The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 484

After the war, Lingguan city was devastated. There were more soldiers on the streets than the common people. From time to time, we can see that innocent people were captured for no reason.

Gu chengfengrao repeatedly reminds himself that he is a thief, and the life and death of the people has nothing to do with him. However, when he really sees these things happening in front of his eyes, his blood still surges up in anger.

He tightly clenched his fists and made great efforts to resist the impulse to kill those Chen soldiers who bullied the people.

He can't expose.

Not yet... Not yet

"Find an inn!" He turned around, afraid that if he took another look, he would rush over.

"Good." Gu Jiao nodded calmly.

She seems to be indifferent to everything, the life and death of others in her eyes also seems to be worthless, but she and her brother for the fool in her mouth traveled thousands of miles to the dangerous and cold land.

Gu Chengfeng suddenly felt that he could not understand her.

They found an inn nearby.

There were signs of being robbed in the inn. The shopkeeper's face was impressed with a shocking slap. As for the staff in the inn, they were hurt, painful and their eyes were red and swollen.

They were lifting up the stools that had fallen to the ground. There were no other guests in the inn. I don't know if there was no one in the Inn at all or they were scared away.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng come to the counter.

The shopkeeper cheered up and looked at them, his voice trembling with a choking voice: "do you want to eat or stay?"

Gu Chengfeng said to the shopkeeper: "give us a room. If you have food, you can bring it up. If you don't have it, you can forget it."

"You two, please follow me." The shopkeeper held back his grief, took Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng to the second floor, pointed to a clean and tidy room and said, "this is the upper room of our inn. One hundred Wen a night, two meals."

"One hundred Wen?" Gu Chengfeng suspected that he had heard wrong.

The shopkeeper said, "do you think it's expensive? Then you can give me a lower price. It's 80 Wen. "

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth and said, "that's not what I mean."

One hundred Wen is really cheap. They haven't lived in such a cheap inn all the way. They'd better go to the room and pack two meals.

"A hundred is a hundred." Gu Chengfeng couldn't bear to kill the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper said gratefully, "thank you, my guest. I'm going to prepare food for you, but you may wait for a while."

Gu Chengfeng understood what he meant. The soldiers ransacked the inn. They were afraid that there were good things in the kitchen. They had to go shopping again.

Gu Chengfeng's heart is full of five flavors.

Gu Jiao should eat and sleep, heartless and heartless, and she couldn't see half of worry and pity.

Gu Chengfeng looks at someone who is sleeping with a red tassel gun in his arms on the bed!

A little girl, how the heart is bigger than the man's!

After dinner, they are ready to go.

They put on their night clothes, put on their masks and were ready to go.

Unexpectedly, Gu Chengfeng just opened the door and immediately closed it.

"Someone's coming?" Gu Jiao asked.

Gu Chengfeng's throat glided for a moment, calmed down and said: "it's Chen soldiers, a large group of people."

A large group of people means that there are dozens of people coming, and the lobby of the inn is almost occupied in an instant.

For a moment, Gu Chengfeng suspected that the whereabouts of Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng were exposed. Fortunately, the gang sat down directly in the lobby and only came to the inn to eat and drink.

Gu Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he's afraid of these soldiers. If he really fights with them, he can deal with them all by himself. But if he really fights, it's not good to disturb the heavy soldiers in the prefecture.

There were no windows in the wing room. They had to wait for the soldiers to leave.

The soldiers didn't know that there were other people living in the inn, but they thought it was all their own people. There was no scruple to say that they let Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng hear something terrible.

It turned out that the old Marquis was arrested and Tang Yueshan's "handwriting!"

The emperor's son-in-law put Princess Ning'an under house arrest. The Marquis asked Tang Yueshan to borrow some archers to sneak into the princess's house to save Princess Ning'an. However, Tang Yueshan refused the Marquis on the ground that he wanted to send troops to wipe out the rebellion.

The old Marquis had noticed something wrong, and reminded Tang Yueshan that things might not be so simple, so don't rush forward.

Tang Yueshan thinks that the old Marquis is preventing him from doing meritorious service. He does not listen to the advice of the old Marquis, and willfully launches a night attack on the remaining evils of the former dynasty. As a result, he is trapped by the other party.

In the end, Yueshan of Tang Dynasty was defeated and Yecheng was lost.

Chen's army won the first battle with high morale. On the other hand, the local army of Zhao was defeated by all the generals in the world. Naturally, there was not much indomitable morale. Lingguan city and Beiyang city were easily won by Chen's army.

Gu Chengfeng said angrily, "if Tang Yueshan had listened to my grandfather, my grandfather would not have been arrested, and the frontier fortress city would not have been so easily lost."

If his grandfather had not been captured, whether his grandfather and Tang Yueshan joined hands against the enemy or his grandfather led the army to meet the enemy after Tang Yueshan's defeat, the frontier fortress would not have been lost so quickly.

Gu Chengfeng frowned suspiciously: "do you think Tang Yueshan did it on purpose?"

"What on purpose?" Gu Jiao asked.

Gu Chengfeng said in a cold voice: "my grandfather was arrested because he was defeated intentionally! As the saying goes, like a son, like a father. He can give birth to Tang Ming's vicious and abnormal son. It can be seen that he himself is not a good thing! I don't know where he learned the truth about Tang Ming's murder. He hates our family members! "

Tang Ming bullies Gu Yan and gets Gu Jiao's violent revenge. Gu Chengfeng is also involved. If Tang Yueshan learns the truth, he really has a reason to hold out a hand of revenge to Gu's family.

Gu Jiao pause, did not speak.

According to the information disclosed by those soldiers, Tang Yueshan disappeared after his defeat. Now they are searching for Tang Yueshan everywhere, living to see people and dying to see corpses.

Gu Chengfeng thinks more and more that Tang Yueshan is suspicious. Even the defeat is very likely to be a calculation of Tang Yueshan: "he is a great success. If he loses the city first, and then takes it back, his majesty will see how difficult his battle is. He will get double reward and holy heart when he returns to the capital."

Gu Jiao nodded on his shoulder.

Gu Chengfeng is analyzing Tang Yueshan's interest, Leng Buding is interrupted, Leng: "what's the matter?"

Gu Jiao pointed downstairs: "they're gone."

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth and said, "well, let's start, too."

Gu Jiao took a look at him and said, "you can come back and say it again."

Gu Chengfeng choked: "I don't really want to say it! I'm a man! There's so much to talk about! "

The man who didn't have a lot of words talked with Gu Jiao all the way to the prefecture.

Gu Jiao

The prefect's house is seriously ill, but it's not too difficult for Gu Chengfeng, who can come and go freely in longyingwei.

He took Gu Jiao to sneak into the mansion.

Gu Jiao takes out the peacock plume mask and puts it on.

Gu Chengfeng: No, is it meaningful to cover your face now?

They don't know where the old Marquis is being held. Gu Chengfeng grabs a soldier to come over. Gu Jiao gives him a dose of overpowering drug and the soldier goes to sleep.

Gu Chengfeng looked at her needle tube and said:.... "

Your medicine doesn't work every time

Gu Jiao put away the syringe and said, "find it yourself."

Gu Chengfeng snorted: "how can I find such a big mansion? Do you want to find daylight? "

Gu Jiao lightly clapped her hands: "I've looked for King Ning's mansion, but I'm afraid it's just a prefect's mansion."

Gu Chengfeng said, "how can it be the same? There are only a few storerooms in the palace of King Ning, which are still in the yard of him and Princess Ning. In front of the prefect's house is the government office, and behind it is the private house. I don't know where they put their grandfather. Maybe it's a Chaifang, maybe it's a dungeon, maybe it's some secret room... "

Before he finished, Gu Jiao pushed the door beside her.

It's a wine cellar for fine wine.

Gu Chengfeng shakes his head. This kind of place is not a good place to hold hostages.

He glanced casually, and then he was stunned.


The old man with shackles, bruised and fainted on the ground is not his grandfather, who is it!

Gu Chengfeng was stupefied: "how do you know my grandfather is locked up here?"

Gu Jiao put out her hand: "I don't know, just look for it."

Gu Chengfeng's mouth corner draws to fly, this wench exactly what luck! This can be touched by her, too!

What's the deal to find daylight?

There are also 100 ways he wants to evade Chen soldiers! Huh? There's no place for that?!