The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 139

Hua Lanting nodded thoughtfully: "then, elder Yu, the so-called Tao heart is only difficult. In your opinion, what is Tao? What is heart?"

Chen Lu'an coughed and said leisurely, "well, when you repair to the void and land, you can become a Tao."

Hua Lanting was inexplicable, so he kept chasing and asked, "when can the void land?"

Chen Lu'an cleared his throat again and replied solemnly, "when you become a Tao."

Hua Lanting Muran: "this is too mysterious."

Chen Lu'an hummed twice: "this is a Zen machine. It has profound meaning. It depends on your understanding."

"Why does Zen often ask a chicken to answer a dog, referring to the East and the west? The so-called asking no fixed person and answering no fixed method. The root of the questioner is different, and the way of answering is also different, which is called teaching students according to their aptitude."

"Whether or not the Tao will become a Tao and when it will become a Tao are fundamentally unpredictable. For an unknown question, the best way to answer is to take the head with the tail and say the head with the tail. In this way, we look at each other from beginning to end and go back and forth."

"Even if you are like me, you don't dare to talk nonsense about Tao. The founder of the Tao said: Tao can be Tao, very Tao. It means that the Tao that can be said is not the real Tao. The Tao that people usually think and understand is only a small part of the Tao."

"It's also said that those who know don't speak, and those who speak don't know. The strong name is Tao. It's just for expression, so I have to choose a name to communicate. I haven't got the Tao, so you ask me, I can only barely say, you can only barely listen."

Hua Lanting seemed to feel something, but that feeling was like snow and mud claws and drizzle plum blossoms. He simply put it down for the time being and asked, "what is the heart?"

Chen Lu'an raised his hand and pointed to the sky. Suddenly, a skylight opened in the dark space, revealing a vast sky. The bright moonlight and starlight were sprinkled, and white clouds floated. The peaks, trees, ponds and animals were clearly visible, and the sound of frogs came from time to time.

"Look at the cloud, it's like my heart. This heart doesn't move, it moves randomly."

"The cloud looks motionless, but in fact, it will be very different as long as it waits a little. People can't tell whether the cloud is good or bad at this moment, and they shouldn't expect it to become. Therefore, they generally won't be dissatisfied with it."

"If you think the clouds are free, your heart is free. But the clouds are rolling and comfortable, just like the ups and downs of life. The clouds are actually free. However, people are not free."

Hua Lanting closed his eyes, thought for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and continued to ask, "my predecessor mentioned Zen before. I must also know about Buddhism. What I want to ask is, what are the similarities and differences between Taoism and Buddhism, which is higher and which is lower?"

Chen Lu'an smiled: "you are really smart. Yes, I was originally a Confucian scholar and later studied Buddhism. Later, I was lucky to join the Taoist school. I am one of the few people who participate in the school, so I have some experience. I might as well share it with you."

"From our Taoist standpoint, the broad sense of the road can be said to include all. The road includes tangible and intangible, including time, space, low dimension and high dimension, as well as underworld, white Taoism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and evil Taoism, including all ideology."

"However, as previously said, Tao is just a name. At a higher level and realm, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are the same, just as people close to the ideal state are called real people, supreme people, saints, sages, Buddha and Bodhisattva, but they have different names."

"When people in different fields reach a certain level, they are almost the same."

"The so-called great masters, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and ancient sages are all people who can directly connect with the universe and truth in the cloud. I dare not speculate what is going up, but from the known classics, they represent the ultimate state that an individual can pursue——

It is complete, omniscient, omnipotent, forgetful of form and emotion, but warm, peaceful, happy and free, giving people a faint sense of joy rather than a strong sense of oppression. "

"One of the core viewpoints of the book of changes is that they are in a state of managing the economy, keeping the norm and being flexible - they know what kind of state they are in and can hold it, but at the same time, they are very sensitive to changes in the outside world and can actively embrace changes."

"Maybe we can't reach this state in our whole life, but it doesn't prevent you from knowing that there is such a state, and someone has been there."

"When we have doubts, indignation, fear and greed, this is a coordinate for us to correct our words and deeds."

"If I have to give an example, I want to use the word Confucian supreme benevolence."

"People often say that benevolence is invincible. Benevolence can be, but it doesn't just mean benevolence and righteousness, kindness, kindness, loyalty and filial piety and compassion."

"In fact, in my opinion, benevolence is not a character, but an ability! An ability that can communicate and adapt to all things without being influenced by the outside world. In this way, it can be called invincible. Otherwise, you should know that throughout the ages, there are many people with benevolence who can't achieve things or achieve Tao. What kind of benevolent person is invincible? The human design of benevolent person is simply unique around All of them are enemies! "

"Confucius is actually a good person who integrates idealism and realism. He is full of longing and pursuit for the way of a gentleman. At the same time, he is always alert to the dangers brought by the cruelty of reality and the shortcomings of human nature."

"If you only pursue ideals, it is easy to put yourself in a dangerous situation; if you are willing to stay in the comfort zone without the ideal of a gentleman, then morality is easy to degenerate."

"As for the differences, there are naturally some - the paths and methods to reach the peak are just different."

"Therefore, Taoism believes that many things are just different, and there is no distinction between right and wrong, right and wrong, and superior and inferior."

"For example, in our Taoism, although we also emphasize education without discrimination, we will choose disciples from virtue and qualification. We believe that many people have destiny and talent for many things. Cultivating Taoism is an extremely difficult matter, which is related to life and death. Taoism is not willing to support anyone to try."

"Look at the Parthenocissus in the mountains. Even if it faces a rock wall, it can grow on its own. If you change the grapevine, don't build a shelf?"

"Look at this cactus. No one cares and no one cares. You can still live well. Try raising a pot of Phalaenopsis? More water dies, less water dies, hot dies, and cold dies."

"Therefore, each plant has its own good, each plant has its own correct opening method, each has its own way, and explores its own way. Others can refer to it, but we can't follow it blindly."

"To put it simply, what is Tao? Can people get Tao? In the affirmative method, Tao is the road, everyone can walk, otherwise it is not Tao. In the negative method, not everyone can become Tao, because people have demons."

"A person has the possibility of becoming a Tao, but having is not equal to being, not equal to being able, not equal to doing. Everyone can walk, but very few can go to the end, go very far and go all the way - this is an indisputable fact and reality."

"Taoism takes one angle and Buddhism takes another."

"Buddhists want to pick up everyone. They don't let go of everyone, not one less. Buddhism believes that everyone has Buddha nature and everything has Buddha nature. This is a kind of great compassion, great wish, great knowledge and great behavior - this is an indisputable ideal and vision."

"In my eyes, I have both Buddhism and Taoism. Tao is like clenching a fist, and Buddha is like spreading his hand. Fist is also a hand, hand is also a fist, hand is the body of fist, and fist is the use of hand."

"I said it's hard for the void to fall into a place and become a Tao. Because the void is right in front of us. Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are all in it, but the void can't be moved. It has nothing to increase, nothing to reduce, and it doesn't live or die. How can it fall to the ground to accommodate all things?"

Hua Lanting was completely immersed in Chen Lu'an's words. At the moment, he unconsciously asked himself, "it's difficult, isn't it? Difficulties are used to overcome. Since someone has reached them, there is still a way to go."

Chen Lu'an laughed and said, "good boy. You know what I mean. Good. There are not only roads, but also many. Buddha has Dharma and Tao has magic. Even if there is no road, you should create a road to heaven!"

"There is no increase or decrease in the void as a whole, but it can't be done locally. A little makes a lot. When you integrate with it and don't distinguish from each other, you can do whatever you want!"

"There are always dreams. What if they can't be realized? What do you say?"

Seeing Chen Lu'an smiling at himself, Hua Lanting suddenly smiled and said, "you're right. If it can't be realized, it means - if it can't be realized, 99 / 10000 can be realized."

Chen Lu'an laughed loudly: "please come out of the door. Of course, I can't be stingy. I'll give you a magical skill. Come and see!"

Chen Lu'an raised his hand, and a thing flew out and turned into a narrow and slender bottle in the air.

Hua Lanting looked carefully. The bottle body could not see anything strange, but it only felt that there was heaven and earth in it. There seemed to be peaks looming in the clouds and fog. In particular, the bottom of the bottle was bright and dark, as if two objects were stirring and could not tell the clue.

What's more magical is that the moon is reflected in the sky, and there is also a moon in the bottle, but the form continues to evolve from the hook to the full moon.

Chen Lu'an asked, "what can you see from it?"

Hua Lanting was confused: "I can't see clearly in the bottle, but the reflected moon is sharp and round. Does this represent the meaning of Tai Chi Yin and Yang?"

Chen Lu'an asked, "where is the round phase when the moon is sharp? Where is the sharp phase when the moon is round?"

Hua Lanting: "when the point is round, the point is hidden, and when the point is round, the point is in. The point is only a manifestation of the whole round phase, and when it becomes round, the point is contained in it."

Chen Lu'an then said, "when the moon is sharp, it is round, and when it is round, it has no sharp. The reason why the moon is recognized as sharp is because there is a round in people's hearts, and the reason why the moon is called round is because it has no sharp. Come again."

Hua Lanting thought: "when it is sharp, it is not sharp, and when it is round, it is not round. The tip is not the tip of the moon, and the circle is not the full moon. Everything is an illusion made by the heart."

Chen Lu'an nodded with satisfaction: "your understanding is not bad and you have not been surrounded. Just like what you have experienced in the dreamland before, seeing is not necessarily true. It depends on your heart."

"In this world, there are black and white, but more gray areas in the middle, polar cathode and positive, and more common is the chaotic state of mutual mixing, as well as good and bad."

"What's more wonderful is that black and white can be reversed and Yin and yang can be transformed. There are many times when the opposite things are expressed and reflected in the same connection. For example, hualanting, you are very good, you are very good."

Hua Lanting: "yes. Do you have eggs? Do you have eggs?"

Chen Lu'an: "whether it's useful or not depends on you. Whether it's useful or not depends on you."

Hua Lanting: "you can kill him with this, but you can't kill him with this?"

Chen Lu'an: "I miss you so much. You miss me so much."

Hua Lanting: "are you afraid of being a nerd? Are you afraid of not being a nerd?"

Chen Lu'an: "I think you understand. The meaning of these words is the same when there are many Bu words. The meaning of these words is not the same when there are many Bu words? There is a truth of yin and Yang in the pros and cons."

"My baby is called Yunshui Castle Peak vase, embedded with limitless Pisces array. However, before daomen talks about fate and passes on your technique, I'll ask you again, how do you feel in your coma?"

Hua Lanting thought: "many, cold and hot, dark and bright, awake, confused, fear, pain, numbness, itching, sleepiness..."

Chen Lu'an said unkindly, "this is not enough. There are still many waiting for you. What do you look like? Birth sweetness, rebellious spicy, cherish sour, emotional responsibility bitter, physical and mental numbness... Well, I won't spoiled."

"I'll ask you one last question. Be sure to think about it and answer it again. It's related to whether you have fate with this technique. Tell me, what's the feeling that impresses you most?"

Hua Lanting savored it carefully and answered two words: "dizzy food."