The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 505

When Cheng Taishou finished, he found that general Gu was a little confused.

Cheng Taishou: I see. I'm so happy and stupid. I've traveled thousands of miles to fight. Isn't it just to save my grandfather?

Look at the reaction. What a filial grandson!

But you don't have to be so confused, do you?

It's like suddenly remembering that you have a grandfather.

Cheng shook his head like a rattle. It's impossible, it's impossible!

General Gu is a filial son and a virtuous grandson. He is not such a person. If you have a sister, you forget your grandfather!

Cheng Taishou smiles, bows his hand, and says, "well, I'll leave first. There are still some things to deal with in the Yamen. I'll come back tomorrow to greet you."

Gu Changqing coughed softly and said, "well, you can go."

After Cheng Taishou left, Gu Changqing pinched his forehead in a cold sweat.

He turned and entered the camp, his eyes fell on Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is as like as two peas in the red gun. After a campaign, the braids on her gun head were dirty. The small red flowers on the gun were also scratched, but Gu Changqing had been cleaned and repaired, just like the original ones.

"Do you like it?" Gu Changqing's eyes softened unconsciously.

"I like it." Gu Jiao doesn't have many special hobbies for safflower and braid, but they are all made by xiaojingkong. Gu Jiao always cherishes them.

If you go back and let small clearance find that they are broken, small clearance will be sad.

Gu Changqing was in a good mood when he heard that she liked it. He said, "my grandfather wakes up. I'll go to the prefect's house later."

He knew that Gu Jiao didn't accept the grandfather, so he didn't ask Gu Jiao to go with him.

But Gu Jiao took the initiative to say: "I'm with you."

Baibazi's brother wakes up and has to visit!

Moreover, she also wants to guard Gu Changqing against the former dynasty's dead man plotting against him.

Gu Jiao wants to go, but Gu Changqing doesn't stop her.

For the convenience of walking, Gu Jiao has always been dressed as a teenager in the frontier fortress, and today is no exception. Just before leaving, Gu Changqing found that she was wearing a mask.

Gu Changqing

They went to the prefecture.

The old Marquis still lived in the room where Gu Jiao lived first. The courtyard was very empty. Recently, the wounded camp was not enough, and other patients moved in one after another.

It's not that the Marquis didn't wake up once, but he was completely awake this morning.

At last, he was no longer in a muddle headed state. He remembered what happened in Yecheng and lingguancheng - the people he met, the threats he received, the abuse he suffered

However, there is no impression of his being rescued afterwards.

The servants of the prefect's house couldn't tell. They just sent someone to inform the prefect.

Cheng Taishou wants to be familiar with him, but he doesn't have the courage to neglect his duty under Gu Jiajun's eyes.

The old Marquis still heard that some wounded soldiers had moved into the prefect's house, and then he knew that Gu Jiajun had arrived at the frontier.

Then his grandson must be coming to see him soon.

As a result, the Marquis waited all day, but he didn't wait for his eldest grandson to come to see him!

Under the corridor, Gu Changqing and Gu Jiao stopped.

Gu Changqing looked at Gu Jiao and said, "are you going to meet your grandfather?"

Gu Jiao put out her little hand and straightened his skirt. She looked at him with a kind eyes: "you go first."

Gu Changqing: I suddenly feel that my seniority is not right

Gu Jiao blinked, let you be a day's brother, OK.

Next I'll be your grandfather's brother.

You know that anyway!

Gu Jiao patted him on the shoulder: "go!"

Gu Changqing

Gu Changqing entered her grandfather's house with Gu Jiao's kind and happy eyes.

There are no wounded soldiers living in the next room for the time being. Gu Jiao plans to go in and sit down. As soon as she pushes the door open, Yu Guang catches a glimpse of two Gu soldiers carrying a wounded soldier coming this way.

Then, several people stopped in front of Gu Jiao.

"Dr. Gu." Two Gu Jiajun carrying a stretcher greet Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao fixed her eyes on the stretcher. It turned out to be Gu Chengfeng.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two spoke in unison.

Gu Chengfeng said bravely: "I come to see my grandfather! I heard that my grandfather woke up, and it happened that the position of the wounded camp was not enough, so I simply moved to the prefect's residence. what about you? Are you here to treat the wounded

It's not going to be his grandfather.

This girl is not a housekeeper.

Gu Jiao picked to pick eyebrow, way: "I see my brother!"

"Chi ~ is your brotherhood in the prefecture?" Gu Chengfeng makes Gu Jiao laugh. This girl's boasting ability is really more and more powerful. It's a pity that he really believed that she went north to save her brother and a fool.

However, after such a long time together, let alone brothers and fools, he didn't even see a hair of them!

In his opinion, this girl is lying at all!

"He is." Gu Jiao said seriously.

"Oh." Gu Chengfeng said, "who is your brother? You point it out. "

Gu Jiao thought about it and said, "I'm afraid I'll scare you to death."

"Blow, you blow, you scare me to death? As long as your brother is not my grandfather, even Tang Yueshan can't scare me to death! "

"You call me?"

Tang Yueshan's voice suddenly appeared behind Gu Chengfeng's stretcher.

"Lying trough!" Gu Chengfeng directly excited himself and fell down from the stretcher with a thump!

He looked awkwardly at Don Jesus and said, "what are you doing here?"

Was it a ghost in broad daylight?

It's not like that!

Tang Yueshan said angrily, "if you can move here, can't I?"

It's not that he wants to come, because the wounded camp can't be crowded. The assignment to the prefect's residence is not based on the identity, but on the injury. Tang Yueshan and Gu Chengfeng happen to be among the ranks with serious injuries but stable conditions that can be moved.

Gu Chengfeng snorted: "you come, you have to share a yard with me!"

Tang Yueshan said angrily, "what's wrong with a yard! Another room

"You're in the same ward." The accompanying doctor looked at the list in his hand and said without expression.

Two people: "and..."

Gu Chengfeng and Tang Yueshan were carried into the house next to the old Marquis.

On the battlefield, they fought side by side and helped each other. But when they got off the battlefield, they didn't have any friendship. Gu Chengfeng hated Tang Yueshan, and Tang Yueshan didn't look up to Gu Chengfeng.

Two eyes are not eyes, nose is not nose.

In contrast, Tang Yueshan is more agreeable to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao said to the accompanying doctor, "I'll take care of this. Go elsewhere."

"Yes, Dr. Gu."

The accompanying doctor went to take care of other patients.

There used to be only one arhat bed in the room. After the addition of a new bed, Tang Yueshan was not picky about the bed. Gu Chengfeng successfully occupied the spacious arhat bed.

The bamboo bed of Tang Yueshan is close to the wall, and the old Marquis is next door.

In fact, the two rooms were originally one, but later they were separated by pear wood wallboard.

In this way, the sound insulation effect is inevitably worse.

He heard the voice next door.

Although Tang Yueshan is not a gentleman of virtue, he is not a gentleman of Liang Shangjun. He swears that he did not eavesdrop on purpose.

Tang Yueshan's face changed when he listened.

Gu Chengfeng stares at Tang Yueshan from time to time. When he stares at Tang Yueshan for the first time, he catches something wrong with Tang Yueshan.

What's this guy doing?

His ears are so close to the wall... Is he eavesdropping?

Next door is his grandfather. Tang Yueshan is too shameless to eavesdrop on his grandfather's corner!

He wants to listen, too!

When Gu Jiao took two thermometers out of the small medicine box, she turned her head and saw two big men sitting on the small bamboo bed with their ears tightly on the wall.

Gu Jiao: Well, you are

Don't call me.

After a while, all three ears grew on the wall.

In the next room, the old Marquis just woke up. His consciousness was restored. Before he had any martial arts skills, he didn't notice that he was heard in the corner.

Although Gu Changqing was aware of someone next door, he thought it was Gu Jiao, so he didn't care too much.

The old Marquis coughed for a while. Gu Changqing handed him a cup of hot water.

The old Marquis took over and looked at Gu Changqing, who never had any eye contact with him. He sighed earnestly: "are you still complaining about me?"

Gu Changqing drooped his eyes and said, "what grandfather said, grandson doesn't understand."

The old Marquis said earnestly: "you are my eldest grandson. I raised him myself. What do you think I don't understand? Some words I originally planned to rot in my stomach and go to the grave after I die... But not long ago, when I thought I would die, what I thought in my mind was that I regretted not telling you everything. "

Gu Changqing didn't speak.

He didn't seem to care what his grandfather was hiding from him.

The old Marquis put the cup on the bench and said, "what I'm going to say next may be hard for you to accept."

Gu Changqing said to himself, "what else can't I accept?"

"You have." The old Marquis looked at him with a dignified look. "Do you think I killed your mother?"

Gu Changqing pinched her fingers.

The old Marquis said: "your mother's condition improved at that time. However, after I went to see her, her condition suddenly deteriorated, so you think I did it... Yes, I thought I would kill her."

Gu Changqing took a big hand, and a trace of pain appeared between his eyebrows. He almost bit out a few words: "why!"

"Your mother..." the old Marquis closed his eyes and crossed his eyebrows. "It's the work of the previous dynasty."