The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 468

After Xuanping Hou got into another carriage, the coachman asked him where he was going, but he didn't speak.

He was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to show his emotion in front of Princess Xinyang when he got out of the carriage.

He is a man, no matter how big the fire is, he can only bear it, not on women.

The coachman didn't have the courage of Chang Jing to take him to Princess mansion or Xuanping Marquis mansion. He just wandered around the street aimlessly, circling the imperial city one after another. When he turned to the two horses, his eyes would be shining. Finally, the quiet voice of Xuanping Marquis came from the carriage.

"Go to Bishui Hutong."

The coachman breathed a sigh of relief.

It's getting dark, so I don't have to turn to daybreak.

Xuanping Marquis's mood really slowly calmed down.

When the emperor married Qin Feng at that time, he was very surprised. After his sister had entered the palace, the Xiao family had been firmly tied to the boat of the emperor. There was no need for the emperor to get married.

What's more, he had a bad reputation. He let a princess marry him and wronged others.

The Emperor didn't tell him at that time that everything was the will of the former Emperor. He thought about it and thought about it. Did the princess fall in love with him?

It's not impossible. After all, he is handsome.

He grew up in a military camp and spent all his time with a group of old men. His father didn't teach him how to treat his daughter-in-law well, but he vaguely knew that his mother was not happy.

So many aunts and concubines in the family came to his mother to make rules. His mother looked at the prestige, but in fact, she was very bitter.

He has seen Princess Xinyang. When a man looks at a woman, it's fake to say that he doesn't look at her face, especially at first sight.

Xinyang princess is very beautiful, beautiful to his unspeakable kind, such a woman no man will not be moved.

He married her sincerely. When he married her, he thought happily. From then on, Xiao Ji had a family.

He was dressed in a bright red wedding dress and happily lifted her cap, but she put a cold dagger against his heart

"Damn it

Xuanping Hou's mood which he managed to calm down was surging again. He pulled the neckline casually, and a trace of irritability passed between his eyebrows. "Haven't you arrived yet?"

The coachman was startled by the tone, which seemed to be plain but actually implied sullen. He said in a hurry: "fast, fast

"Don't go to Bishui Hutong." Xuanping said.

"Ah? Where are you going? " Are you turning over too fast?

It's not that Xuanping doesn't want to see Xiao Heng. He's a little irritable now. He's afraid of scaring his son.

After thinking about it, he wanted to go to Gu Chao, the old monkey, for a fight or something.

Only when he went did he know where the old monkey had gone. He didn't tell his family. It seemed that he was visiting mountains and rivers.

It's impossible to go sightseeing. It's impossible in my life. The old monkey must have been sent to do something by the emperor.

After thinking about it, Marquis Xuanping honestly went back to Marquis Xuanping's house and called steward Liu in front of him. He heard steward Liu explain all the recent events in the capital.

Princess Xinyang has already mentioned about King Ning.

Static princess is from Liu Guanshi mouth that.

Princess Jing claims that she died suddenly. Steward Liu and Kunning palace have been walking around. Naturally, what she knows is the inside story.

Imperial concubine Jing is a remnant of the former dynasty. Xiao Heng's childhood poison was instigated by her. The relationship between empress dowager Zhuang and the emperor was instigated by her. The marriage of Princess Ning'an was also planned by her.

"Poor Princess Ning'an, in the hands of such a snake and scorpion mother." Liu Guanshi was deeply moved.

Princess Jing's death has been a sensation in the capital for a while. Now the heat has cooled down. It's the first time that Marquis Xuanping heard about it, so he should be very shocked. However, before he left Beijing, he found that the old sacrificial wine was aimed at Princess Jing, and almost guessed that Princess Jing was not as simple as it seemed.

I just didn't guess that it would be related to the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

According to the information disclosed by Empress Xiao, Princess Jing has been in close contact with the frontier fortress for many years. They all think that they are communicating with Princess Ning'an. In fact, they should be contacting the remaining evils of the former dynasty.

The emperor ordered Tang Yueshan to go to the frontier fortress as an imperial envoy. Apparently he was visiting princess Ning'an, but actually he took the army to clean up the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

"The credit should have been given to my brother. Unfortunately, my brother is not in the capital. Your majesty appointed Tang Ming."

This is the original words of empress Xiao.

Xuanping marquis is not interested in credit. Just because he is good at fighting doesn't mean he likes fighting. Some things are responsibilities and missions that he has to shoulder.

He can't keep mountains and rivers, the country behind him will be broken, and the home behind him will be destroyed.

Empress Xiao didn't know about the old Marquis, but it didn't need to be said by her. Marquis Xuanping himself could guess that he must have gone north with Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan is very successful. There is only one possibility that he can tolerate the old monkey to go with him - the old monkey is not going to fight.

"To save Princess Ning'an?"

Xuanping felt his chin thoughtfully.

If the son-in-law is also a chess piece of Princess Jing, then the situation of Princess Ning'an is not optimistic.

Thinking of Princess Ning'an, Xuanping frowned unconsciously.

It seemed that empress dowager Zhuang intended to make him marry Princess Ning'an. The girl was always like a frightened little rabbit. He didn't like it.

He is a man who doesn't know how to be compassionate. He can't be infected with such a weak little rabbit.

"All right, you step back." Xuanping Hou said wearily.

"Marquis." Liu Guan Shi smiles, "is the little Marquis still taking it back?"

Empress Xiao wants to contact Xuanping Marquis through steward Liu. Therefore, steward Liu already knows that the illegitimate son is the affair of the young marquis.

Xuanping Hou glanced at him faintly: "you, didn't you pick him up?"

Steward Liu was dumb on the spot.

I went to pick them up when I was away from home, but I didn't pick them up when I got them into the capital

He didn't know that he was a little marquis. He didn't respect him very much. He was afraid when he thought about it.

Xuanping Marquis intended to rest for a while, but then he stood up and walked towards the door: "the Marquis has his own opinion on this matter, so don't get involved. You don't have to go to Bishui Hutong in the future."

"Don't you plan to announce the identity of the young Marquis for the moment?"

"Well." According to xuanpinghou's previous temperament, he had already announced it, but this time he became more cautious.

He was not afraid of the gang, but he had lost Xiao Heng once and could not lose him again.

When I return to Beijing, I naturally want to report to the emperor.

The emperor once again expressed his deep regret for my son's killing your son.

Xuanping Hou thought about it, but did not tell the emperor.

The emperor had taken over his mining rights before, and he had a grudge.

Twilight is all around.

At last, marquis Gu is on duty.

The mansion ordered by Empress Dowager Zhuang has entered the closing stage and will be completed soon. In fact, it has been almost finished. He does not need to supervise the work a few days ago. However, recently, the demand for bellows has increased. In addition, several kinds of farm tools, such as water wheel, threshing machine and lifting machine, have come from the folk.

The work department is busy sending people to study.

Having learned from the experience of bellows, this time the Ministry of industry did not dare to be complacent any more, and asked the farmers from the people for advice.

It's also strange to say, are the farmers so cattle now?

The waterwheel was much more powerful than that of the imperial court. The waterwheel technology of Zhao state was also introduced from the state of Liang. The state of Liang has the most advanced drum car and wheel axle, which can achieve a certain degree of low water and high flow by cooperating with the pond.

However, this kind of folk waterwheel brings the advantages of vertical wheel and horizontal wheel into full play. The water lifting height is greatly increased, and even in steep terrain, it can deliver water from low to high.

Marquis Gu has been studying this all day.

We haven't had time to watch the thresher and the lifter.

I don't know which civil capable person has made such a powerful thing. The Ministry of work has sent someone to check it.

When Marquis Gu entered the yard, his family seemed to be away. There were only seven chickens working in the vegetable garden to catch insects.

"I don't even have a housekeeper. I said two servants would come here, but I don't want to..."

Make complaints about the Hou's.

Come swaggeringly make complaints about a chicken walking to his feet.

He stopped to look at the chicken.

The chicken looked at him, too.

This is Xiao Qi.

But Marquis Gu didn't know him. In his eyes, it was a chicken, just like other chickens.

It's ridiculous to say, who brought the chicken to Beijing? Can't buy a few chickens or something in Beijing?

Think of this kind of behavior, Gu Hou Ye feel particularly shameful.

This daughter can't be raised in the countryside, and her son-in-law can't help it. I'm really worried that Yan'er and Yao's little fellow will be led astray by them!

Thinking of the little guy who will be born soon, marquis Gu seldom has a good mood.

He looked down at the chicken at his feet.

He thought the chicken was going to peck him, but it didn't move for a long time.

After a while, it swaggered away again.

Then Marquis Gu sadly found that it pulled a lump of chicken Baba on his shoes!

Marquis Gu