The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 261

time will not wait for me.

If the Vientiane sect experts had not tried their best to delay the strong ones who rushed to help, they would not have been able to kill Lu Geng.

There's no time to fix it.

If the other party catches them and catches them stealing the flag, although ziyue Xianzong and the butcher are the first to add people in violation of regulations, they can't make sense with human and material evidence, and their previous achievements are bound to be wasted.

Big penetration, start again.

Yue Guanghan took out a bag of the best spirit stones, which Mu hurriedly gave him, so that they could have the guarantee of the second transmission escape ability.

Even in the previous crises, in order to ensure the successful completion of the task, they were reluctant to use it for fear that it would not be enough to return after success.

If he was not unsure, he was worried that the flagpole might be deformed and the weight was too large. Yue Guanghan had the idea of passing the flagpole away with the base immediately.

The aura in the best spirit stone provides the transmitted energy, the light flashes, and everyone disappears from the hot spring lake in time.

The transmitted coordinates are temporary stations outside the battlefield at the Vientiane gate.

Vientiane gate wins.

They don't have to worry about the handling of later things.

A few days later, they returned to the door.

A few days later, the free Vientiane gate wantonly praised the personnel participating in the vulgar world competition and the eight people participating in the chopping and winning the flag.

Ten days later, most of the disciples recovered from their injuries and became vigorous again. Many people improved their cultivation.

One day half a month later, Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi LiuNian and Zhuge Yun gathered together to wait for the dawn of the second young merchant.

The merchant benefited from the victory and sent Shang Chenxi to reward the meritorious disciples. After the business was completed, Shang Chenxi invited four familiar people to get together.

The four talked while waiting.

Yi LiuNian said: "elder brothers, in the last two actions, we have gone through life and death. Lanting is the leader in the secular world and has made the first contribution. We also risk death and life in the process of seizing the flag. How can we knock on the bamboo bars of the two young businessmen and ask for more benefits."

"Good idea, I think so." Lin Xian said in surprise, "although everyone in the door and the merchant's reward has a share, we have such a close relationship with ER Shao. The merchant's wealth is thick. Don't waste it. Isn't it? Lanting."

Hua Lanting said, "that's what you say, but enough is enough. Just the four of us plus Qingjun, Wenyin and Feifei. Don't be greedy. What do you say? Zhuge."

"Selfish, shameless." ZHUGE Yun said, "of course, as long as you help me find a company, I have no problem."

Hua Lanting said, "in other words, this success is really the collective credit."

"It goes without saying that the magic weapon of tianque has played an important role many times when breaking through the innate eight trigrams array to seize the flag. Zhuge's combat power and vigilance, as well as fleeting force, several unintentional words and spotted winged flying lizards, as well as Xiao Yueyue's great wearing and delivering skills are indispensable. Qing Jun seems to be average, but how many and times she takes various pills with her Dan medicine skills The third is to deploy to ensure that we can always maintain a basic state. "

"The cultivation direction configuration of the five main peaks and four auxiliary peaks in the door is really good."

The four were talking. Shang Chenxi came in with Niu Kelian.

Shang Chenxi looked at everyone and said with a smile, "second master, my ears are hot. Aren't you arranging me? One by one, powerful and fierce, not like beating people to death."

Yi LiuNian said with a flattering smile, "it's too late for us to look forward to the arrival of the God of wealth."

"Smelly boy, I know you're thinking about it. Don't worry, who are we with? Apart from the normal thank-you gifts everyone has, you only have what you need. Just write it down and let uncle Niu buy it for you as long as it's not too much."

Lin Xian was surprised and said, "Uncle Niu's face is not very good. What's the matter?"

Shang Chenxi replied, "I'm just looking for you. I'm unlucky recently. I've done several losing deals. I want you to calculate and transfer."

Lin Xian startled his hands with ten fingers, calculated at the twenty-eight night position of his finger belly, and replied, "it's easy to do. Just change the name to Niu Kelian."

After chatting for a while, Hua Lanting pestered Shang Chenxi to teach him the know-how of doing business.

Shang Chenxi thought for a moment and said, "well, you know, my merchant has his own children with the surname of Shang and collateral children from marriage. In addition, there are children with other surnames. Niu Kelian is the highest ranking black gold children with other surnames. There are also platinum children and gold children with other surnames below."

"Now that I'm in a hurry, if you can get the platinum status, you will not only be qualified to pass on business skills, but also walk outside in the future. Wherever businesses can reach, they will have convenience in purchasing goods, obtaining information and seeking support, and enjoy corresponding discounts and priorities."

"That's nice. Thank you, boss." Yi LiuNian climbed up.

"Wait, although I have the power to decide, I still have to go through the form. I want uncle Niu to give you a test. Well, Daniel, just use that set of informal test questions."

"What is informal? The topic is serious and not?" Yi LiuNian asked.

Shang Chenxi said with a bad smile, "we businessmen are very serious. We don't know whether the topic is serious or not. Anyway, we not only investigate business mind, but also test IQ and EQ. let's start."

Niu Ke Lian, Lin Lin, surprised and changed his name, and then smiled and said, "it's not difficult. It's okay to answer all right. There is standard answer, and no rejection of the new words. I has the final say for the wrong. I'll be relieved. Come on, listen to the questions."

"Said, you guys went out to eat and were led into the private room. The man told you that there were the minimum consumption requirements for a hundred pieces of spirit stone. Excuse me, how do you break it?"

"Shit, it's up to me." Yi LiuNian replied, "man, ask your boss to come over. Isn't it a hundred spirit stones? I ordered a thousand plates of shallots and tofu. Is that enough for the meal? It's not difficult for you. I'll serve them in one pot of incense. I want one less plate. Don't blame the brothers for smashing your shop and dismantling your sign!"

"OK, there's seed! The second question is, when you visit a friend's house, the friend's husband and wife are with his parents. How can you say a word to compliment the friend's family and make everyone happy?"

This question is not what the rogue Yi LiuNian can deal with. Lin Xianjing pondered for a moment and replied, "my friend, you can find a daughter-in-law. Your vision is as good as your old man."

"Emotional intelligence is very high. I passed the test and boasted four people in one sentence." Niu Kelian continued to ask, "question 3. Say, this time you are a man. There are two people coming to dinner. When one wants to check out, the other scrambles to say I'll come and I'll come. However, this guy just talks but doesn't practice and doesn't have any action to pay for money. What will you do?"

Hua Lanting said, "it's easy to do. I'll make way for the first person, blink innocently at the second person who says to check out, reach out and wait for him to pay, and see if he pays."

"The fourth question. It is said that in order to make more money and sell more, you have to set a set for customers. You are a person who sells baked cakes everywhere. If you sell one Lingshi and five baked cakes at lunchtime, how can you sell baked cakes at a higher price and attract customers to buy them when business is light? Note: at this time, you are a mercenary businessman."

"I will make a pretext, which says: after noon, a spirit stone and four pancakes." the honest Zhuge Yun replied quickly.

"Well, it's your honor." Niu Kelian asked again after commenting: "say, you go to have a haircut, and the cost is two holy stones. After cutting, the store wants you four yuan, and tells you to charge two yuan only for guests who have saved money and stored value in advance. How do you deal with this kind of black heart store?"

If you can set it, it will be solved. Zhuge Yun answered first: "I will ask other guests in the store who can save money before something happens. Then I'd rather give him four yuan and ask him to help me pay the store two yuan. It's cheap and can't be occupied, but I can't stand it."

"Next question. I asked you to buy a peach. You picked three peaches first. The stall owner said after weighing it, he wanted you to eat three spirit stones for one and a half catties. You said that you were the only one to eat. You didn't need so much, so you took away the biggest one. The stall owner was a chicken thief. Look at the scale and said that one catty four Liang must be greasy. What should you do to avoid losses?"

Yi LiuNian smiled: "it's not necessary to ask. Of course, he picked up the largest one, threw it to the stall owner and left with half a broken spirit stone."

"You must be quick and quick in business. The neighbor's gossip asked you: look at others. You married your daughter-in-law and took a concubine when you reached the weak crown. You attended the wedding ceremony the day before yesterday. Don't you want to get married quickly when you come back? How do you refute?"

Yi LiuNian replied, "aunt, we went to help take care of Lao Wang's funeral next door last month. We hurried to hang up before we saw you come back."

"Next question. The merchants almost monopolized the refining furnace business, set a unified price according to the product level, and stipulated the recommended price. You deliberately raised the price. How do you face our query?"

"Suggestions are suggestions. I have the right not to accept your suggestions." ZHUGE Yun replied indifferently.

"What a lie. Come again. The fish pond opened and the fishing cost 50 Lingshi. In the afternoon, the people who came didn't catch fish. The boss gave each of them a chicken. Everyone thought the boss was very interesting. The talkative old man said that the boss used to raise chickens and couldn't sell them. There were no fish in the fish pond at all. Everyone was happy that one chicken made 50 Lingshi. So what does this story tell you? "

No one can satisfy Niu Kelian this time.

Niu Kelian finally said, "the lesson is that you should take care of your mouth when you are a man and doing business. Don't talk nonsense. There will be retribution. Because the second batch of guests who came to fish didn't catch fish, but they caught an old man..."

The book is brief and the form has passed. The four hualanting people have obtained the identity of the merchant's children with a foreign surname of platinum.

In the following half a month, everyone devoted themselves to vigorous cultivation, with the understanding of heaven and earth array and the support of a large number of reward resources. Many disciples, including Hua Lanting, made breakthroughs and further increased their accomplishments.

On this day, the four people were practicing together. A disciple of Lei punishment hall came to deliver a message. Immortal Shouyan asked them to give orders.

When they asked what was the matter, the disciple replied, "I don't know. Seeing that the real person of the hall leader's face is not good, you'd better answer carefully and serve carefully."

Why on earth?

Things happen for a reason. The aftermath of the vulgar world competition has not been smooth.

Come on, come on!