The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 470

Gu Yan glared round his eyes and said, "is the cabinet great? My brother-in-law is the best

Marquis Gu hehe said, "he's very powerful. Why didn't he join the cabinet?"

Gu Yan said angrily, "my brother-in-law didn't want to go! Otherwise, not to mention the cabinet, he will go to the Jinluan palace as soon as he says it! "

Oh, the boy has a big voice.

Does he know where the cabinet is and where the Jinluan palace is?

In the state of Zhao, only when the official position reached five grades could he be qualified to face saints, but he was not able to face saints. For example, he was a minister of the Ministry of industry, but he did not go to court several times.

"He can go if he wants? Who do you think he is? "

"He, he, he," Gu Yan could not tell his brother-in-law's true identity, and his face turned red. "His surname is Xiao!"

Marquis Gu sneered: "what's wrong with Xiao? There are so many people with surnames Xiao in the world. Do you think everyone is the little Marquis of zhaodu? "

Gu Yan became a little puffer: "ten thousand, what if he is?"

Marquis Gu didn't realize that this sentence was a big truth. He only thought it was the angry words of the children's family. He pointed to Xiao Heng and said to Gu Yan, "he's the little Marquis of zhaodu. I call you father!"

Gu Yan looked at his father and said, "ah!" in his heart


The father and son were fighting, but Xiao Heng suddenly made a sound.

Father and son's voice suddenly stopped, and they both looked at Yao. Yao's face turned pale, holding his stomach, and his dress was wet.

She said incredulously: "I, I seem to have a baby..."

Yao's attack without warning, did not feel pain, amniotic fluid broke first, fortunately Gu Jiao ahead of time to her and her family said some production precautions, this kind of situation had better not forced to walk.

Marquis Gu carefully carried Yao back to the house.

Xiao Heng said to Gu Yan, "I'll boil water. You ask dark Wei to find your sister in miaozhou hall. If she's not here, you'll find Doctor Liu first."

Doctor Liu used to be a stable woman nearby. Because she was very proficient in women's various problems, she was hired by Gu Jiao for a lot of money.

Most people still used to call her Mrs. Liu wenpo. Xiao Heng called her doctor Liu after Gu Jiao.

Mother Fang and Yu ya'er are collecting quilts next door. When Yu ya'er hears the news, she runs over and says, "mother Fang, mother Fang! Madame is going to have a baby

"It's not the day yet. Is it premature again?"

Mammy Fang's face changed greatly. She could not take care of the quilt and hurriedly went through the small door opened by the two families.

Walking too fast, she faltered.

"Mammy Fang!" Jade bud son eye sharp son ground helped her, "you don't panic, small childe's dark Wei already went to call young lady, a short while young lady came back, madam will be OK!"

Seeing that Yu ya'er, a little girl, was calmer than herself, Mammy Fang couldn't help but blush. She sighed and said, "I'm worried. My wife didn't give birth to Miss Yu ya'er and the little boy when I was not around. As a result, she gave birth prematurely and held the wrong child. I always have a knot in my heart..."

Yu ya'er couldn't feel the same way as mammy Fang, but she nodded her head with understanding: "I understand, Mammy Fang, don't worry, madam Ji Ren has her own appearance. She will have a safe production!"

Gu Jiao is not here. It's Liu.

Liu is a very experienced wenpo. When Mr. Gu asked Huang Zhong to find wenpo for Mr. Yao a while ago, he found out about this person. Mr. Gu was very glad to invite her.

However, Gu Yan and Xiao Heng hope that Gu Jiao will come.

However, if Yao's own situation allows, Liu's medical skills are enough.

Unfortunately, Yao's situation is not very good.

"Are you mistaken? My wife is very smooth when she is pregnant. She should eat, sleep and walk with wind! I don't have a big stomach! It's said that she had a good baby

Liu has been a steady mother for many years. It's not uncommon for Yao to have a weak labor when her pregnancy is successful.

Women don't just pass the gate of death on the day of giving birth. The whole pregnancy is full of unexpected risks, but most of the risks during pregnancy are the fetus. When it comes to childbirth, both of them are very risky.

After all, if something happens to the mother, the baby in the stomach will be lost.

Liu's face in front of Yao's naturally won't say dejected words, she laughed, said: "you don't worry, this is just the beginning, my wife completely started, I brought the oxytocin, just take it with water."

In the past, oxytocin drugs were prepared on the spot. Gu Jiao thought that this method was time-consuming and inconvenient. She simply made wax pills. After removing the wax coat, the pills inside could be swallowed or washed directly.

However, no one expected that Yao would vomit as soon as he ate it.

Yao's pregnancy during almost no harm, who expected to have such a big reaction when the labor.

Liu changed to feed a little brown sugar water, but also a little bit of vomiting.

It's not good. She can't take medicine and feed. Her strength will be used up soon.

"Call Dr. Luo Outside, marquis Gu orders Huang Zhong.

"Yes Huang Zhongying went off without a stop.

About half an hour later, royal doctor Luo was taken over.

The royal doctor Luo took the pulse for Yao and looked as dignified as Liu.

And at this time, without his mouth, Yao himself has realized that her birth is not easy.

To be honest, when she was pregnant with Jiaojiao and Yan, she had a great reaction. She was pregnant and vomiting at six months old. That baby was very hard to conceive, but the birth was smooth. Gu Yan was not well because of premature delivery.

It's not that she wasn't easy at the time.

Royal doctor Luo asked Liu what he had done to Yao. Liu said, "I'm going to take some oxytocin. Unfortunately, I can't even drink water if I vomit anything."

"Doctor! How is my wife? "

Marquis Gu is very anxious outside.

"I'll try to make some ginseng soup for my wife again. It's really not good. She can eat anything she wants. Besides, I'll ask my wife not to work hard and not to cry, but to save her strength." The royal doctor Luo came out of the delivery room after giving an account to mammy Fang. He told Marquis Gu truthfully, "madam's situation is not optimistic, and the possibility of dystocia is very high."

Generally speaking, the first stage of labor of primipara is five to six hours, and the first stage of labor of multipara is three to four hours.

Yao's amniotic fluid from rupture to now just less than two hours, not to determine the time of dystocia.

However, with the years of doctor experience of royal doctor Luo and Liu, as well as Yao's pulse condition, they tacitly predicted Yao's condition.

But Liu did not dare to say, and Luo said.

Marquis Gu fell into the ice cellar, and his whole body was soaked with cool air!

Gu Yan's small face also becomes pale, Xiao Heng stands beside him, he unconsciously pulls Xiao Heng's sleeve tightly.

Xiao Heng pursed his lips and didn't speak.

Gu Jiao went out to see a doctor, this kind of thing he can't help, just hope dark Wei armour will take Gu Jiao back as soon as possible.

At that time, the two dark guards went to the hospital. They heard that Gu Jiao was not in. One went to the place where Gu Jiao was visiting to inform her, and the other brought Liu first.

Gu Jiao had already received the news of Yao's attack, but she was at the scene of the accident. A vicious injury happened in a gambling house. Three people were seriously injured and their lives were uncertain.

She and doctor song are busy rescuing the injured.

"Hemostatic forceps!" She knelt down and held out her hand.

Doctor song skillfully handed the hemostatic forceps to her.

She clamped the injured patient's blood vessel with hemostatic forceps.

"Suction." She said.

The portable negative pressure suction apparatus of the research institute only appeared today. With the recovery of her strength, it seems that more and more apparatus can appear in the small medicine box. If so, there will be hope for Gu Yan's heart surgery.

Doctor song has been with Gu Jiao for such a long time, and he has been familiar with the strange things in her medicine box.

He pumped blood and fluid out of the patient's abdominal cavity.

Gu Jiao found the residual dart body in the abdominal cavity of the patient and took it out with forceps.

The spleen was almost broken. I don't know if I should say he is very lucky.

Gu Jiao has been busy until midnight and doctor song will save all the patients.

"I'll take them back to the hospital. You go back quickly." Doctor Song told Gu Jiao that dark Wei had been waiting outside the wing room for a long time. He knew that something must have happened at home.

Gu Jiao nods and goes back to the blue water alley with dark Wei Jia.

Yao's labor pains are aggravating, but the fetus has no signs of birth.

In the middle of Gu Yan's heart disease almost attack, Xiao Heng timely fed him medicine, coax him back to the room to rest, let Gu Xiaoshun look at him.

Xiao Jingkong doesn't know that Yao's family has suffered from dystocia. Xiao Heng tells him to have a good sleep and get up in the morning to have a little sister or little brother. He is very happy to go back to the house with his little pillow!