The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 492

Well, another one afraid of needles.

To break the cold, a skin test is needed. However, there is no skin test in the small medicine box, which means that Gu Jiao can only give Tang Yueshan desensitization injection, that is, a small amount of one-time dose is injected into Tang Yueshan's body with physiological saline.

Tang Yueshan was stabbed four times.

Gu Jiao looks at the small medicine box.

Don't you mean to bully Tang Yueshan?

A cold wind blowing, small medicine box as quiet as a chicken.

After each needle, there is a little space for observation. Gu Jiao is not idle. She goes to clean the battlefield. The meaning of cleaning is to touch every soldier's purse, empty every soldier's dry food, and... Lead the horse that the silver fox man didn't have time to take.

It's a real suitable horse for the frontier. It's fat and strong.

Gu Jiao is very satisfied.

In addition to these, Gu Jiao also pulled back Tang Yueshan's arrow and the arrow of the remaining sin of the previous dynasty, and picked up two excellent shields.

Tang Yueshan looks at her, the corners of his mouth are fierce, the veteran is not so skilled!

After cleaning the battlefield, Tang Yueshan's last stitch was finished.

They are going to meet Gu Chengfeng and the marquis.

Plus the two horses they had before, they now have three.

Gu Jiao and Tang Yueshan rode on one horse, and the third horse carried things.

Gu Jiao rode the horse left by the silver fox man. It has to be said that the emperor's son-in-law's horse is different from the common people's horse. It's not only beautiful and tall, but also made of gold. It's really magnificent!

Gu jiaoxiong sat on the horse valiantly and shook his head happily!

Tang Yueshan

They went west together.

Just now, Tang Yueshan and Gu Chengfeng found a cave. They put the old Marquis behind the cave. Tang Yueshan took up his bow and arrow and turned it back. Gu Chengfeng didn't stop him.

Gu Chengfeng couldn't leave the seriously injured marquis to find someone, so he had to wait anxiously in the cave.

It took a long time to hear the sound of horses' hooves from far to near.

He walked out of the cave and took a look at the light reflected in the snow. After he saw the man sitting on the horse, his hanging heart finally returned to his stomach.

Gu Chengfeng came to pick up Gu Jiao and found that there was a horse and a lot of things. Gu Chengfeng frowned and looked at Gu Jiao suspiciously - did you go to war or rob?

Gu Jiao turns over and dismounts.

Tang Yueshan also dismounted.

Gu Chengfeng saw the gauze wrapped around his thigh: "are you hurt?"

Tang Yueshan opened his mouth and was about to answer, but Gu Chengfeng turned his head and looked at Gu Jiao, "are you not hurt?"

"No Gu Jiao said.

She won't get hurt easily. If she gets hurt, her eyes will be gone.

"If you're not hurt, give it to me. You go to the fire first." Gu Chengfeng took the reins of Gu Jiao.

Tang Yueshan also handed the reins to Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng was not very angry and said, "my horse is tied by myself."

"This is your horse," said Tang Yueshan

Gu Chengfeng

Gu Jiao walked into the cave and found that it was not an ordinary cave. The entrance was narrow, but it was a huge cave. No wonder Gu Chengfeng dared to make a fire, and the light of the cave could not penetrate the entrance.

I don't know if it's God's beauty. It snowed again at night, and the goose feather like snow fell one after another, covering their footprints.

The three sat down around the campfire, and the old Marquis lay on the stretcher beside Gu Chengfeng.

Running all the way, several people are hungry, Gu Jiao took out a small pot from the small basket.

At the sight of the pot, Tang Yueshan's eyelids jumped fiercely.

Why did the girl take the pot with her!

Gu Jiao went outside to pack clean snow, put it on the campfire to boil, and took out the dry food collected from the soldiers.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng have their own water sacs, but Tang Yueshan does not.

"Here you are." Gu Jiao handed him a water bag.

Tang Yueshan: you have everything!

Tang Yueshan took the water bag and saw the military emblem of the former dynasty. He knew that Gu Jiao had seized it from the soldiers.

It's good to have some water to drink when you're fighting outside. Naturally, you won't find fault with whether the water bag has been used. But Gu Jiao obviously gave him a new one. I don't know if it's a coincidence, or this girl specially picked a new one.

Tang Yueshan gave Gu Jiao a complicated look.

"It's almost ready." Gu Jiao said.

Tang Yueshan lowered his eyes, did not say that he is not waiting to eat: "well."

Gu Jiao divided the baked pancakes. Several people ate the pancakes and drank the snow water. No one spoke.

Tang Yueshan is used to this kind of food. He subconsciously looks at Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng on the opposite side. He thought Gu Jiao would be more unaccustomed to it. Who expected that Gu Jiao could eat freely, but Gu Chengfeng didn't like it.

So it is.

This girl grew up in the countryside and suffered a lot. Unlike Gu Chengfeng, she has always been a childe in the capital. Where can she swallow this kind of food?

In this way, Tang Yueshan's eyes at Gu Jiao were a little more complicated.

After dinner, Gu Chengfeng took out a map from his arms, intending to see where they are now and which road is the most suitable for them to go back to the ancient city of the moon.

Gu Jiao suddenly said to Tang Yueshan, "are you going to Yecheng?"

Tang Yueshan was a little surprised. He didn't ask Gu Jiao how to guess it, and he didn't deny it.

Gu Chengfeng looked at him suspiciously: "what are you doing in Yecheng? Yecheng was occupied by the army of Chen state and the remaining evils of the previous dynasty. Didn't you go there to die? If you want to go by yourself, we won't go with you! "

His grandfather was so badly injured that his limbs were broken and his spleen was sewn up that he couldn't go to the battlefield.

"I didn't ask you to accompany me. When the snow stops, you go your way and I go mine." After Tang Yueshan said that, he thought of something and said to Gu Jiao, "how long will the poison attack?"

Gu Jiao did not change her face and said, "one month."

Tang Yueshan thought, "that's enough. I'll go to Yuegu city to find you in a month."

Gu Jiao quirky asked: "why do you have to Yecheng?"

Tang Yueshan said, "my army is there. It's captured by Chen's army. I'm going to rescue them."

Gu Chengfeng wanted to ridicule Tang Yueshan for a few words, but he couldn't ridicule him. He sneaked into the city occupied by the enemy alone. He knew that he was going to die without hesitation. He said that he was a great success or that he was sincere. In a word, Gu Chengfeng couldn't do it this time.

Gu Jiao paused and asked, "what's the situation of the three cities now?"

Tang Yueshan said: "Beiyang city and ye city are occupied by the army of Chen state. Prince Chen Guobo, the sixth Prince of Chen state and the uncle of Yuantang, is stationed in Beiyang city. He is the commander of the army of Chen state. Garrisoned in Yecheng is Chen Guorong's family, Yuantang's uncle. General Rong Yao is the deputy commander of Chen's army

Gu Jiao nodded, similar to the situation in the dream.

"What about lingguancheng?" Gu Jiao then asked.

Tang Yueshan said: "there are also some Chen troops in Lingguan City, but they are mainly garrisoned by the remaining evils of the previous dynasty. Fu Yun, the son-in-law of Princess Ning'an, has the royal blood of the previous dynasty. His uncle named himself king Yi. It is said that he will soon become emperor."

Gu Chengfeng said in a cold voice: "beyond your capacity! It has been two hundred years since the former dynasty was destroyed. I really think that if I bribe some people and collude with the Chen army, I can overthrow the imperial power! When my elder brother comes, he will lead the Gu family army to suppress them all! "

Gu Jiao didn't speak. In her dream, Gu Changqing did win the battle, but he was calculated by villains. Gu's army was almost destroyed, and his legs were cut off.

The snow in the pot is gone. Gu Jiao said, "I'll get some snow."

"I'll go." Gu Chengfeng said.

"No Gu Jiao went out with the pot.

Only the sleeping Marquis, Gu Chengfeng and Tang Yueshan are left in the cave.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Chengfeng gave him a white look and put the firewood which was wet by snow water picked up from outside the cave beside the fire to bake.

Tang Yueshan suddenly said, "she's my sister-in-law."

Gu Chengfeng was stunned by this endless remark.

What's the matter with your sister-in-law?

Who cares about your family?

Tang Yueshan finished also out of the cave, leaving Gu Chengfeng alone in the wind messy.

After a while, Gu Chengfeng patted his thigh: "I remember, he said this!"

A few days ago, Tang Yueshan ridiculed his grandfather for his good looks, and also ridiculed that he and Gu Jiao were crooked children, so he got back to Tang Yueshan.

There is a saying that the Tang Yue mountain tyrant occupied his younger brother's wife.

"I don't remember. Tang Yueshan is the second in the family, and his wife is his sister-in-law. That's why he just said that to me, to tell me that he is not occupying his brother's wife, but his sister-in-law? "

Gu Chengfeng is speechless. Tang Yueshan has a brain pit!


In the night, Gu Chengfeng still takes turns to keep watch. In order to prevent Gu Jiao from waking up, Gu Chengfeng resolutely keeps watch in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, instead of calling Gu Jiao, he wakes Tang Yueshan up: "it's your turn."

Tang Yueshan woke up with his big bow in his arms. Without saying anything, he got up and dragged his injured left leg to the cave.

The hole can't make a fire. It's too eye-catching and easy to find.

The cold wind whistling past, blowing Tang Yueshan gradually cold body.

His leg was stabbed and he couldn't stand, so he had to sit on the cold ground.

Suddenly, a small figure came.

Tang Yueshan didn't have to look back to guess who it was. He looked at the flying snow and said, "what are you doing here?"

Gu Jiao threw something into his arms: "it's time to take medicine."

Tang Yueshan picked up the strange capsule: "antidote?"

Gu Jiao said: "anti inflammatory drugs."