The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 299

"Alayer's knowledge," Zhu Geyun replied, "one of the eight knowledge is the structural basis of all experience and the fundamental hidden knowledge of all consciousness."

"The first five senses are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, and then the sixth sense of thinking. The seventh sense is the contaminated sense, also known as the last sense, and the eighth sense is the alaiye sense."

"Yes." the cat demon continued, "alayer's knowledge is the eighth knowledge in the knowledge only science. It is a very special knowledge. It contains all things, because it can contain the seeds of all things, also known as seed knowledge."

"In Buddhism, alaiyah consciousness is regarded as the noumenon of the universe and the origin of everything in the universe. Everything we see is evolved from alaiyah consciousness."

"Alaiye's knowledge is like the sea. Everything in the material world is the waves on the surface of the sea. The waves roll in bursts and become the cycle of our objective world."

"The upper and lower four directions are called the universe, and the ancient and modern times are called the universe."

"Lan Ting once told me that the end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is religious theology."

"This may not be absolutely correct, but when different things enter an unknown field, they will have great commonalities, which is reflected in the blurring of the boundary when the process of exploration and cognition of the universe enters an unfamiliar field.

Feng Huolun received: "at the end of our research, many things can't go on and explain clearly, but many insights in Buddhism and Taoism have inspired us."

"For example, there is a Buddhist saying that the universe is divided into desire, color and colorless, which is similar to the concept of parallel space. The six days of desire are sexual reproduction, the eighteen days of color are asexual reproduction, and the creatures in the four days of colorless have only consciousness but no form."

"The levels or dimensions of the three realms range from low to high. The last important day of the achromatic realm is called 'thinking and thinking about the sky'. There is no material and no desire. It is said that only subtle thoughts exist."

"Taoism has a similar division, but the names are different. The heaven of Xiandao has a total of 36 weights. The last eight weights are outside the three realms and are not in the five elements. The highest weight of the Dala sky is only Tao, and there is nothing else. This is similar to the Buddhist idea of thinking about the meaning of heaven."

The cat demon added: "the so-called heaven is not a tangible world. It is similar to the concept of multi-dimensional universe. In fact, it is still limited, because human cognition is limited."

"As you tell fish, shrimp and crab, there is a land world outside the sea, which they can't understand and imagine. They think that the sea is infinite. This infinite conclusion is based on limited cognition."

"The immeasurable depth and breadth of the universe is more incredible than you think. It can be said that it exceeds the expectations and abilities of human beings and all known life."

Yi LiuNian asked, "there must be a real and objective existence, even if we can't understand it."

The cat demon replied, "in Buddhism, truth is divided into two truths - secular truths, which describe the relative truth of things, and Shengyi truths, which describe the absolute truth of the true and infallible reality. Human beings cannot directly see the truth itself, and we cannot find an answer to Shengyi truths in secular truths. In other words, absolute truths cannot be explained by relative truths."

"The only way we can try to understand the unprocessed truth is through labeling and pseudonym. As the Taoist ancestor said: the Tao can be the Tao, the extraordinary Tao. The name can be the name, the extraordinary name. As the Buddha said: emptiness is color, and color is emptiness. The five connotations are empty, impermanent and self-centered. Everything that has appearance is vanity."

Hua Lanting asked again, "is it like the illusion created by the magic array in the art?"

Feng Huolun: "almost. It's just drizzle. It's a virtual scene created by the cultivator after understanding a little fur."

The cat demon said, "for example, there is a fish tank in front of us, in which a goldfish is swinging its head and tail. When you look at it from the side and I look at it from the back, we see two fish. They look like and different. It's very strange - one moves and the other immediately makes the same action at the same time."

"If the aquarium is the universe, the fish we see is an illusion, a projection and a fake, but the fish really exists. If we all look at the fish from different directions, there will be many fish, and the actions are very coordinated, and there is only one truth."

Lin Xianjing thought deeply: "I remember a virtuous National Master in the Tang Dynasty. When he explained the Dharma Sutra, he put a big mirror in each direction of an octagonal pavilion. The mirrors reflected each other. If you didn't notice the real person standing in the middle, you would think that there were many people whose actions were consistent with each other and slightly different."

Feng Huolun sighed, "so the ancients were smart. Fish tanks and mirrors are just metaphors. The universe is more complex. There is no space and time. All things of all of us, past, present and future are in it. There is nowhere and everywhere. It seems far from near."

Zhuge Yun said, "but we can realize and feel the reality of objects."

The cat demon said: "you can feel and touch the real object because of strong, weak, magnetic and gravitational forces, but it is likely that these are the same as time. They are all illusions we feel, including consciousness. Maybe consciousness is also produced by projection, which is the projection after alaiye's consciousness enters your body."

"Only if the great power of Buddhism can enter deep meditation, can we be aware of the source of all things that remain unchanged, so as to demonstrate alaiya's consciousness."

"Alaiya consciousness is like the holographic projection of the universe. It has everything. Every point contains all information. As the Buddha said, mustard contains thousands. Every point is like the incarnation of the Buddha, everywhere and everywhere."

"The brain is also an illusory projection. The understanding of the world can only reach the upper limit allowed by the brain, and Buddhism and Taoism practice is trying to expand the ability of the brain. However, Buddhism believes that it can expand infinitely and wander between heaven and earth, and Taoism can pursue the body to keep up, so as to break through and enter a higher level."

The cat demon asked everyone, "do you understand?"

The crowd either looked at the head with one palm or folded their hands together and said, "limitless Buddha / Amitabha, we are stupid. We all want to be quiet."

After several transmissions, one morning, they arrived outside the transfer transmission array to the last large transmission point at the southern end of Xianzhou.

The scale of this transfer point is not small, and it is magnificent from the outside.

After paying the expensive delivery fee at the gate, they went inside. There was a long line outside the gate today. There were 100 or 200 people, but most of them were young friars with low accomplishments. The disciples of Vientiane gate stood at the end of the line and waited.

While they were waiting, they heard messy footsteps and loud laughter behind them, which was very harsh in the quiet environment.

When we looked back, a group of more than a dozen people came in a row, all wearing Taoist robes. I don't know which Taoist school they are, old or young, and their accomplishments are high or low.

Those with high accomplishments wear crane cloak, cloud shoes and Hunyuan towel. Others wear Zhuangzi towel, Chunyang towel, Haoran towel, Xiaoyao towel, lotus leaf towel, word towel and the simplest scarf according to their generations and grades.

This group of people are well-dressed, but their behavior is not good. They not only don't walk properly, they shout loudly and shout to and fro with each other. They come in sideways, and they don't queue up. They enter directly across the disciples of Vientiane gate.

When passing by, someone bumped into several people in hualanting, and then his mouth was dirty and swearing.

With the growth of age and the deepening of cultivation, the disciples of Vientiane sect have improved a lot. Even Yi LiuNian didn't come up with a theory and let a group of people pass.

Under the eyes of the people in line, the group went to the portal and stood back. One of them pulled over a fence and shouted in front: "listen, there are many people today. The transmission capacity of this place is limited. Each sect is limited to five people. If there are many people, you need to hand in a single top-grade spirit stone."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Except for some private ones, the transmission array in Xianzhou is basically jointly funded and built by the big sects around the world. As a public facility, the charge is accepted by everyone, but the cost standard has long been discussed according to the construction scale and transmission distance, and the difference will not be too great.

In addition, the investors take turns to be on duty. For example, the word Mu is hung on the door today. People who admire the family should take turns to take care of and charge fees.

Since it is funded by a small number of people, it is common for the fee to fluctuate according to the use situation, but it is very uncomfortable for the lion to open his mouth. It should be that these people see that there are many people today and young lower generation disciples are easy to bully, so they temporarily increase the price.

Then someone was dissatisfied and asked, "who are you? What right do you have to charge extra?"

Mu's family is not a Taoist gate. There will be no guards. It's all Taoist costumes, so I asked.

The man replied, "what's the matter? We're from Taihao temple, a sunken island in the South China Sea. We have investment here. We're not entrusted by Mu family today. If there's no spirit stone, we'll come back tomorrow."

Taihao temple is the first avenue temple among the coastal islands in the south of Xianzhou. It is famous and powerful. It is so domineering that it doesn't want to act.

Then someone shouted, "what entrustment, if the name is not right and the words are not smooth, call the people who admire the family out to speak."

The disciple of the Tai Hao Temple put his face on: "master Mu is practicing and can't be bothered. Let you hand it in. No more nonsense. No one wants to go there for the renovation of the transmission array today."

This aroused public anger. Everyone spoke out and denounced, and the door became noisy.

At this time, the Tai Hao people were dressed in a crane's cloak. At this time, the old man sitting in the back rocking chair was very drunk. "Shut up!" Ni Youko, the old man here, has the final say, he has not beaten it, and won the free.

Danyangzi had the cultivation of warming up the environment. The loud drink suppressed everyone's voice, and the aftersound was buzzing, which was trying to overwhelm people.

The skill of queuing up for public practice was not as good as that. I couldn't help looking at each other, and the scene was silent for a moment.

Seeing that the crowd was suppressed, danyangzi proudly shook his feather fan and smiled. One of his disciples pretended to be a tiger. He stood in front of him and drank, "Why are you silent? Where are those who spoke loudly? You, you, come and shout again."

He pointed his hand at the people in the front row, who shrank back.

Hua Lanting had already surrounded them. The front row stepped back and flashed out the disciples of Vientiane sect.

It was this disciple who just hit hualanting on the shoulder. After recognizing it, he ordered and said, "you are talking about you. Do you have any comments?"

The disciples of Vientiane sect walk outside. In order to avoid trouble, they usually suppress and hide their accomplishments with Xuangong. If they are not better than them and try to distinguish, they can't find it easily.

Seeing being pointed out, Hua Lanting looked sideways, frowned and nodded slowly, and stepped forward: "you ask me? My opinion is big."

"I'm not talented. I dare to ask senior danyangzi for advice. If I win by chance, I dare to avoid the expenses of everyone here!"


When danyangzi heard the speech, he snorted with a long voice in his nose and sat up slowly from the recliner.