The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 143

The next day, hualanting got up to wash and tidy up, and came to Tiangang hall on time for special training.

After waiting for a while, he found that it was not the eight of them as mentioned before. He and Lin Xianjing, Yi LiuNian, Zhuge Yun and Wen Yin were there. The other three women did not appear. They were replaced by Dao Qiongsi, a tall and powerful female disciple, and he Dayi, a short and thin opponent who had not been seen for a long time.

These two people are not strangers. When asked, they also received a temporary notice last night and didn't know the inside story.

At this time, the gate of Tiangang hall opened and a person came out. She was an old woman, wearing Taoist robes and plain face. She was taller and burly than Dao Qiongsi. She was covered with silver. She looked very young last year. Her appearance was very ordinary, even slightly ugly, but there were no wrinkles on her face. In particular, her eyes were bright and clear like a girl. Her eyes were soft and smiling, making people feel like spring breeze.

Hua Lanting sighed in his heart. There is a good saying: when a person is old, the best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but there is no wind and frost on his face. It is most appropriate to describe this woman.

Lao Zi looked around the seven people and said, "good morning, mother-in-law. I'm wang Jinlian, the chief guest teacher of the Tiangang hall teaching group. I'm in charge of your training."

Yi LiuNian didn't completely sober up after his hangover last night. His son was a little dizzy. In addition, he was very happy to see that he and Wen Yin were the only two of the seven people, so he focused on Wen Yin. After listening to Wang Jinlian's words, he promised:

"Oh, Hello, Professor Pan. I'm Yi LiuNian."

The other six immediately swallowed the greetings to their lips and stared at Yi LiuNian together. Wen Yin simply kicked him. The scene was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Wang Jinlian was stunned for a moment, but she didn't see her angry. She just smiled and said to Yi LiuNian, "Xiao Yi, it's easy to say. Your self introduction is very unique and impressive. Then, aunt pan, I, uh, remember you."

Yi LiuNian also reacted and shrunk his neck.

It was not cold in the early morning sun. Under Wang Jinlian's gentle gaze, he inexplicably felt that his back spine was connected to the back of his neck.

Wang Jinlian ignored him and said, "for some reasons, the door has temporarily adjusted the staffing. Other people will form a reserve team to travel alone. The seven of you will be the main force of this competition."

Glancing around, she said, "I don't need to introduce their names. I know all of them. They are handsome men and beautiful women. Dao Qiongsi was born as tall as me. In my experience, do male disciples often feel ashamed in front of you?"

Dao Qiongsi learned the lesson of Yi LiuNian and replied honestly, "you always say that short male disciples often take the initiative to talk to me, but most of them ask me if I eat a lot because I am so tall and strong."

Wang Jinlian smiled again: "teach you an experience first, and then someone will ask, and tell him: you are so short and so small, why don't you sell cooking cakes."

Seven people smiled.

Wang Jinlian continued to speak softly and gently: "the special training lasts for three days. My task is to squeeze out your potential, polish your cooperation, and improve your abilities in singles, doubles and mixed group warfare. By the way, I almost forgot, as well as the ability to be beaten and resist. Don't stay in the training next time. Be sure to go all out."

"It's said that some of you have met brother Pingtou, so the slogan of our special training this time is to look down on life and death and do it if you don't accept it! Old woman, aunt pan, I just want to kill you all, or kill you all."

Now everyone felt the cold of immersion.

Three days later, everyone understood why the departure date was arranged seven days later, because none of them could get off the ground. They were all in bed and took pills.

During the training, they were patted countless times by Wang Jinlian either with meat palms or with spiritual power from inside to outside. Wang Jinlian's cultivation is characterized by being fast, accurate and cruel. It is as fast as a ghost, accurate as a ruler and cruel as a hammer.

In the end, everyone was aroused to share a common hatred. Only by relying on the cooperation and replacement of each other's martial arts and techniques can we reduce the number of times of being beaten, which basically met the requirements of special training and were carried back to their homes.

Seven days later, in the morning, hualanting packed up all kinds of Lingbao miraculous medicines and equipment given to him by the door and other teachers. Then we gathered together and waited to meet Shang Chenxi.

Before leaving, the team leader of the competition briefly came to meet them. This man is the first deputy hall leader of Tiangang hall. The old man's name is Lu Duanshao. He has red hair, red face, full of Qi and speaks loudly. Everyone had to use spiritual power to protect their ears. What Hua Lanting didn't expect was that the fourth senior brother Shu Luntai was also present.

Lu Duanshao didn't speak too much. He just said that the trip was not as simple as expected, and there might be unexpected difficulties, but he also comforted everyone that you don't have to think much, as long as all actions follow the command. In addition, he and Shu Luntai will only follow in secret before arriving at the competition, but they will not show up easily, so that they will obey Shang Chenxi's arrangement.

After Lu Duan burned away, Shu Luntai stayed to tell Hua Lanting that Yun Yiqi's words meant that the power of Xianzhou's richest businessmen was intertwined, so that they could have a good relationship with Shang Chenxi as much as possible during the trip, and learn more business things by the way.

Before long, they waited for the merchant's motorcade outside the mountain gate.

Shang Chenxi was as forthright as ever. As soon as he met, he gave each of the seven people three improved flash Lei Yanzhu as a gift.

Hualanting and Shang Chenxi are old acquaintances. They also met another acquaintance in the caravan, which is the behind the scenes leader of Zhulian gang and bike village Niu Kelian who met in Wulan mountain range. Because of his business talent, this man was later paid by Shang Chenxi. This time, he helped Shang Chenxi. It seems that he has become a confidant.

There is also an old man worth noting. Shang Chenxi calls him baojianbo. It seems that he should be an expert responsible for protecting the second childe of the merchant. The Weng followed the waiter's side at dawn. His eyes were half open and half closed. He seemed to close rather than open, ignoring others.

The merchant's motorcade is very imposing. There are more than 20 carts and 10 people. After departure, Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi LiuNian and Zhu Geyun were invited to take a luxury carriage with Shang Chenxi, Niu Kelian and Bao Jianbo, and the other three were arranged to drive alone.

The caravan moved forward meandering. After coming out of Mengbi Shenghua mountain, it raised its speed. The carts were pulled by selected spirit beasts. They could not feel the bumps in the car. There were all kinds of wine and fruit in the carriage.

On the way, both Shang Chenxi and Niu Kelian were talking with each other. According to him, the schedule is not tight. There will be several transactions to negotiate before arriving at the destination. You can visit mountains and rivers at other times.

When it was getting dark, the team entered a town called xiaoqingyang. After settling down in the top hotel team, Shang Chenxi took seven people to the street.

The town is not big or small. It's quite prosperous. People randomly find a small restaurant near the street to eat.

During the banquet, Hua Lanting remembered Yun Yiqi's instructions, looked for a conversation, and asked, "second Lord Shang, I think this restaurant faces the street and has a corner. Its geographical location is good. It is supposed that the business is not bad. Why aren't there many guests?"

Shang Chenxi said, "good question. Last time I was in Wulan mountain, I seemed to enlighten you. This time, let me answer this question and give you a lesson."

Niu Kelian wiped his mouth, twisted his fat body, looked around, smiled before saying anything, and the standard merchant style: "the location is really excellent. The business is not good. In addition to the external factors of the scale of the town, it is mostly poor management."

The owner of the hotel just came to renew the tea at this time. He looked like an honest man. He was not angry when he heard this. Instead, he asked with a smiling face: "my guest is right. Originally, our business was very prosperous, but since my father died and handed it to me, the villain was so stupid that it went from bad to worse. Do you have experience to teach me?"

Niu Kelian said with a smile, "look at your honesty, I'll give you a few words. Let me ask you, what's in your corner basket?"

The boss turned his head and said, "Alas, this is not a bad business. I bought a lot of fruit from my relatives in the countryside and wanted to open up a source of money, but the market was average. There were all the remaining rotten fruits in several baskets, so I had to throw them away after tonight."

Niu Kelian asked Hua Lanting, "depending on you, how can we deal with these rotten fruits so as not to waste?"

Hua Lanting walked over and looked at it and replied, "almost all of them are moldy. It must be that they can't sell them. The most is to reduce the price. Maybe someone will buy them back in baskets to feed livestock or something."

Niu Kelian shook his head, asked Hua Lanting to take some, and asked the boss to bring a knife. His fingers as fat as drumsticks were extremely flexible. He peeled and cut a pile of rotten fruit into pieces, and then manipulated a shape to make a beautiful fruit platter. He said to the boss:

"If you want to attract customers, you should make use of the waste and use the fruit tray as a gift after dinner to please and attract customers. If you want to realize it, you should turn it up five or ten times according to the cost price. Traveling merchants or rich people like us who want face in front of customers or friends will not care about these small money, do you think so?"

The boss likes color and praises it.

Niu Kelian pointed to a stall outside the store and asked, "does that girl sell things at your door have anything to do with you?"

The boss replied, "back to you, it's a little girl. My son and I are in charge of the restaurant. I do some clothing sewing work in the backyard and my daughter sells it at the stall. Anyway, I'm idle to make up for my family."

Niu Kelian then asked, "how do you sell your scarf and shawl?"

Boss: "the value is too low. We can't use the top and bottom Lingshi to price. One price is just three pieces of broken and defective Lingshi used by our ordinary people."

Niu Kelian wanted to show off. He let everyone watch. He and his boss went downstairs and stood in front of the stall.

After a while, the old cow first let some pedestrians pass, stopped a group of young men and women with relatively bright clothes, and asked the leader: "young man, seeing that the weather is getting colder, do you want to add a hand-made high-grade Plush shawl to the beautiful partner in advance? Warming up is secondary, and the key is warming up."

Before the young man spoke, her girlfriend had gently pursed her lips and looked at him with a charming smile.

The young man blushed and asked, "how to sell it, uncle."

"Not expensive, not expensive. Thirty pieces of inferior spirit stone and a pure silk scarf."

"I'll go. Why don't you grab it? It's ridiculous!"

Niu Kelian: "Oh, young man, you are so handsome and handsome that you can't bargain. Come on, can't you ask me if I can sell the three spirit stones“

"Then... Three... No, do you sell a cheap spirit stone?"

"Anyway, I'm going to close the stall and go home. Sell it! Young man, how many do you want with your friends? I'll give you a 20% discount for more than ten."

Back upstairs, the boss couldn't shut his mouth with a smile. Isn't it? This deal is worth his daughter's usual income of three or two months.

Shang Chenxi said to hualanting and others: "how?"

Yi LiuNian said, "it's an eye opener. Brother Niu is so awesome. I have a lot of brains. I'm a straight man. I really don't have these colorful intestines."

Shang Chenxi turned straight and said, "Daniel has talent, but these skills are also trained by trial and error. Daniel, tell the boys about your experience and suffering when you were young."

Niu Kelian nodded and said, "what the owner said is good. When I was young, I really did a lot of business in order to survive. For a few years, I specialized in buying and selling Feng Shui aura cemeteries. Therefore, I went to almost every family in the surrounding ten mile eight villages and went to many Xiuzhen sects to sell."

"After a year's work, I concluded that I had asked 2358 people, of whom 1105 were willing to listen to me, 310 expressed interest in further understanding, of which 120 would go to the scene with me, 82 would seriously consider it, 59 were moved, would come to me to discuss specific issues, 38 decided to buy it, and Finally, 24 transactions were concluded. "

"I got a commission of 4100 spirit stones. After deducting various costs, I actually made 3000 spirit stones. So I came to the conclusion at that time: every time I asked for a potential target guest, I could earn a multi spirit stone."

Shang Chenxi said, "do you hear me? Businessmen are interested. They come to make money and live for profits, but they are willing to work hard for money and pay for interests. There has never been a free dinner in this world."

"Boss, check out."

"Nineteen spirit stones are the bookkeeping of the seven of you. Daniel, go back to Vientiane gate and ask for them urgently. Calculate your appearance fee and class fee."

"Remember, give me half."

"Also, shawl income should be at least 30% commission."