The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 739

It's getting dark.

Two peas were hiding in a shady cave.

The hole is not deep. It happens to be able to hide two peas.

The little princess has eaten the last candied fruit and the penultimate sweet scented osmanthus candy.

The clothes of the two peas were cut and their faces were dirty. How could they see the appearance of half noble students?

When you walk down the street, you are afraid to be regarded as a little vagrant.

Two peas were sitting with their backs against the wall.

Little clearance sits outside, little princess is blocked by his body inside.

"Still hungry?" Xiaojingkong asked her.

The little princess nodded, quickly shook her head, swallowed and said, "I'm not hungry."

As soon as the voice fell, her stomach began to growl.

She covered her little belly and said in a low voice, "I didn't let it call. It called itself."

The little princess has been hijacked, shut up in a small dark room, fled with her little friends and hid in this dark and humid cave in one day. She is no longer the little princess in the morning.

She's a hungry little princess!

Xiaojingkong took out the last piece of candy and gave her half of it. He carefully put the other half away and put it back in his pocket.

"There's fruit on the tree over there. I'll pick some." Xiaojingkong said, looking at the candy in the little princess's hand, "when you finish eating this candy, I'll be back."

"Well." The little princess nodded and took his little hand. "You must come back."

"I will."

Xiaojingkong slips out to pick the fruit.

With his climax climbing skills, he swished up the tree, and the fruit was fuller and brighter than when he looked from a distance.

One by one, the picking was too slow. He held the branch for a while, and the fruit fell to the ground.

He climbed down and put a heavy bag in his pocket.

He wheezed and ran back.

However, when he ran back to the cave, he found that the little princess was missing.

He frowned.

Just at this moment, not far from the east came the scream of the little princess: "you let me go!"

"Over there!"

Xiaojingkong discards the fruit all the way and runs to the direction of sound!

On a shady open space, two bodyguards exchanged hands fiercely.

The first one who found the little princess and took her out of the cave was the Chen family bodyguard.

But Chen's bodyguard didn't go far and met Dong's bodyguard here.

Dong's bodyguard started to rob the little princess, but Chen's bodyguard would not let him succeed easily.

But because he was holding the little princess, his skill was limited, and more than a dozen moves came down, he gradually felt tired.

But he was not willing to give up the little princess.

When Dong's bodyguard sweeps his legs, Chen's bodyguard doesn't get away in time and falls on the ground!

The little princess in his arms fell out.

"Ah --"

Cried the little princess!

Dong's bodyguard flew to grab it.

No one expected that his hand was going to catch the little princess, and the guards of the Du family didn't know where they grew up!

Du's bodyguard also heard the cry of the little princess before he used his lightness skills. Unexpectedly, he was so lucky. Dong and Chen symbolized his success.

He had already seen the time in secret, and rushed out earlier than Dong's bodyguard to catch the little princess.

The bodyguard of the Dong family threw himself into the air, clapped his palm on the ground, jumped up with the help of his hand, and stabilized himself.

The bodyguard of Dong family scolded angrily: "you are too insidious!"

Du's bodyguard hummed coldly: "it's all robbing. Don't talk too noble about yourself!"

The little princess was thrown around by them. She was so scared that her face turned white. Her eyes were full of tears, but she stubbornly refused to cry.

She is a little elder.

She can't cry.

Du family bodyguard light coax a way: "princess don't be afraid, small this escorts you to return to the palace."

Dong's bodyguard took the opportunity and said, "little princess, don't listen to him! He is a bad man

Du's bodyguard looked at him with disdain and said, "what good thing can you be?"

Chen's bodyguard, who was swept to the ground, got up.

When Dong's bodyguard saw him rushing towards Du's bodyguard, he was not willing to show weakness.

The original two person fight turned into a three party fight.

In fact, if it's just three people, it's not too difficult to fight. The difficulty lies in the little princess's loud voice. It's not only Dong and Du who are attracted.

Soon, the bodyguards of the Phoenix family and the Yang family also arrived at the scene and joined in the fight for the little princess.

The little princess was robbed by several people. At last, the scene was too chaotic. I don't know who took off her hand. The little princess was thrown out.

"Little princess!"

Dong's bodyguard went to pick her up.

As soon as he got up in the air, he was caught by the guards of the Du family and the Yang family.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die! "

The little princess closed her eyes and cried out, and fell heavily on the ground.


It doesn't hurt.

Soft husband (Hoo) husband (Hoo).

When she opened her eyes, she saw a little void that she had turned her eyes and vomited her tongue.

Little princess: Jingying~

It took three seconds for xiaojingkong to return blood. Then he got up and grabbed the little princess's hand and ran away with her!

All of a sudden, Chen's bodyguard yelled, "stop fighting! The man is gone

The four of them turned their heads together to have a look. Sure enough, there was no trace of the little princess!

They just fight too devoted, did not notice the little princess is from which direction to escape.

"Why did the little princess run away alone? Is she so bold? " Chen's bodyguard was surprised.

When he found the little princess, she was a frightened rabbit.

The bodyguard of the Dong family asked, "did other aristocratic families do it?"

Du's bodyguard snorted: "now what's the use of saying this? The five of us fight so hard here, but we make wedding clothes for others for nothing. Surely no one can swallow this breath? "

Chen's bodyguard gritted his teeth: "let me know who did it. I have to kill him!"

Xiaojingkong ran with her all the way.

It was getting dark, and the woods were filled with danger.

We can't go in any more. We have to find a way out!

As soon as the idea of small clearance passed, a figure came down from the sky, blocking the way for him and the little princess.

"It's you!"

Xiaojingkong recognized him. It was the peddler who carried away the little princess in the daytime.

The peddler raised his lips playfully: "boy, you have a good memory. Oh, what's this? In the words of your scholars, should it be called "if you can't find a place without breaking your iron shoes, you can get it without effort"

Little clearance looked at him warily.

"You, you are not allowed to come here!" The little princess counseled and said fiercely.

The peddler said with a smile: "princess, please don't worry. I have no intention of hurting you. As long as you follow me, I promise to send you back unharmed."

The little princess tightly grabbed xiaojingkong's hand: "you're a bad guy, you're a smelly child! I won't go with you

Human Carisolv was just in the cave, small clearance and small princess science.

The peddler said: "it's getting dark. The jackals and tigers in the forest are coming out. The little princess won't go with me. Do you want to be eaten by the wolves and tigers?"

"I... I..." the little princess trembled.

She, she, don't be eaten.

Xiaojingkong pulls the princess to turn around and run back, but sees the man in black on the other side.

What is the wolf in the front and the tiger in the back? That's it.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's time for those people to find you. I know you're good at martial arts, but I heard that Taoist priest Qingfeng of the Feng family and Qi Xuan of the Han family have come out to find the little princess."

The peddler frowned: "OK, take the little princess and go!"

"And the boy?"

"Don't care about him, leave him here to feed the wolf."

When the little princess heard this, she had the courage to open her arms in front of xiaojingkong: "don't let Jingkong feed the wolf!"

The peddler laughed, as if he didn't pay attention to the little princess's threat. He swaggered toward the two little peas.

Xiaojingkong suddenly grabs and pinches in his pocket and throws a round thing at him.

Hawker fingertip clip, laugh out a voice, a fruit, really do not know heaven and earth stupid child.

Xiaojingkong just picked up a lot of fruits, threw them out of his clothes, and even put them in his pocket.

He swished out seven or eight and threw them at the vendor.

The peddler didn't even bother to hide.

When he thought that the last one was also a fruit, it exploded with a bang!

Fortunately, he is good at lightness and can hide quickly, otherwise he would have been injured by the explosion!

The peddler's body fell on the branch, and he looked at the stubborn and frightening child with disgust.

The little guy was calm and didn't show any confusion from beginning to end.

There was an indescribable fortitude in his eyes.

The child is not afraid of him!

The vendor clenched his fist.

It's just a child. Why can't he look directly at each other?


He seemed to feel a threat from a child.

This is so strange!

An idea flashed through his mind - the child can't stay, this forest can't kill him! One day when he grows up, he will become the existence that everyone fears!

The peddler's eyes flashed a strong murderous spirit.

He swooped in the air, reached out his claws and twisted mercilessly towards the neck of the little clearance!

The strength of this move is not something a five-year-old can avoid.

His claws were in little clearness's throat.

And just then, something unexpected happened.

The sky overhead suddenly came a sharp Eagle roar, followed by a broken air under the cover of an eagle roar!

A silver red tassel gun shot at him as fast as lightning!

What a quick weapon!

He ran away!

It's a pity that he was late. He was knocked out by the huge force, and his whole arm was cut off by the red tassel gun!

He fell heavily at the feet of the man in black, blood splashing!

And the red tassel gun cut off his arm, but the strength did not reduce at all, deep into the tree behind them.

The man in black was sweating all over.

He looked at the other side of the forest in disbelief, and saw a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old galloping towards him.

The young man was thin and sharp in his eyes. He didn't come from the forest, but from purgatory.

It's killing God and Shura!

The horse on which the boy rides is not a perfect horse, but the horse seems to feel the fighting spirit of the boy and become extremely brave. In the complex jungle, the horse is vigorous and vigorous.

When the horse ran past the two peas, Gu Jiao whipped them and rolled them up.

"Close your eyes."

She said.

The two peas raised their hands and covered their eyes obediently.

Gu Jiao's legs clamped the horse's belly, one hand held them tightly, and the other hand leaped over the head of the man in black.

The moment the horse's hooves fell, she coldly pulled out the red tassel gun from the tree.

The red tassel gun that almost penetrated the tree was easily pulled out by her.

She clenched the red tassel gun, turned from the top of her head and waved her backhand backward.

The man in black fell to the ground with the vendor who had just stood up to attack her.

... and his head rolled out.


Five bodyguards follow the clues and come here. Qi Qi is shocked by the bloody and cruel scene.

"What's the situation? Who did it? "

They are all experienced experts, but such a tragic situation is still too rare.

If it's on the battlefield, it's not too strange.

But this is just a forest of Shengdu!

The bodyguard of the Dong family recognized one of them: "the man dressed by the peddler is the master that the Mu family invited from the underground martial arts field."

The crowd was even more surprised.

Chen's bodyguard checked the situation around him. He was most careful, otherwise he would not have been the first to find the little princess.

He touched the hole in the tree and said, "the other party used a long gun. Moreover, there are children's footprints on the ground. The little princess was taken away."

The bodyguard of the Yang family asked, "who did it?"

"It's definitely not the five of us, although there are more than five of us in the five of us, but no one uses a long gun. Can we reach a consensus on this

The other four nodded.

Except for Dong, Yang, Chen, Feng and Du, there are Wang, Han, mu, Su, Feng, guoshidian and Nangong.

Nangong family has just lost Nangong Li. They are too busy to take part in the search and rescue.

The accident happened to the Mu family. The Wang family, the Su family and the Mu family are one, and their suspicions can be ruled out.

Then there are Han family, Feng family and Guoshi hall.

The suspicion of guoshidian can be eliminated, and they disdain to deal with any aristocratic family.

And this is not to deal with, this cruel method is clearly with a terrible murderous, it seems to revenge.

It's impossible for Feng family. Taoist Qingfeng doesn't need a long gun.

Dong's bodyguard frowned: "is it the Han family?"

The Han family practiced their shooting skills.

Chen's bodyguard speculated: "Han's family and Mu's family are the worst to deal with. They are very likely."

Yang's bodyguard sighed: "if the little princess falls into Qi Xuan's hands, we're afraid we won't have a chance to get it back."

That's Qi Xuan of the Tang clan, the top ten master of Dayan underground martial arts.

The bodyguard of the Dong family showed the same sinister and cunning sneer as the master of the Dong family: "it's better to join hands to kill Qi Xuan first, and then our five families will compete slowly."


Gu Jiao with two small beans came to a stream, small nine circled in the sky.

Gu Jiao got off the horse with them in her arms.

No adults, two small beans can support, now Gu Jiao came, all the grievances multiplied in my heart.

The little princess cried: "teacher... I'm so afraid... They robbed me, and I wrestled... Wuwu..."

Gu Jiao put the red tassel gun on one side of the ground and squatted down on one knee, just like a knight guarding her. She gently wiped the tears on her face and said placidly, "don't be afraid, no one will take you away."

The little princess rushed into Gu Jiao's arms and burst into tears.

Xiaojingkong held back his tears, which rolled in his eyes.

Gu Jiao put him in her arms.

She knelt on one knee and held a child in one hand. She didn't often do such gentle things, and her movements were a little stiff.

But this does not affect the two small beans from her body to feel the power of peace of mind.

It's a belief.

The two children are tired when they cry.

The little princess was only four years old, and she was a delicate girl. She felt safe and fell asleep in Gu Jiao's arms.

Small clear ground reproaches ground low head: "I let Jiao Jiao worry, I even a bad person all beat not to run."

Gu Jiao touched his small head, lips slightly bent: "no, you do very well, you are the most brave little man, I am very proud."

Xiaojingkong has a sour nose: "Jiaojiao..."

Two children are injured, Gu Jiao for them to deal with the injury.

Suddenly, the eagle roared overhead.

Gu Jiao's eyes are cool.

"Over there!"

There's someone in the woods.

It's not one, it's a group.

It's not the former five bodyguards, but the five family leaders and mainstays surrounded by several bodyguards.

From left to right are Dong Jiazhu, Yang Jiazhu, Feng Da Ren, Du Da Ren and Chen Da Ren.

Gu Jiao saw portraits of several people in the library of the National Palace.

Gu Jiao gently put the sleeping little princess on the ground with her cape and said to Xiao Jingkong, "cover your ears and don't look back."

"Well!" Small clearance should be obediently, sitting in front of the stream, raised his hands to cover his ears.

Gu Jiao picked up the red tassel gun and walked towards them step by step.

Small nine open wings, high spirited ground spin her head, as if just waiting for her order, it will fiercely dive prey away.

Looking at the young man coming with murderous spirit in the moonlight and the eagle escorting the young man, they felt a layer of ominous premonition.

A bodyguard drew his sword and came forward, shouting: "who are you! If you are wise, you will hand over the little princess, or you will die. "

Before he finished, the young man shot him in the opposite direction!

He knelt on the ground and looked at the boy in a daze.

The boy kicked him in the chest and coldly pulled out the red tassel!

Blood splashed on the boy's face, one of which hit his eyebrow, just like a drop of blood red cinnabar mole.

Dong's eyes trembled: "xuanyuansheng..."

The boy raised his hand and wiped the bloodstain on his face at will. The red tassel gun pointed at the crowd and said, "who's next?"