The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 595

If it is said that Zhuang Taifu had been so lucky for a moment that he felt dizzy, then the sentence "is it you who are gone with the wind, or I, Xiao Ji, can't use a knife?" immediately, Zhuang Taifu confirmed that the visitor is Xuanping Marquis indeed!

So his guess is right. Whether Xiao Heng leads the snake out of the cave or empress dowager Zhuang suddenly appears, his fundamental purpose is to delay time and wait for Xuanping marquis to appear!

But it's strange, isn't it?

A few days ago, he also received a discount from the South Island, saying that a group of bandits had fled by boat, and Xuanping Marquis had gone to pursue the victory!

Do you mean——

Those so-called "winning pursuit" are all fake. Xuanping marquis is just trying to make it clear. In fact, he is already on his way back to Beijing?!

Zhuangtaifu gritted his teeth and looked at Xuanping Marquis and Xiao Heng. He was out of breath. Both father and son were of the same virtue. They played more skillfully than the old foxes in the court!

Xuanping glanced at the whip wound on Xiao Heng's face, and his dangerous eyes fell on Zhuang Taifu's tight rein hand: "who knows that his hand hurt my son?"

This is the second time that Xuanping personally admitted that Xiao Heng was his son.

He doesn't pretend at all in front of Zhuang Taifu, which is not a good sign. Xiao Heng's identity is still a secret, but there is a kind of person in the world who can keep the secret forever.

Zhuang Taifu's eyelids suddenly jumped. He had never been so afraid of Xuanping marquis. After all, in terms of official position, he was no worse than Xuanping Marquis, and even had many more qualifications to rely on his elders.

But now... He's scared!

He subconsciously looked to the side of general Nangong.

"Don't look, he can't escape!" After Xuanping Hou said that, Nangong general frowned. Before he could react, Xuanping Hou had already thrust the handle of the sword into the ground.

Then his horse moved forward, and Zhuang Taifu's horse was startled, jumping around and hissing.

Zhuangtaifu tried to keep his figure steady, but xuanpinghou's hand had already reached out to him. Xuanpinghou grabbed his skirt and pulled him down from the horse mercilessly.

"Xuanping Marquis"

Zhuang Taifu drinks with a loud voice!

"Lord Hou!"

Xuanping Hou threw the man rudely to the ground.

He is a military general. His noble and elegant appearance in front of people is only superficial, but in fact he is wild and wild.

Ordinary people don't use violence against old and weak officials like Zhuang Taifu. No matter how civilized they have to enforce the law, is xuanpinghou an ordinary person?

He is not a man at all!

Xuanping Hou bullied this thin old man without any psychological pressure. He not only threw people to the ground, but also tightened the reins in his hands, let the horse hoof up and stepped over Zhuang Taifu's right hand and left hand one after another.

There were two crisp clicks in the air, followed by Zhuang Taifu's unbearable wailing.

Xuanping Hou finished, turned the horse around and looked at him innocently: "I asked you what you know. If you don't tell me, I'll have to give up."

Zhuang Taifu was stunned.

There are such shameless and arrogant people in the world!

He's the one who's good when he's cheap!

Zhuang Taifu spent most of his life in the official sea. He benefited from selling a good sister to the palace. All these years, he has been on the good side of the wind and the good side of the water. That's because he was stumbling by someone, and most of it was in a circuitous and implicit way.

Who dares to believe that they are abandoned in public?

Zhuang Taifu had never suffered from physical pain and almost fainted.

He looked at the Empress Dowager Zhuang, who was sitting in the carriage not far away and quietly looking at this scene. The Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyes were very calm.

She gave up the brother who had eaten her flesh and blood all her life.

"Zhuang Jinse... You are cruel..." Zhuang Taifu vomited blood and gasped fiercely.

Is that her?

There is a kind of people in the world who are used to eating other people's flesh and blood. Once others don't eat it, it becomes unforgivable.

But when they nibble at human flesh and blood, they never thought that maybe they should not bite from the beginning!

Forget it, what kind of benevolence, justice, morality, fairness and kindness do you talk about with such people?

It's selfish in essence. It's impossible to think for others, otherwise it won't do so many heinous things.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't plead for him. Even she didn't look at him anymore: "ah Heng, come to my aunt."

She's talking about my aunt.

It's not a sad home.

At this moment, Zhuang Taifu really realized that the Empress Dowager was not angry with him, she really gave up the dealer, she had a new family, she had no blood relationship, but she could trust and depend on each other.

Once upon a time, Empress Dowager Zhuang was also a banker, right?

It's a pity that no one can see her contribution except Zhuang Yuheng. She just thinks that she is the daughter of the banker who goes out and deserves to devote all her life to the banker.

Xiao Heng turned and walked to empress dowager Zhuang's carriage.

General Nangong's eyes sank.

Xuanping Hou pulled out his long knife and rode his horse in front of him: "I'll go back and clean up that old thing slowly. Now it's time to settle the accounts between you and me."

Five years ago, he failed to protect his son. This time, he won't let the birds succeed.

Nangong general looked at Xuanping Marquis solemnly.

He has heard of Xuanping Marquis's reputation. One is that he is very shameless. The other is that he is on the beauty list of six countries!

A big man doesn't know how to squeeze it!

His sister Nangong princess is behind him!

I thought I was a weak Liu Fufeng's sick beauty, but I didn't expect that I was a strong Wulin expert!

Before general Nangong came to Zhao state, he had already inquired about enough news. He squinted at Xuanping Marquis's waist and abdomen: "Zhao state first grade Marquis Wu, Xiao Ji, I heard that you have a waist injury. You are not my opponent. Are you sure you want to fight with me alone?"

Xuanping Hou hissed. Who is going to fight with you alone? Don't you think it's good to fight in groups!

"Chang Jing."

Xuanping raised his eyelids lazily.

General Nangong saw a young man in black with three ghost face generals flying from the ghost face army, using his lightness skills to pass the Dragon shadow guard in the open space, and fell on Xuanping's side.

"Hit him." Xuanping Hou road.

The South Temple general Mou son a stare, so don't speak martial virtue of? General to general, shouldn't it be a single challenge?

"Wait, it's wrong." Xuanping Hou called to Chang Jing, "it's to cut him!"

Also want to chop his son's fingers, ha ha!

General Nangong

Chang Jing pulls out his sword.

It was a black iron sword with a bamboo leaf carved on the blade.

General Nangong was shocked and changed color: "dark night gate?"

Dark night gate is the most famous killer sect among the six countries.

But isn't the dark night gate in shangguo?

How can there be experts here?

Or around Xuanping Marquis?

Chang Jing followed him to the battlefield. His martial arts improved a lot, and his moves were murderous. With a long sword, he came to Nangong general. Nangong general quickly drew his sword!

It was blocked, but he was forced off the horse.

General Nangong was very surprised.

Are all the experts of dark night gate so powerful?

You know, he is a member of the Nangong family. His martial arts can be ranked among the six countries.

Soon, he understood why the young man in black had more martial arts than the ordinary night door master.

He had seen the long sword. The spike on the handle of the sword was given by the king of Yan. He was at the scene at that time. The owner of the long sword was Chang Kun, the leader of the dark night gate!

Chang Kun... Chang Jing

When he looked at Chang Jing again, the whole person was not good.

This is the little master of the dark night gate!

Xuanping Hou, what price did you pay? Please move the little master of the dark night gate, and I'll double it!

General Nangong is not cruel either. If he doesn't, he will die. But if he does, he will kill the little master of the dark night gate. If he goes back to the dark night gate and takes revenge on Nangong, he will die!

General Nangong is not a * * like Marquis Xuanping. He is an educated soldier, but he blew up his whole life's rude words in his heart tonight.

Xuanping ignored Nangong general's complex heart. He rode on a horse, holding a long sword, and went to attack the Dragon shadow guards and bodyguards of Yan state.

There are 3000 ghost faces in his army. He may not be the opponent of Yan Guolong Yingwei if he fights alone, but no one is stronger than them if he works together!

Nangong general's men were divided into two waves, one in the open space and the other in front of the canyon. In the middle of the two groups were empress dowager Zhuang's carriage and them.

After entering the state of war, Xuanping Marquis seemed to be a different man. He rode on a high horse and raised his flag with dignity.

Three thousand troops turned over and dismounted. They were divided into three groups, holding shields and spears to encircle the two groups of Yan forces. The last group of troops protected empress dowager Zhuang's carriage.

The flag moves, the Dragon array rises, the flying dragon array goes, the retreat can defend, and the advance can attack. Every array change is impeccable. On the other hand, Yan is not so optimistic.

A wave of dragon shadow guards fell and screamed.

General Nangong watched the array that he had never seen before as the mouth of a giant beast mercilessly engulfed his army. However, he was entangled by the little master of the dark night gate and three ghost faced generals, and could not even give orders!

At that moment, Chang Jing stabbed him with a sword, hit his waist and abdomen, and then cut off one of his arms with a wave of his backhand!