The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 193

As soon as the voice fell, the water that held them no longer existed. The four people fell sharply and fell into the river, but they only felt that they had penetrated a layer of water waves like real water waves without any wet meaning, and soon stepped on the ground.

The place as like as two peas in the same way as before was the same as the Taoist temple.

At the moment of entering, Hua Lanting felt the sky blue, smoke and jade buzzing in his chest, and the other three seemed to have a reaction, so he had a meal together.

When you step into the view, the aura inside is much more abundant than that outside, and everyone feels refreshed.

The central patio still has the power to suppress cultivation, but Hua Lanting found that the blood in the elixir field was rolling and the inner elixir elixir was looming. It was a sign that it was about to break through.

Running Xuangong along with the trend, he looked across from him.

In front is a three door archway, with a few lines of writing on the top of the center, which is the Tao Ke Dao and the extraordinary Dao in the Tao Te Ching; Name can be name, very name.

Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth; Fame is the mother of all things.

Therefore, we often have no desire to see its beauty; Often have desire to see its passion.

Both of them have different names, which are called Xuan.

Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all mysteries.

Looking at it, the handwriting flickered, far and near, which caused the fluctuation of spiritual power in the body, as if it was going to break out. Hualanting didn't dare to take a closer look. The four people all lowered their heads and lowered their eyes through the arch gate in the middle.

At this time, the voice familiar to hualanting sounded again: "after sleeping for a long time, someone finally came. You four can each find a hall to go in. What's the chance? Each depends on his ability."

The four looked at each other and were at ease when they came. Although they were nervous, they walked inward one after another.

Hua Lanting chose the road on the left and walked forward. After two or three circles, he passed through several halls and caught a glimpse of a statue in front of a building on the side.

The statue holds a large pipe in his right hand and an ink bucket in his left hand. His right foot is independent. He steps on the head of an Aoyu in the sea, raises his left foot and kicks it. He has a big belly.

This is Kuixing, which means Kuixing kicks, takes the lead and is full of experience.

This is Wenchang hall.

Wenchang emperor, also known as Zitong emperor, Wenqu star and Wenxing, is the God who dominates fame and position. It is the patron saint of ancient scholars of knowledge, articles and imperial examinations. The Lord is a fairy in the thirty-three days. The master has a long life, misfortunes and blessings, and goes to the eighteen hell reincarnation.

Hualanting always likes literary affairs. Seeing his heart move, he decided to enter Wenchang hall.

In the hall, the Wenchang emperor was graceful and wise. He sat down and drove a white donkey. There were two waiters on the left and right, one in charge of the book of literati records and transportation, and the other holding the Wenchang seal. Those who can know can't speak, those who can speak can't know, and don't let out the meaning of heaven's secret.

Hua Lanting knelt down and kowtowed. When he got up and looked up, he saw that the statues of the emperor and the servant boy had disappeared. In front of him was a vast world of slaughter. A man and an animal were catching and fighting. Soon, the man was bitten by a strange animal and killed, and the weapon and magic weapon fell.

Later, different pictures flashed in different positions, some were fighting between humans and animals, some were fighting among monks, and some were swallowed up by various celestial phenomena or strange terrain, and were confused by various illusions, and finally exploded or died.

These people scattered their backward portable weapons, pills, books, spirit tools and other treasures, and gradually gathered together to form a light mass floating in the air.

The voice sounded: "these are the treasures left after the death of some previous explorers. They are only more and more than those in the false analysis and analysis, and their quality is only high but not low."

"You have the chance to come to the edge of the cliff and dare to sacrifice your life and risk to jump off, so you have the qualification to obtain."

"However, there are few things in the world that can be achieved without hard work and competition. The accomplishments of the four of you will be suppressed to the same level. Kill the other three with their own martial arts, martial arts and Lingbao. The winner can take ten of them. Of course, the death here will not be real. Don't worry."

"Now, please step into the curtain of light."

A moment later, Hua Lanting saw Chen Zhiyuan, Shan Tianchong and Ding Xiuqin appear in the light curtain.

He, however, moved a few steps and finally did not take another step.

For a long time, the voice couldn't help asking, "boy in Wenchang hall, why don't you come in?"

Hua Lanting didn't answer, but instead asked, "here, but the" Hua Lanting "set by my ancestors took it and put it in the palm of his hand to stimulate his spiritual power.

It's actually a vocal jade slip. A person's very colloquial voice is released:

Tao Te Ching says this thing can be said, but it's hard to say.

As soon as I say it, I have to complete a lot of new words.

It's not easy to adjust. It's not accurate.

Because the universe didn't have a name at the beginning. Later, we called it the universe, and we named everything in the world.

These preconceived vocabularies bring limitations in form and quality, which makes it difficult for us to see the original face of things.

The things you think you know well can only see the essence, micro, deep and far you have never seen if you get rid of the good feelings and forget its name.

Look at it with the limitation of name and self attitude, you can only see the appearance of things.

There is a beginning and an end, and what I want to say seems to have no end. Anyway, it's mysterious, mysterious and profound.

In the end, the essence and process are born by the same mother. They just have two names. In the final analysis, they are called a mystery.

It's so mysterious that it can't be any more mysterious. If you want to get some beauty from this mystery, come in through this door.

More specifically.

Any reason is for temporary use. There is no absolute reason in the world. All the reasons that can be explained and explained are not consistent or constant.

For example, parents should be kind to their children, but they must discipline them when they are not obedient. Children should be filial to their parents. If they do something against the common sense of human relations, children should destroy their relatives.

We speak of compassion and should help the poor, and when everyone goes to help the poor, we will cultivate lazy people.

We say that the sum of the internal angles of a triangle is fixed, but in the case of sphere and solid?

Dao Kedao, extraordinary Dao.

No truth is constant. It depends on how fast it changes and how it will change.

Name can be name, very name.

Hua Lanting, it was you before you came here. Now it is you. You are the one who visited Lichun hospital. You are the one who killed people and saw blood. In the eyes of your parents and teachers, you are also called Hua Lanting in the eyes of your classmates.

Which is hualanting? Both, not at all.

Trees are trees when they are small, trees when they are tall, and trees when they die.

The beginning of nameless heaven and earth is known as the mother of all things.

A tree species is the mother of the tree, so how can the tree produce seeds? Chicken or egg first, in that moment, how can it become the beginning of heaven and earth? What's the relationship? I'm afraid that's the process.

What was before the tree? Tree species. What is the relationship between tree species and growing trees? What is the relationship between seeds and saplings? Can you subdivide it infinitely?

We only know and see its shape change. It is called seedling if it has leaves, and seed if it has no leaves.

But did the seed become a seedling overnight? No, it may take 30 days. The first day is called seed, the second, third and fourth days is called seed, which is called seedling at the moment you see the leaves?

At that nameless time, it is the beginning of all things, the beginning of heaven and earth, and those who can call their names are behind.

What was before the seed? Maybe it's a tree seed. Is a tree seed a seed? It's not

All possible changes and breeding are the beginning of heaven and earth. When the name is called, it is already concrete, and that moment is the mother of all things.

Therefore, there is often no desire to see wonder, and there is often desire to see its passion.

No desire to see it. No desire, no desire, no concern, no sustenance. Wonderful refers to change, the change of everything.

When businessmen are waiting for a price to sell, they firmly believe that they will rise, consciously ignore the bad news and only focus on the good news, while when they are short, they firmly believe that they will fall, and each time they fall, they feel that they should make up.

When there is an extreme desire, it is called passion, which means boundary, size and. It is the state at this point in time.

When there is desire, we should pay attention to the current modality, and when there is no desire, we should pay attention to the long-term changes,

The two are synonymous with each other.

Tao, law; First name, appellation; Wonderful, process and change; Passion, the existence of the present object.

Seeds are trees, saplings are trees, trees are trees. Thirty years ago, they were trees. If they were rotten and made into tables, they were still trees.

All came out of the same place.

Motivation is a static and present existence. The wonderful thing is the process from tiny seeds to towering trees to a table.

Two things came out of one place. Where is this place? It's the Tao.

From the Tao, from the same name.

What is the relationship between the present and the changing?

It is Xuan, Xuan is interaction and relationship.

It is a constant interaction and relationship.

This is the source of seedlings. Open it and look inside. This is the only way to get the Tao.

Hua Lanting listened and said in his heart, "this master has a broken mouth, but he seems to have some ways."

"Mysterious and mysterious, the door of many wonderful things... Cultivating truth and seeking Tao is to explore the changing way of continuous connection and function between things..."

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