The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 600

"Jiao Jiao!"

Back in the carriage, xiaojingkong excitedly waved her short legs beside Gu Jiao, "you play the piano so well! Better than master! "

Gu Jiao asked, "can your master play the piano, too?"

"He can play it, but it's so ugly!" he said

Gu Jiao's brain mended a picture of an old monk with a white beard playing the strings slowly, but making the piano sound out of tune.

She said, "your master has a wide range of hobbies."

Xiaojingkong waved his hand: "it's average, master. His old people like drinking most!"

"Can a monk still drink?"

Is your master a monk?

Gu Jiao wiped the piano box on her leg with a handkerchief and said, "it's better not to drink when you are old."

Small clearance chicken pecked rice nodded: "that's it!"

The carriage came to the gate. Now the gate was closed, but Gu Jiao had a token in her hand. The bodyguard didn't dare to open it for her.

When passing through the city gate, xiaojingkong suddenly asked, "Jiaojiao, why do we come so far to play the piano?"

Gu Jiao said: "send a friend, he is going to travel."

Xiao Jingkong tilted his head and asked, "is that the friend who plays flute? He plays the flute very well

Love me, love me!

Gu Jiao bent her lips: "well, yes, I think it sounds good, too."

Children's concerns are different from those of adults. If Xiao Heng is here, he will ask which friend, man or woman is he?

But xiaojingkong said seriously, "that must be Jiaojiao's very good friend. Will he come back?"

"I don't know." Gu Jiao did not know that in the dream of returning to Hou's residence, Liu Yisheng came back, but now all the tracks are different from those in the dream, and no one can guarantee whether they will meet again in the future.

The gate closed slowly.

Gu Jiao opened the curtain and looked back at the officials outside the city.

Goodbye, Liu Xiang.


Liu Yisheng is a poor man. All he has is a box of luggage and a basket of books given to him by Gu Jiao. He took away Xiao Shi. After all, he thought a little about her.

The house was empty, and it was not taken care of or sold.

The capital will not change because of the disappearance of a Liu Yisheng. Few people in the capital care about him, so no one else will find him missing.

Perhaps many years later, on a sunny afternoon, in a bustling teahouse, someone will bring up on a whim: "eh? I haven't seen Liu Yisheng recently. "

"Not dead, is it?"

"The descendants of the Liu family will die when they die!"

However, these have nothing to do with Liu Yisheng.

He took her small ten, with her trust and expectations for him, began to fight with the fate of the voyage.

Goodbye, Miss Gu.


When Gu Jiao returned to Bishui Hutong, xiaojingkong had fallen asleep in her arms.

When she went out, it was late. She didn't plan to take the little guy out, but the little guy stuck to her, so she took him.

The carriage stopped.

Gu Jiao lifted the curtain and was about to take Xiao Jingkong out of the carriage. A powerful arm stretched out and took Xiao Jingkong from Gu Jiao's arms.

Gu Jiao looked at the familiar deer skin protection palm on that hand, blinked and said: "Gu Changqing?"

"Big brother." Gu Changqing said.

Gu Jiao jumps out of the carriage.

Gu Changqing holds the sleeping xiaojingkong and enters the room with his sister.

In the middle of the night, all the family had a rest, but Xiao Heng didn't come back.

Recently, too many things happened, first Qin Fengyan, then Zhuang Taifu. There were too many official documents to write, so Xiao Heng had to stay in the Ministry of punishment tonight.

After entering the hall, Gu Jiao takes over the small clearance and puts it on Westinghouse's bed.

"Jiaojiao... That's nice..."

Small clearance is about to dream of Gu Jiao's piano sound, small mouth son mutter.

Gu Jiao pulled the quilt to cover him, tucked in the corner and went back to the main room to sit down with Gu Changqing on the chair.

"When did you come back?" She asked.

"As soon as I arrive, I'll come and have a look when I pass by." Gu Changqing said, "in fact, I should have come back long ago. I met a few old friends on the way, so I stayed a few more days."

"My old friend?" Does she have an old friend in the north?

Gu Changqing is to the north of the county to express sympathy to the families of the martyrs, and by the way, to find out the details of Qin Fengyan.

She comes from Youzhou, which is the opposite direction.

Gu Changqing saw that Gu Jiao brought her sister's filter. Gu jiaoming's face was expressionless, but he thought that her sister was so cold and lovely.

He said with a smile, "it should be said that it's the old friend of you and xiaojingkong."

What's the clearance again?

Gu Changqing coax a way: "call elder brother, I tell you."

What's the tone of teasing a three-year-old?

Gu Jiao picked an eyebrow: "did you meet the monk in our temple over there?"

Gu Changqing

My sister is too clever to be good.

Gu Changqing had no choice but to smile. He had guessed it, and he couldn't admit it.

"When I passed by Lihua Town, I met the monks in the temple near your village. I was feeding horses at the post station. Several little monks who were about the same size as the clearance came to see me for almsgiving. I heard their accent was similar to that of you and Xiaoshun when they first came to the capital, so I asked them where they were from."

"They said that they were from Pingcheng Prefecture of Youzhou. As soon as I listen, isn't this the person you grew up with? I then asked them if they had heard of Qingquan village. They said that Qingquan village was at the foot of the mountain behind their temple, and there was a little monk in their temple who was dizzy and was adopted by a family in Qingquan village. "

"And he was adopted by a fairy with hair on her face."

Hair hair.

Gu Jiao couldn't help laughing.

It's really the accent of those little monks.

Gu Jiao said one by one: "it's pure heart, pure everything and pure goodness."

Gu Changqing was surprised: "do you remember them?"

Gu Jiao said, "I have spoken."

Three little free plastic playmates are looking forward to the free space going down the mountain every day. They don't tell him that he can't eat meat when he goes down the mountain. They are afraid that the free space won't go away.

But the clearance is also very impolite, just three small partners every day.

Gu Jiao good strange way: "how can you meet them?"

Gu Changqing said: "they followed the abbot of the temple to attend the Buddhist assembly and traveled half of Zhao state. They were in Yecheng when the frontier fortress was fighting, but they didn't know you were in Gu's army."

Gu Jiao Wu said: "I really missed it."

Gu Changqing then said: "they took me to see abbot. Abbot asked a lot about xiaojingkong. He was surprised to learn that xiaojingkong has not been sent back by you."

Gu Jiao said strangely, "why should I send the clearance back?"

Gu Changqing: probably because... He's a millstone?

Gu Changqing thought of something and explained: "the abbot said that he will go back to the temple soon. Please treat Jingkong well." Don't send him back to the temple.

Gu Jiao asked, "have you ever seen a very old monk? The white bearded one has a rickety back, maybe a little faltering pace, and some deafness, shaking hands and dazzled eyes? "

After all, I can't even talk about the piano.

Gu Changqing shook his head decisively: "No. Ah, by the way, the abbot asked me to bring you something. He said it was for Jingkong. "

"Oh." Gu Jiao looks at him.

Gu Changqing went to the saddle outside to take down a burden, took out the small box inside and handed it back to Gu Jiao: "this, I haven't opened it, I don't know what's inside."

The box wasn't locked, it was simply buckled.

It can be seen that the abbot trusted Gu Jiajun's little patron Changqing very much.

Gu Jiao also did not open, but walked into the room and put it at the head of the bed.

The little guy would be very happy if he knew that the abbot had brought him a gift.

Gu Jiao came out from Westinghouse. Gu Changqing stood at the door and looked at her with deep eyes: "I've come here today and I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I may have to leave Zhaoguo for a while." Gu Changqing said.

"Why leave?" Gu Jiao was fascinated.

So Gu Changqing is here to say goodbye today.

Do you have an appointment? In a day, one or two will leave.

Gu Changqing raised her hand and caressed her sideburns fondly: "go and find a way to cure you."

You are my sister.

I don't want to see you lose control in the blood and murderous gas, and I don't want to see you hurt yourself in order to restrain your desire to kill.

So even if you go up the mountain and down the sea of fire, I must cure you.

"When I talked with the abbot, I mentioned your situation by accident." Gu Changqing said, "the abbot said that there may be a way to cure you in the state of Yan."

Gu Jiao slightly surprised: "Yan state?"

Gu Changqing said: "in fact, Chen's medical skills are also very famous, but I think you are already the most powerful doctor in the world. If you can't cure yourself, it may not be the problem of medical skills. The state of Yan has the most capable people and different people. I want to try my luck there. "

Gu Jiao looked at him: "you can't go to the state of Yan."

As a young leader of the family army, he even had to ask for permission to leave Kyoto, let alone go abroad.

Obviously, the emperor would not allow him to go to the state of Yan, because he could not go at all.

Gu Changqing said with a smile, "the most important thing I can do is not to be the little leader of Gu's army."

Gu Jiao took back her eyes: "the state of Yan can't go without saying."

Gu Changqing rubbed the top of her hair and laughed fondly: "don't worry, I have my way."

Brother's style is very good!

He looks at Gu Jiao like Xiao Heng looks at small clearance.

Gu Jiao black face, can't so she!

"Well, I'm leaving now. Listen to me, big brother." He wants to be the first brother to be recognized by her!

Gu Jiao looked at him with a serious face, and the whole face said - how do you talk to your uncle?

Gu Changqing

Gu Changqing is serious about going to the state of Yan to treat his sister.

In his current status, there is only one way to go to the state of Yan - to go to the underground arena.

The underground martial field was built by shangguo people. They used it to attract talents and collect information in various countries. Even the imperial court could not intervene.

As long as he is in the top three of the expert list, he will be qualified to enter the state of Yan.

Gu Jiao went to bed late and woke up. It was already daybreak, and the small clearance in the backyard was already practicing boxing.


He punched out, and a row of chickens fell down!

... they all cooperate.

Gu Jiao is dressed neatly and goes to wash in the backyard. Xiao Heng is also washing her face.

This man is so good-looking that he looks good at everything. Even if you twist a cloth towel, it will create a scene of ink painting.

"Just come back from yamen?" Gu Jiao greets him.

He was also wearing the uniform of the Ministry of justice.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Heng ignored her.

Didn't you hear me?

Gu Jiao's eyes moved and came to his left: "Xianggong."

Xiao Heng turns right to dry the cloth.

Gu Jiao blinked strangely, then went around to his right side: "my husband?"

Xiao Heng turned left to empty the basin.

Now Gu Jiao can't tell if she can't see that he's in trouble. She thinks that she hasn't done anything.

Xiao Heng just came back to change his clothes. After a while, he had to go to the Imperial Academy. He worked in two departments so hard.

After he left, Gu Jiao called xiaojingkong, who was fighting: "what happened to your brother-in-law?"

Xiaojingkong grabs his head: "it's nothing, isn't it good?"

Gu Jiao looked at the empty door: "didn't you find that he was angry? Is he angry with you or with me? "

"Angry?" Xiaojingkong grabbed his mushroom head and his eyes lit up, "ah! I know. My bad brother-in-law must be jealous of me! "

"Jealous of you?" Gu Jiao looks at the little guy suspiciously.

Xiaojingkong shook his head with pride: "yes! I went out of town with Jiaojiao yesterday, and I listened to Jiaojiao play the piano! No bad brother-in-law! He has never heard of Jiaojiao playing the piano! I was the first to hear that! Jiaojiao's favorite person is really me

Gu Jiao can't go up to correct his "bad brother-in-law": "how do you... What did you say to your brother-in-law?"

Xiaojingkong said seriously: "I said... Jiaojiao and I went out of the city to see off Jiaojiao's friends. Jiaojiao played the piano for her friends. Jiaojiao and her friends played harmoniously, which is unique in the world!"

It's not that way to play harmonica. Besides, he plays flute!

Gu Jiao closed her eyes and clapped her forehead.

It's overturned!