The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 168

There are two books on the table in front of hualanting. Their eyes are slightly blurred, and their focus is somewhat scattered. Sometimes they look aimlessly at the blue sky in the distance, and sometimes look down at the dense traffic on the street.

He is still in the discomfort and information collision caused by the disorder of time and space, but the waiter in the coffee shop noticed that he has written a continuous article saying that people know little about the brain.

People are using five senses, namely vision, smell, hearing, taste and touch, to understand the world, but whether this process is objective and how the brain processes these material information is unknown.

If we make a definition of matter, the first matter is macro, something that people can perceive and intuitively see.

The second level is microscopic, including what can not be seen by the eyes, but can be perceived and measured with the help of instruments, and intuitively believe that it exists, such as atoms, molecules, proteins, and planets hundreds of millions of light-years away.

The third level is the ultra microscopic matter, which can only be theoretically speculated and experimentally verified, including quantum, photon and particles that can spin and have energy levels and energy.

This world is a super micro world, which determines the micro world, and the micro world determines the macro world.

Everyone is a life form and an energy form, which is composed of a pile of atoms and particles.

Nearly a hundred years ago, quantum entanglement was proposed, which means that no matter how far apart two entangled quanta are, they are not independent events.

Scientific experiments have found that two unrelated quanta will have the same completely related performance in different positions. For example, there is no conventional connection between two quantum quantities far apart. One has a state change, and the other has the same state change at almost the same time, and it is not a coincidence!

So what is man? People just come from one cell, that is, fertilized eggs. Billions of years ago, all fertilized eggs came from the same cell, the same mass of matter, a complex quantum entangled system, that's all.

Today, with the development of science, people look at the world like a blind man touching an elephant.

The world people see is tangible, and people think it is an objective world. In fact, the mass of known matter accounts for only 5% in the universe, and the existence form of the remaining 95% of matter is unknown to mankind, which is called dark matter and dark energy.

The form of the universe that people used to know is that planets attract each other through universal gravitation. You turn around me and I turn around him. The planets are busy and orderly.

But later, by calculating the gravity between stars, scientists found that the gravity of the planet itself was far from enough to maintain a complete galaxy.

The universe can maintain the existing order only because there are other substances. So far, people have not seen and found this material, so it is called dark matter.

Scientists have observed that our universe is not only expanding, but also accelerating. If it expands at a constant speed, it is understandable, but accelerating expansion requires the addition of new energy. What is this energy? Scientists don't know. It's called dark energy.

Human beings originally thought that the world was material, without God and special function, and consciousness was another existence opposite to material.

Now it is found that since there are 95% unknown substances in the universe, souls and ghosts can exist.

Since quantum energy can be entangled, the sixth sense and special function can also exist.

At the same time, who can guarantee that there are some substances or creatures in these unknown substances, which can completely and completely affect our various states through quantum entanglement?

Therefore, immortal gods can also exist!