The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 475

Xuanping Hou came out of the palace and unexpectedly found a familiar carriage parked nearby.

It's Princess Xinyang's carriage.

He frowned. He was not sure whether he was in the palace or what. If he didn't come to him, he didn't have to ask for trouble.

Just thinking about this, the curtain of Princess Xinyang's carriage was lifted from inside.

Yujin bows down from the carriage and walks towards Xuanping marquis.

"Marquis." Jade Jin respectfully line a gift, "the princess wants to see you."

It's rare.

After so many years of marriage, the days when Princess Xinyang came to see him were numbered.

He will not go to her, since the wedding night she put forward a nominal request, he will only maintain a face-to-face relationship with her.

Xuanping Hou a little ponder, or on the carriage of Xinyang princess.

Xuanping Marquis's carriage is also very luxurious, but the details are not as exquisite as Princess Xinyang's carriage. Princess Xinyang's carriage is a woman's carriage, fragrant and exquisite.

Twenty years ago, Xuanping Marquis was afraid that he could not find a place to settle down.

Now he is not the old man of that year, he is also very particular, elegant and calm, elegant, um... At least on the surface.

Xuanping Hou sat down on the bench beside Princess Xinyang, looked up at her and said, "what's the matter?"

Princess Xinyang opened her mouth and hesitated.

Xuanping Hou didn't urge her. He took an orange and played with it.

After a while, Princess Xinyang finally said, "when did you know there was something wrong with the Dragon shadow guard around me?"

"That's what you came to me for?"

"You answer me."

"Not long after Xiao Qing's accident." Xuanping said truthfully.

"Did you find anything?"

"No, on the contrary, nothing was found, which is why I feel strange. Your dragon shadow guard is always in the dark, but... "

"But you already know."

"Well." Xuanping did not deny it.

From the first day when Princess Xinyang married into the mansion, he noticed that there were some unusual smells in the dark.

He once felt a similar smell on the Dragon shadow guard beside the emperor, so he guessed that there was a dragon shadow guard beside her.

But they were really identified on the night of Xiao Qing's accident.

When he found that the two children had been poisoned, he immediately went to find an antidote. At that time, the emperor had an antidote pill from the state of Yan, which was said to be able to detoxify hundreds of poisons.

Unfortunately, there is only one.

Xiao Heng's mother in order to let him get the antidote, not hesitate to take Xiao Qing away.

But when she caught Xiao Qing, she mistakenly entered Princess Xinyang's room. At that time, a dragon shadow guard appeared to fight with her.

"You were..." Princess Xinyang's voice interrupted Xuanping's thoughts, but she seemed to be hesitant.

Xuanping Hou weighed the orange in his hand and said, "if you want to ask, you don't have to consider whether I want to answer. If you don't want to answer, I will tell you directly."

Princess Xinyang said, "have you ever thought of revenge after you determined that long Yingwei was the murderer who killed Xiao Qing?"

Xuanping Hou lightly pulled his lips: "I said you don't believe it?"

Princess Xinyang pursed her lips: "then why didn't you take revenge?"

Xuanping Hou zhengse said: "first of all, they are just executioners. It is the former Emperor who really gives this order."

There are only two people who can command longyingwei, the former Emperor and Princess Xinyang. It's not princess Xinyang who gives the order to kill her own son.

It's not hard to come to this conclusion, it's hard to accept it.

Marquis Xuanping hehe said: "injustice has its head and debt has its owner. If I want to get revenge, I also want to go to the former Emperor. Why bother some executioners who obey the orders? If you don't go to the master, just take some of your subordinates to vent your anger. Cowards do it. "

This arrogant tone is Xuanping marquis.

Princess Xinyang said, "because of this?"

Xuanping Hou looked at her strangely and said, "what are you looking forward to, Qin Fengwan? Expect me to tell you, because you still need them, so I bear the pain to leave them? Qin Fengwan, I don't have as much affection for you as you think. "

"If not." Princess Xinyang was a little relieved.

Xuanping Hou looked at her smilingly and squinted. Suddenly he leaned over and supported her with one hand, as if he had knocked her on the wall of the car: "Qin Fengwan, you look very disappointed?"

Princess Xinyang turned her face and said, "I don't have one."

Xuanping Hou man casually smile, with three points of cold thin and sneer: "disappointment is too late, at the beginning you refused me, now even if you put down your position to beg me, I will not be moved to you any more."

After that, he took his seat coldly.

"Well, have you ever been attracted to me?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Xuanping's smile froze.

"No He said.

"There is no best." Princess Xinyang said, "don't like me. I won't like you."

Xuanping Marquis look cold: "Qinfeng late, Laozi so bad?"

Princess Xinyang lowered her eyes and held the handkerchief tightly: "it's not your problem, it's me."

I can't fall in love with any man.

Xuanping Hou went to the carriage with a cold face.

Until he went far away, Yu Jin got into the carriage.

In this cramped space, it is extremely difficult for Princess Xinyang to be alone with a man, even if he is her husband who has been married for many years.

She covered her face perfectly, but she had already pierced several holes in her handkerchief.

"Princess, are you ok?" Yu Jin asked with concern.

Princess Xinyang's face was smeared with thick powder to cover her pale face, otherwise she would have been exposed.

"I'm fine." She said with a deep breath.

She said nothing, but her body began to tremble.

Yujin has always known that the princess has an unspeakable problem - she can't normally contact with men, especially in the very cramped space, she can suffocate at the most serious time.

The reason why no one has found out before is that she is a princess. She has a noble status. She doesn't allow people to get close to her, so others can't get close to her.

Moreover, she is also good at camouflage, if it is not for Yujin to see her fainting in the carriage, I am afraid she will not know her secret.

Over the years, in addition to the little Marquis, only longyi was allowed to stay close to her, and even the other four Dragon shadow guards were not allowed to get close to her.

In fact, in the past, the princess's situation has improved a lot. The last time she was in a carriage with Xuanping Marquis, she didn't feel any discomfort.

This time

Did Xuanping Marquis make any move to the princess?

In Bishui Hutong, the good news of Yao's happy birth soon spread in the Hutong, and everyone came to congratulate him. Gu Yan and Xiao Jingkong carried a basket of red eggs and took care of them from house to house.

Marquis Gu didn't sleep all night. Then he looked at his son all morning. He was too tired now. He fell asleep beside Yao.

Yao fed the baby some milk, but also can not resist the weakness of the body to sleep in the past.

It's not like I had energy when I was young.

It was at this time that Gu Jinyu came to Bishui Hutong.

Last night, she was thrown out by Gu Jiao, and she couldn't enter the yard any more, so she went back to Hou Fu first.

Early in the morning, she heard the news from Huang Zhong. Yao gave birth to a younger brother. She cooked soup for Yao herself.

She came in with tonic soup.

"Mother, I came to see you."

Mammy Fang is taking a bath for the little guy. Hearing this, she raises her head and makes a silent gesture. She says in a small voice, "madam, I'm resting."

"Ah." Gu Jinyu covered her mouth with guilt.

The screen was pulled in front of Yao's bed. Gu Jinyu put his head behind the screen and looked. Yao was sleeping very well. Marquis Gu was sitting on the chair with his upper body lying on the edge of the bed and snoring.

She quickly took back her sight, put the food box on the table, curiously came to the basin, squatted down, looked at the little guy who was manipulated by mammy Fang, and said: "he's so small."

Room mammy way: "not small, white fat."

Can you talk?

Where is young master?

It's a fat boy!

After taking a bath for the young master, she dried it with a soft towel, put on her little clothes and wrapped it in swaddling clothes.

There was no crying in the whole process.

Very good.

Gu Jinyu opened her eyes and asked, "Mammy, can I hold my brother?"

"Can you hold it?" Asked mammy Fang.

Gu Jinyu nodded: "I will. I've held Ling's little cousin many times. "

Mammy Fang hesitated for a moment and carefully handed the child to her arms.

Gu Jinyu took the baby gently and looked at the baby with a smile.

At this moment, the incredible thing happened. The little guy who didn't cry even when he took a bath or changed his diaper suddenly cried, wow!