The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 503

At night, Gu Chengfeng didn't wait for his elder brother. He fell asleep in a moment of grievance.

Hum, tomorrow, big brother will come to see him!

The next day, Gu Changqing left the city

Gu Changqing went out of the city with Gu Jiao.

The crisis of yuegucheng has been solved, but there are still two crises waiting for them in the next battle. One is Gu Changqing's legs were cut off, the other is the annihilation of Gu's army.

In fact, these two events are related. The reason lies in Lingguan City, which was garrisoned by the remaining evils of the former dynasty.

In order to deal with Gu's army, the remaining evils of the former dynasty did everything they could. They did not know where they got an epidemic patient and let him infect the people in the city. After Gu's army recaptured Lingguan City, they did not know that a plague had quietly spread in the city.

When the doctors confirmed that it was a plague, Gu Jiajun had been infected.

The plague is probably plague, with short incubation period, rapid onset, severe symptoms and high mortality.

Gu Jiajun quickly took measures, but it was still a step late, and a large number of Gu Jiajun were infected.

Because of the lack of proper treatment, hundreds of Gu's soldiers died in the isolated barracks every day.

In order to stop the plague completely, their bodies could only be burned, and even their ashes could not be brought back.

Gu Changqing was schemed on the way to find medicine for them. He was a very powerful dead man. His skill was no less than that of the Dragon shadow guard of Zhao state. But the other party didn't kill Gu Changqing, just cut off his legs.

It seems that the other party's purpose is to make Gu Changqing live soberly and painfully. He lost Gu's army, his grandfather and his own brother, but he still left him a Gu Chenglin in his family. As a result, his life is not like death, and he wants to die, but he can't.

If he dies, who will take care of Gu Chenglin?

He lived forever in the abyss of pain.

Gu Jiao seriously thought that to save Gu Jiajun, we must put an end to the plague from the source and prevent the spread of the plague.

In order to avoid Gu Changqing's tragedy, the second is not to let him leave the army to look for medicine. The most important way is to find out the fierce dead man and kill him!

Gu Jiao didn't know where the dead man was, so she solved the plague first.

On the way to lingguancheng, they rode in the snow. Gu Changqing suddenly turned to see her: "your equestrian skills have improved."

In the capital, Gu Jiao didn't know how to ride a horse.

Gu Jiao said: "from the capital to here are riding, will be."

To be honest, her riding is not good. It's a good horse. She doesn't need to spend too much skill to control it, so the horse can run happily.

But my sister's progress, no matter how small, is also big.

Gu Changqing was very pleased, looking at Gu Jiao with light in her eyes.

"That's right." Thinking of the purpose of this trip to Lingguan City, he said again, "how do you know there are plague patients in Lingguan city?"

Gu Jiao never changed her face and said, "I went to lingguancheng last time. I also went to the former imperial palace."

But I know this news has nothing to do with my going to lingguancheng.

Gu Jiao added a sentence in her heart.

Gu Changqing naturally supplements the information that she didn't say all -- Gu Jiao goes to the prefect's house and overhears the plan of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

It has to be said that the skill of brain tonic is well controlled by father and son.

The news of Gu's army's annihilation of the 20000 troops of Chen state spread like wildfire, and Lingguan city was more heavily guarded than before. However, the border city was not surrounded by walls like the capital city, and even Lingguan city only set up a few checkpoints on the only way.

It's not difficult for them to pass this level. They hide the horse in the nearby mountain forest. Then Gu Changqing uses his lightness skill and takes Gu Jiao around from the side.

This kind of terrible danger will not be put in the prefect's house. The remaining evils of the former dynasty locked the plague patients in a small stockade in the northwest of Lingguan city.

After entering the city, they went straight to the small stockade.

Xiaozhaizi is located at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing water on one side.

To enter the stockade, you have to pass the wooden bridge on the river.

They squatted down behind a bush and carefully observed the movement in the stockade.

The stockade is very small. There are only a dozen small houses piled up with mud and vegetation. The doors and windows of the small houses are tightly closed, and occasionally a few suppressed coughs come from inside.

Two people observed for a long time, Gu Changqing whispered: "strange, there is no guard."

"There's no lock on the door, either." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Changqing nodded.

This is a very big doubt.

Here are the plague patients. Although they are meant to deal with the Gu family army, the Gu family army has not yet come to Lingguan city. The anti army of the former dynasty is stationed here.

The streets are full of former soldiers.

Are they not afraid that these patients run out and accidentally infect themselves?

Gu Jiao also felt very strange. In her dream, she only saw the result, but she didn't see the process. So she couldn't control what medicine was sold in the gourd before releasing the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

But since they're here, they can always find out.

"Someone's coming!" Gu Changqing protects Gu Jiao's head with her hand and presses her body under the bush with her.

Here are two soldiers from the former dynasty, each carrying a large food box in the creaking snow.

When Gu Changqing brought Gu Jiao over just now, he used his lightness skill, so he didn't leave any footprints in the snow. The soldiers walked past Gu Changqing and Gu Jiao.

Two soldiers came to the stockade, put their food boxes in the open space in front of them, and then left.

"Is this a meal delivery?" Gu Jiao said.

"It looks like it's time for lunch. Are you hungry?" Gu Changqing's focus suddenly deviated.

Just as Gu Jiao wanted to say that I was not hungry, she saw that Gu Changqing took out a piece of kraft paper wrapped in her arms. After opening it, it turned out to be a bag of preserved meat.

Gu Jiao

Before Gu Jiao could eat, something happened to one of the small wooden houses in the stockade.

There was a creak, and the wooden door was pulled away from inside. A tall, burly man came out slowly.

He was wrapped in a thick quilt, holding an empty bowl, and his steps were sonorous and heavy.

His breath made Gu Jiao feel familiar. Gu Jiao wrote two words in the snow with her index finger: "dead man."

Gu Changqing frowned.

Take her cold fingertips and warm them in your hands.

They continued to observe the movement of the house.

The dead man's appearance and state are not right, it seems that he is also a plague patient.

He came to the open space in the stockade, opened the food box on the left, slowly took out a piece of cake and a steamed bun, opened the food box on the right, and scooped out a bowl of black soup.

After that, he turned and went back to the room.

He walked with some difficulty and could see that the lesion had taken root in his body.

After he closed the door, the doors of the other small houses began to open one after another. After that, all the villagers came out without martial arts skills, aged between 20 and 40, belonging to the age of better physique in one's life.

As if he had been carefully selected, Gu Changqing's heart sank.

There were two villagers in each room, a total of 14 people. Like the dead man just now, these people also took their own dry food and medicine juice.

"Can you smell any medicine?" Gu Changqing took out the dagger and wrote a line in the snow with the scabbard. Then he handed the dagger to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao wrote: "medicine for plague."

"Can it be cured?" Gu Changqing took the dagger and wrote.

Gu Jiao shook her head.

It can't be cured.

The plague should be streptomycin, or tetracycline, chloramphenicol or sulfonamides. This kind of decoction can only relieve symptoms to some extent, so that the patient will survive for several days and eventually lose his life.

Gu Changqing was lost in thought.

They crouched behind the bushes for a while. Suddenly, the door of the easternmost room was opened, and a young man in his early twenties came out stealthily.

Just now, Gu Jiao noticed him when he was eating.

Gu Jiao is a doctor, who can see the most serious symptoms, but this young man is the lightest symptoms, so Gu Jiao paid more attention to his eyes.

The young man probably wanted to run away. He crept across the open space and walked to the wooden bridge.

However, before he stepped on the bridge with one foot, he was overturned on the ground with a strong force, and he fell out with nosebleed in the snow on the spot.

"Next time, I'll cut you into pieces and feed the dog!"

It's the voice of the dead man.

At this point, Gu Jiao and Gu Changqing finally understand why there is no guard here.

There is that fierce dead man, and none of the villagers here can escape.

It also reduces the risk of infection for soldiers.

The young man covered his bleeding nose and climbed back to his cabin.

Gu Changqing's eyes suddenly cooled down.

He understood the idea of the remaining evildoers of the previous dynasty.

There will be a war in lingguancheng. If Gu's army is defeated, lingguancheng is still a remnant of the previous dynasty. Then these plague patients will be executed on the spot.

And if Gu's army wins, these plague patients will be released to infect the people in the city and Gu's army.

The so-called "destroy if you don't get it", mostly.

As for why we don't drive these patients to yuegucheng directly, one is that they are ill and can't walk so far; Second, on the way to drive them away, accidents are easy to happen.

If you run away, or accidentally contact with the soldiers, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Gu Changqing's eyes were cold to the freezing point. He didn't even need a dagger. He stood up and said, "I'll kill the dead man."

Gu Jiao pressed his hand: "I'll kill him."