The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 137

"What is it?"

"Half are male gods."

Yi LiuNian is flattered. It's gratifying that Zhang Hanyun, who doesn't have much to say, can make such a comment.

What do you think? Zhang Hanyun then said, "the other half is menstrual disease."

"Hahaha!" Wen Yin listened, endured her discomfort, picked up a handful of yellow sand from the ground, held her hands in a heart shape and handed it to Yi LiuNian.

"What is this?" Yi LiuNian asked.

"Earth, don't you know?"

"What do you give me?"

"I mean, I hope you will always fall into my hands."

Yi LiuNian stepped on the hot sand under his feet: "it's not a heart pricking, it's a foot pricking. But I like it. It's a deal."

Although Yi LiuNian and Lin Xianjing cooperated to interrupt, which distracted everyone's attention and boosted their spirit, they still couldn't support them after traveling more than ten miles.

The physical thirst can also make them endure for a while, but the barbecue from the underground steamer is obviously different from the general heat, which seems to make people's spirit wither.

Yi LiuNian trembled and said to Lin Xianjing, "but, OK, we have reached the limit and achieved the purpose of exercise. Take out the baby quickly, otherwise it will really become a kebab, and I can't even protect my clothes."

Lin Xianjing also felt that his vision was blurred and knew that he could not drag any more, so he raised his hand and took out the ice cold frozen human bead he had obtained before and applied it according to law.

This thing is really good. It emits bursts of cold water vapor, covering an area of about three feet.

When the people gathered in it, they recovered and were able to breathe.

They take turns to rest, change people one by one, control and urge the Pearl, and continue to walk forward under its protection.

In an unknown space, hualanting was suspended in the air, his body was stiff, his eyes were closed, and his face was painful.

I don't know how long it has been. He just feels that his weak and tired consciousness has been floating in the void. The familiar feeling of penetrating the barrier makes him know that more than one space has been changed during this period.

At first, it was a dark and dull feeling, surrounded by silence. Once there was a silver flash, which seemed to take something away from his mind. He desperately wanted to get it back. He wanted to break his head. He couldn't figure out what it was and couldn't get it back. It seemed that he was no longer complete.

Later, he felt unbearable pain, such as being stabbed by thousands of needles, and one round after another, which made him miserable. Life was better than death. He died and lived, coming and going. However, there were several powerful forces in the Dantian who attacked and guarded him recklessly, which made him unable to die.

Next, I entered a warm place, as comfortable as I can't say in the mother's body, followed by the numb itching like ten thousand ants. He wanted to tear and crush himself sadly, but his hands and feet couldn't make any effort.

Later, it was cold to the bone, such as lying naked on the ice for 39 days. Hualanting was desperate and just wanted to freeze his consciousness and fainted, which was better than this endless freezing suffering.

After that, it was suddenly replaced by hot continuous baking until consciousness was confused and breathing was weak. Hua Lanting felt that he began to talk nonsense. The images in his mind began to flash from his childhood, and all kinds of characters met in his memory came on stage one after another.

Sometimes people's voice is like thunder in their ears, and sometimes it floats away. The sound is like whispering. The back and forth scene is very uncomfortable, such as falling into a nightmare.

Then came one nightmare after another.

For example, first I dreamed of being chased and beaten to half death by a group of people, and then I woke up. The problem is that I have to continue to sleep after waking up.

As a result, I dreamed of the same group of people, or those gangsters, shouting at him: you boy, dare to come back

In this way, hualanting wakes up and wakes up, but it can't stop sleepiness, endless sleep and endless nightmares. It seems that it goes back and forth from sleepiness in spring to napping in summer, to fatigue in autumn and sleepless winter and March.

At the same time, there are three unreal and unknown figures in the void.

One of them said, "brother Lu an, what do you think of this son?"

The man called Lu'an replied, "it's OK, just so. Why, elder Haopu wants to cultivate it?"

Elder Haopu snorted: "what's ok? He has passed the four steaming and four brewing stages and has not lost his mind. He is talented and has a good heart. How can I remember Chen Lu'an? You were jealous and were beaten with only half a breath. It seems that you were thrown out after three steaming."

Chen Lu'an smiled: "that's it. If our eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, don't laugh a hundred steps at fifty steps. You, elder Meng Haopu, worked as a gun driver at that time. You have lost more than half your life. You haven't passed the pass of three wines."

Meng Haopu said with a smile, "it's easy to say. I always admire elder Chen's great talent. It's a pity that he is a great talent who pinches the head and ends. His full name is ambition and talent."

Chen Lu'an didn't show weakness, and replied, "you're welcome. Meng Changlao is an expert in the world without doubt. He just continues to be an expert with high eyes and low hands."

The third figure spoke at this time, but he couldn't hear the size of his age: "OK, you two boys have fought all your life and are still like children when you are old. Hurry, who will enlighten the child."

Elder Chen Meng seemed afraid to disobey the will of the third figure. Elder Chen looked at elder Meng and said with a stare: "the old rule, right, right, who wins and who wins."

Meng Changlao blew his beard: "yes, that's right. I'm afraid of you! You didn't match the couplet presented by my disciples and grandchildren last time. This time you say it first."

Elder Chen was not convinced: "that's not your level. You have grandchildren and I have grandchildren. Now my grandchildren have come up."

"Listen, it's just that thieves steal things secretly. It's very simple. I'm reasonable to Kong Mingming. What can I do?"

Before elder Meng answered, the third figure said, "wonderful. It turns out that the children often say that Mingming children refer to Mr. Zhuge Kongming in Wolong?"

Elder Chen threw his mouth and winked at elder Meng. They agreed not to take over the next crop.

Elder Chen continued proudly, "and there is more than one second couplet. The other is history books, ancient and modern. How about? Ha ha ha."

Elder Meng said faintly, "that article has been exposed. It's today's."

Elder Chen smiled strangely: "today is today. I got a good sentence a few days ago. Please give me some advice. My couplet is: the bird is in the cage. I hate Guan Yu can't fly. How about it?"

Elder Meng pondered for a long time and said dejectedly, "it's wonderful. It's a semantic pun. The bird can't flap its wings in the cage. Zhang Yu can't fly high. The meaning of failure and injustice can be seen on the paper. The names of the two characters of Guan Zhang are embedded in it. It's really wonderful. I can't tell."

Elder Chen looked up at the sky and laughed: "brother Meng is single. Since you admit defeat readily, I won't be very sorry for myself. I'll be helped by the Chinese boy." then he shook away and disappeared.

The left Meng Changlao was silent. The third figure suddenly asked, "Xiao Meng, I don't think you're right? You deliberately let Xiao Chen?"

Elder Meng replied, "it's not all. Word games belong to games. Old Chen has both Buddhism and Taoism. He has exquisite cultivation and sharp mouth. He is more suitable for teaching younger generations than me."

"Second, the first couplet is really difficult. Although I have one sentence, it is not very neat, but it is a little short of meaning. The bird in his sentence implies the meaning of Zhuge Liang's prosperity in the cage. My second couplet is always flawed."

"Oh, tell me."

"In dealing with the world, one must be more aware of the Eight Precepts."