The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 189

Good or bad, she finally persuaded Miss Chen to stretch out her jade hand and put it into the Shimen depression. However, there was no egg. Shimen didn't respond. Try the turntable again, but it was still as solid as gold.

Hua Lanting didn't know why, so he said, "don't bother. I'd better trouble you to escape and take me out."

Chen Zhiyuan snorted, "it's as simple as drinking water and eating. If you can use it at will, sister, I can run around the world, go in and out at will, and go where I want to go. I tell you, according to cultivation accomplishments, there are restrictions on the number and scope of use in a day."

Hua Lanting is right to think about it, but it's really urgent.

He bombarded the stone gate and rock wall with five thundering light palms. He could only make some small pits and shake off a little stone debris. It seems that it is much harder than ordinary rocks. He also dug the ground with gold wire and iron wire, but the effect is very small. This amount of work can not be completed in three or two days.

Hearing that there was no sound across the street for a long time, Hua Lanting couldn't help asking, "are you still there?"

Chen Zhiyuan replied, "don't worry, I'm thinking. I can't say, sister. I'll make an exception and pass on your skill of earth hiding. I hope you don't have a bad understanding. If you learn quickly, you can only wear it under the stone gate."

"But say well, you saved me. I broke the door rules and privately autobiographical your secret skill. When you come, we'll make an even score. We don't owe each other."

After Hua Lanting agreed, Chen Zhiyuan said, "listen."

"Since you are a cultivator of truth, you naturally know that dodging armor is a secret skill of the Taoist school“

"Although it's an unorthodox school, it's actually a science that captures the nature of heaven and earth. Among the five ancient arts, the content of hiding armor with strange doors is the most complex. All the time, practitioners cherish themselves and pass on secretly through oral instruction from teachers. Moreover, there are many schools, both good and bad, and the authenticity is difficult to distinguish."

"Elder sister, I come from the divine talisman TianDun sect. As the name suggests, of course, it is the art of refining talismans and the art of evasion in the strange sect. It is said that although you are helpless, you are not a disciple of our sect, but I dare not say anything else. Our talismans and evasion are super powerful. You should understand this section. You should be famous for our sect when you use them to scare people in the future."

Hua Lanting was ready to memorize the secret of the mantra. Unexpectedly, Chen Zhiyuan made an opening speech first, so he had to say, "of course, the divine talisman TianDun. Keep it in mind. Don't dare or forget. Go on."

"In our school system, Qimen dunjia is composed of three concepts: Qimen, door and dunjia. Qiqi is B, C and D. the door is rest, life, injury, Du, Jing, death, shock and opening. There is also the theory that the middle door constitutes nine doors, and dunjia is hiding. A refers to Jiazi, Jiashu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen and Jiayin and Liujia."

"Dunjia is the most noble among the ten Heavenly stems. It hides but does not appear. It hides under the six instruments of garrison, already, Geng, Xin, Ren and GUI. Jiazi, together with Liuwu, Jiashu, together with Liuji, Jiashen, together with Liugeng, Jiawu, together with Liuxin, Jiachen, together with Liuren, and Jiayin, together with Liugui."

"In addition, with the nine stars of Peng, Ren, Chong, Fu, Ying, Rui, Zhu, Xin and birds, six instruments, three wonders, eight doors and nine stars can also measure the relationship, character, trend and auspicious side of things."

"Qimen dunjia takes Qimen, Liuren and Taiyi as the ancient three styles, and it is said that mastering the three styles is God. In addition, you must also understand the principles of Yi Jing, yin and Yang, five elements and birth restraint, and be familiar with the interactive changes of trunk and branch."

Hua Lanting didn't expect Chen Zhiyuan's opening remarks to be so long. She couldn't help interrupting her and said, "sister Chen, I know all this. Would you please hurry up? I'm burning my eyebrows too late."

Chen Zhiyuan scolded, "did you burn your eyebrows? No. don't worry. Since I taught you, the unique secrets of our school will not be spread out, but it's necessary to let you know these basic knowledge. Elder sister, I'm not a Jianghu Warlock. I can't cheat and deceive people."

Hua Lanting was speechless for a while. Before Chen Zhiyuan continued to play, he quickly said:

"The art of hiding is similar to the art of hiding. The word" hiding "means to escape and escape. For example, the art of five elements can escape stealthily as long as it meets the five things of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Among the five elements, earth is the fastest, because there is no place and no soil, and it is the most convenient to find earth. It is often said in gods and monsters to grab a handful of earth from the ground, raise it to the sky and escape by earth."

"In the Taoism, there are thirteen Duns in addition to the five Duns. They are the five of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, plus human Dun, bird Dun, animal Dun, insect Dun, fish Dun, fog Dun, cloud Dun and wind dun. Later, they developed into 72 Duns."

Chen Zhiyuan then interrupted him: "you know a lot. Although you don't win, it's not far away."

"But I still want to correct a few points: first, there is a difference between evasion and invisibility; second, how is evasion? Otherwise, it is not called Qimen evasion. Evasion is a mysterious and advanced space secret method; third, there are few people who are proficient in 72 evasion in the world. Like my sister, you have only learned five elements of evasion, but you are the best among your peers..."

Hua Lanting is very anxious. Now that he knows the woman's temper, he doesn't dare to interrupt her immediately. Chen Zhiyuan continues:

"Evasion is not as simple as you think. For example, water evasion is not walking in the water, it becomes diving, and earth evasion is not walking in the earth. It is earth walking, which is different from Earth evasion."

"The highest level of evasion, do you know what it is? I tell you, it's made out of nothing! It's not magic to directly change the real object out of thin air. Oh, I've seen the door star show. It's really amazing and desirable. It's estimated that he's not far from becoming a God."

Hua Lanting endured the hot feeling from his hips, listened to Chen Zhiyuan's chatter, and finally waited for the focus of the Dharma formula and exercise route.

The pithy formula of the Dharma and the operation of Reiki are even more difficult to smooth down at one time, which is very normal in cultivation.

Hua Lanting pondered over the doorway in repeated singing, and unexpectedly had a new insight.

He has a solid foundation and experienced some mysteries in several space transmissions. In addition, he has benefited a lot from his daily discussions with Lin Xianjing and Yue Guanghan. He has really had a great experience of the secret of space change.

This time on the mountain, he specially asked Yun Yiqi for advice on this theory.

According to Yun Yiqi's personal view, all tangible objects in the world are holographic materials composed of three elements: mass, energy and information. Among them, quality is the dominant material visible to the naked eye, while energy and information are invisible recessive materials, and quality is the condensed state of energy and information.

Ordinary people change the structure of quality by combining the action of human organs with quality, which is called physical exercise. The skill and technique of practice is to combine the nihilistic idea with the information in the material object, aggregate the information into energy and condense the energy into quality. This is the principle of handling.

Evasion is actually a small-scale transmission, which is to convert the object to information, mobilize the information with ideas, mobilize it to the destination, and then restore the information to energy, restore the energy to quality, so as to realize the transmission within a certain distance.

There are many classifications of information, and each family and even its branches have different understandings of this.

For example, there is the saying of innate energy and acquired gas in the Taoist door. The primitive natural energy is the beginning of the Tao. The formation of all things in the universe is from the generation of one, two, two and three by the Tao.

In Confucianism, some schools call it Yi or Wuji. The formation of all things is from Wuji to Taiji, Taiji to Liangyi (yin and Yang), Liangyi to Sixiang (Taiyin, sun, Shaoyin and Shaoyang), and Sixiang to Bagua.

Buddhism is relatively simple, that is, emptiness is color, color is emptiness, emptiness, color, color and emptiness.

Emptiness is the invisible natural original information, and color refers to the tangible material world. It is said that Buddha has achieved the unity of rapid transformation of material and information. There is no difference between material and information, so emptiness is color and color is emptiness.

The Tao of Taoism, the change of Confucianism and the emptiness of Buddhism refer to the natural original information in the universe, which is the basic material for the generation of all things in the universe.

The one of Taoism and the Tai Chi of Confucianism are man-made information processed at the first level.

The two of Taoism and the two of Confucianism are the compound information after many times of evolution.

The three images of Taoism and the four images of Confucianism are embodied in various energies, while the everything of Taoism, the eight trigrams of Confucianism and the color of Buddhism are embodied in quality.

Natural original information is transformed into energy, energy is aggregated into quality, and energy is transformed into information. This is a slow evolution process in nature, but ideas can quickly complete this change. Various strange cultivation skills and techniques, as well as various strange magic powers, are different ways formed.

Hua Lanting flashed these ideas and knowledge in his mind. Combined with his understanding of the Dharma formula and exercise route provided by Chen Zhiyuan, he vaguely felt that he had gone further on the basis of knowing what he was and felt a trace of the taste of knowing why he was.

Now is not the time for enlightenment. He tried to print this feeling in his memory, and then focused on the combination of familiarity with the Dharma formula and the operation of true Qi. After preliminary mastery, he struck while the iron was hot, achieved it in one move, and smoothly appeared on the other side of Shimen.

Looking at Chen Zhiyuan, who was surprised, Hua Lanting sat on the ground: "it's so exciting. It was almost swallowed by the rising magma."

Chen Zhiyuan was surprised that Hua Lanting could learn the Dharma formula in such a short time and realized a Tu Dun, but said, "are you busy now? No, so I didn't do anything wrong."

Hua Lanting said, "yes, yes, you saved me from the underground fire cave and taught me to get rid of the sea of magma fire. I think even without me, you won't have an accident in the fire cave. Speaking of it, I still owe you more."

Chen Zhiyuan was happy: "you can talk. To tell you the truth, I came out with my family behind my back this time. I didn't bring out the storage space, but the baby who saved my life still followed a few things. It's hard for me to survive in the fire cave."

"Hello, what's your name and where are you from?"

"My younger brother Hua Lanting is a disciple of the Vientiane sect for 60 generations."

"Oh, your name is Tingting. You went to the central patio alone to find opportunities? Why haven't you seen you at the entrance?"

"I came in from another place, not alone. I was separated from my colleague. What's the situation with you?"

"But it's busy. Hundreds of sects gathered at the entrance to fight. In order to seize the opportunity to enter and prevent more people from entering, I sneaked in while those sects were fighting."

"Elder sister, you are really good. You dare to infiltrate alone. What shall we do now?"

"I think we can go together. People are in groups all the way. I saw several fights and many people died. I didn't dare to approach. There are many dangers here. One person is really afraid."

"Shall we find a way out or go further?"

Chen Zhiyuan nunuzui, Hua Lanting turned to wait and see. The black paint was black. In front of them, there was only a sheep intestines path bending downward, and there were dark winds at the end.

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