The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 109

Hua Lanting first explained his holiday with second Chiang Kai Shek.

Chao tianque asked, "teacher, what will happen?"

Feng Huolun said: "teacher, preaching and teaching can also solve doubts. This action is mainly designed and implemented by you two. I am only responsible for guidance and suggestions."

Hua Lanting said, "the first thing to do is to decide what degree."

Feng Huolun asked, "what do you think?"

Hua Lanting thought deeply and replied, "the simple way is to take a breath and teach the second Chiang a lesson, so that they can restrain themselves and don't be too arrogant and domineering."

Feng Huolun said: "it's ok if it's just an internal contradiction, but now Jiang Gongping deliberately withholds the proper distribution of resources, which has hindered the development of the sect."

Hua Lanting said, "if you buckle your hat, you should make an example of others, knock on the mountain and shock the tiger, and make an example of others. You must make a fierce move, kill with one blow, and remove this cancer, but will you be suspected of taking over the others?"

Feng Huolun said, "it's everyone's responsibility to protect the country. It's the duty of the disciples to protect the sect. As long as the teacher is famous, you can do it freely and bear the responsibility for the teacher if something happens."

Chao tianque was afraid that the world would not be disordered. He said eagerly, "that is, we can do things by ourselves without notifying Tiangang hall for investigation."

Feng Huolun said: "if Tiangang hall is involved, the process will not only last a long time, but also won't quarrel. We are self-defense and protect our reasonable rights and interests. But once we get the evidence, we should inform them that enough is enough, so as to prevent too much."

Hua Lanting said, "I see. Then we have assumed that Jiang Gongping has violated the door rules and wants to add a crime?"

Feng Huolun: "the research and experiment focuses on bold assumptions and careful verification. We should not wrong a good man, nor should we let go of the cracked eggs. The important thing is the evidence. You might as well imagine what the problem may be with Jiang Gongping."

Hua Lanting: "embezzle resources, take them as existing, and fill your own pockets?"

Chao tianque: "abuse of power, suppress dissidents, public tools for private use?"

"What else?" Feng Huolun asked: "as far as I know, the Jiang family is a medium-sized Xiuzhen family in Xianzhou. Jiang Gongping's ink greedy resources these years can't be used alone."

Hua Lanting: "that's to profit at the expense of the public and private interests, dig the corner of the sect, and be a fat sect moth."

Chao tianque: "there are also confidants who can be trusted by others. If they are not in good condition, they will collude with foreign enemies, sell intelligence, and the seller seeks glory?"

Feng Huolun rolled his eyes: "well, you have a rich imagination. We should first dare to make divergent associations and try our best to exhaust all possibilities, otherwise there will be no new inventions."

"Second, we should close up after brainstorming and sort out the possibilities on the premise of determining the boundary, otherwise it will become boundless speculation."

"The next step is to classify and sort all possible items under existing conditions, merge similar items, and set priorities."

"This is a dimension for research, and another dimension is the difference and consideration of goal direction, means and methods."

"To be clear, everything has to be created twice."

"The first step is to conceive and plan in your mind and determine what to do, achieve and achieve. Just like building a house at the construction site, you should first decide whether to build a hall or a toilet. You should first draw a blueprint. This step is to achieve results and be result oriented to ensure effectiveness."

"The second step is the implementation in reality. What can we do to coordinate manpower, materials, capital, construction period and consider risks to achieve the purpose of building a house. This step focuses on efficiency, input-output ratio and the efficiency of the process."

"Effectiveness is how to do the right thing, and efficiency is how to do things correctly."

"Now tell me more about what we're going to do?"

Hua Lanting said: "monitor Jiang Gongping's whereabouts, find the flow of those resources and obtain physical evidence of Jiang Gongping's corruption."

Chao tianque: "visit the person in the peak who has suffered from Jiang Gongping's loss and get his witness to bully and persecute his fellow disciples."

Feng Huolun said: "it's too specific. The first thing to be sure is not this problem. You haven't distinguished the difference between goals and means."

"I remember when I was young, I was poor and couldn't afford to buy a stove for forging smelters. I had to make it myself."

"The furnace must withstand high temperature, but I can't afford high-quality ore metal, so I set out to develop an alloy that can withstand high temperature. However, the test still needs a lot of materials and time, and I still can't catch it."

"Later, I changed my mind. I directly found a cheap material that can melt slowly and take away the high temperature, and made a one-time consumption stove that can be used for a long time. Although it needs to be replaced regularly, the advantage is that the material is cheap and I can afford it."

"That's the difference. My concern was not how to get high-temperature resistant metal. At that time, I couldn't get it even if I sold it, but how to make the furnace wall resistant to high temperature, so I succeeded."

"Speaking of this, I suddenly found that I almost took you astray just now. Even if I am famous, we can't let go."

"As a teacher, you can think of nothing more than stealing into Jiang Gongping's room to see if he is hiding resources, or stealing and searching his storage space, or tracking him down the mountain to see if he will transfer resources."

"But none of these means can come to the table. First, he may not have filled his own pockets, but only used his resources in other legitimate aspects. Second, we must be able to get evidence without his being aware. Third, even if we succeed, the darkness of our means will stain our behavior."

"As a teacher, I am already the vice president of the branch. My identity is different. I must cherish my feathers."

"You should know that as a member of the management, you can't break the law and do things in violation of the law. Otherwise, it's no different from Jiang Gongping."

"Another point is that as the maker or executor of rules and regulations, fairness and justice must be taken into account in dealing with public affairs, and righteousness cannot be used."

"For example, in the vulgar world, there are human traffickers who abduct and sell children. Everyone hates this behavior and asks for severe punishment, but why don't the government catch and kill? Doesn't that scare criminals and put an end to crime?"

"The problem is that if so, in many cases, traffickers will choose to kill children and reduce the possibility of being caught and convicted, because anyway, homicide and trafficking are the same crime, homicide will not bring more serious consequences, which will increase the mortality of abducted people."

"Similarly, if theft, robbery and rape are capital crimes, they will almost all evolve into the final silencing of criminals."

Looking at the righteous face of Feng Huolun, Hua Lanting said, "teacher, I can understand that you are taking the opportunity to tell us the truth and methods of engaging in academic research and dealing with people. However, you have both positive and negative words. What else should we do? I guess Jiang Gongping will not repent and turn himself in."

Feng Huolun said, "as a teacher, I've broken the truth and told you. I've done my duty as a teacher. The best I can do now is to report under my real name."

"As for whether you listen or not and how to do it, it's your business. You're all twenty years old. It's time to have your own judgment and behavior ability.".

"A sect is a sect, not a state or government. You need to speak the king's law. You two are still minors according to the longevity in Xianzhou. It's inevitable to act recklessly and use extreme means..."

Chao tianque scratched his head and asked, "do you want us to go left or right?"

Feng Huolun glared: "are you swollen? Why don't you ask why the door is rectangular? If the door is round, do you want to ask why it is round? The question is, if it is a door, it must have a shape? Won't you make a left turn gesture and people turn right?"

Hua Lanting and Chao tianque looked at each other after listening. They thought that the crazy teacher did not follow the common sense. I really don't know whether it was educating them or abetting them.

Before they could speak again, Feng Huolun got up and walked away. When he reached the door, he suddenly rushed out, turned over the top of the cave and disappeared.

They were about to continue to discuss the directionality of left leaning and right leaning. Hua Lanting narrowed his eyes to avoid the suddenly dazzling sunshine. At the same time, he shouted, "our door! Where is the cave door?"

They looked at the empty door and were blessed to their hearts.

Yes, if it is difficult to choose between the left and the right, there is a third way, that is, take drastic measures, rush out of the door, do not break or stand, do not leave or right, the world and room are already wide, and you can fly freely.

Crazy cave master, you are extremely smart!

What kind of disease is baldness - no problem?

They stayed for a long time. Chao tianque asked, "elder martial brother, does the teacher have a grudge against the door, or does it enlighten us? Do we understand correctly?"

Hua Lanting said, "yes, it should be. Otherwise, anyone who has nothing to do really rushes out of the door. Don't you think the Bodhi ancestor instructed sun monkey to knock him three times and let him learn art in the middle of the night. We're not stupid either."

Chao tianque nodded and asked, "do you think I want to catch up and grab the door back? It's windy and cold."

Hua Lanting said, "No. we live in the cave. Have you ever seen the cave with its own gate? I think it's better to be natural. The poem says: a fairy cave is born, and the infinite scenery is on dangerous peaks."

Chao tianque blinked: "there's a charming Fairy Cave below. There's a towering peak on it? It's natural? Elder martial brother, you don't have to give me a physiology class. In fact, I look younger and older than you. It makes me feel funny and strange to live in Dongming peak."

Hua Lanting had a black line: "Que que, you might as well call Xiao que. You really dare to associate. You are really the material for research. People block Meng people and God block Meng God."

"Elder martial brother, I don't want to fall behind. Since I worship my teacher early and you are old, why don't we be flexible? In the future, you call me elder martial brother and I call you elder martial brother. Won't you have the best of both worlds?"

"Well, we are just different. You have solved the ancient problem of being safe in the world and living up to the Tathagata and Qing."

"Stop, let's solve the problems of Lao Jiang and Xiao Jiang first. Although the teacher used the topic to teach us the methodology of research, the practical problems still need to be solved by us."

The two discussed for a while, based on the advantages of being young, having energy, capital, time and opportunities for trial and error, and following the principle of being shallow on paper and never knowing the matter, they decided to try any method.

After discussing the methods including but not limited to black and white, yin and Yang, positive and evil, straight and crooked, hard and soft, they still think it's better to use the three yin moves mentioned by Feng Huolun to peep, monitor and track.

Speaking of a more specific level of implementation, Hua Lanting asked Chao tianque, "let's learn from everyone. I think we must use some technical means for this action. Do you have any understanding?"

Chao tianque snapped his fingers: "I'm asking the right person. The teacher really has some shocking gadgets. He calls them experimental instruments and equipment. The teacher is an absolute genius. I can't refuse to accept them. I'll play with these gadgets in addition to frying the stove these days. Follow me."

The elder martial brother and the elder martial brother entered the back cave. They found fenghuolun's private goods, so as soon as they inspected them, Chao tianque calculated and debugged them again. Hua Lanting also took out one thing for on-site demonstration. Then they were satisfied and left with a smile.