The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 115

Just do it.

Hua Lanting and Jia Xiaochun, the disciples who have just entered the peak, do not have their own customized forge and high-quality ore, but the ordinary stove and refined iron in the space device are enough for them to refine the simplest stilts.

Jia Xiaochun quickly drew a sketch, and soon they made fourteen stilts with foot supports and handles.

It's not difficult for all the little masters to control this big chopstick like toy. You can walk freely after a few practice.

Sure enough, everyone standing two feet above the air said there was no sense of pressure, and the seven people went up the mountain road like a centipede.

Hua Lanting took the lead and went up to about one-third of fake peak in one breath. He stopped when he silently counted nearly 360 steps.

The front is about to enter the slow 18 part. The steps in front are no longer steep and become gentle and wide.

After scanning the spiritual consciousness, everyone found that there was pressure two feet above the air in the next section, and the stilt method was no longer applicable. The good thing was that the strength also decreased to the range they could bear.

Tian Jingsha said: "it seems that this section is going to break through. At the current intensity, if the pressure remains the same, even if I have to rest several times on the way to barely pass."

Hua Lanting looked forward and thought deeply.

Yuan Geng asked him, "Lan Ting, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, the two men have a good relationship with the woman one after the other. What's the relationship between them?"

"Before and after," Tian Jingsha said.

"Sympathize with brother," Jia Xiaochun replied.

"Yan Shuangfei." Luo Siyu said, "pinxiao Lane flute plus an old man's cart."

"Hua Lanting, you pickle!" Huo huixiao said angrily.

"Luo Siyu, you are dirty!" Gu CHENFENG scolded.

Hua Lanting patted his forehead: "I was distracted just now. I'm sorry. I mean, what I want to ask is that two men married a pair of sister flowers, not two pairs. Oh, it's hard. They married their sister and her sister respectively. What's their relationship?"

"Brother in law."


"What else?"

"A load!"


Hua Lanting said, "since there is no way in heaven, we might as well find the best in both directions. You see, we can't fall on the grass on both sides of the mountain road, but we can hang it. There is no spiritual pressure on both sides."

Jia Xiaochun narrowed her eyes: "you mean to be a long shoulder pole. One person carries two people. Those two people fall on both sides of the mountain road, so they don't have to bear pressure."

"That's right. Then everyone changes shifts and takes turns to rest. Isn't it twice the result with half the effort, faster and better?"

Just do it.

Hua Lanting and Jia Xiaochun started the furnace again and tempered two big and thick shoulder poles. The 14 stilts were returned to the furnace before. Because they were destroyed by the high pressure of the tight 18 sections, the interior of the fine iron that looked as usual had been brittle.

In this way, it was much easier. In addition to Huo huixiao and Gu CHENFENG's two daughters being taken care of and taking a sightseeing ride in the air, five male disciples took turns to carry the burden, and a racing race was held during the period.

In the place of strong interest, someone sang the folk songs of his hometown to help the fun:

"The mountain road here is eighteen bends."

"The routine here is nine linked."

"The streets here are huddled together."

"The salted fish here are dried."

Unknowingly, the mountain pickers came to the end of the 18th slow section.

Here, we are all a little silly when we see that there are 18 sections of mountain roads ahead. This time hualanting is also frowning and silent.

On both sides of the first two sections of the mountain path are low alpine meadows. The mountain circled but not very steep. The third section was suddenly pulled up, the slope increased greatly, and there were no steps. It was full of potholes and dirt roads. There was no buffer belt on both sides, and the trees, shrubs and strange rocks were staggered.

Steepness doesn't matter. It takes some effort. What's fatal is that the pressure exists all around the mountain road, and the strength recovers the high pressure in the middle and rear of the first section. The previous two ingenious methods don't work.

Hua Lanting said, "ten people are tight, eighteen are slow, and eighteen are not tight. Now I understand that it should mean not only not slow but eighteen - but even tighter."

Yuan even looked at the sky: "the sun has tilted to the west, and fog has emerged on the distant peak. Although we can see things at night to a certain extent, it will also be affected."

"If you can't reach the Zhou appreciation Pavilion before evening, you'll have to go camping. It's good to say. I'm afraid it'll delay the time."

As he spoke, he turned to look around and said, "have you noticed that there is no spiritual pressure on the grass on both sides."

Hua Lanting said, "but we can't land on the ground. Flying on the grass is a section. We can't climb such a far and steep mountain by stilts, and we can't avoid the circling high-pressure mountain road on the way."

Jia Xiaochun said, "it's a pity that we don't have a protective suit. We rely on pills to temporarily improve our skills. We don't know if we can break in by force?"

Tian Jingsha replied, "you can have a try, but yuan Geng and I don't have much inventory. It depends on whether it's worth it. In addition, we can't guarantee to support the pavilion."

Yuan Geng said, "try to save the pill for later use. I'm thinking about one thing. LAN Ting, do you see anything?"

Hua Lanting followed his eyes for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Seeing doesn't mean seeing."

"Seeing is not seeing."

"To see clearly is not to understand."

"To understand is not to see through."

"To see through is not to see through."

"To see through is not to see through."

"Do you always talk so philosophically?" Yuan Geng asked.

"No, it's just that there are eighteen bends in the philosophical mountain road... Brother, if you ask, you must have some discoveries and ideas. Tell them."

Yuan pointed to the front and said, "you see, there is no spiritual pressure in the grass here, and there are several tall Populus euphratica trees scattered."

"I was thinking, can you use them to take a way from the air to avoid the mountain road and go directly to the Zhou appreciation pavilion?"

Everyone was delighted at the speech. This is a way to try.

Hua Lanting thought about it and said, "it's a bold and good idea, but there are several difficulties and risks."

"First, the distance from here to the nearest tree and several trees in the distance is different. We can't get there directly by our ability."

If the disciples of the three mountains accompany the moon have the time to prepare and the distance to run up, they can barely do it by jumping thirty or fifty feet. No matter how far away, only a few are good at the lightness skill.

Looking at the past here, some trees are obviously close to a hundred feet between them. No one can fly across in the air.

"The second point," Hua Lanting said, "we can only see this side now. It's hard to say whether there were trees around the mountain in the past. If not, we'll be in a dilemma."

"Third, the tree is very tall. I just don't know if there is high pressure when crossing the mountain road."

"Well, you're right. Overcome one problem by one. It's really not possible. Let's rush again. Do any of you have any better suggestions?"

Seeing that everyone shook his head, Yuan Geng continued: "the last two points mentioned by LAN Ting can only take a chance. At that time, the first one needs us to brainstorm and see what we can do. Who has a rope?"

Luo Siyu said, "Chen Feng and I have. They are used when we practice driving animals. They are soft steel cables. They are very strong. One is twenty or thirty feet long, and several can be connected."

Gu CHENFENG said, "with the triple body method of yuhengfeng Yangguan, I can probably leap 70 or 80 feet, no more."

Hua Lanting said, "I can help you with concealed weapons. Just leave some spare strength. In this way, it should be possible."

Luo Siyu said again, "then I won't hide anything. More than 100 feet, I have a way to send the steel cable."

"That's good." Yuan Geng didn't ask much. He asked everyone to meditate and regulate their breath, recover the consumption just walking on the two sections of mountain road, and be full of energy.

When everyone was ready, Gu CHENFENG tied the soft rope on her back to the rock here. The first tree was less than 50 feet away. She jumped out like a big bird spreading its wings. She turned over twice in the air for air. When she fell again, she stood on the branches of Populus euphratica.

Fasten the soft cable. The second one is Jia Xiaochun. The guy said he was afraid of heights and only dared to hang the soft cable and rub it over.

The remaining five people all stood on the soft rope with their feet broken and tight, and ran through in the air.

After everyone came, Gu CHENFENG shook her wrist and the soft rope was taken back by her.

In this way, after two more trees, the next one is a little far away.

Gu CHENFENG is recovering from interest rate adjustment.

Hua Lanting's speed of changing to dodge in short sprint may be better than Gu CHENFENG, but they are not fully sure of this kind of long-distance jump in the air in one breath.

Chong hualanting nodded. Gu CHENFENG got up and rushed out. The height of the jump was low. After two light and beautiful rotations, he stepped down with one foot.

A piece of leftover steel thrown by hualanting in advance flew to her feet. With a little strength, her body sank and floated again. She would stretch out her hand to hook a section of branch and turn over to stand on the trunk.

When it was done, the crowd cheered softly.

When I turned around the mountain, I was lucky. The distance between Populus euphratica trees was within the reachable range. The optional route could also avoid the threatening mountain path or fly over from high altitude. I only took care of the strength of CHENFENG. Because the slope was getting steeper and steeper, it was more difficult, so I had to take a pill to return air.

After climbing up a Populus euphratica that could see Zhou's pavilion, there was no shortcut. There was a small distance of 200 feet between the mountain road and the pavilion.

"Look at you." Gu CHENFENG's face flushed, and Jiao gasped to Luo Siyu.

Luo Siyu smiled and took something out of his arms.

Except Gu CHENFENG and Huo huixiao, the four people flashed their eyes and looked surprised.

Luo Siyu's spirit beast is actually a cicada!

Yes, not one finger zen, but a cicada.

Although it's bigger, it's the size of someone's fist.

Although the color is strange, with golden patterns in black, red eyes and green cicada wings,

Although the mouthpiece straw is larger, it has the thickness of fingers.

Although the two raised eyes bulged out after seeing the four people, stared round and turned around in disorder, it seems that they are fierce and have a little fierce, sneaky and funny.

But it is indeed a cicada.

Luo Siyu seemed very satisfied with everyone's reaction and said, "open your eyes. Although CHENFENG's spirit beast and I are not high-level at present, they are not vulgar at all, and both have good growth."

"My scientific name is red eyed summer cicada. I call it Xiao Xia."

"You should know that when the hot sun is at the head and the first cicada sound resounds through the earth, you can say with certainty - summer is really coming."

"Cicada is the most representative animal of summer. The word Xia in Oracle Bone Inscriptions is like a cicada."

"Some people say that the chirp of cicadas seems to have been robbed for a long time, so do the dust and the world."

As if she understood Luo Siyu's words and was eager to prove it, Xia cicada suddenly called "cicada", with a high, restless, warm and long voice.

The point is that the sound is like a cow roaring and a flood bell, which surprised the four unprepared people by surprise.

Jia Xiaochun asked, "brother Luo, what else can this thing do besides barking?"

"That's a lot. Let's open one first, that is, short-distance flight."