The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 172

Hua Lanting scolded angrily in his heart.

It was not the Huangfu brothers who scolded, but himself.


Won a champion, inflated, underestimated the friars all over the world.

The difference between jiedan and Lianji is not as big as that in the later realm. I have a delusion that I can win by cultivation alone. The individual level is too careless and conceited with the other seven people who are roughly between him and Bozhong.

The southeast and northwest are white, plus myself, just enough for two tables of mahjong. I want to roll seven cards with no external force. How can I defeat Huangfu's cousin who colludes with each other to feed cards with seven gourds and one vine.

With his eyes turned, hualanting began to calculate the means in his hand.

Stir fry and sell now is the most fresh and hot. If you don't give a cup to your opponent.

Hualanting's gold wire and iron wire wound around the body, forced the attack from all directions, shook hands and threw out the arhat cup first.

The arhat cup has the special effect of breaking the illusion. The powdered and delicate cup body is magnified and rotated in the air. The eye blocking technique of the Huangfu brothers suddenly fails, and the surrounding is clear, revealing the body of the seven people.

Taking advantage of the time when the seven people were stunned, Hua Lanting swung back and threw Jianzhan to the side. A drop of glaze tears on the cup drew an arc and flew to Huangfu FA's shoulder. Huangfu shouted. The high temperature in the small glaze bead pierced the flesh and bones and made a sound. Fage's arm was temporarily abandoned. It was still that Hua Lanting didn't have the heart to destroy his face, otherwise it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

The chicken jar cup flew to Huangfu white on the other side. The little hen on the cup shook her wings and broke away. The chicken Golden Chicken pecked rice and nodded disorderly. Huangfu White's long sword was pecked out more than a dozen small holes and became incomplete. The hard chicken beak pierced his five fingers of his right hand one after another. The fingers connected his heart. Huangfu White's face was white with pain, and his sweat fell like rain and sat on the ground.

Huangfu South and Huangfu North rushed up and attacked hualanting from both sides.

Hua Lanting's hands were divided, and the hexagonal cup and Yuanrong cup were sacrificed. The two cups grew at the sight of the wind and turned into two large cups more than one person, covering the north and south of Huangfu.

At this time, Huang Fuzhong had reached hualanting, and Huang Fudong also launched an attack from behind him.

The bamboo silk cup rose from the ground, and their attacks were blocked out.

Hua Lanting was not in the bamboo silk cup. He had become invisible in the void with the help of Nine Tailed Linghu Taiji towel. He turned behind Huangfu Xi, wrapped Huangfu Xi around with gold wire and iron wire, and stunned him.

Huangfu, who was half slow in mind, immediately waved his double maces to Hua Lanting, who showed his figure. Seeing the situation, the cunning Huangfu was about to escape and report.

Hualanting's ice crack cup met huangfudong, and the fragmentation effect was used. The heavy double maces couldn't bear it and broke open. Hualanting took the middle palace and bullied him close, flying with his shoulder and stumbling huangfudong.

Seeing that Huangfu Zhong had escaped more than ten feet, Hua Lanting waved his hand, the gold wire and iron wire became longer and wrapped around Huangfu Zhong's feet

Huangfu jumped up to avoid, while Hua Lanting gave a meal. Yu Shang Cup opened its winged ears on both sides and flew close to the ground, carrying him to the back of Huangfu. Hua Lanting immediately wrapped the long sword stabbed by Huangfu with a pressure cup, and the bell cup turned upside down, close to Huangfu's ear, jingling and making a pleasant bell sound.

Huangfu covered his ears and looked miserable. He was knocked down on the lower abdomen Dantian with a small free fist by hualanting.

Hua Lanting didn't want to kill anyone today. Then he knocked out all the injured Huangfu brothers and imprisoned their accomplishments, so that they couldn't move for a few days.

The twenty cups made by my grandfather are really good. At least Hua Lanting can catch these friars without effort.

He knew that Huangfu Xi was the young son of Huangfu patrol, so he interrogated him alone.

Huangfu Xi was a spoiled dandy. Before Hua Lanting tortured him with a few wandering nine needles, he said everything he knew.

The original problem was the Lingbao given by Huangfu patrol to the iron blood Youth League.

These Lingbao are mixed with positioning devices. At that time, these devices were not turned on and running, so Shang Chenxi, who did not conduct detailed investigation, did not find it.

This was not the idea of Huangfu patrol, but the idea of fan Lihua, President of Lihua Association.

At that time, fan Lihua wanted to know the whereabouts of Shang Chenxi and his party in Haitang City, so as not to be harmful to herself, so she instructed Huangfu to patrol.

After Huang Fu Xun followed fan Lihua to attack the mountain together with the butcher team, he was lively and wanted to curry favor with the butcher family, so he didn't go back to the city with fan Lihua, but asked to stay in order to pay attention to the butcher family.

After Hua Lanting sent it and went out of the mountain and river to sit in the small cave, Huangfu immediately noticed the signal sent by the positioning device and knew that there were merchants or disciples of the free Vientiane gate in the dusty mountain.

Huangfu patrol had his own selfishness. Instead of reporting the matter immediately, he secretly ordered Huangfu seven generals to come and check it.

If there are many people on the other side, hurry back and report. If there are few people, catch them on the spot, so as to invite merit and reward from the butcher's principal.

Fortunately, he is greedy for work. Otherwise, if he reports the matter immediately or comes in person, hualanting will inevitably reveal his whereabouts in advance and even be arrested.

It also happened that the butcher was building a remote transmission array overnight in order to transport more people and horses to guard the mineral treasures here. Therefore, Huangfu patrol wanted to accompany the butcher's principal and only sent seven generals to serve.

Hua Lanting inquired about the reason. After thinking about it, he first got Huangfu seven generals to settle in a cave, then cleaned up the spirit tools sent by Huangfu, packed them and tied them to a spirit beast caught nearby, and sent the positioning device to Shang Chenxi with sound transmission equipment.

After simply regulating breath and repairing the injury, hualanting decided to continue to go to the dusty mountain stronghold to inquire about the situation and look for Yue Guanghan.

After running for more than 20 miles in the moonlight, hualanting came to the main peak. He didn't get close to several main buildings directly. He planned to go up in a circle from all around in the night, and then decide on the next action after finding out the general distribution of personnel.

The houses in the West were dark without lights and voices, and so was the north. He didn't find anyone guarding. It seems that people and horses are concentrated in the southeast near the mountain gate, where people will be stationed.

After carefully sneaking some way to the East, hualanting finally heard the voice of people talking not far away. He hid behind a rock and looked out.

After a while, a figure appeared on the mountain road. Six people were in front and two people were behind. He shrunk his head and listened for a moment. He heard that two butchers were escorting six dust capped gangs to deliver food to people. Two butcher guards scolded and complained that they couldn't rest late at night.

When they walked over, he crept behind them and came all the way to a mountain on the east side.

Further on, the lights are bright. It should be that the butcher is directing the gang members of the dusty mountain to work overtime all night to build a transmission method array.

Hua Lanting dared not follow any further. He left the mountain road, crossed the rugged rocky bushes obliquely, and stopped before reaching an open land.

After hiding for less than half an hour, I saw the rice deliverer carrying the rest of the food and bowls and pots and began to go down.

Waiting is not without harvest. In the words of the butcher guard sent down by the mountain wind, he knows that the transmission array can be completed in two days at most.

In other words, he must complete the reconnaissance mission within these two days, and the sooner the better. Otherwise, once the butcher brigade is sent in batches, Shang Chenxi has little hope to recapture the dust mountain.

In my heart, I outlined the location of the transmission array. Hualanting turned and hung behind the eight people, seven turns and eight turns. These people entered a complex of buildings.

According to the information provided by Yue Guanghan, this should be the kitchen and warehouse in the stronghold.

Hua Lanting took out the Tai Chi towel and followed stealthily. Before reaching a gate, two guards drove the six people in, locked the gate, said hello to the gate guard and left.

When they were far away, Hua Lanting went up the ridge of the roof and looked inward. Behind the gate was a corridor leading to the inside. He ran high and low around the room, observed it for a while, and found out that there were many ordinary gangs imprisoned here. These people were taken out to participate in the construction of the transmission array.

Don't want to waste time here. When hualanting was thinking about how to catch a living mouth who knew the inside story, someone came over.

The man said to the guard at the door, "little plum, steward Zhang asked you to call a smarter man to serve him for supper and drink."

The guard was bleary eyed and muttered, "he's happy. Brother, I'm standing guard here. Lao Zhang is eating wine in the house. You can still sleep. I said, you need someone to replace me at dawn."

Complaining, the man opened the door, yawned and shouted inside, "come out and have a job."

When the opportunity came, Hua Lanting, who was lying on the wall, was in high spirits, turned his head, flew down, fell to the corner at the end of the corridor, took away the Tai Chi towel, turned the corner, took a few steps, and then returned to walk in.

The guard who called little plum raised his eyes and saw it. He shouted in an evil voice, "you, what do you say about you? Why do you go back? Hurry out to me and find a beating!"

Hua Lanting pretended to be frightened, turned and trotted out of the gate. Little plum kicked him on the ass:

"It's also a useless commodity. It was thrown out by your people. I tell you, your life is good. It's much easier to serve steward Zhang and drink than to build a transmission array." he said and locked the door again.

Hua Lanting was led to a room where there was a lot of wine. The fat steward Zhang had poured himself and drank a little drunk.

He looked up at Hua Lanting, smiled with satisfaction and said, "yes, very beautiful boy. Come and pour the wine. The wine in your dusty mountain is really good. It's a long cold night and it's boring to drink alone. I'll ask you, what little song can your boy sing?"

Hua Lanting nodded and bowed and dealt with it vaguely. He went to the chest in the corner, took out a wine cup, filled it with wine and sent it to manager Zhang. He said, "manager, I know that the head of our mountain stronghold warehouse hid an antique wine cup here. A good horse has a good saddle, and a good wine must have a good cup. Come and taste it."

Steward Zhang saw hualanting's face under the light, smiled and touched hualanting's hand and said, "good, good, let me have a look. Well, six petal Kui mouth celadon is a good cup, beautiful people, beautiful wine, ha ha ha."

Hua Lanting took out his hand and asked softly, "steward Zhang, who is the name of the butcher's team leader this time? How many people have you come? What accomplishments are they?"

Steward Zhang's eyes have been straight. Kui cup has a psychedelic function. When he looks at it, he can see the way. He replied: "this action is naturally led by our second master Tu Yitu..."

Hua Lanting asked several questions one after another. Steward Zhang said everything he knew.

Hua Lanting knows that he has asked the right person this time. Zhang's position is not high, but he is an old butcher and has a clear understanding of the family.

I was still thinking about digging out some more specific details such as the skill characteristics of the opponent's strong, when suddenly a voice came from the gate of the courtyard:

"Lao Zhang, I know your old boy is lazy again. He smells the smell of wine across the gate. If you don't leave two jars of good wine for chaiheng, my old brother will let you go to the mountain supervisor for a drink tomorrow."

Hua Lanting was surprised. Why didn't chaiheng, nicknamed "prosperous fortune" in the butcher's family come early or late?

Now, it's blocked. What should I do?