained to himself in a low voice.

Later, he probably leaned on Gu Bai too close, and when he came across Gu Bai\'s clothes, he remembered that there was another person beside him, and he had enough confidence.

Gu Bai: ...

Jun Morin:  …

The air-conditioning on Jun Morin\'s body became more and more sufficient, Jun Zhehao directly shrunk himself into a ball, and was reluctant to leave by relying on Gu Bai.

Because he knew that once he left, waiting for him would definitely not be a good end, but staying here, with his sister-in-law around, at least his brother wouldn\'t do anything to him.

Although he had never seen the interaction between his brother and Gu Bai, his intuition told him that.

Sure enough, even though Jun Molin released his cold air, he didn\'t do it here, which made Jun Zhehao even more determined to hold Gu Bai\'s thigh tightly.

The Jun Morin brothers were silently confronting each other here, and the live broadcast room exploded again.

[Xiaobai is so lively today. In the previous live broadcast, Xiaobai was always alone, and I envy everyone who can be by Xiaobai\'s side. 】

[The amount of information obtained today is a bit large, let me slow down. 】

[Groundhog screams. jpg, so the first one on the list was @小白\'s new fan brother\'s brother, Xiaobai\'s boyfriend? So Xiaobai is at her boyfriend\'s house now? Ahhhhh...I think I can do it again. 】

[The elder sister upstairs can do it, so can the younger sister! 】

[Hahaha... I was secretly kowtowing to Xiaobai and the list of cps before. I just learned that Xiaobai has a boyfriend. I haven\'t had time to feel sad for my cpbe. In the blink of an eye, I kowtowed. The cp was officially announced directly? Is there anything more surprising than this? 】

【Really? Is this all true? I\'m really not dreaming? Xiaobai\'s boyfriend is number one? What kind of fairy love is this, I want to have it too! 】

[Boyfriends who are rich, gentle, and have a good voice really belong to someone else, when will it be my turn? 】

[Ow... I\'m so excited that I\'ve already started running laps downstairs, what should I do if I still want to scream? 】

[Sisters of Xiaobai CP who knock on the list, our spring is coming, and finally we don’t have to become an underground party. We can knock it in the live broadcast room openly, and the cooking will put sugar in our mouths. The next reason? cp party, let\'s go! 】

[Am I the only one who noticed that Xiaobai\'s boyfriend\'s voice sounds good? I feel like my ears are about to get pregnant, and it sounds better than my brother\'s voice. 】

[Begging Xiaobai\'s family to speak more is simply a benefit in the live broadcast room. 】

Today\'s live broadcast room is destined to be a restless live broadcast room. Everyone who knocks on the cp is working hard, and they continue to ask Lord Grim to speak.

Seeing the barrage that the fans liked Lord Grim\'s voice very much, Gu Bai suddenly felt a sour breath in his heart.

"Sorry, there are some things to deal with in reality. Today\'s live broadcast will be here first, and we will see you next time." Gu Bai said, and directly closed the live broadcast room, giving fans no chance to refuse to refute.

In this way, they can\'t hear Arin\'s voice.

"The sauna chicken is ready, bro, you can bring it to the table, you can eat it in a while, Ah Hao, come and serve the other dishes." Gu Bai said to the two of them.

The air-conditioning on Jun Morin\'s body was instantly put away, and Jun Zhehao, who was originally the place where the air-conditioning was concentrated, instantly felt that it had changed from winter to spring.

Sure enough, in front of the little sister-in-law, his brother would not get angry, and Jun Zhehao felt that he had found a magic weapon to deal with his brother for a moment.

It\'s just that he didn\'t notice at this moment that he couldn\'t hide by Gu Bai\'s side 24 hours a day.
