The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 598

It's embarrassing.

What's embarrassing is Princess Xinyang. A cheeky person like xuanpinghou won't feel embarrassed.

He's just confused.

Princess Xinyang's face was still covered with two lines of tears that had not dried up yet, so Marquis Xuanping was even more confused: "I'm not dead yet, as for? I cry like this. "

The point is, are you dead?

It's my Xinyang princess. Qin Feng won't shed a tear for you!

What's more, what's the puzzled tone of "qinfengwan"?

Don't know who I am at all, dare to treat me so skillfully——

Princess Xinyang couldn't go on.

"Why are you here? When did you return to Beijing? "

Princess Xinyang didn't know about last night's plan.

"My son brought me back." Xuanping Marquis said generously.

When he mentioned Xiao Heng, his tone was very relaxed, which showed that Xiao Heng was OK. The golden sore medicine in the room and the basin of blood just brought out by the servant girl should be Xuanping Marquis's.

Princess Xinyang breathed a sigh of relief.

I wish my son was OK.

As for men, it doesn't matter.

Princess Xinyang wiped the tears on her cheek and gently raised her chin, just like a proud peacock: "you will go back to your Marquis's house when you are well fed."

Xuanping Hou looked at her inexplicably: "Qin Fengwan, the person who just took the initiative to throw himself in his arms seems to be you, can you not take advantage of me every time, but also pretend that you dislike me afterwards?"

Xinyang Princess stares: "I..."

Xuanping hou language center of gravity long way: "Yuanfang you so also calculate, you say you are taking the wrong medicine, I believe for the time being, then you have not taken the wrong medicine today?"

Princess Xinyang choked: "it's not because you are lying on ah Heng's bed. I take you as him!"

Xuanpinghou put his arm under the back of his head and looked at her for a moment, as if thinking about the truth of her words.

After a long time, he shook his head: "Qin Feng is late, I don't believe it."

Princess Xinyang

This person is not thick skinned for a day or two. Princess Xinyang felt that if she broke off with him, it must not be the thick skinned one who was angry to death in the end.

Princess Xinyang ignored him and turned out of the yard.

Xiao Heng just came out of Gu Jiao's house, ready to take Gu Jiao to treat Xuanping marquis. Seeing that it was wrong, he quickly took his daughter-in-law back to the house.


Princess Xinyang drinks.

Xiao Heng's body shakes, pushes Gu Jiao into the room and pulls her hands on the door.

Gu Jiao poked out a head from the crack of the door: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Heng quickly blocked her with his body and said in a low voice, "go in!"

Gu Jiao blinked strangely: "Oh."

Xiao Heng takes Gu Jiao to the door, turns around and walks to his mother with a smile: "good morning, mother."

Princess Xinyang said angrily, "what's early? What's going on? "

Xiao Heng said what happened last night: "I'm hurt too much, so I'll bring it back to Jiaojiao to have a look."

Princess Xinyang said coldly, "why didn't you tell me about such an important plan? Sure enough, I'm still with your father

Xiao Heng: Why are you still jealous?

This is a game in which the fewer people know about it, the more realistic the situation is, and the more they can lure Zhuang Taifu and Yan people into the bait.

"Are you so angry with me?"

"I'm not angry with you, I'm..."

Xiao Heng looked at her seriously, expecting her to continue to speak.

She said nothing.

It's hard to say.

Thinking of her crying heartbroken with Xiao Ji in her arms, Princess Xinyang wished she could find a brick to make her dizzy!

"That's true!"

Princess Xinyang blushed and left in embarrassment.

Xiao Heng touched his chin strangely: "what's my mother's reaction?"


Last night, there was a lot of noise. The story of Xuanping Marquis's return to Beijing with a ghost army gradually spread in the capital. This was Xuanping Marquis's secret army. He had never gone to the South Island to fight, but now he suddenly appeared in the capital, which caused quite a stir.

The emperor summoned Xuanping marquis to the palace, because now Princess Xinyang, who is also the wife of Xuanping Marquis, is also called into Huaqing Palace by the emperor.

Xuanping Marquis entered the palace in a wheelchair. This is doctor Gu's advice and can't be disobeyed.

Another carriage went out to buy. There was only one carriage. Now Xuanping Marquis could not ride a horse, so he could only ride with Princess Xinyang.

Xinyang Princess let Yujin also sit in: "the windows are open, the curtain also lifted up."

Xuanping Hou looked at her and said nothing.

After getting out of the carriage, Xuanping Hou said to Princess Xinyang, "Chang Jing went to catch people but didn't come back. Would you please push it?"

Princess Xinyang didn't push him. She found a eunuch to push him in.

Xuanping first reported the war on the South Island, and all the bandits were cleared. Not only that, Xuanping also fought all the way on the sea, widening the sea area of Zhao for hundreds of miles.

Today, the flag of Zhao is flying in the wind on feicui Island, the farthest south.

It was a surprise.

To be honest, the emperor had muttered with Duke Wei earlier about why the war started in the south but failed to end. Who would have thought that Xuanping Marquis was good at advocating that all the islands should be called Zhao.

Emperor Guang was able to make up his mind when he thought about it. Marquis Xuanping was holding a big knife and stepping on the mast with one foot. He couldn't look at the people on the island: "surrender, don't kill!"

"Is your injury OK?" Asked the emperor.

"Little hurt." Xuanping Hou road.

The emperor's eyes swept around Xuanping Marquis and Xinyang Princess: "how can you two enter the palace together?"

"Oh, I rested with the princess last night --"

Everyone was surprised.

You rest with the princess, you two——

Princess Xinyang quickly digs off the topic: "your majesty! Zhuang Taifu colludes with Yan people

"How could it be?" The emperor's attention was successfully diverted.

Zhuang Taifu's crimes are numerous and hard to record. It's hard to say a few words. Fortunately, Xiao Heng has written a memorial to his crimes all night long. Princess Xinyang presented the memorial directly to the emperor.

The emperor had learned from empress Xiao that Xiao LIULANG was Xiao Heng, and his mother was a female slave of the state of Yan. However, from the actions of the people of the state of Yan who chased and killed Xiao Heng many times, I was afraid that the female slave of the state of Yan had something else to hide.

The emperor asked, "is that Nangong general Nangong Li? What about other people? "

Xuanping Hou said: "Chang Jing went to chase, but his men arrested several people. Is your majesty going to judge in person or by ministers?"

"You'll try it." The emperor said.

Xuanping Hou nodded, thought of something, and said: "ah Heng said that he would leave Zhuang Taifu a dog's life, the rest at will."

Zhuang Taifu committed so many crimes that it was not enough for him to die a hundred times. However, since Xuanping Marquis himself made this request, the emperor would not give him such face.

However, the official position of Zhuang Taifu is completely lost, and the whole family's glory will be destroyed.

"Let's go into exile." Looking at the contents of Xiao Heng's Memorial, the emperor said, "the blank imperial edict of the former Emperor was destroyed by Zhuang Yuheng. He has made great contributions, and he will not be punished."

Princess Xinyang said, "the child has changed since he met ah Heng."

"Mainly, our son teaches well. It's called" those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. " Xuanping Marquis difficult to drag a text.

And it's rare that Princess Xinyang didn't care about "we".

The emperor is fascinated. Do you two praise your son so much?

"The queen misses you very much. You will go to Kunning palace to see her later." Emperor Xuanping Hou road.


When she comes out of Huaqing Palace, Princess Xinyang plans to go out.

Xuanpinghou sitting in a wheelchair called her: "don't you go to see Xiaoqi?"

Qin Chuyu was poisoned. Although he was cured, he was still recuperating.

Even though empress Xiao doesn't like Princess Xinyang, she still loves her son Xiao Heng and Princess Xinyang loves Qin Chuyu very much.

Princess Xinyang thought about it. It's better to go with Xuanping Marquis than to go alone. At least she doesn't have to stare at empress Xiao.

They took Yujin and a eunuch to Kunning palace.

When empress Xiao saw her brother's leg in a wheelchair, she thought he was disabled. She couldn't help crying.

Princess Xinyang thinks of Empress Dowager Zhuang. She is also a empress dowager. Zhuang Jinse is no longer Zhuang Jinse, but Xiao Shuyu can always be the girl before she gets married.

Is that what it's like to be supported and protected?

Empress Xiao cried out of breath. She had a lot of tears in her nose. She was willful and straightforward.

Xuanping Hou sat in a wheelchair and looked back in disgust: "Xiao Shuyu, you are so ugly!"

Xuanping Marquis decided to ignore this sister, since childhood to most so easy to cry!

He asked people to push him to see Qin Chuyu.

With her brother gone, empress Xiao stopped crying.

"Why don't you cry?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

"Why do I cry?" said empress Xiao? My brother is gone. Shall I cry for you? "

Princess Xinyang thought about it and said, "your brother and sister have a good relationship."

Empress Xiao said wantonly, "of course! I have such a brother, and he has only my sister! If anyone dares to bully me when I was a child, I will tell my brother, and my brother will beat him! "

Princess Xinyang asked, "if the person who bullies you is very powerful, will your brother beat him?"

Empress Xiao thought about the cableway: "beat! When he was a child, he didn't win every time, but he still stood out for me. "

This is her brother. He would rather have his own blood than let his sister suffer any injustice.

If he can't win, he has to take a bite from the other side. He just wants to warn everyone that no one can bully him!

Lunch is eaten in the palace.

Xuanping Marquis can't eat the imperial food which looks exquisite but has neither weight nor taste.

Empress Xiao let the small kitchen fry a table of home cooked dishes with good taste.

Thanks to Xuanping Marquis, Qin Chuyu didn't have to drink porridge any more today. He went to the dinner table and looked at a table full of delicious dishes, his mouth watering.

In front of Princess Xinyang, there is a plate of braised tendon with scallion.

After sitting down, Xuanping said something to empress Xiao. He inadvertently moved his scallion and tendons and put a dish of vegetarian food in front of her.

Empress Xiao suddenly remembered that Princess Xinyang had become a vegetarian in recent years.

"That's right." When she finished eating, empress Xiao said to Xuanping, "the old princess Liang's family will come to the capital in a few days."

Princess Xinyang gave a meal with a bowl and chopsticks in her hand.

"Princess liang?" Xuanping said, "is that your Majesty's ninth uncle?"

Empress Xiao laughed: "brother still remember her?"

Xuanping Hou said: "I'm not very impressed with her, but Lao Liang Wang remembers one or two."

Lao Liang Wang was the ninth uncle of the former Emperor. He was eight years older than the former Emperor. They grew up like brothers. At that time, Lao Liang made a lot of efforts. The former Emperor was very grateful to him. Even the Dragon shadow guard was bought by him from the state of Yan.

"Is he still strong?" Xuanping asked.

Empress Xiao shook her head solemnly: "it's said that it's not very good. He didn't come from the fiefdom this autumn. He only asked Princess Liang to bring her own offspring. Jiu Shugong is kind-hearted and loves the people like a son. He has done a lot of good things for the people in the fiefdom. I hope he will live a long life. "

With that, empress Xiao looked at Princess Xinyang and said, "well, uncle Jiu and aunt Jiu loved Princess Xinyang very much at the beginning, and they took Princess Xinyang to live in their house for a period of time. Uncle Jiu praised Princess Xinyang for being sensible and said it was a pity that Princess Xinyang was not her own daughter. She always wanted to have such a beautiful daughter in her dreams."

Princess Xinyang turned pale.

Xuanping Hou noticed her strange, turned to ask her: "what's the matter with you?"

Xinyang Princess calm down: "nothing, I'm full, I still have something to do, go first."

Then she put down her chopsticks and got up and went out.

Empress Xiao looked at her unhappy figure, confused: "what did I say wrong?"

Xuanping Hou took a deep look at Princess Xinyang and said, "I'm full too. I'll see you and Xiao Qi another day."

"Ah! How much have you eaten

Empress Xiao frowned, "what happened to one or two?"

"Qin Feng is late!"

At the gate of the palace, Xuanping called Princess Xinyang.

Princess Xinyang stood in front of the carriage, half with a pale face, said: "I can't take a carriage with you, you ask the queen to send you another carriage."

Xuanping Hou looked at her: "don't you just open the window and lift the curtain?"

Princess Xinyang pinched her fingers and her eyes turned red. She said in a trembling voice, "now it's not OK."

Xuanpinghou pushed his wheelchair towards her.

She suddenly crouched on the ground, hugged her head and screamed, "don't come here!"

Xuanping directly stood up and went over to frown at her: "Qinfeng late, Qinfeng late?"

Princess Xinyang's eyes darkened and she fainted.