The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 510

Gu's army has been preparing to attack the city since yesterday, but no one knows which city they are going to attack except Gu Changqing.

According to the information from the Scouts of Gu's army, Chen's army predicted that Gu Changqing would attack Beiyang city first. Now Yecheng has begun to increase its troops to Beiyang city.

"It's so good. The 30000 troops in lingguancheng are not our opponents." In the camp, the right commander said, "and Beiyang city is far away from Lingguan city than Yecheng city. If the forces of Chen's army really go to Beiyang City, even if they find that they have been cheated and want to turn around to reinforce Lingguan City, they may not be able to catch up."

Gu Changqing looked at the city on the sand table and estimated the distance between them.

Beiyang City, Lingguan City, yuegucheng city and Yecheng City happen to occupy four directions: North, South, South, left, West, right and East. Beiyang city is located in the north, far away from Lingguan city in the south.

But it's not so far from Beiyang city to Yuegu city in the West.

If they react that they have been deceived, the first thing they must do is not to reinforce Lingguan City, but to lead the army to attack Yuegu city.

After giving their own analysis, the two commanders on the left and right disagreed on how many troops to deploy.

The right commander said, "if we go out of our way and get rid of them as quickly as possible, and then rush back, it may not be later than Chen's army."

The left commander said: "the ancient city of Yue is 80 li away from Lingguan City, and the ancient city of Yue is also 80 li away from Beiyang city. As soon as we attack the city, we will receive a message from flying pigeons. How long does the siege take? We'll be back when it's too late. "

The right commander said excitedly, "then fight another war! Take back the ancient moon city! "

Left commander zhengse said: "but the people in the city will suffer from war, and the wounded and garrison will also be slaughtered."

The commander on the right silenced him.

Although he played a radical way, he did not ignore the lives of the people and border officers.

Gu Changqing didn't speak.

Today, he inquired about the terrain of this area from Hu shiye and Cheng Taishou. He knew that it was the same distance to Beiyang city and Lingguan city in Yuegu city. However, compared with Yuegu City, the terrain of Lingguan city was higher and that of Beiyang city was lower. When they came back, they went down the mountain. When Chen Guojun came back, they went up the mountain.

As long as they attack the city fast enough, they can meet Chen's army outside the ancient city of moon.

So now he is faced with two choices: one is to go out and quickly take down lingguancheng, and then rush back to fight with Chen's army, the other is to leave some people in yuegucheng and fight on both sides at the same time.

The second involves the question of how many troops Chen's army will deploy.

30000 or 50000?

In the end, Gu Changqing chose to leave some of his troops in yuegucheng. After all, the soldiers were running back and forth, and their combat power could not keep up, which would also increase their losses and casualties. It's not as good as the two cities developing at the same time. The officers and men of yuegucheng are waiting for their work with ease. They may not have an advantage in number, but they will certainly be better in fighting power.

Gu Changqing paused and said: "moreover, it is not necessarily that the number of people will not be dominant. Beiyang city and ye city always need soldiers to guard, and they are also afraid that if we attack Lingguan City, we will attack Beiyang city or Ye City immediately. At present, the total strength of the two cities is 80000, and a city must have at least 20000 troops, so the maximum number of troops they can send is 40000. "

After a discussion with Tang Yueshan and his grandfather, they all agreed to leave 30000 Gu's troops to fight against Chen's army, and the rest of the troops who could be dispatched would follow Gu Changqing to attack Lingguan city.

There are always casualties in war, so accompanying doctors are also necessary.

In fact, there were many excellent doctors from the people in the medical team this time. But in the smoke of war, Gu Changqing only selected 20 doctors from the imperial court.

Gu Jiao is not a doctor. She has to inform the patients in the village to evacuate.

Although it was said with Xiaoshi at that time that it would be good for people to deliver news, Xiaoshi would take people to evacuate.

But how can Gu Jiao allow a group of patients to escape in the ice and snow?

It's going to kill you.

Gu Chengfeng has just been officially appointed as Gu Jiajun. He is so excited that he seems to have climbed into ten thousand ants. He tosses and turns in bed, with a few giggles from time to time, and directly wakes Tang Yueshan up.

Tang Yueshan has been able to be very calm since he first saw that it would frighten the steamed bun.

The boy's brain is broken. He has to smoke seven or eight times a day.

Gu Chengfeng doesn't even have the heart to eat dinner. He just wants to attack lingguancheng. He thinks he's Gu's army. He can't just sit back and ignore it. He has to go to war!

He decisively removed the bandage on his arm and walked out with great strides. Before he stepped out, he was blocked by doctor song.

Doctor Song said selflessly: "Miss Gu said, no one is allowed to leave this room!"

"I'm not afraid of you. Do you want to give me an injection? Come on, come on, come on Gu Chengfeng pouts his ass directly to him.

Doctor Song said with no expression: "take a bottle of hair tonic for you."

Gu Chengfeng is like a bolt from the blue!

I've been busy fighting recently, and I've forgotten about hair tonic!

Gu Chengfeng, who is not afraid of the day, the ground and the injection, finally gave up for a bottle of hair tonic

After dinner, Gu Changqing led Gu's army away, and the left commander and 30000 Gu's army stayed in yuegucheng.

Snow and wind all over the sky, the road is dangerous.

After a night's trekking, Gu Jiajun finally arrived near Lingguan city.

At this time, the snow did not stop, the army perched in a mountain forest.

Gu Changqing ordered him to go down and rest in the barracks.

Lingguancheng is in the east of the mountain, they are in the west of the mountain, and there is a thick snow cover, even if the fire will not be found.

Gu Jiao is going to find Xiaoshi.

Brother and sister have talked about the details of this matter for a long time. Considering the overall situation, Gu Changqing can't leave the team before the war, but he has dark guards with him. He gives all six dark guards to Gu Jiao.

As early as before she set out, Gu Jiao picked a few women who knew needlework in Yuegu City, and took them to make several sets of isolation clothes with oiled paper.

Gloves and masks don't bother them. There are many in the small medicine box.

She has only one pair of goggles, but she will put on a mask for plague patients in a moment, which is not a big problem.

Gu Changqing looked at Gu Jiao who was carrying a small medicine chest and a red tassel gun: "are you going to leave?"

Gu Jiao nodded: "take them to a safe place and meet you."

"Good." Gu Changqing looked at her steadily, and his elder brother was worried and reluctant. But at the same time, he also understood Gu Jiao's ability. He cut her hair and said, "take care of yourself."

"I will."

If she doesn't take care of herself, there will be no small benefits.

Because they had to cross the checkpoint, several people didn't ride. The dark guards used their lightness skills and took Gu Jiao to shuttle through the night.

About half an hour later, the group arrived at their destination.

Gu Jiao stood outside the wooden bridge, took out gloves, masks and temporary isolation clothes from the small basket, and helped them to dress up one by one. She also dressed well.

A dark guard is going to explore the way.

Gu Jiao stopped him: "I'll go first, you wait for me here."

The dark guards nodded.

Gu Jiao went to the dead man's cabin and knocked on the door.

The sound of getting up came from the room. It was quick and alert.

Gu Jiao secretly nods, Xiaoshi's vigilance is good.

"It's me." She whispered.

"Dr. gu!" Shen Xuan opens the door for her.

Gu Jiao flashed in, covered the door, and asked him through the thin moonlight in the crack of the door: "have you taken medicine on time these two days?"

"Yes, yes!" Shen Xuan busily nodded, "I feel much better!"

"What about the others?" Gu Jiao asked.

Shen Xuan said: "they also took medicine on time. Most of them are getting better like me, but some of them haven't changed much."

"No effect?" Gu Jiao curiously frowned and said, "the effect of medicine is different in individuals. If you observe it for two days, it won't work. I'll give them another medicine."

Last time she had streptomycin and a kind of sulfonamide, she would see if there was tetracycline or chloramphenicol in the small medicine box.

Gu Jiao said to Shen Xuan, "let's not talk about this. Ling Guancheng is going to war. I'll take you away first."

Shen Xuan waved his hand: "doctor Gu, please go quickly. I'll take them to hide in the mountains. I promise they won't be found!"

Gu Jiao looked at him and said, "they have hounds. It's easy to find you."

"Ah Shen Xuan is surprised.

Gu Jiao said: "time is running out, hurry to leave here!"

Shen Xuan dare not delay, he will wake up the patients one by one.

They didn't expect that Gu Jiaozhen would come back to save them. Originally, there were only two points in her heart. Now it's five.

Gu Jiao put masks on everyone and took them across the bridge.

But Gu Jiao himself did not leave, but said to several dark guards: "you escort them to move safely."

"Won't you go?" Shen Xuan asked.

Gu Jiao light way: "well, later walk."

It's almost dawn. Chen's soldiers will come to deliver breakfast. They need someone to pretend to be a dead man and knock on the door. Otherwise, once they find that all the people in the stockade are gone, they will guess whether Gu's army is coming.

The whereabouts of Gu's army should not be revealed in advance.