The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 518

After all, they have just suffered a defeat, and their morale is low. At this time, if it comes out that King Yi is infected with the plague, I'm afraid that the morale of the army will be unstable, or even more difficult to control.

The silver fox man calls the medical officials who are treating Yi Wang to a small wooden house nearby.

He sat behind a screen, at least ten steps away from the medical officials.

The medical officials only thought that he was worried that they had just contacted Yi Wang and that they might pass it on to him.

Behind the screen, the silver fox man sat on the chair with the velvet cushion, and asked as usual, "what's the matter with my uncle? I want to hear you tell me personally, is my uncle really infected with the plague, and can he be cured? "


The medical officials looked at each other and didn't know how to speak to the silver fox man.

His first two questions are not difficult to answer, but the last one.

Finally, one of the most experienced doctors, Chen, boldly answered his words: "my Lord, after our careful diagnosis, his highness Yi Wang has indeed been infected with the plague. As for whether he can be cured or not... I dare not jump to a conclusion."

Silver fox man's face became very ugly.

"How many of you... Have been in contact with my uncle?" The silver fox man asked in a deep voice.

At first, they didn't know that Wang Yi was a plague sufferer, so they didn't do enough protection. They directly diagnosed and treated Wang Yi. Now they are afraid of


It is still Doctor Chen who answered the silver fox man's words.

Silver fox man's complexion was even more heavy, he clenched his fist without any trace: "have all the medical officials gone to treat my uncle?"

If so, there will be no medical officers in the barracks who can not be isolated, which is very unfavorable to their current situation.

In case... He said that in case someone who is not infected with the disease gets sick, who should he go to for treatment?

Chen said: "one of the medical officers was taken away by deputy general Feng. He said that it was your order to let him treat a hostage. He has been taking care of the hostage these two days and has not gone to his royal highness King Yi."

Silver fox man remember is really such a thing, think of that Zhao soldiers, silver fox man's look unpredictable up.

Pestilence is not a cold wind. You can catch it by blowing cold wind. It needs to be infected.

Yinhu man is absolutely sure that he and Yiwang have never contacted those plague patients. The only suspicious person they have contacted these two days is the young man of Zhaoguo.

"Is it him?" The silver fox man frowned and murmured.

Silver fox man thought of the group of plague patients who fled, and the dead and pursuers who never came back.

If it was the boy who let go, everything would be explained.

He killed the group of dead men and pursuers, and he also contracted the disease, and then he picked up the critically ill man himself

Think of here, silver fox man's fist clenched cackle.

No, he still doesn't believe it!

He's going to see it for himself!

Silver fox man a excited, uncontrollable cough up.

As soon as the faces of the medical officials changed, they said in unison: "my lord?"

The silver fox man covered his mouth with a handkerchief and pretended not to see the blood on the handkerchief. He said quietly, "I'm ok. I'm just cold. Do you understand?"

They exchanged a frightened look, bowed their heads and said in unison, "yes, I understand."

The silver fox man wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice: "I don't care what method you use, you must cure the plague, otherwise, you and your family will die!"

The medical officers all shivered!

Gu Jiao was really sure that she was infected when she heard that Yi Wang had been diagnosed with the plague.

"Is the message reliable?" Gu Jiao sat at the head of the bed and asked the doctor who was facing her small medicine box with green eyes.

She already knew his surname was Tong.

Yecheng people, who made a living by practicing medicine, were forced into the military camp by the remaining evils of the former dynasty because they were going to fight.

"Sure! When I just went back to get the medicine, I saw that they had covered their faces one by one. When I asked, I knew that King Yi had the plague. Why did king Yi get the plague Doctor Tong didn't understand.

Gu Jiao is clear.

If Yi Wang has a plague, it can only be infected by her.

She was not sure whether she was infected by Zhao Yuanwai's blood, but she wore a mask under her helmet just in case.

When she woke up in this room, the mask on her face had disappeared.

I want to know who removed it.

The Tong medical officer told her that she came back in the carriage of King Yi and his son-in-law, so it is very likely that they were infected in the carriage.

Gu Jiao never thought of using plague as a means of attacking the enemy, so even if she killed Sirius, she also did a good job of protection.

Can not stand someone greedy to pick her up, but also want to use her.

After all, Gu Jiao has been here for three days. She doesn't look like she was infected with plague. Her hemoptysis is more like frostbite.

And it's getting better every day.

If it is a plague, it will only aggravate, not improve.

Moreover, he has been "treating" her here these days, and he has not been infected!

"It's time you took your medicine." Gu Jiao said.

Taking medicine every day became the happiest time for Tong Yiguan, because Gu Jiao allowed him to open the small medicine box and take out the small pills from it.

That kind of feeling is not too good!

Tong Yiguan cleaned his hands and opened the small medicine box devoutly. He didn't know the medicine in it, but he didn't know it.

He knew what kind of medicine he should take. He recognized the box.

He skillfully pressed out two pieces and swallowed them in warm water.

The lung edema caused by frostbite and this kind of epidemic disease will have the symptoms of cough and pink foam. Because of this, Gu Jiao has never been sure that he is infected.

Gu Jiao also appeared high fever symptoms, but soon in the role of drug fever.

On the contrary, Tong Yiguan has never had any symptoms.

She was not sure whether chloramphenicol played a role in prevention and treatment, or whether Tong Yiguan was an asymptomatic infected person.

The asymptomatic infection of plague is not contagious. In other words, if the child doctor is really the latter, he is the safest person in the entire stockade, and he can touch anyone.

They don't worry about being infected, they don't worry about infecting people.

Tong Yiguan knew nothing about his own special.

He's finished his medicine. He's going to put the kit back.

He reluctantly smacked his mouth, closed the small medicine box, and then began to look forward to the next medicine.

Once the plague attacks, without symptomatic treatment, the body will collapse sharply.

At noon, Yi Wang could still talk with others, but at night, he was so hot that he became unconscious.

The silver fox man had planned to come to Gu Jiao's house to find out, but he was called away by Yi Wang's men on the way.

Yi Wang is so confused that he shouts the name of the silver fox man in his mouth. People have to call him.

"ZHENG'ER... ZHENG'ER..." Yi Wang called out to him in a loose mind.

The silver fox man covered his face with a towel. He came to the bed and held Yi Wang's hand: "uncle, I'm here."

"ZHENG'ER..." Yi Wang grabs the silver fox man's hand tightly. "ZHENG'ER, I'm afraid of you..."

The silver fox man looks at Yi Wang suffering from his illness. He is very sad: "uncle, don't be afraid. I will cure you..."

"It's him... ZHENG'ER, it's him..."

King Yi is cruel and ruthless. The way to punish Gu Changqing and Gu Jiajun is proposed by one of his staff, but only to his nephew.

Rao is out of such a big thing, what he thought is not to blame his nephew for not listening to his own words.

Yi Wang trembled and said, "kill him... ZHENG'ER... Kill him..."

Silver fox man's heart emerged a huge regret and pain: "good... Uncle and wait, I'm going to kill him!"

On the other hand, Gu Jiao asked Tong Yiguan to find out who in the stockade had symptoms similar to plague.

"King Yi has been diagnosed, and his son-in-law is said to have coughed a few times. The other is Fengshi," said the child doctor

"Who is Fengshi?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Deputy Feng, someone saw the man who dug you out from under the body of Sirius and coughed up blood. And a few of his brothers, who are said to be in a bad situation

Tong Yiguan's words were more subtle and rigorous, but Gu Jiao could almost conclude that the emperor's son-in-law and Fengshi were also infected.

The means they used to deal with Gu's army finally fell back to themselves.

The tragedy that should have appeared in Gu's army is now the tragedy of the army of the former dynasty.