The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 527

At the palace banquet on New Year's Eve, the emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang went away together, leaving only empress Xiao and the prince to preside over the overall situation. Princess Xinyang and other royal families were invited to celebrate the victory of the frontier war and welcome the new year.

This is the first time in the world.

The emperor went into the yard without any psychological pressure. Where his mother was, he was!

Duke Wei looked at his Majesty in a word.

Since he believed that he had taken the overpowering drug, his majesty has gone on the road of releasing himself. Should you remind your majesty that he is only taking a Shengfa pill?

"Mother! I'm coming

The emperor immediately incarnated as empress dowager Zhuang's little tail.

Duke Wei covers his eyes, damn it! I don't see it!

Gu Jiao was going to go to the palace to report her safety to her aunt. Since her aunt came, she didn't have to go to great trouble.

Gu Jiao and her aunt went into the hall.

I didn't observe carefully before. Now I've been walking around the house with my aunt, only to find that in the three months since I left, there has been a great change in my family.

The vegetable garden in the front yard has been expanded, with a variety of green onions and radishes. The small fish pond opposite the vegetable garden has been filled with a big fish tank.

He said that when he had a younger brother at home, he should have his own place to play. Even though his younger brother was still so small, he still contributed his little fish pond without hesitation.

The passage from the backyard to the next door is no longer a passage. The wall has been completely pushed down. Now the backyards of the two houses are connected and become a large courtyard.

"Grandfather bought that house." See Gu Jiao a face dismayed ground looking at the courtyard that gets through, Xiao Heng is in her side light voice explanation.

"It's not cheap." Gu Jiao murmured.

Xiao Heng nodded: "well, it cost a thousand Liang."

Originally not so expensive, but since a new section of the number one, blue water Hutong will have a number one Hutong title, land prices, house prices that is the whoosh rise.

This thousand Liang is still the price of friendship.

Gu Jiao asked curiously, "where does grandfather Gu get so much money?"

If she remembers correctly, the salary of Guozijian's sacrificial wine is not so high.

Xiao Heng pulled the lip angle: "sold an official position."

Gu Jiao: Grandpa still does this kind of thing!

The operation of selling old sacrificial wine to officials is like this: first, they let out the news that they wanted to buy a house, and then some people with bad intentions came to the door and bribed the old sacrificial wine with a lot of money.

The old toaster took the gold to the emperor's imperial study and told his majesty indignantly, "I Huo Xian have been honest and loyal to your majesty all my life! It's wishful thinking to bribe me! I swear here that even if all the civil and military officials of the whole court are bribed, I will not be bribed! "

The final words of Lao Jijiu successfully aroused the emperor's deep thinking. The emperor had encountered many things since he was in charge of the government, and suddenly understood some of Empress Dowager Zhuang's decisions.

The emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang are quite different in employing people. The emperor's eyes can't rub sand. He must employ people with integrity, such as the old Marquis, such as the old wine sacrifice. Only Xuanping marquis is a bit romantic, but he has never violated the law and ethics.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is more tolerant. She stresses the advantages of employing and accommodating people. The most typical example is Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan is a man of great achievements. His uncle and sister-in-law don't care about him. The emperor would never reuse him.

But after the battle of the frontier fortress, the emperor suddenly felt that Tang Yueshan was better than worse.

The emperor began to think about the Regency of Empress Dowager Zhuang, and found that there were many things worth learning from empress dowager Zhuang.

When the water is clear, there is no fish.

Just like the shadow official system handed down by Bizu, it is absolutely impossible to ban it. It has shaken the interests of too many dignitaries and scholar bureaucrats, but the mother and empress solved the problem easily with one move and six part assessment system.

Although there will still be shadow officials, they will reduce their mediocrity and seniority to the greatest extent, which is a perfect balance.

The emperor thought that the matter of buying officials would exist.

If the old sacrificial wine refuses, it's hard to guarantee that the other party won't find the next one. Instead of finding the name of an unknown official, let the old sacrificial wine answer.

In this way, at least he knows which officials are bought, and everything is under control. When the platform is completely stable, he will catch all these people!

So with the emperor's permission, Lao Jijiu accepted bribes and bought the big house next to the champion!

Empress Dowager Zhuang and the emperor sat down in the hall. Both of them had a lot to say to Gu Jiao.

The old sacrificial wine quietly went to the kitchen to make brown sugar Ciba.

Xiao Heng plans to fight for his teacher, but he is mercilessly rejected by Lao Jijiu.

How many kilos of your own cooking skills do you have in mind?

"Ah Heng, come here and help paste couplets." Yao said with a smile.

"Good." Xiao Heng went out, carrying a bucket of paste, with a few young men at home to the door to paste couplets.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't mention anything about the battlefield. Those things can be mentioned after the Spring Festival. She said something about the village.

She sent eunuchs and bodyguards to Qingquan village to see Xue Ningxiang. On Tuesday, Zhuang and Premier Li asked to marry Xue Ningxiang at the same time, which caused a great sensation in all the townships.

Xue Ningxiang is a little widow. Most of the people in the countryside don't like her, but they want to get their hands on her. When Gu Jiao's family and Zhou's mother were together, those villains could be restrained.

Later, Gu Jiao's family left, Zhou's mother passed away, and Gu Yan's two secret guards returned to Beijing. Xue Ningxiang's situation became difficult.

Once, when she was sleeping in the middle of the night, the rascal in the next village went over the wall and came into her house. He put her on the bed and bullied her. It was Gouwa who woke up and cried so loud that the villagers were surprised before he didn't tell the man to succeed.

There was no way to hide the news in the countryside. What happened at night spread all over the countryside the next day.

The rascal's name was Li Dazhu. His mother-in-law came to have a big fight with Xue Ningxiang the next day. She scolded Xue Ningxiang for being a fox, a cheap hoof and a prostitute... She stripped off her man in the sorghum field and asked her man to go to her in the middle of the night.

Xue Ningxiang has changed from a victim to a fox who colludes with others.

There are many such things. Xue Ningxiang never mentioned them in her letter. Otherwise, people from empress dowager Zhuang would not have known that Xue Ningxiang had suffered so many wrongs if they had gone to the countryside.

Rory is protecting Xue Ningxiang, but the more he protects, the more gossip he has.

At the end of the day, he became a stranger inside and outside.

After learning about this, Premier Li wanted to take Xue Ningxiang to the town. By this time, Zhuang came back on Tuesday.

The whole village knew that Xue Ningxiang was taken in by his uncle and the dean of Tianxiang Academy. To be exact, they thought that Xue Ningxiang had colluded with them.

Xue Ningxiang was scolded miserably.

Her mother's family, who was a hundred miles away, also got the letter and came to catch Xue Ningxiang and scold her.

Sometimes human nature is like this. Seeing Xue Ningxiang struggling in the mire, I don't want to see her climb out of it.

In the eyes of many people, a widow who has killed her husband should be spurned. Why should she live a life of being a superior person?

Of course, there is a way to solve all these problems. People dare to scold a stone blocking the road, but few people scold the mountains around the village.

Empress Dowager Zhuang directly turned Xue Ningxiang into the highest mountain in the village.

"My empress dowager wants to invite lady Xue to the capital."

As soon as the eunuch said this, people from all over the country knelt down directly.

The biggest official they know is the county magistrate. What is the Empress Dowager? It's Bodhisattva, it's Buddha, it's heaven! It's a finger. No, it's a powerful existence that can take the life of the whole village without a finger!

People's eyes to Xue Ningxiang have changed from jealousy to fear.

They can't afford to be jealous.

Of course, Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't really want to force Xue Ningxiang to the capital. It was just to support her.

The people sent by Empress Dowager Zhuang told Xue Ningxiang that the Empress Dowager would support her and let her not be afraid of anything. Even if she wanted to marry ten or eight husbands, no one would dare to gossip about her.

Xue Ningxiang was so frightened by the treacherous words that she didn't think of ten or eight husbands!

However, such a conversation really emboldened Xue Ningxiang.

Tuizhuang and President Li are excellent men. In another ten or twenty years, maybe Xue Ningxiang will choose tuizhuang, a high spirited young man. But she is only two years older than Gu Jiao. At this age, with these frustrations, she would prefer to be a father like man like President Li.

He is mature and steady, he is considerate and meticulous, he is tolerant, and he has money.

Moreover, tuizhuang is Xue Ningxiang's little brother-in-law, and Xue Ningxiang can't get through that.

Last but not least, she is a mother. Sometimes it's not a man but a child who binds a woman.

Gouwa likes Dean Li and confuses her father. What else can she do as a mother?

Mrs. Li's love for Xue Ningxiang and Gouwa is a plus.

To put it bluntly, Xue Ningxiang is tired and wants to find a man who can rely on him to live the rest of his life safely.

Empress Dowager Zhuang understood Xue's choice.

Not everyone in the world can be as strong as Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao is unique.

She never seeks security from anyone. Her heart is strong enough and full of strength.

This naturally has a price, no life and strong, but there are too many things she needs to carry with her young shoulders.

Her delicate, all carry.

Xue Ningxiang doesn't need to be the second Jiao Jiao. She can live her own life easily.

In addition, Xue Ningxiang wrote a letter to Gu Jiao. Empress dowager Zhuang kept the letter in her pocket. She handed it to Gu Jiao.

This time, Xue Ningxiang didn't report any good or bad news. After all, the people of Empress Dowager Zhuang knew everything, and it was meaningless for her to hide it.

In the letter, she asked the Empress Dowager about her situation. Why did she know her? Was it Xiao LIULANG, the new champion of science, who was so good in the capital, or did Gu Jiao recognize the people in the Empress Dowager's house and disturb them?

Xue Ningxiang thought that she didn't have so much face.

"... the old lady with leprosy is not the empress dowager, is she? Without that luck, didn't I cook for the Empress Dowager? Does the Empress Dowager still help me see the baby? It must not be... There is no smoke in my ancestral grave... "

Gu Jiao thought about it and wrote back: would you like to go back to your ancestral grave?

"Jiaojiao! Jiaojiao

It was xiaojingkong who came running with a letter.

He was originally pasting couplets. Suddenly he saw Gu Jiao reading the letter, and he remembered that there was a letter on his side.

That's how kids are.

"Jiaojiao, the second letter from brother ming'er to me!"

"Do you want to show it to me?" Gu Jiao asked.

The letter is very private. Gu Jiao doesn't open his letter at will because Xiao Jingkong is a child.

But if he wants to share with himself, Gu Jiao will gladly accept it.

"Well! I want to show it to Jiao Jiao! " Little clearance nodded.

Gu Jiao opens the letter, which is full of greetings from the children. In her last reply, Xiao Jingkong mentioned some interesting things about her family and the Imperial College, which successfully aroused Ming er's learning enthusiasm.

Ming'er tells Xiao Jingkong that he has gone to the Imperial College.

It's just that he took a martial arts class.

The Imperial Academy of Liang state is slightly different from that of Zhao state in that it is divided into civil and military examination, probably because the imperial examination of Liang state includes not only civil examination but also military examination.

When I read this letter for the first time, Xiao Jingkong didn't feel much about it. Now I read it again with Gu Jiao, and I suddenly feel that I especially envy brother ming'er.

He also wants to practice martial arts.

He wants to protect Jiao Jiao.

Along with the second letter came ming'er's thank-you gift mentioned in the first letter about the music score of Zhaoying. The letter was sent by flying eagle, which came quickly. The thank-you gift was drawn by chariot and horse, so it was slow.

Thanks are the preparation of Yuqin and his wife. They are all special products of the state of Liang, plus more than ten kinds of children's toys.

In addition, Princess Yuqin knew that xiaojingkong was talented and was learning the languages of various countries. She specially selected ten books that only shangguo had, all of which were suitable for xiaojingkong.

Xiao Heng made a plan for Xiao Jingkong. He read a little every day, and his Mandarin has improved a lot.

In order to prove his progress, xiaojingkong jumped out of his chair and ran back to the house. He took his three shangguo poetry collections and said, "Jiaojiao, I'll recite them to you!"

With his little hands behind him, he began to shake his head.

... as if Gu Jiao understood.

Gu Jiao went out for the first time. In the past, Xiao Heng went out. Every time he came back, Xiao Heng could feel the changes at home. This time, it was Gu Jiao's turn to feel these changes.

Gu Xiaobao has grown up. Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun have grown up. Xiao Jingkong has long hair and can recite a lot of shangguo poetry

It's a bit of a novelty.

The dinner was not ready so soon, but the hot water was ready first. Yao asked some children to take a bath.

"Hurry up and wash your clothes out. You don't wash your clothes on the first day of the lunar new year." Yao said.

"I'll wash it first!" Small clearance a second incarnation love bath baby, totally forget Gu Jiao not in three months, he how much resistance to bath!

"Jiaojiao, go wash it, too." Yao said gently to Gu Jiao.

"Good." Gu Jiao should go down.

The water is only enough for two people to wash for the time being, and the rest will have to wait for the next wave.

"Brother in law, thank you. Please help me take a bath." Xiaojingkong came to the door and said politely to Xiao Heng who was pasting couplets.

The corner of Xiao Heng's mouth smoked: "Oh, you didn't seem to say that last time. If you dare to catch you to take a bath again, what are you going to do?"

be away from home.

"Cough." Xiaojingkong cleared his throat, put out his hand, and said helplessly, "who hasn't been young yet?"

Xiao Heng

Xiao Heng takes xiaojingkong to Westinghouse to take a bath.

Westinghouse's charcoal fire is booming, not cold.

Gu Jiao also went to take a bath.

She found that she had bought a new barrel at home, which was big and deep. Sitting down, she could make her whole body soak in water.


It's so comfortable.

Her little toes were bouncing under the water.

After jumping for a while, she suddenly remembered something.

She came back unharmed. Should the promise of her husband be fulfilled?


Xiao Heng came out from Westinghouse and saw that Gu Jiao had finished her bath and head, and was sitting in the main room in warm clothes.

Xiao Heng is slightly surprised: "so fast?"

Xiaojingkong is still playing with water in the bucket. The water is a little cold. He went to the kitchen to get hot water for xiaojingkong.

Gu Jiao looked at him with wide eyes.

Empress Dowager Zhuang went to the kitchen to eat brown sugar Ciba, and the emperor followed. Gu Jiao was the only one left in the hall.

In fact, the sky is a little dark, but Gu Jiao's eyes are so bright that it can't be ignored.

"Why... Look at me like that?" Xiao Heng asked.

"I'm not hurt." Gu Jiao said.

"Well, I know." Xiao Heng nodded.

With that, he realized something, his face was stunned, his eyelashes trembled, and his cheeks began to heat up.

Gu Jiao looks at him with her two hands holding her cheek. It's the little look she's looking forward to.