The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 170

Qi Ling separated: "after class, I've stayed here for thousands of years. It's lonely, empty and cold. It's not easy to see a living person and be a mentor. Don't you cherish it?"

Hua Lanting had to think while saying: "the same mirror, two conclusions, duality, that is to say, seemingly contradictory and opposite, in fact, they are all right, nothing wrong, but their positions, starting points and angles are different..."

The spirit separated and said, "that's almost what I mean."

"It's like Confucius is right, Lao Tzu is right, Zhuangzi and Mencius are right, Mozi and Sun Tzu are right, Xunzi and Liezi are also reasonable, Han Feizi, Wei xuanzi, Bao Puzi, Zhu Zi and Guan Zi are also reasonable, and the sons are very good."

"The Buddhas are also very able to say that they will tell you later that the world is the way of suffering and extinction, and then they will say that there is no way of suffering and extinction in the world after a while."

"If you believe everything, practice everything, and revolve in contradictory truths, people will be crazy."

"In fact, all things have right and wrong contradictions at the same time. All concepts can be flattened and rounded."

"Language and words are pale, while reality is gray, flexible, uncertain, modifiable and ambiguous. The reason why people say that is only that the state when he said it at that time needs to be expressed in this way."

"When reading sages' books, you must put yourself at that time in order to realize the content outside the text, what time and space background, what state of mind they are in, and who they are talking to..."

"What we can only refer to and follow under certain circumstances and conditions is called truth, and what is universal is called truth."

"Dao Ke, Dao Fei, Chang Dao. Name Ke, name Fei, Chang Ming. A thing is like this, and a thing is not like this at the same time; a concept can be said in this way, and can be said in reverse at the same time. Only in this way can it be closer to the essence of things and the truth."

"The state of anything is temporarily combined in different forms. When the way of combination changes, it is likely to become another thing."

"This is that the environment is created by the heart, and the environment turns at will."

Hua Lanting can understand one or two of this. As the earth world says, carbon atoms are arranged in a certain way, but they are cheap pencil leads. If they are combined in another form, they will become dazzling and expensive diamonds.

The spirit continued to say, "everything is just as good as it is, just like a blind man walking at night with a lantern:

If he is afraid that others can't see the road clearly, it is Confucianism;

If he is to prevent others from bumping into him, it is Mohism;

If he thinks it's time to turn on the lights at night and set rules to abide by and implement, it's a legalist;

If he thinks he wants to fight, he is free to play, it is Taoism;

If he uses this to enlighten all living beings, it is Buddhism;

If he is pretending to be blind and performing performance art, he must be a politician;

If he is really blind and has to show others the way with lanterns, it is the spirit brick house of this instrument. "

"Any reason is reasonable, and the opposite of any reason is also reasonable. There may be reason behind all unreasonable reasons. Some reasons may not be reasonable in a different background. Sometimes the opposite of the correct reason is also correct."

Hua Lanting applauded: "you really have a good tongue twister, and you're a first-class performer..."

"Well, now let me talk about what's going on here. It's a long story, let's make a long story short."

Xingmu rang: "think, when, at the beginning..."

"I'm from the generation of the Vientiane sect. Before I ascended, immortal Daohan laid seven secret places in the world, waiting for the lucky disciples to visit and give blessings. This is the first place called the mini cave of mountains and rivers."

"There are six other places? Where are they?" Hua Lanting asked.

"You ask me, who do I ask? I've said that you can see it if you have a chance, but you don't know it if you don't have a chance. Besides, I really don't know the specific location and internal situation of other secret places. I only know that my place is the most elementary. Identity verification and customs clearance test are relatively simple, and your experience and reward are not complex."

Hua Lanting said, "does experience refer to the different dimensional world called the earth I went to? Unfortunately, the time is too short, and I can remember very little now?"

The instrument spirit separated and said, "I don't know where you're going. I might have made it clear before. I've been to many worlds with my grandfather, but my grandfather came back once after flying up and made a new setting here, so I can't tell."

"As for you don't remember much, it's because your cultivation is too low and your ability to accommodate and communicate is very limited."

"What I can tell you is that in theory, no matter how many worlds, it is actually a world. It exists objectively and is not transferred by people's will. The different worlds you see and experience are just the images of countless projections."

"It's like placing many different mirrors in front of you. When you are in them, whether the mirror moves or you move, you will see a lot of mirror worlds. They overlap each other and produce more worlds. You see countless yourself, big and small, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. They are your shadow, the shadow of your shadow, the shadow of your shadow..."

"In essence, it is the mirror and you. The world has not changed. It has become the angle from which you see and feel the world. Accordingly, the angle from which the external world feeds back and projects to you has changed."

"The essence of the world, one is called Ben and the other is called quality. Ben is the external element information that connects quality and the method of mutual combination and collocation."

"Holographic world, artificial intelligence? Random simulation and unreal?" Hua Lanting thought in his heart.

"With the strength of your accomplishments, you will naturally have more 'Ben' that you can accommodate, remember, understand, analyze and master."

"However, Lao Zu said that human resources are sometimes poor. Blindly enhancing the capacity is on the one hand, there are more ingenious methods."

"For example, you can't remember the information of the earth world you can't remember, but it doesn't disappear, but it is scattered in space. As long as you have the ability to find, identify, refine, grasp, communicate and use, you don't have to keep it in your consciousness. You can take it at any time when you want to use it, and throw it out after use."

"Cloud processing, is everything interconnected? Download and upload at any time?" Hua Lanting thought again.

"From the Buddhist point of view, these information existing in different spaces may be called alaiya consciousness, which refers to the collection of all information of all sentient and ruthless beings in the past, present and future."

"It is colorless, invisible and invisible, but it can generate everything, have everything, contain everything and show everything."

"Isn't this a packet and server?" Hua Lanting added.

In this way, the instrument spirit spoke endlessly, and Hua Lanting thought for himself without saying a word. The time passed quickly.

Finally, when hualanting was dizzy with camphor, half understood and half understood, the sound of the separation of the instrument spirit suddenly stopped.

"That's it. Have a rest. I'm tired and the task is completed. Ben Ling wants to return to Mengbi Shenghua mountain."

Hua Lanting said anxiously, "wait, don't you say there are rewards?"

The instrument spirit separated: "well, I don't turn my mind. I forgot if you didn't say it. Go behind the stone wall and choose one by yourself. Remember, don't be greedy for more, just the same."

Hua Lanting asked again, "do you always have any tips? Listen to your inner call?"

The spirit replied, "that's true. But I want to remind you that your inner voice and your intuition may sometimes be false."

"If I put two candles in front of you, one is far away and the other is near you, you will feel that the near one is brighter and hotter, but when I put them together, the brightness and heat are actually the same."

"It's like waking up one morning and finding that the quilt is short and exposed. You think you've grown up. In fact, it's just that the quilt is covered horizontally."

"When you can't make a choice, sometimes it's right to give up. Of course, it must be wrong to give up."

"See you later, son. Finally, before leaving, I'd like to tell you that Dongtian here and this class are the most basic. If you are lucky enough to meet six other secret places, the tests are different, the difficulties are different, and the risks are increased. You need to see the heart to gain something."

There was silence around.

Hua Lanting recalled and absorbed what the instrument Spirit said several times, and got up and turned behind the stone wall.

There are many light masses here, slowly rotating and floating around him, with handwriting, or the name of work magic method, or the name of spirit tool magic weapon.

Without other hints, hualanting hesitated for a moment.

There are not too many martial arts and magic weapons. How do you choose?

The name can't be judged by the naked eye. The inner feeling may also be an illusion. Should we choose randomly

Hua Lanting thought for a moment and decided to choose according to his most urgent needs.

The brightness and heat of the two candles are almost the same, but those close to them can always provide more light and warmth than those far away.

This is true.

Thinking of light and heat, hualanting suddenly felt thirsty after the toss after transmission.

Lifting his eyes, a line of handwriting flickered on the light mass in front: Twenty cups.

There are small characters below: This set of tea sets and tea utensils was made by me in my early years of practicing leisure in the secular world, reposing my experience of elegant life at that time——

High and able to go down, full and empty, rich and frugal, expensive and humble, intelligent and foolish, brave and timid, debating and slow, broad and shallow, bright and dark.

Be able to understand the size of heaven and earth, understand the difficulties of life, have self-knowledge, anticipate first, don't be sad for pain, enjoy without favor, don't be lonely when lonely, and don't be lonely when lonely, so you have no desire for power, abandon flashiness, natural and unrestrained, annoy the world and have self-respect, self-improvement and self-reliance, no inferiority, no hyperactivity, no vulgarity and no flattery.

It can expand its mind and accommodate the things in the world; Empty his heart and receive the goodness of the world; Calm his mind and discuss the affairs of the world; Immerse yourself in the truth of the world; Calm down and respond to the changes in the world.

Later, he was consecrated and refined again in Xianzhou, and kept it for future generations.