The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 542

It turns out that fighting with a bad brother-in-law is a little bit of a small clearance.

Xiao Heng just teased him. He picked them all and threw them away. Isn't it a waste?

Xiao Heng went to pick up the flowers again and handed them back to him, saying, "here you are. It's not poisonous."

Xiaojingkong looked at the little flower suspiciously and didn't reach for it.

Bad brother-in-law has no credibility to speak of, he said little clearance has not believed.

So Xiao Heng took the flowers for him, so that the boy would not go to trouble other flowers.

Xiaojingkong was observing the bad brother-in-law all the way, looking at his hand with flowers and his face.

"What do you always watch me do?" Xiao Heng asked.

"I'll see if you have a black seal." Small clearance, as it is.

Xiao Heng

Until they enter Renshou palace, xiaojingkong finds that the bad brother-in-law still has no sign of poisoning, so he takes Huahua back.

Xiao Heng is now an official in the Imperial Academy and also in the Ministry of punishment. There are so many people staring at him that he can no longer go in and out of Renshou palace as he used to. That is to say, he can not give others a handle with the excuse of sending small clearance.

Xiaojingkong said that he didn't want to enter the palace. He was really able to have a good time.

"How are you, sister feicui!"

"How are you, sister Pearl!"

He said hello to the maids of Renshou palace one by one and went to find his aunt.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's condition is not very good. Maybe she is too distressed for Ning'an's mother and son. She is a little haggard, especially every time Huangfu Xian leaves, Empress Dowager Zhuang will be absent-minded for a long time.

At noon today, Huang Fu Xian had just been here, had something to eat and left.

Empress Dowager Zhuang sat by the window, staring at the landscape of the yard. Suddenly, a small round head grew out from under the windowsill.


Empress Dowager Zhuang's eyelids suddenly jumped: "Why are you again?"

Xiaojingkong stood on tiptoe and handed in the flowers from the window sill: "beautiful flowers for beautiful aunt!"

The Empress Dowager drew her lips.

You can't be so perfunctory even if you change a word.

The old God of Empress Dowager Zhuang took the peony flower and said, "are you going to trouble Princess Xinyang again?"

Xiaojingkong, with the back of his hand behind him, said seriously, "I took it from my brother-in-law!"

He didn't lie. He just took it from his bad brother-in-law!

Although he actually picked it.

Does empress dowager Zhuang still not know him?

Empress Dowager Zhuang snorted, looked at the beautiful peony, and said, "Why are you so kind all of a sudden? Do you want to send flowers to the sad family?"

Xiaojingkong sighed: "Oh, no, it's the bad brother-in-law who said this flower is poisonous, so I can't give it to Jiaojiao."

Empress Dowager Zhuang

After entering Renshou palace, Xiao Heng did not rush to find his aunt, but met Duke Qin first.

"The Empress Dowager's condition..." Duke Qin heard that Xiao Heng inquired about the empress dowager, but he didn't hide anything. "To tell the truth, it's not very good. Princess Ning'an has suffered for so many years in the frontier fortress, and her appearance after coming back is very distressing... The most distressing thing is that young master xian'er has suffered such changes since he was young... The more perverse his temperament is, the more distressed the Empress Dowager is... "

Huangfuxian made trouble after he lived in the palace. He bullied Qin Chuyu on the first day, and soon he scared and cried the two little princesses raised by concubine Zhuang in the palace. As for the empress and his concubines, they were not polite. They were all pale.

The point is that as long as someone complains to his majesty, he will not admit it!

"You said a good child, how to develop such a habit?" The son is not the godfather's fault. In the eyes of Duke Qin, Huangfu Zheng really deserves to die. "This child's mental skill... Cough."

Realizing that he almost said something he shouldn't have said, Duke Qin stopped decisively.

When Xiao Heng didn't hear the last sentence, he said, "I'll go to see the Empress Dowager."

Xiao Heng came to empress dowager Zhuang's study and patted Xiao Jingkong on the shoulder: "go play. I'll talk to my aunt for a while."

"Oh, aunt, I'm leaving!" Xiaojingkong waved his hand and turned to go out.

Xiao Heng stays in the study to talk with empress dowager Zhuang, while Xiao Jingkong goes to Kunning palace to find Qin Chuyu.

In view of the last lesson, this time they did not go to the direction of Bixia hall.

"Let's feed the fish." Small clearance said.

There is a Taiye pond in the imperial palace. There are a lot of Koi in it. Each one is plump and cute.

Qin Chuyu's mood is not high.

"What's the matter with you? Not happy? " Asked little headroom with concern.

Qin Chuyu walked along the path full of flowers and sighed: "my dog is gone."

"Why not?" The little clearance didn't understand.

Qin Chuyu said sadly: "my mother said that it ran around last time, which made me run into Huangfu Xian. I was bullied by Huangfu Xian. Now my mother won't let me keep it."

Xiaojingkong thought about the family's small one to small nine: "in fact, my chickens and birds can also cause trouble. Last time, small nine almost pecked you?"

But Jiao Jiao didn't allow him to raise her.

It's nice to be charming.

Poor Qin Chuyu.

He comforted Qin Chuyu and said, "if you like dogs, you can go to my house next time. I'll lend you brother Yan's little eight."

"I want my dog." Qin Chuyu said dully.

"Why? Listen to me Small clearance suddenly stopped him.

"Listen to what?" Qin Chuyu asked strangely.

"Your dog!" The small clearance is crisp and authentic.

Qin Chuyu looked around: "where is it?"

"I hear you Little clearance pointed to the other side

The two children ran in the direction of xiaojingkong. After a rockery, they really saw Qin Chuyu's dog, but it was not the same as what they imagined.

Huang Fuxian is here!

Huang Fuxian was sitting alone in a cold wheelchair. There was no servant beside him. His legs were covered with a thick blanket as usual. Qin Chuyu's dog was lying on that blanket.

It's covered in blood. It's either fallen or abused.

Huang Fu Xian grabbed it by the neck in one hand and poured something into its mouth in the other.

The dog whimpered, but Huang Fuxian didn't have the slightest pity. He forced the dog's mouth open.

His expression was full of ferocity.

At that moment, he was no longer a disabled teenager, but a twisted devil.

Qin Chuyu had never seen such a terrible person. He was so scared that he fell to the ground and even forgot to scream.

Xiaojingkong was also surprised. He opened his eyes and looked at a man and a dog in the wheelchair.

Huang Fuxian noticed the movement in the side. He turned his head slowly and showed a pair of evil eyes.

"Ah --"

Qin Chuyu's hair explodes and finally screams.

Such a small child can't bear such a terrible shock. Qin Chuyu shakes like chaff and almost climbs forward: "help! Help! Someone killed the dog!"

He ran away.

Little clearance didn't run.

There was a faint surprise in Huang Fu Xian's evil eyes. He asked sarcastically, "don't you run, little thing?"

Xiaojingkong looked at him and the dog on his leg. He hesitated for a moment or something. Finally, he ran away with a whirl of steps!


There was a sneer of disdain between Huang Fu Xian's lips and teeth.

Near the upper court, the emperor called the cabinet ministers and the military aircraft ministers to the imperial study, and discussed with them how to reward the frontier fortress's meritorious officials.

Tang Yueshan was already the Grand Marshal of the army and horse in the world. He was not promoted. The emperor planned to confer a title on him.

Gu Changqing, as the son of the Marquis of Ding'an, was ordered to reorganize the Gu family's army in the face of danger and go north to attack the enemy. The emperor planned to promote him to be the general of the third grade of the army.

It was the fastest general to be promoted from liupin Duwei to Sanpin during the reign of the emperor.

Gu Chengfeng performed well in the first World War of yuegucheng, and the emperor decided to give him the post of commander of Yueqi.

There were also other generals, and the emperor offered rewards one by one.

The ministers had little to say.

Until now, the imperial study was in harmony, and then the emperor began to reward Gu Jiao and Ning'an.

Gu Jiao didn't recognize her status as a daughter of Marquis of Ding'an until now, so the emperor planned to reward her directly in the name of the master of Miao Shou Tang.

The emperor bestowed a plaque on the first miracle doctor and granted him the title of princess. The title was determined by the Imperial Academy.

At this time, the cabinet Xu said: "doctor Gu is just a medic, even if the treatment of soldiers meritorious, but I'm afraid the title of the princess can't afford it?"

Xu is a member of Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu said that he was ill today.

The emperor looked at Xu Zifu unhappily: "why can't you afford it? Do you know how many people she saved? "

"I didn't deny the credit of doctor Gu. I just felt that your majesty could give her some other rewards. The plaque that your Majesty gave her was the first miracle doctor. This reward is very thick. If you give her the position of Princess again, it's not ancestral."

Xu Zifu arched his hand, and then said, "besides, compared with doctor Gu, Chen thinks that another person should be rewarded more."

The emperor said, "Oh? Who do you mean? "

Xu said: "Princess Ning'an. Princess Ning'an killed her relatives with great righteousness. She helped Mr. Gu save the Marquis, and helped Mr. Gu take the nest of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty. If it wasn't for Princess Ning'an's resourcefulness and bravery, the commander of Gu's army would not be able to walk out of the snow mountain. Princess Ning'an enjoys great credit. My minister proposes that Princess Ning'an be granted the title of Princess protector! "

The eldest princess of the state of Zhao can not be canonized casually. She is a princess with real power. She is the same as the princes!