The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 482

Today is a happy day for Xiao Heng to be promoted, and it is also a happy day for Yuan Tang who finally escaped from the capital.

Marquis Gu in the capital is not so lucky. At first, his back suddenly chills in the middle of the night. He feels that something big is going to happen. Sure enough, he was arrested before he woke up in the early morning.

He's all muddled.

What happened? Why did he catch him for no reason?

His father was caught in the frontier fortress and he was caught in the capital. What's the matter!

"Lord Gu."

It's not others who arrest him. It's Xing Shangshu, Xiao Heng's new boss.

Xing Shangshu said: "you are suspected of deceiving the king. I need you to go to the Ministry of punishment."

Marquis Gu became a dog: "wait a minute, you make it clear! Who is deceiving you

Xing Shangshu had expected that he would say so. He brought up the bodyguard who was on duty at the north gate last night and asked the leader, "what happened when you were on duty last night? Let's talk about it in detail."

The leading bodyguard said: "last night, marquis Gu falsely passed the imperial edict and went out of the capital from the secret road of the north gate."

Marquis Gu said angrily, "I stayed in the mansion all night. When did I leave the city? When did the imperial edict be passed

Xing Shangshu looked at the guard: "are you sure you read it right? Is it Marquis Gu? "

The guard said as like as two peas, "the man is holding the token of Ding's Hou, and his voice is exactly the same as Gu Hou's speech."

Gu Hou Ye Mou Guang a Leng: "you don't spit out blood!"

"What do you look like?" Xing Shangshu asked.

The bodyguard was awed by the momentum of marquis Gu. He took a look at Xing Shangshu and said, "he's wearing a hat, but I don't see it clearly."

Marquis Gu was so angry that he said, "go to the mansion! I haven't left Houfu! Someone must be pretending to be the Marquis! That token is also fake! The token of the Marquis is clearly in -- "said Marquis Gu. He went to touch the token in his wide sleeve, but accidentally touched it empty.


Where's his token!!!

"Lord! Marquis! No! The second young master is gone! "

It's Huang Zhong's voice.

Gu Chengfeng is gone.

The token of marquis Gu also disappeared.

If Marquis Gu can't guess what happened, he can't tell.

"Lord! Your horse is gone, too

Marquis Gu's fist was clenched.

The devil!

This villain!

How come I didn't find the second one so bold before!

Without a word, he stole his horse and token and passed the imperial edict out of Beijing!

What is he doing out of Beijing?


After careful questioning by Xing Shangshu, it is confirmed that the height and shape of the "Marquis Gu" last night are basically equal to that of Gu Chengfeng, and the characteristics of that horse are all equal to that of Gu's horse.

It's Gu Chengfeng.

Although it's not Marquis Gu who bullies you, his son bullies you, and he is not clean as a Laozi.

The Minister of punishment reported the results of the investigation to the emperor.

Just as Gu Chengfeng had expected, his father was severely punished by the emperor. The father owed the son, and the son owed the father. The emperor was merciless. Marquis Gu suffered from reckless disaster and was beaten to scream. It was terrible.

Huang Zhong has calmed down. I don't know when, the Marquis of his family is on the way to be beaten and never comes back.

Once again he carried the man skillfully into the carriage.


The frontier fortress is thousands of miles away. Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng are almost on their way. In order to get to the frontier fortress as soon as possible, they will change a good horse at every post station.

Even at night, they were on their way. Affected by the weather and the road, it took them nearly 20 days to reach the frontier.

At the end of October, the frontier fortress was covered with cold wind and ice.

Beiyang City, Lingguan city and Yecheng city have been lost. Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng are now in the ancient city of the moon. Not surprisingly, the ancient city of the moon will be the next target of Chen's army and the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

With the coming of war, the ancient city of Yueshi is in a state of panic. There are few people on the streets, and many shops have been closed.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng wear thick fox fur and lead their horses along the open streets. They found out very early that the more they go north, the more desolate the city is. Many people even abandon their hometown or abscond with their families all the way south.


A seven or eight year old girl was taken by her family and ran forward in a hurry, but she accidentally fell and happened to fall at Gu Jiao's feet.

Gu Jiao reached out and helped the little girl up.

The little girl's family didn't even have time to thank her, so they led the child in panic.

They are afraid that if they are a little later, the gate will be closed and they won't be able to get out tonight.

There is going to be a war in the ancient city of Yue. Although I don't know which day it is, it's always right to leave early.

"Ah! You lost something Gu Chengfeng picked up an old rattle on the ground.

The little girl looked back at the rattle, and her eyes were filled with longing.

Her family pulled her away without looking back.

"Well, it is." Gu Chengfeng wants to talk but stops. It's useless for him to take this rattle. Since people don't want it, he has to throw it away.

The situation in yuegucheng is more severe than he imagined.

He sighed: "it's like this before we fight. I don't know what it will be like when we fight."

Gu Jiao knows that in her dream, there are rivers of blood, hungry people everywhere, mountains and rivers broken, people are displaced, strong men are killed, women and children are bullied, and the frontier fortress is reduced to purgatory.

"Is it an inn or a post tonight?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"I don't know." Gu Jiao said.

"Where do you live? You can't live on the street Gu Chengfeng looked at the dark sky above his head. "I don't think the weather is right. There may be a big snow storm at night. If you really sleep on the street, you will freeze to death."

Gu Jiao didn't plan to sleep on the street. She stopped and stood on the snowy street.

She felt as if she had been here.

This street didn't appear in my dream.

She thought for a moment and took the horse to the right.

"Well, where are you going?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"The prefect's house." Gu Jiao said.

"What are you doing there?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"Live." Gu Jiao cherishes words like gold.

Gu Chengfeng frowned: "live in... Prefecture? Why do you want to live there? "

Gu Jiao led the horse forward: "no money."

Gu Chengfeng

Gu Chengfeng didn't ask Gu Jiao how she knew which direction the prefect's mansion was in. Along the way, she was like a walking map. She knew everything!

However, Gu Chengfeng was relieved to think that there was a kind of map in the world.

They came to the prefecture.

There are not many patrolling bodyguards on the street, but there are heavy guards outside the prefect's residence.

"Who?" A bodyguard came to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao didn't say anything. She threw a token to him.

The bodyguard is just a small soldier in the frontier fortress. She doesn't know anything about the capital, but Gu Jiao is very powerful. In addition, she and Gu Chengfeng are both wearing top-grade fox fur, which makes them not ordinary people.

The bodyguard took the token and went into the prefecture.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a middle-aged man in an official uniform came running all the way, holding the official hat on his head and the hem.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng are both men with masks on their faces.

The middle-aged man looked at them strangely, held back his doubts, saluted and said, "I'm Hu Hai. I'm the master of the prefect's mansion. The prefect has gone out to do business. I don't know if the two adults are here. I'd like to ask them to forgive me if they have any trouble!"

Gu Chengfeng is waiting for Gu Jiao to speak.

Gu Jiao did not.

Gu Chengfeng remembers that this girl can't fake voice, he cleared his throat and said: "it's OK."

"What do you call them?" Master Hu asked respectfully.

Gu Chengfeng put up the official prestige wind way: "our identity is inconvenient to disclose, you don't ask."

"Ah, yes!" Master Hu returns the token to Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng thought about it and took over for Gu Jiao.

Master Hu invited them into the prefecture.

Gu Chengfeng said with a tone: "find a quiet yard, we may have to live in the ancient city of the month for a few days."

"Yes! Yes! I'll arrange it for the little one! " Hu shiye rushed to take them to a clean courtyard.

There are three rooms in the yard. Gu Chengfeng asks Gu Jiao to live in the innermost one, and he lives in the next one.

"The little one, go and pick up some clever servants." Master Hu said with a smile.

Gu Chengfeng took a look at Gu Jiao. Seeing that she didn't mean to refuse, he nodded to master Hu: "thank you."

Master Hu respectfully withdrew from the yard.

The steward followed curiously and said, "master, who are those two people? Why are you so polite to them? And let them live in the Liuxiang courtyard, which used to be... "

Half way through, he was interrupted by master Hu, who whispered, "what do you know? They have the token of Empress Dowager Zhuang in their hands. They are from the capital! "

The steward was dumbfounded.


Gu Jiao didn't care what kind of uproar her identity caused in the prefect's mansion. She went into the house, took off her mask, red tassel gun and small basket.

It's freezing outside, but it's very warm inside because of the burning of the Kang.

Gu Chengfeng came in, took off his mask and said to her: "strange, didn't you hide your identity well all the way? Why don't you hide here? "

Gu Jiao took off the deer skin gloves: "don't hide, our whereabouts have been exposed."

Gu Chengfeng's eyes glared: "when was it exposed? Why don't I know? "

Gu Jiao said: "the ancient city of the moon will be exposed."

In the dream, Gu Chengfeng was targeted in the ancient city of moon.

If there is no accident, someone will come to take medicine for Gu Chengfeng tonight.