The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 296

It's hard for Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing and Yi LiuNian to finish the answer together.

These hundred flying flower orders are:

Picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely see the Nanshan Mountain.

It rains all night in the mountains, and there are hundreds of springs in the trees.

The sound of the spring swallows dangerous stones, and the sun is cold and green pine.

The pine wind blows away, and the mountain moon plays the piano.

The piano played all over the room, and the books rolled all over the head of the bed.

A Japanese bun on the head and a bright moon in the ear.

Zhumen stinks of wine and meat, and the road is frozen to death.

In ancient times, sages were lonely, and only drinkers kept their names.

A famous article says that an official should rest old and ill.

Don't say that women are not British things. They sing on the wall of the dragon spring every night.

The Golden Millet column with zither and plain hand is in front of the jade room.

The former army fought in taohebei at night and reported that Tuyuhun had been captured alive.

When the soul comes, the maple forest is green, and the soul returns to the fortress black.

Dark clouds are pressing the city, and the city is about to be destroyed. The armor light is spreading to the sun.

Open the door and go out to pick red lotus.

The rain outside the curtain is gurgling and the spring is fading.

The mountain peach and red flowers are all over the top, and the spring water of the Shu River flows on the mountain.

The flowing water passes through Xiaopu and the sad wind passes through Dongting.

Stop the ship for a moment, or I'm afraid I'm from my hometown.

The spirit of meeting is for you to drink. It is beside the weeping willow of a tall building.

The boundless expanse of boundless land is more than the boundless expanse of boundless land.

There are three autumn osmanthus seeds and ten mile lotus.

The flower red is easy to decline like Lang's meaning, and the water flow is infinite like Nong's sorrow.

There are three stars in the sky.

The princes of the world boast purple chin, and the couples in the country still wear black clothes.

Wine marks on the clothes, words in the poem,

Little by little, always desolate.

It's easy to ask for priceless treasure, but it's rare to have a lover.

Lang rode a bamboo horse to get green plum around the bed.

No one saw the plum blossom bamboo and blew incense across the stone bridge all night.

There are good willows in the East and west of the bridge. People come and sing.

Line, line and line again, and you are separated.

Parting was fluted across Shandong.

The east city gradually feels the scenery is good, and the ripples welcome visitors.

According to the front and back mirrors of the flowers, the flower faces meet each other.

The green grass reflects the spring scenery, and the Oriole with separated leaves has a good sound.

There is no sound and dust, the west wind is still shining, and there is a tomb que of the Han family.

But I see where my wife is worried and full of poems and books.

The wind is dark red, the green leaves are full of shade, and the branches are full of branches.

There are few willows blowing on the branches. There are no fragrant grass anywhere in the world.

The grass is withered, the eagle's eye is sick, and the snow is light.

Green mountains can't cover it. After all, it flows eastward.

Last year, today in this door, people's faces are red with peach blossoms.

It's not my love for a beautiful woman to wander away, and the thief will die from the famine feast.

The swallow comes to the news agency, and the pear flower lags behind Qingming.

Tomorrow, across the mountains, the world is vast.

On the vast river, what do you want at dusk.

It is appropriate for a son to return to his family.

There is no horse in the world, and it is rare for people to have nine square Gao.

Wheat planted in high fields will not form ears for a long time.

Therefore, parents all over the world are not willing to give birth to men and women.

Women have no thoughts, women have no memories.

Recalling the heyday of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, there were still thousands of families in Xiaoyi.

Try to burn jade for three days, and distinguish materials for seven years.

Seven or eight stars away, two or three rain in front of the mountain.

Formerly known as lotus picker, there is Hengtang water in front of the door.

It's good when the water is clear, and it's strange that the mountains are empty and rainy.

It's common to see it in king Qi's house. I heard it several times before Cui jiutang.

I hear you have a fickle heart. So I’ve come to declare we’ll part

The top of a mautz, straight up thirty miles.

Li Du's article is in full bloom.

The long wind sends autumn geese for thousands of miles, which can sound high-rise buildings.

The building ship snowed at night and Guazhou ferry, and the iron horse and autumn wind cleared the pass.

Guan Guanju dove is on the island of the river.

Zhou Gong spits and feeds, and the world returns to its heart.

The heart is like a double silk screen with thousands of knots in it.

Your hair is your wife, and your bed is not warm.

The bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground.

The frost falls, the bear rises, the forest is empty, and the deer drink from the stream.

Go to Lianhua Mountain in the West and see the stars all the way.

The stars sink to the bottom of the sea as a window, and the rain passes through the source of the river.

Seeing flowers full of tears, I don't agree with the king of Chu.

Words into the yellow flower river, every clear stream water.

The falling fish beam is shallow, and the cold dream is deep.

When you are gracious, you often underestimate the enemy and try your best to pass the mountain.

Only the Yangtze River flows to the East without a word.

If you can't keep people, get drunk and go to the LAN boat.

Last year, on the new year's Eve, the flower market was as bright as day.

Every day, every night, every child in the village is in charge.

Living in a city near Hanyuan, my heart goes to Hu Tian with the bright moon.

Time and personnel day urge each other, the winter solstice is sunny, and spring comes again.

It's empty talk. It's five o'clock on the slanting moon.

The Chinese Army bought wine and returned home, Hu Qin, Pipa and Qiang flute.

I heard the broken willows on the flute, but I didn't see the spring.

See all the mountains are red and all the forests are dyed.

The willow smoke is thick, the plum flute is bitter, and there is a little spring.

Xu general Qili konghou, waiting to take the general's oil wall car.

Chariots rattle, horses rustle, and pedestrians bow and arrow at their waist.

Invite people to Fu Xiangfen instead of Luo Yi.

my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

Cuihua swayed and stopped, leaving the capital gate more than a hundred miles west.

Li Du's poems have been passed down from mouth to mouth, which is not new to us.

The immortal caresses my head and grows my hair.

Life is a hero, and death is a ghost.

The Xiongguan pass is really like iron. Now I'm stepping over from the beginning.

Yuenu's new makeup shows her heart, and she knows that Mingyan is more meditative.

Silver candle autumn light cold picture screen, light Luo small fan fluttering fireflies.

There is no language in the water.

Yellow leaf trees in the rain, white headed people under the lamp.

Since ancient times, no one has died. Keep your heart in history.

Green mountains cross the North Guo and white water surrounds the east city.

There are ancient trees near the city, with the sound of autumn day and night.

The sound is in the rocks, the color is quiet and deep in the pines.

With a flash of light, they returned to the outside of zheyin mountain.

After identifying the position, master Shu said goodbye to everyone and wanted to return to his real body.

Hua Lanting asked him to live a long life for the cat demon. Master Shu invited them to visit Qixia Temple in the southern Huayan God domain at an appropriate time. Then he came to think about the way.

When they returned to the place, they passed through the underground line of the ghost house. I don't know how long it had been outside. The main force of each family and other families and sects had arrived together and advanced to the mountain protection array at the top of ghosts. Before that, a crowd of one or two thousand people were discussing how to attack zheyin mountain.

The arrival of the disciples of the Vientiane sect did not attract attention. Only Huang Zhaojian and Qi Xiaobai came to say hello. Shan Tianchong was picked up by the people of Taishan sect, and hualanting followed them.

At dawn, we discussed the results. It was planned that the Huang family in Lankeshan would take the lead to break the mountain protection array.

Huang Zhaojian led the children of the Huang family out of the array, four of whom flew into the air.

These four are four old Taoist priests, with hair in a bun, gray beard and hair. They are immortal and majestic. They either stand or sit on the long sword and circle in the sky. It is obvious that they are four strong practitioners of unborn sword.

Shan Tianchong is still weak, but he has recovered a little. He said: "these four are the figures of Huang Zhaojian's grandfather's generation. They may not be famous in Xianzhou, but they are famous in the business of catching and resisting ghosts. The road names are songrou, songshen, songSui and Songfang."

Xianzhou Taoism has many schools according to different cultivation methods and standards, such as Danding school, talisman school, such as Quanzhen school and Zhengyi school, including Zhengyang school, Shaoyang school, Chunyang school, Chongyang school, Longmen school, Jingming school, Lingbao school, Shangqing school, Shenxiao school, etc.

For example, Quanzhen Taoism advocates double cultivation of life, focusing on refining internal alchemy. It has strict commandments and can't marry. It should store hair and stay in observation and practice. While Zhengyi school mainly focuses on talismans, and its commandments are relatively loose. It can't help marrying. Therefore, it has also formed many family schools similar to the Huang family.

Songzi four lane stagnant flight, and Huang's children are ready to form an array.

Shan Tianchong said that this is the "four door ghost killing array" of the Huang family

With the four Taoist chants of the Huang family moving the nine word truth of the Taoist family, the array starts and attacks the mountain protection array on the top of all ghosts.

The nine word truth of Taoism is: pro, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jun, array, column, front and line.

That is, spirit, dart, unification, harmony, solution, heart, crack, Qi and Zen, also known as Liujia secret wish, which comes from baopuzi inner chapter.

The later "those who fight in front of the array" is actually a false legend, but it can also be used.

Being, feeling heaven and earth, feeling nature, feeling the essence of my residence, refers to the will of physical and mental stability, being unmoved, not panicking, and not moving or confused.

Soldiers move forward from the front. At this time, the heaven and earth are clear, yin and yang are present, and the dragon and tiger in the body roar at the beginning. They have the meaning of fighting. When they are more warm and nurtured, they are ready to roar. It refers to the energy contained in the body, which indicates vigorous and powerful vitality and symbolizes rapid action like the wind.

Fighting is the resonance between the soul and the universe. We should not only be brave and decisive, but also show a strong fighting spirit when encountering difficulties.

The person means freedom, which can control both their own body and others' body, and obtain the ability to manipulate everything with the help of foreign objects and environment.

All, commonly known as intuition, at dawn, when the ghosts are not in their strongest state, the two sides kill each other for a moment.

Just say that the four ways of the Huang family fight against the four ghost envoys.

Huangjia sword technique is also the authentic of Xuanmen. It comes from the same source as the great free sword of the free Vientiane gate. Each has its own advantages. It takes the meaning of Tai Chi, and the four ways have their own advantages.

The long sword style walking frame of songjudo is loose and soft. Its movements are like clouds and flowing water. It is soothing and elegant, gentle and flexible, and continuous. It has initially reached the realm of physical and mental integration, integration into heaven and earth, forgetfulness of things and me, and integration of things and me.

Looseness and softness is not relaxation, not without any force, but through spiritual and emotional relaxation, combined with muscle relaxation and body relaxation, to form a state of "looseness, stability, slowness and uniformity". The so-called "adhesion and follow, don't lose, don't bother, stretch with music, and give up yourself to others", so as to achieve the effect of "deliberately seeking softness, unintentionally becoming hardness, overcoming hardness with softness and relying on strength".

Looseness and softness include the power of walking, storing strength and sticking. "When people are hard, I am soft, and I follow people's back, I am sticky". At the same time, it can transform softness into rigidity, forming an extremely strong character of "storing strength like a bow and sending strength like an arrow".

Taoist songshen's loose and heavy strength pays attention to the body method of Qi sinking in the Dantian and the middle of the tail. He drives the formation of the inner Qi circle with the divine Qi. The inside and outside are consistent, accessible up and down, and very flexible. The sword style is issued in the form of a circle.

There are big circle, small circle, flat circle, vertical circle, oblique circle, forward circle and reverse circle formed by the simultaneous movement of nine curved beads (two elbows, two shoulders, one waist, two hips and two knees).

Taijiquan's sword technique originates from the natural law of the rotation of the sun, moon and earth, which is in line with the natural law of heaven and earth.

Loose and heavy strength emphasizes the cooperation of breathing. Suction is for combination, transformation, sinking and storage, and call is for opening and release. It pays attention to "cover suction, you can naturally lift it up and lift it up, and call, you can naturally sink down and let it out."

The formula says, do not relax and sink the Dharma, and do not enter the Tai Chi sect.

The loose strength of the Taoist priest is the specific application of the Taoist concept of "the movement of the opposing Tao" in martial arts. The purpose is to touch the strength of the other party, and then overcome it. It is the focus of Tai Chi to achieve the goal of defeating the strong with weakness, defeating the strong with softness and beating people with strength. It is said that "Yang comes to Yin, Yin follows Yang, Yin does not leave Yang, Yang does not leave Yin, and Yin and Yang combine to understand strength."

When launching a move, we first remove the pulling force, turn the hard into soft, and then accumulate the soft into hard. The transformation is sudden and natural, flexible and non sluggish. Only when the introduction fails can we get the opportunity and gain momentum.

The relaxation and release of Taoist priest's refined cultivation is the embodiment of both contradiction and opposition, unity and harmony of Tai Chi. Relaxation is a relaxation under the guidance of consciousness, not an unconscious relaxation. It requires loose body and tight mind, so as to produce rapid and powerful explosive force.

Loosening is not the purpose, but to better tighten. Tightening is not stiffness. It is the rebound, release and outbreak of the power of heaven and earth.

Although the four Taoist priests did not reach the xuanzhu realm, they were all in the climax stage of the unborn realm. In addition to the sword technique, they also had profound techniques to restrain ghosts. Once the four ghost envoys came into contact, they could not escape if they wanted to escape. They soon ambushed and killed one by one, and the souls flew and scattered.