The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 520

On the other hand, the silver fox man went to Gu Jiao in a murderous manner. The soldiers on patrol were frightened by his momentum, and they didn't even dare to make a salute.

It's not surprising that the silver fox man was so angry. He was so smart and confused that he fell so badly in the hands of a smelly boy!

He didn't want to admit his stupidity, and he didn't want to regret it. What would have happened if he had listened to his uncle instead of being headstrong?

But there is no if, only consequences and results.

He couldn't deceive himself. He regretted that he had never met that Zhao soldier!

If you give him a chance, he will kill him without hesitation!

Now it's too late to kill him, but he's full of anger and has nowhere to vent. He has to do something!

What the silver fox man didn't expect was that when he kicked open Gu Jiao's door, it was an empty room waiting for him.

"What about people?"


There is no medical officer.

"My Lord!" Soldiers patrolling nearby follow the sound and salute the silver fox man.

The silver fox man raised his hand and pointed to the room. He said in a cold voice, "where are the people inside?"

The soldier said with a strange look: "did you ask the child doctor? Didn't the adult call the child doctor to treat the princess? "

"When will I..." the silver fox man stopped and looked at the empty room. He thought of something. His face changed and he pushed the soldiers away and walked towards his yard!

As he approached the yard, he heard a commotion, and then he saw smoke and fire not far away.

"Come on, come on! Water

A military commander directed the soldiers to run around to draw water, and the scene was in chaos.

The silver fox man picked up a soldier who was going to fetch water and said harshly, "what's the matter?"

The soldier said in fright, "my Lord! Your yard is out of water! "

His yard?

Silver fox man's face once again a change, left the soldier to rush past.

The fire started from the inside of his study. At first, the soldiers didn't pay attention to it. When it reached the outside, the fire was a little big, and almost all the documents and important objects in his study were burned away.

Jade dish.

They are the Royal jade dishes of Dali dynasty!

That's the genealogy of their Huangfu family!

The descendants of each royal family are recorded on the jade plate, which is the only thing that can trace their identity!

Without the jade dish, who knows what descendants are left in their Huangfu family, and who knows who Huangfu Zheng was from the imperial family of the former dynasty!

If the imperial seal is lost, it can be found. If it is broken, it can be done. But once the imperial genealogy is gone, it can never be retrieved.

This fire did not burn the jade dishes of the Dali Dynasty, but the Qi of the Huangfu family.

Huangfu's family is exhausted

Huangfu Zheng looked at this incredible fire as if it had burned all the rivers and mountains of Huangfu's family. His heart was full of anger, and the sea of anger was full of waves!

His body was beginning to crumble.

He refused to accept the idea that flashed through his mind! His sword hand began to tremble!

"What's the matter, princess?" He forbeared to ask the soldiers.

The soldier said, "the princess is out."

Huangfu Zheng frowned and said, "what does it mean to go out?"

The soldier replied, "the princess said to go out for a walk."

Huangfuzheng never restricted Princess Ning'an's freedom to leave the courtyard. She could walk as long as she was on the mountain.

But a few days ago she stayed at home, but today she went out?

Huangfuzheng then remembered that Princess Ning'an had called the child doctor to treat her. He came in a hurry because he thought something was wrong. When he saw the fire, he suddenly forgot what was going on.

No, the real thing is that the fire burned the jade dish.

But when the fire is burning, can he still snatch the ashes out of the jade dish?

Huang Fuzheng went to Ning'an's house, and everything didn't seem to have changed much, but after a careful search, he found that the token of Ning'an princess was gone, and the snacks and dry food on the table were gone.

Huang Fuzheng squinted coldly. Ning'an, you'd better not betray me!

In the woods of the back mountain, Princess Ning'an in a sable Cape slipped and fell heavily.

"Princess!" Lianer helps her quickly.

Princess Ning'an shook her head: "I'm ok."

There were four of them, Princess Ning'an, lian'er, Tong Yiguan and Gu Jiao.

All four put on their masks and walked through the woods in the back mountain in the cold wind.

In fact, Princess Ning'an is not as delicate as the rumors in the capital, at least not now.

She has lived in the bitter and cold area of the frontier fortress for so many years, and often gets along with the herdsmen. She has released sheep, planted land, and done dirty work. Her hands are no longer delicate jade hands, and her face has lost the crystal skin of jade and snow because of wind, frost and exposure to the sun.

But she still has a royal noble temperament.


Princess Ning'an fell again.

Soon, Tong Yiguan also fell.

No way. It's too deep.

"Princess! I'll carry you Lian'er said painfully.

Princess Ning'an waved her hand: "you can't carry me. I'm too heavy."

She said, looking back at the way she had come.

Although it was at night, the whole back hill was still very bright because of the moonlight reflected from the snow, and even the whole ground was mottled with their footprints.

"Hurry up, they'll catch up soon!"

Princess Ning'an gasped.

Gu Jiao congealed to fix eyes, ask Ning An Princess way: "secret way where?"

Princess Ning'an raised her soft and sour hand and pointed to the back of the forest: "through this forest, there is an ancient well. The underground is the secret road... If I remember correctly."

The last sentence made the doctor's eyelids jump up: "princess, what do you mean if you remember correctly? Do you know the secret way or not? "

Princess Ning'an said in embarrassment: "I just saw the drawings of the secret road in my study. I probably remember..."

"Ah..." the doctor was dumb.

If I remember it wrong, they would die even worse if they were desperate?

"Let's go." Gu Jiao said.

Tong Yiguan gritted his teeth to keep up.

We've all escaped, and we can't go back.

Lian'er and Tong Yiguan help Princess Ning'an, while Gu Jiao keeps a safe distance from several people with a red tassel gun.

They went through the woods and came to the ancient well.

The old well was covered by heavy snow. Several people searched for it for a long time before they found it.

"It's locked!" Tong said hopelessly.

Gu Jiao reaches out her red tassel gun, raises her hand and easily breaks the lock.

The stunned Tong Yiguan said: "what's the matter?"

Gu Jiao lit a fire fold and threw it under the ancient well. By the light of the fire, she saw the scene of the ancient well wall and the bottom.

There is a rope ladder hanging on the wall of the well. The bottom of the well is empty. There is no danger for the time being.

"I'll go down first."

Gu Jiao said.

"Look out!" Princess Ning'an said to her.

"Well." Gu Jiao turned back, nodded slightly, and jumped into the well with a red tassel gun.

Several people saw that she didn't use the ladder and jumped down directly. They were surprised again.

Gu Jiao picked up the fire fold, looked around, looked up and said, "there's a passage below. There's no danger at the moment. Come down."

"Princess, you go down first." Said lian'er.

Princess Ning'an nodded and slowly stepped down the ladder to the bottom of the well.

Then there was lian'er.

She was so burdened that she almost got stuck at the mouth of the well.

"You drop the baggage." Gu Jiao said to her.

"Well, brother Gu, you, you catch it!" Lian'er throws the burden to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao catches it.

Lianer climbed down carefully.

After stabilizing her figure, she looked up at the mouth of the well and said, "doctor Tong, please come down quickly."

One foot of Tong Yiguan straddled on the wellhead, but the other foot couldn't move: "I'm afraid of height..."

"Not high! There's a ladder Said lian'er.

Tong Yiguan shuddered and almost cried for fear: "no, I really can't..."

And at this time, not far away came the soldier's shrill drink: "my Lord! There they are

Tong Yiguan put his leg in one second and went down the ladder!

All of you:

Gu Jiao hands the fire fold to Tong Yiguan, and she climbs up the well head quickly to cover the well. The well cover is originally a self-contained mechanism. Gu Jiao turns the iron bar under the well cover, and the well cover is locked from inside.

She jumped down and said, "go!"

Several people entered the secret passage.

It's dark in the secret road. At first, Gu Jiao can use the fire fold, but after a while, the fire fold can't light up.

"Lotus, take out the night Pearl!" Princess Ning'an said to lian'er.

"Good!" Lian'er took out a night pearl bigger than her fist from her bundle.

Gu Jiao has never seen such a big night pearl. It's strange.

Princess Ning'an dropped her eyes and gave a bitter smile: "when I was born, my mother sent me."

Gu Jiao doesn't know what kind of mood Princess Ning'an was in when she mentioned her aunt again. Her aunt tried every means to block the marriage. However, Princess Ning'an was dazzled by love and married her son-in-law, but what she got was a calculation and betrayal.

"I don't know if my mother wants to see me."

"I think so." Gu Jiao said.

My aunt never forgot Princess Ning'an.

Ningan princess's eyes flashed tears, but she did not cry out, she held back.

The recollection of secret road is very loud, Gu Jiao can hear them pry open the well cover, the torrent general ground chased to come over.

Except Gu Jiao, the other three couldn't walk fast. They were finally caught up in a huge cave.

One end of the cave is connected with the secret Road, while the other end is a cable bridge suspended on the cliff.

The moonlight and the snow light on the cliff slowly shot into the cave, and there was light in the cave.

Gu Jiao throws the basket to Tong Yiguan and stands in front of the three men. She coldly looks at the pursuers who rush into the cave: "you go first."

"No one is allowed to go today!"

Huang Fuzheng's voice appeared behind the army.

The soldiers in the cave immediately separated to make way.

Huangfu Zheng came over with a cold look. His eyes fell on Gu Jiao. He narrowed his eyes slightly: "I look down on you. It's epidemic disease and frostbite. I still have the strength to toss!"

"Pestilence?" Lian'er looks at Gu Jiao incredulously.

Tong Yiguan also looked shocked.

Huangfuzheng took a panoramic view of their faces and turned his eyes to the expressionless Princess Ning'an: "it seems that you don't know that she is infected with the epidemic disease. She brought the epidemic disease to ancient times, and she will soon die. You will escape with her, and sooner or later you will be infected by her and die of the epidemic disease."

Lian'er leans to Princess Ning'an.

Tong Yiguan looked at Gu Jiao in a dazed way: "you... The medicine you gave me... Is it for curing epidemic disease?"

Huang Fuzheng frowned. He looked at Gu Jiao, who was able to move freely, and at Tong Yiguan, who was not sick at all. In a trance, he realized something!

He said excitedly, "you have medicine for epidemic disease!"

"I won't give you any." Gu Jiao said in a deep voice.

She deliberately lowered the volume, separated by a layer of iron mask, and at first it became a boy's voice.

Huangfuzheng laughed three times: "heaven does not kill me!"

No one knows whether Huang Fu Zheng's mood is surging at the moment. He thought he would die, but this boy has medicine in his hand!

It's a real cure for plague!

He and uncle are saved!

Gu Jiao's body has nothing to take, on the contrary, it is Tong Yiguan carrying his own medicine box, also holding a small basket of Gu Jiao.

Huangfuzheng coldly hooked his lips and said, "give this boy to me, you stop them!"


He looked at Princess Ning'an with deep eyes: "don't hurt the princess!"


The soldiers swarmed on.

Gu Jiao swung the red tassel gun, and Huangfu Zheng jumped up and gave her a hand.

Huangfu Zheng hummed coldly: "boy, I rescued you. If it wasn't for me, you would have been frozen to death in the snow! If you don't appreciate me, you should take revenge on me and my uncle and try to abduct the princess! "

"Not abduction, rescue." Gu Jiao cut down with one shot!

Huangfu Zheng raised his sword to resist, and the forces of both sides fought out another battlefield in the cave!

Huangfu Zheng sneered: "boy, you are not my opponent!"

Gu Jiao is still ill, and her strength is really compromised. But Huangfu Zheng is infected with the disease, so it's not necessary for Gu Jiao Qiang to go up much.

Gu Jiao another shot to Huangfu Zheng stab, Huangfu Zheng did not block, Shengsheng was cut off the sword!

Gu Jiao's red tassel gun pierced his shoulder!

Gu Jiao kicked him to the ground!

Huangfuzheng vomited blood immediately.

He didn't expect the boy to fight like this!

No wonder we can kill Sirius!

If you want to say that Gu Jiao's martial arts is not as good as Huangfu Zheng's, but Gu Jiao doesn't want to die. Does he dare?

Gu Jiao's eyes are like a ferocious young wolf. She steps forward and attacks Huangfu fiercely.

She's running out of energy.

We have to get rid of this trouble before that!