The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 447

The crown princess's face changed: "what are you going to do?"

Ningwang eyes fierce way: "he knew our matter, if he put this thing is to say out, you know the consequences!"

The Crown Princess... Of course.

It's not the first day that she married into the royal family. She has recited the Royal laws clearly.

Royal adultery is a big crime, the light is banned, the heavy is deprived of identity, demoted to common people, if the emperor is more angry, death is not impossible!


The crown princess looked at the dizzy prince who was thrown to the ground by King Ning. She hesitated for a moment.

"What are you hesitating about! You won't be blocking up. Does the prince really mean something to you? What illusion did your endless tolerance of you give you in the past that he will still forgive you if you betray him? "

Yes, that's exactly what the princess planned.

When a person has no bottom line for his indulgence, he will have the illusion that he can be forgiven for everything he does.

If she doesn't close the door, ningwang will go!

The door closed behind her with a bang. Her pupils contracted violently and looked at him incredulously: "do you know what you are doing?"

King Ning came to her and looked down at her: "Wen Linlang, you are already on the same boat as Wang. You can't pick it clean and you can't escape."

Wen Lin Lang shakes her head in a daze. She doesn't know whether it's because of conflict or panic in her eyes.

She shouldn't have come this far.

She is the most talented woman in Zhao state. She has unparalleled wisdom and beautiful appearance. She is not in the pool. One day, she will turn fish into a dragon and Phoenix.

"Well, Linlang, if you don't go down, the king won't force you. You leave now, and let the king take care of the aftermath." Ningwang's tone suddenly gentle down, he helped the princess's shoulder, deeply staring at her, holding her hand, said, "is the king thoughtless, your hands should not do these things, they are clean."

The princess's eyelashes quivered slightly.

Ning Wang said: "you go."

The princess opened her mouth: "you..."

Ningwang looked at the prince struggling to hold his forehead and said, "he's about to wake up. I believe that I will do things clean and I won't hurt you. You're going back to the palace right now. Don't worry about anything. "

The tears of the princess swirled in her eyes.

Ning Wang smiles: "believe me once, eh?"

The princess drew back her hand, held back her tears, turned around and walked towards the door.

Behind him, came the prince's footsteps and the prince's stuffy hum.

She closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Ningwang's voice sounded slowly: "second brother, from small to big, big brother gives you everything, crown prince gives you, East Palace gives you, famous bow that you like gives you, and sweat BMW that you love also gives you. If only you had just left? Why... Why do you want to check big brother's arm? You make big brother very difficult, you know? "

The prince was dizzy.

He knows a little martial arts, but he is not very proficient.

Ningwang even if the body is still residual medicine, also still can easily crush him.

The prince heard King Ning's words vaguely, but his brain couldn't react.

Ningwang will be the prince's token solution down, money seized out, grabbed the dagger fell on the ground: "sorry, second brother, big brother let you so many years, it's time to let you let big brother back."

He said, gripping the dagger and stabbing at the prince's neck.

Soon after that, a stool with great strength hit his head!

He fell to the ground unprepared.

The princess threw the stool in her hand and lifted the prince up: "Your Highness! Your highness, wake up

Prince Ning was not light fall, opened his eyes, the whole head is painful.

The princess pulled him up, put his arm on his shoulder and helped him step by step out.

But she didn't take a few steps. The back of the crown princess's head was caught by a big palm. She ah, the whole person was caught in the arms of King Ning.

The prince who lost her support fell to the ground again!

King Ning looked at Wen Linlang like a torch: "Wen Linlang, how dare you betray me? Do you know what will happen to me? "

The princess only felt that her scalp would be torn off by him, and her tears were bursting with pain. But she said something impolitely: "I'm not the only one who betrayed you? Didn't Princess Ning betray you? She colluded with Gu Jiao to fight against you. Did you punish her like that? "

Ningwang... Of course not.

He didn't touch a finger of Chu Yue.

Ningwang and Chuyue got married five years ago. At that time, ningwang 21 and Chuyue 18 were the best years in life.

It's a pity that King Ning's heart has already been warm.

In the hundred flowers Pavilion, Jinghong dances and plays chess in the imperial study. The young girl is gorgeous and has already entered his eyes.

"Your Highness, don't you have an umbrella with you? Here you are

The girl has bright eyes and white teeth, her voice sounds like the sound of nature, her smile is warm, her eyes are clean and pure.

When she looked at him, there seemed to be light in her eyes.

She left a smile, innocent, will capture his whole heart.

It took him a long time to know that she was Xiao Heng's fiancee.

Ning Wang cold voice way: "she didn't provoke me!"

The crown princess looked at him pitifully: "who do you think gave that umbrella that year! It's Chu Yue! She asked me to bring it to you! "

The family of Chu took a fancy to the king of Ning, who had no chance to be the emperor, and refused many suitors to marry into the palace of King Ning. It turned out to be a mistake.

It's not appropriate to say that Wen Linlang didn't really think about Ning Wang, otherwise she could refuse to bring an umbrella to Ning Wang, but it's not true to say that she has too many thoughts.

She just used to win people's hearts, but she didn't expect that King Ning's heart was poisonous.

This man doesn't look gentle and harmless at all. He is a smiling tiger with a knife hidden in his smile.

By the time she realized it, she couldn't get away.

The words of the Crown Princess made the king of Ning be stunned for a moment. If it wasn't for such a critical moment, he might be stunned for a longer time.

He quickly recovered. He held the princess's hand and forced the dagger into her hand: "well, since you don't want to go, it's better for you to do it yourself!"

The princess struggled to shake her head.

However, she is not the opponent of ningwang. Ningwang holds her wrist and forces her to point the blade at the prince's heart.

Wen Linlang used his last strength to fight against ningwang.

She can't kill the prince!

Empress Xiao and Marquis Xuanping will tear her up!

King Ning is blessed by the banker and the Empress Dowager. What does she have!

Her honor guard is only the prince's favor and the identity of the crown princess. If she lost this, she would not be able to return to heaven!

"Your Highness, let's go"

Prince finally a little consciousness, he watched in horror ningwang catch prince princess's hand toward him.

He didn't know where the strength came from, so he kicked them down.

Then he scrambled to the door.

But before he crossed the threshold, he was dragged back by Ning Wangsheng.

The prince looked at him tremblingly: "big brother..."

Ningwang grabbed his neck and raised the knife in his hand.

"Stop it

Across the corridor came a familiar booze.

Then, a tall and powerful figure came in the air, snatching King Ning's sword in one hand and grabbing the prince from King Ning in the other.

It's the Dragon shadow guard!

Not to mention that ningwang was not drugged, he was not the opponent of longyingwei.

It took only a moment for the Dragon shadow guard to control the king of Ning. Instead, it was to find a suitable place to place the soft Prince and make him crash in place.

The emperor came in with a green face. Together with him, there were Duke Wei and Gu Jiao.

King Ning knew that Gu Jiao would take people and "catch adulterers", but he thought that person was the prince. He never expected that his father and emperor would be attracted.

To be exact, she brought it here in person!

The emperor's look was so cold that he could not hold back the shaking of his body with all his strength.

If I had not seen it with my own eyes, who would have believed that their brother had closed the wall like this!

This is his favorite eldest son!

It's the pride of his life!

It's true that he made Qin Chuye the crown prince, but if Qin Chuye really can't bear the responsibility, he once seriously thought that he could make Qin Chuhan the crown prince before he died!

But now... Look what the eldest son has done!

"Rebellious son!"

The emperor slapped King Ning with his backhand!