The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 281

The situation is urgent. Hualanting goes straight to the point: "master Zhao Ye, you must know the nine life cat demon?"

According to the night, the blood spirit ape was stunned, lowered his voice and said, "you know the nine life cat demon? Hum, what! Don't want to delay time and leave quickly."

Hua Lanting's words were short and comprehensive: "I can ask the cat demon to untie your prohibition."

The spirit ape was so angry that he wanted to laugh that he was about to attack. He forbeared and replied, "thanks to your thinking. Well, it's always kind. I'll tell you one or two."

"The cat demon can really untie the prohibition."

"However, the demon land is vast. Where can we find the cat demon clan with uncertain whereabouts?"

"In addition, I'm afraid you don't know. Not all cat demons have the ability to break the divine soul ban. It takes at least five life cat demons."

"Moreover, even if you find it, we don't have the face to ask adults for help. Who are you? Cat demons have always been weird and moody. If they encounter cruel people, they can't cure them. If they don't do well, they will be hurt."

"Are you kidding me? For the last time, let's go."

It's useless to say more. Hua Lanting didn't say more. He took out a cat demon and twisted the cat hair on one of his tails before he left. After calling for three times, he heard the cat demon's tired and irritable voice: "I'm so busy. If you have something to say, fart quickly."

In a short time, Hua Lanting went straight to the theme: "we are trapped. I urge adults to take action and promise to untie the prohibition of the soul of a spirit ape demon."

The cat demon didn't answer, as if he were thinking about it.

Hua Lanting said anxiously, "what conditions do you want? Just drive it out."

The cat demon waited for him to say this and immediately said, "I said I wouldn't ask for the secret of magic without it. You only know the fur of the experiment. You want me to see the master who taught you. I want to discuss it with him."

"Deal." what's the difficulty? Hua Lanting immediately threw the cat's hair to the spirit ape.

The spirit ape was impatient and took over the cat's hair.

As a monster of the orc, the spirit ape has its own way to distinguish the true and false of the cat demon. After a few words, it got the promise of the cat demon.

After hesitating for a short time, the blood spirit ape decided to turn back.

It's not that he wants to change, but that he is unwilling to be the gate keeper of the Jiuqu linked fortress. It's not too much to hate his bones.

Because it's not a spirit beast raised in Jiuqu linked stronghold since childhood. It was subdued by the strong of Jiuqu linked stronghold. It's safe to arrange here after a strong prohibition.

Now there are not only the endorsement of the golden spirit ape, but also the seal of cat hair and the personal promise of the cat demon. The opportunity is rare and worth taking a risk.

The spirit ape is very simple. There is no free lunch in the world. Make up his mind, he immediately used his control authority to destroy the array of the mountain gate here, saying: "the gap of the mountain protection array has been opened, and I don't care about the rest. Next, it's your turn to fulfill your promise as soon as possible afterwards."

People like color.

Lin Xianjing said, "go back to the brigade. Our strength can't occupy the mountain here."

Back to the other side, the blood moon Heisha sect is in a dilemma.

Their attack on the mountain caused no small loss and pressure to the defensive side, but their own casualties were greater. They could not maintain the huge offensive and began to be unsustainable.

Hearing that the other party had sent a distress signal and saw that the mountain protection array suddenly operated slowly and weakened, the Deputy patriarch was overjoyed. He considered it for a moment, but issued an order to retreat and repair.

The guard of Jiuqu linked fortress received the bad news that the mountain gate and the big array were broken at the end. He was anxious. Seeing that Heisha Zong retreated, he congratulated himself in the dark way and hurriedly ordered to repair the array without rectifying people and horses to go down the mountain to pursue.

Did he not know that he delayed the fighter and missed the opportunity to repel and annihilate his opponent, resulting in the subsequent loss of the base camp.

The deputy leader of Heisha sect immediately summoned important generals to discuss the matter.

After the briefing, the Deputy patriarch's voice was low and firm, saying: "you all know the current situation. There is a gap in the other party's mountain protection array, the power is greatly reduced, the help signal has been sent, and we have initially achieved our goal."

"This is the time when our blood moon Heisha sect is in danger. It depends on you here whether you take the opportunity to stay in a green mountain, have a place to defend and fight back, or leave your hometown and flee to another country to survive."

"These young disciples of the free Vientiane gate are friendly troops and outsiders. Even they can go deep behind the enemy regardless of danger, fight wisdom and courage, and have achieved amazing results."

"Although I can take the lead in attacking the mountain, I don't have the will to die. Compared with these young heroes, I'm ashamed."

"The purpose of this battle has been achieved, and the clan crisis has not been eliminated. We can't attack the nest of Jiuqu linked fortress. Even if the sect leader wins, we still have to leave our hometown."

"I have made up my mind to launch the blood eating black sand array! I will serve the sect to the death!"

"This is an order. Those who dare not obey will be killed!"

The vice patriarch is an old man in Zongzhong. His accomplishments are high and his popularity is deep. Among the people present, there are several who are afraid of death and don't want to work hard, but when they see the momentum of others sharing a common hatred and sinking their boats, they have to swallow their words.

Blood moon black sand sect has two main town killers.

The blood eating black sand array has obvious side effects. Those who participate in launching the array may suffer great damage to their accomplishments and are difficult to recover, or they may die soon after the array dissipates. Friars cherish their lives, so the deputy leader has never made up his mind.

At this time, the effect is very good. The mountain protection array of Jiuqu linked fortress has not been repaired. Heisha sect concentrated all its efforts to break through a mountain gate, occupy one of the peaks and destroy it wantonly, resulting in the stop of the operation of the mountain protection array.

The master of Jiuqu linked stronghold will concentrate all his people on siege and counterattack. The remaining strength of Heisha sect is narrowly guarded. They are like turtles in a jar, and they will inevitably die and be injured.

The moment before the attack, the deputy leader knew that he was unlucky. He refused the Vientiane sect disciples' request to participate in the war. Instead, he asked them to contact the main force and try to clear the obstacles on the way back. If the ambush was successful, the army could come to reinforce, and maybe some of them could survive.

When the disciples of Vientiane gate arrived at the predetermined ambush site, XueYue Heisha sect had achieved a great victory.

Zhang qihen and Vientiane gate and other two reinforcements joined smoothly, and arranged a pocket array in advance to meet the reinforcements of Jiuqu Lianhuan stronghold.

After a bloody battle between several parties, nearly half of the Heisha sect master and a spirit beast Legion were damaged, but the Jiuqu linked fortress paid at least twice the price, and the reinforcements were almost wiped out.

After the meeting, Zhang qiscar followed Lin Xianjing's advice and left all the wounded to return. The soldiers with remaining combat power did not break their armour and rushed to the base camp of Jiuqu linked stronghold.

After they arrived, all the troops of heishazong who came to sneak attack were killed, but they also consumed considerable strength of the defenders. The mountain protection array of Jiuqu linked fortress failed. The rest are tired teachers like them, and their number and morale are not as good as them. Therefore, the headquarters of Jiuqu linked fortress was seen to be conquered by heishazong in World War I.

So far, the trilateral war came to an end, and XueYue heishazong and Jiuqu linked fortress mysteriously exchanged the location of the headquarters.

In fact, if Jiuqu linked fortress had more courage, although they lost some money in attacking Heisha Zong's headquarters and lost in the ambush, they still had the advantage of joining hands with ice fire Qilin valley. Although the result of the decisive battle would be a disastrous victory, they would certainly be able to destroy XueYue Heisha Zong.

The problem is that the purpose of the two sides sending troops is for interests, including territory and resources, not to fight with the blood moon heishazong.

In that way, first, if the loss is too large and the strength is greatly reduced, it may be targeted and eaten by other surrounding forces; Second, it will completely offend the two reinforcements, such as zivientiane gate, and there will be endless trouble in the future; Third, the alliance between the two is not strong enough. At this time, ice Fire Kirin Valley, which has relatively more troops, is more reluctant to lose troops.

In this way, the fighter plane is fleeting, and a fragile balance has been formed under various implications.

The blood moon is black, and shazong is breathing.

Jiuqu linked fortress and Binghuo Qilin Valley get a lot of territory and some resources that Heisha sect can't take away, but Heisha sect gets all the resources left in Jiuqu linked fortress base camp. Unfortunately, it can only shrink in the surrounding area.

Advantageously, with the passage of time, XueYue heishazong used these resources to constantly recruit troops and horses, and his strength gradually recovered. The longer he dragged on, the more it was impossible for his opponents to eat them. If the territory was not enough, he could seize it again, and he was not afraid if his vitality was not destroyed.

In this way, the three giants in this large area licked their wounds and recuperated after the war. Other small and medium-sized forces took the opportunity to be ready to move secretly and have a calm situation for the time being. As for how to evolve in the future, let's talk about it later.

Let's say Hua Lanting and others, because the two reinforcements were allowed to stay here for half a year by their respective zongmen to escort the recuperation of XueYue Heisha Zong, they continued to practice in the Jiuqu linked fortress of Taichu Moyuan for six months.

During this period, Zhuge Yun and Zhang Hanyun held a grand wedding ceremony.

At the beginning of the war, hualanting asked Seto Mayi, Xi Rujian and Mu Yu about their fate.

Seto Mayi is an outsider. She wants to go back to practice.

She not only got the skill of Sakai four, but also three other experts died in the battle of Jiuqu LianWu base camp. She also got the sect secret script. Once she returns to the Seto family, her own strength and the family's strength are bound to rise greatly. It's not difficult to dominate mahrope island in the future.

Hua Lanting didn't think much of herself and allowed her to leave.

Seto Ma Yi returned the favor and gave the jade disc containing her family's camouflage secret to hualanting, saying that it would be returned to Zhao.

Because her ancestors got this method from the eastern continent a long time ago, which is called "Chang'an twelve hour divine concealment".

The Seto family can only refine the first stage at most, which is called "the autumn wind generates the Weihe River and the fallen leaves cover Chang'an". It still needs to use tangible things at different times to be invisible.

She hoped that hualanting could reach a higher level of concealment.

The second level is "looking up at the sun and not seeing Chang'an makes people sad", and the third level is "no dust dream, grow in Chang'an."

Seto Ma Yi said that after leaving, Xi Rujian and Mu Yu were free and alone. They were both willing to stay and join the free Vientiane gate. They had their own abilities. Of course, you are welcome.

Following Seto's example, Xi Rujian gave her the magic mountain demon cave body cultivation method left by her adoptive father before his death. Her adoptive father's cultivation was average, but his seniority was very old. The quenching body method hidden was very precious.

Most of the spirit beast communication skills of the shepherd are inherited by nature, but many animal languages can be taught to those who swagger the peak. This is also valuable and will greatly enhance the level of beast resistance of the Vientiane gate.

Qu liushang and Fang Qingzhan are willing to stay temporarily and separate when they return to Shuxuan Xianzhou together.

Half a year later, we said goodbye to the blood moon heishazong.

The masters of the Vientiane gate directly leave the magic yuan. Hualanting wants to go to the cave first and then return to the door. First, say goodbye to the cat demon, the son mouse and the zhaoyeling ape. Second, by the way, see what progress the cat demon has made in the parallel space. If the cat demon is willing, you can go back to the Vientiane gate to see the teacher Feng Huolun.

Everyone has been moistening for half a year, and their accomplishments have increased. Unexpectedly, people are in good spirits when they have happy events. They are happy and sad when bad things come. They are happily coming near the cliff. Suddenly, they feel that there is a rumble ahead and the sky is changing color. They are wondering. The cat demon leads the mice and spirit apes to fly in the air.

The cat demon's face was frightened, and his body was still broken and bloodstained everywhere. He shouted in panic: "you don't come early or late. It's just that you come to die at this festival! You can't blame the society or the government for your life. It's all my fault. I'm sorry for you. There's a big event and a space riot."

"Hurry and run for your life with me!"