The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 559

Royal study.

Princess Ning'an sat beside the emperor with a dim look.

The emperor patted her on the back of the hand and said, "don't take it to heart. There will always be a day when the truth will come out."

Princess Ning'an said in a low voice: "I sometimes wonder, shouldn't I come back? At that time, I had no eyes, did not listen to the dissuasion of my brother and mother, and insisted on marrying the frontier fortress. As a result, the trust was not human, which hurt hundreds of thousands of people in the border, suffered from war, and also killed so many soldiers. When your majesty offered to canonize me as Princess protector, I actually understood that I was not qualified. "

The emperor looked at her: "Ning'an..."

Princess Ning'an met him and said, "listen to me, brother."

The emperor nodded helplessly: "OK, you say."

Princess Ning'an reproached herself and said, "it's my elder brother's boundless kindness that my guilty body can be accepted by the royal family. Please don't mention the reward for me any more."

The emperor said earnestly, "it's not your fault. With or without you, the remaining evils of the former dynasty will make trouble in Zhao state. You are just a poor man who was used by them. If it's not you, there will be others. Don't blame yourself any more. What you said reminds me. Is it that I have been too fond of you and made some people jealous, so I am dissatisfied and caused a lot of trouble? "

Princess Ning'an was silent.

The emperor comforted her and said, "I have my own opinion on this matter. I will not let you be wronged. Today, you'll take it as if you haven't heard anything. I'll find out the truth. "

Princess Ning'an has red eyes.

When the emperor saw her like this, he couldn't help thinking that when she was a child, Ning'an was a lively child and would not cry like an ordinary girl. When she was wronged, she found a place where no one could sit quietly and tried to hold back her tears.

Every time he finds Ning'an, he makes Ning'an happy.

Thinking of the past, the emperor was more distressed.

I don't know how many times in the years when she was alone in the frontier fortress, she hid in the corner and hurt herself. Did anyone find her? Does anyone love her?

The emperor called Duke Wei: "you go to the Ministry of punishment and ask Xing Shangshu to keep his mouth shut. For the time being, don't disclose any information about this case."


Duke Wei took the order.

But it's too late.

On the way from Duke Wei to the Ministry of punishment, I heard that someone was talking about it.

"Two little brothers, what are you talking about?" Duke Wei picked up the driving curtain and cheerfully stopped the two young men on the side of the road.

Since it is to be kept secret, it is not easy to reveal his identity. He is wearing the clothes of an ordinary master.

They thought he was a rich master in the capital, so they told him the news they heard in the teahouse.

"It's said that xianleju colluded with the royal family and killed the soldiers who came back from the frontier fortress!"

"Yes, such things?"

Lao Jijiu knew that the speed of rumor spread completely depends on the blood of the rumor itself. It's not important to exaggerate, just spread it widely!

"Who did you kill?"

"Young master of Gu family army! Gu Changqing

"Cough!" Duke Wei almost didn't choke himself to death!

How to get involved with Gu Changqing?

Didn't you say that the assassin was Miss Gu?

And the attempted assassination!

"Wrong? Gu Shizi, he's going to visit the families of the soldiers. "

"He was killed on the way out of the city! It's not far from Fengxian. Someone came out of the post station nearby and saw that the snow was covered with corpses and bloodstains! "

It was Miss Gu who fought with the killers of xianleju. All the people who died were from xianleju!

Who made this, this, this up!

"Oh, what a tragedy! Gu Shizi killed the enemy bravely in the frontier fortress, but he was intrigued by the royal family when he came back. This is because he is afraid that Gu Shizi will be superior to his master, so he has to step down and kill the donkey! "

"It's really chilling to die in one's own hands instead of in the hands of the enemy."

"I didn't seem to be dead. I ran away."

"Is Gu Shizi going to hide in the east from now on?"

This is the first version that Duke Wei heard.

There's a second one.

The content in the front is almost the same. It's Gu Changqing who was assassinated out of the city. It's xianleju who colluded with the royal family. It's just that it's not the royal family's saying that they should take care of Gu Changqing. It's the Royal Princess who takes a fancy to Gu Changqing and wants to recruit him as his son-in-law.

Gu Changqing did not agree, angered the princess, so he was the other party's crazy revenge.

"What a mess!" Duke Wei's head is big.

The third version is the biggest headache for Duke Wei. The victim is still Gu Changqing, not Gu Jiao.

"It's said that it's a remnant of the former dynasty!"

"The remaining evils of the former dynasty have all perished?"

"It's like a fish has sneaked into the capital and colluded with xianleju to revenge Gu Shizi and Gu Jiajun!"

"Poor Gu Shizi is seriously injured. His life and death are uncertain."

"And I also heard that the royal family has detailed works, and the remaining evils of the former dynasty lurk in the palace."

"Well, I heard something here. When the son-in-law was killed by Gu Shizi, Princess Ning'an pleaded with Gu Shizi to let him live and die on his own in the snow mountain. But Gu Shizi Leng took the life of the son-in-law on the spot, regardless of the opposition of Princess Ning'an. "

"Ah, isn't it..."

Duke Wei had no choice but to look at the sky.

It's over. It's all over.

Once the news is spread out, it is not so easy to recover it. Besides, there is a saying that blocking is better than sparing. The more the emperor does not allow the people to talk about it, the more heated the discussion among the people.

If the emperor is a tyrant, it's all right. If he kills more than a hundred people, no one will dare to talk nonsense.

He is not.

This led to the continuous fermentation of the incident. The next night, almost the whole capital heard that xianleju colluded with the royal family to assassinate Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing is not in the capital at the moment, even if the emperor wants to call him out to clarify the truth.

The emperor could choose to let Gu Jiao stand up and say that she was the one who was assassinated, but that would mean that the case of xianleju's assassination was settled.

Besides, is there a big difference between assassinating Gu Jiao and assassinating Gu Changqing?

As a young leader of the Gu family army, Gu Changqing, the son of the Marquis of Ding'an, had a greater reputation in the capital.

Gu Jiao is too low-key.

Her fame is not enough.

But the essence of things is to think through.

Moreover, it is not a matter of whether the victim is Gu Jiao or Gu Changqing, but of who is behind the scenes.

"Princess, the tea is overflowing." In the warm Pavilion of Bixia palace, lian'er reminds me.

Princess Ning'an looked at the spilled tea and put down the teapot which had been poured for a long time. She said, "wipe it."

"Yes." Lian'er took a rag and wiped the water stains off the table. "Princess, you've been so restless these two days. What happened?"

"No, it's OK." Said Princess Ning'an.

Bixia palace was well protected by the emperor. She didn't hear any rumors. Lian'er only thought that the master was Huang Fu Xian.

She comforted: "don't worry about you, young master. He'll have a small temper. When he grows up, he'll know how to be filial to you."

Princess Ning'an said, "lian'er, if you are captured one day, will you betray me?"

Lian'er said solemnly, "of course not! Lianer's life is picked up by the princess. Without the princess, there will be no lianer. Lianer will not betray the princess! "

"Yes, your lives are mine. How can you betray me?" Princess Ning'an regained her old look. She said with a smile, "you go to the small kitchen to see how the soup boiled for the empress mother is."

Lian'er went to the kitchen and came back with a food box in her hand: "I've packed it for you."

Princess Ning'an took her food box and went to Renshou palace.

I never thought Xiao Heng was there.

Princess Ning'an looks at Xiao Heng in Empress Dowager Zhuang's study.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "he is LIULANG, whom the AI family has mentioned to you. Hasn't Ning'an met LIULANG yet?"

Ningan Princess Leng Leng, a smile: "ah, yes, never seen."

Xiao Heng got up and gave a salute: "Princess Ning'an."

Princess Ning'an nodded her head in return.

Empress Dowager Zhuang sighed to Princess Ning'an: "don't you stop cooking?"

Princess Ning'an put the food box on the table with a smile: "this is the soup made by the cook of Bixia palace."

Empress Dowager Zhuang motioned Duke Qin to take over.

"Come on, slave." Duke Qin opened the food box from Princess Ning'an and brought out the soup.

Princess Ning'an said with a smile, "I'll leave first, and come back tomorrow to give my mother and empress good-bye."

Princess Ning'an came out of her study and heard empress dowager Zhuang say to Xiao Heng, "go on."

Xiao Heng said: "no, there are only those rumors heard from the people."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "the only way to quell the rumors is to let the witness speak. Can the witness wake up?"

Xiao Heng: "she wakes up."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "didn't you get drunk for seven days? Wake up so soon? "

Xiao Heng: "Jiaojiao has an antidote in her hand. She wakes up in the morning. She can only speak in the afternoon."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "did she give up behind the scenes?"

Xiao Heng shook his head: "not yet, she won't say."

"Have you been punished?"

"Yes, all the punishments that can be used are used, and the mouth is very tight."

Empress Dowager Zhuang snorted: "if you can't be hard, you'll come to soft, if you can't be soft, you'll come to rape. I don't believe that xianleju is a hard nut. You can buy someone to poison huaxiyao in the name of visiting huaxiyao. That is to say, it's the snack given to her by the young master. Hua Xiyao will not fail to understand. "

"Princess, your handkerchief..." in the yard, a little maid looked at the ecstatic Princess Ning'an.

Ning'an Princess drooped her eyes and looked at the torn handkerchief in her hand. Wen Sheng said with a smile: "it's scratched by the branches. I'm thinking what to do?"