The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 588

Xiao Heng listens carefully and doesn't rush to express his opinion. Princess Xinyang is teaching him how to settle down in the six countries, just like an experienced Hai Dongqing patiently teaching his young eagle.

He will learn to accept with an open mind.

Princess Xinyang said, "I originally planned to take the army to suppress them. Later, I thought that the price would be too high. The life of any soldier would be valuable."

Xiao Heng said, "did you change your mind after seeing Jiao Jiao?"

Princess Xinyang looks at him with a black face. If she doesn't tear down your mother's platform for a day, she is covered with thorns, isn't she?

Xiao Heng said with a smile, "I also think it's the best policy to fight without fighting."

Princess Xinyang nodded: "war is to fight, but don't let our people fight. After all, those dragon shadow guards are not vegetarians. If we deal with 100, we will die a thousand."

This kind of cost is magnified to the extreme after seeing Gu Jiao who came back from blood bath.

Not everyone is born with the responsibility of the world. She is a princess, but her consciousness is not so high.

It was Gu Jiao who really changed her mind.

Gu Jiao in the frontier fortress is also so desperate to keep the city, right?

She was like this, and so were the soldiers of Zhao state.

... no more people can die.

"Yan people there to me, as for Zhuang Taifu..." Xinyang Princess pause, looking at him with a smile, "to you?"

Xiao Heng gently smile: "good."

After a pause, Princess Xinyang said, "by the way, I want to remind you what cooperation Yan people should have reached with Zhuang Taifu. When Jiang Pinglin left, he once said to general Nangong," thank you, general Nangong. "

In fact, Princess Xinyang has more information than that, but she just doesn't tell Xiao Heng. She hopes Xiao Heng can figure it out by herself.

She can't protect him all his life. He will fly to a wider sky one day. She hopes he has enough ability to deal with everything.

After Xiao Heng came out of the study, Yu Jin came in. She just stood at the door and heard everything she should have heard.

She worried: "princess, Zhuang Taifu is very crafty. Would it be too dangerous for the young marquis to deal with him?"

Princess Xinyang said earnestly: "Nangong aristocratic family, Yujin, the person who wants his life comes from Nangong aristocratic family. Can you understand how powerful Nangong aristocratic family is? Nangong aristocratic family has more than one thousand people and 200000 soldiers. It is very powerful, but it is not worth mentioning compared with Nangong aristocratic family. If he can't even defeat Zhuang Taifu, how can he compete with Nangong family in the future? If he really doesn't have that ability, I'd rather he stay anonymous all his life and never join the world! "

Gu Jiaogang went through a battle. Xiao Heng didn't want to make her work so hard, so he asked her to stay with Princess Xinyang first. He went back to Bishui Hutong to deal with Zhuang Taifu.

Back in the carriage, he was trying to piece together a complete truth according to the clues in his hand.

Jiang Ping said, general Nangong, thank you very much.

It's really like a deal.

Xiao Heng remembers another thing. When Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng followed Qin Fengyan, they heard the conversation between Qin Fengyan and Yan people.

Qin Fengyan said: "it seems that there is no talk between us."

The man said, "if you want your things back, you'd better do as we say."

Qin Fengyan said, "why bother? Why don't I help you kill him? "

The man said, "if you can really kill him, you can come over with his head and we'll give it to you."

From their conversation, Qin Fengyan has something in the hands of Yan people.

When Princess Xinyang cleared Qin Fengyan's nest, she found the money and account book left by Princess Jing to Qin Fengyan. It is worth mentioning that Qin Fengyan has not seen those Yan people since that conversation.

In other words, Qin Fengyan's things are still in the hands of the Yan people.

Qin Fengyan's luggage from the frontier fortress has been checked by them. There is nothing valuable.

It was left by Princess Jing to Qin Fengyan.

All the things left by Princess Jing are not simple. Will this matter be related to that thing?

Xiao Heng went back to Bishui Hutong and went next door first.

The king of an County lived here all these days, and his job in the cabinet became yellow. In order to force him to bow down, Zhuang Taifu almost cut off all his retreats. No one from his colleagues, superiors or even his former classmates dared to talk to him.

Except for Xiao LIULANG, who was once regarded as a thorn in his eye.

Of course, there is Huo Jijiu.

Then there is empress dowager Zhuang.

Princess an has recovered from the great shock of "the Empress Dowager disguised as an old lady hiding here playing the leaf card" and "Huo Jijiu serving tea, pouring water, cooking and handing in private money".

Why worry so much?

He hasn't got the rent yet.

Gu Yan hired him to shovel chicken Baba every day, two coppers at a time, feed the chicken two coppers at a time, and slide the chicken two coppers at a time. In a fancy way, Gu Yan boasted that there were four coppers at a time, and there were ten coppers in a day.

But it's only 300 coppers a month, not even half of the rent.

Dong Dong Dong.

Someone knocked on the door.

Prince an rubbed his sore shoulder and said, "come in."

Xiao Heng pushed the door in.

How did you come back in broad daylight? Don't you have to pay for it? "

The family didn't know about Gu Jiao's injury, and the prince of an didn't know about it. He really thought Gu Jiao was taking care of her from Princess Xinyang.

"I need to see you."

"Sit down."

Xiao Heng sat down opposite the prince of an.

Seeing that he didn't look right, Princess an asked, "what's the matter? Is his face so serious? You're not going to raise the rent, are you

Xiao Heng: "do I look like someone who wants to increase your rent? It's going up again next month. "

Princess Ann: I shouldn't have said that!

Xiao Heng said, "if you have something to do, you can choose not to answer."

The king's face changed. "It's about my grandfather?"

It's not stupid.

Now that it's over, Xiao Heng said frankly, "yes, I found out recently that your grandfather and Yan people are in collusion."

"Yan people? How is that possible? " It's not that Princess an belittles himself, but that the state of Yan is the upper Kingdom, and they have no chance to connect with the people of Yan? Why collude?

"I know you don't like my grandfather, but you can't spit it out," said the prince

Xiao Heng said: "there is a force of Yan state sneaking into Zhao state. It's not convenient for them to disclose their purpose to you. Does your grandfather have an aide named Jiang Ping

Princess an frowned: "how do you know?"

Xiao Heng said truthfully, "he was the one who went to contact Yan people that day. Besides your grandfather, Jiang Ping would not have another loyal person, would he?"

There was a trace of loss in the king's eyes: "Jiang Ping is not only his grandfather's aide, but also my grandfather's adopted son. My grandfather is the only one who can command him."

Xiao Heng looked at him and said, "I'm not here to persuade you to believe it. According to what I know now, Yan people should have given your grandfather a very important thing. It's very likely that this thing is the mace that imperial concubine Jing left to Qin Fengyan, but it's a pity that Yin chayang falls into the hands of Yan people. You should know that Princess Jing is a remnant of the former dynasty. Her purpose is to restore the former dynasty, so the mace she left to Qin Fengyan is bound to be something that can subvert the imperial power of Zhao state. If it really fell into your grandfather's hands, it should be easy to guess what he would do with his temperament. "

The king of Anson was silent.

Xiao Heng continued: "I came here today to ask you, where do your grandfather usually hide important things? Of course, I also said that you can not answer. No matter what happens in the future, it won't affect you. "

After all, Zhuang Taifu was the grandfather of the king of an County.

Even if you break up with Zhuang Taifu, it doesn't mean that Prince an will be able to sell Zhuang Taifu.

Xiao Heng understood this, so he didn't force him.

After a while, he clenched his fist and said in a low voice, "my grandfather is a very cautious man. If you are going to look for things in his study or his yard, you may have made a mistake."

"Where would he put it?" Xiao Heng asked.

Princess an said, "it depends on what it is and how he feels. He said, "if you don't feel regular, others will not understand you."

All he said was the truth. His grandfather's heart was deeper than the sea.

Xiao Heng tut: "it's really an old fox."

Prince an said, "the banker is bigger than Marshal's mansion. You can't find him aimlessly."

Xiao Heng stood up and said, "if you can't find it, you have to find it."

He'll let longyi look for it tonight.

"Xiao LIULANG." The king of Anson called to him.

Xiao Heng looked back: "what's the matter?"

The king's throat slipped, and he said with a complicated look, "I'll find it."