The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 444

After leaving the East Palace, Gu Jiao checked Gu Chengfeng's learning achievements.

Gu Chengfeng refused.

Gu Jiao takes a bottle of birth hair lotion, which is easy to handle.

To make sure that Gu Chengfeng's main prop is OK, Gu Jiao starts to prepare to lure the crown prince to take the bait.

First of all, she has to choose a time when the crown princess is left alone. She can't let the crown princess have an alibi before she can successfully guide the crown prince to "catch the traitor."

It's also a coincidence that in the evening, empress Xiao asks the crown princess to go to Kunning palace for dinner. Recently, there are many things in the East Palace, and Qin Chuyu is taken back to Kunning palace to raise her.

After dinner, Qin Chuyu goes to Kunning palace to find xiaojingkong. Empress Xiao asks the crown princess to accompany Qin Chuyu.

The crown princess did not dare to refuse and went with Qin Chuyu.

The two little bitches should not be too crazy when they get together. From Renshou palace to royal garden, and from royal garden to Taiye pool, the crown princess is ordered to watch Qin Chuyu and has to follow him all the time.

But she couldn't keep up with the two little guys and soon lost them.

Only Chunying is left beside the crown princess. It's too easy.

Gu Jiao went directly to the past: "do me a favor, help me get there."

The Crown Princess frowned: "Why are you again? Are you haunted? "

Gu Jiao pick eyebrow: "help not help?"

If the Crown Princess comes to ask Gu Jiao, Gu Jiao will not help, but the crown princess is different. She has people and identity, so she must help.

The crown princess looked at Gu Jiao's basket and said to Chun Ying, "help doctor Gu take it."

"Yes Spring Ying heart unwilling to accept the basket, and Gu Jiao together to the direction of the pavilion in the past.

Gu Jiao walks to half, to the spring Ying way: "you take directly Renshou palace, I also want to pick some fruit."

Spring Ying a choke, not to say only get the pavilion? Why is it Renshou palace now?

"I don't trust that my crown princess is there alone."

"Shall I ask her to go and pick the fruit together?"

You're the one who worries me? Spring Ying in the heart so murmur, but dare not attack on the face.

This is the imperial palace. Qin Chuyu and the palace people are nearby. Chunying doesn't dare to come here and leave with a basket.

Gu Jiaocai didn't really ask the princess to pick the fruit. She turned her steps and went to the direction of the imperial study.

The prince is in the imperial study today. The news is from Duke Qin.

When Gu Jiao arrived at the imperial study, the prince just came out of it. The prince gave her a strange look: "how are you? What are you doing here? "

It's like a royal study. It's also a place where people like you can come?

The prince's impression of Gu Jiao remains on the following aspects: Xiao LIULANG's dross wife, ugly appearance, growing up in the countryside, being a humble little medical girl, and having won the favor of his majesty and the Empress Dowager.

In short, I don't think highly of Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiaosi didn't mind the prince's attitude towards him. He came out, instead of making up excuses to bring him out.

"I... Passed by." Gu Jiao said without changing her face, "does the prince go back to the east palace? I just met the Crown Princess near Taiye pool

The prince wants to go back to the east palace. However, when he heard that the princess was in the Taiye pool, he changed his mind and went directly to the Taiye pool.

Gu Jiao shares the same direction with him.

The prince frowned and asked impatiently, "why do you follow me?"

Gu Jiao picked her eyebrows and said, "I didn't follow the prince. I'm going to Taiye pool, too. My brother is playing with the seventh Prince near Taiye pool."

Qin Chuyu's new friend, the little guy named Jingkong, has also been heard by the prince.

The prince frowned and said nothing.

They went into the back palace together. When they passed a rockery between Kunning palace and Yongshou palace, Gu Jiao suddenly stopped.

"Your Royal Highness!" She whispered to her.

The prince was so impatient that he asked her, "why?"

"Shh ~" Gu Jiao's fingertips pressed on her lips and made a silent gesture. "There's something moving behind the rockery. Listen!"

On the whole, the prince is not a very indifferent person. He can't figure out what happens around him. After listening to Gu Jiao's words, he frowned and stopped.

Then, he really heard the movement behind the rockery not far away.

That rockery is actually once the "crime scene", the difference is that Gu Jiao choose eavesdropping corner position is not the same as the original.

At the beginning, the big tree that she stood with Princess Rui was too far away from the rockery. She didn't really hear it. Now she was standing on the path with the prince, half the distance from the rockery.

As long as the prince is not deaf, he should be able to listen to everything after the rockery.

"It's you? You... What are you doing here? "

This is the voice of the princess.

"I don't want to come either, but I can't help it."

This is not the voice of King Ning.

King Ning is seriously injured in bed. Now he is lying in King Ning's house to recover. He can come here to have a ghost.

"I think you are crazy. This is the palace. If you come to see me, you are not afraid to be found!"

"Don't worry. I'm good at martial arts and won't be discovered."

"You go."

"I'll leave after I've brought the message to the master. The master wants you to remember that you are his woman and your identity! Don't always avoid him. Next time, he won't be able to guarantee the end of your relationship. "

"Are you threatening me?"

"The words have arrived. I'm leaving."

"Wait! He... What's the matter with him? "

The tone of concern and worry.

"If you are really worried about your master, you might as well visit him in person. I haven't seen my master for such a long time. Don't you want to? "

She sighed bitterly: "what's the use of thinking? Is this deep palace where I want to go out? What about being suspected? "

"Don't worry, as long as you want, the master will arrange it for you."

In fact, when it comes to asking about the injury, it's gone. The last few sentences are played by Gu Chengfeng on the spot, and he added his lines.

Gu Jiao has been observing the look of the prince from the beginning to the end. When the prince heard the first two sentences, he didn't respond at all. In the third sentence, she frowned a little.

And when I heard the sentence "to the master to leave after the words", I frowned more tightly, just like some anger.

No, that's how people react when they're green capped?

Isn't that a little wrong?

With the prince's feelings for Wen Linlang, it's time for him to draw a sword and rush up. It's not the case that Wen Linlang is chopped down and the adulterer is chopped down or both of them are killed.

But it didn't.

Gu Jiao asked curiously, "prince, do you recognize the voice of that man just now?"

The prince snorted coldly: "how can you hear that? I don't know you

Gu Jiao opened her mouth: "you... Don't know? Don't you think the voice just now sounds familiar? "

Like the crown princess, is there any wood?

"Familiar?" The prince thought about it carefully, and said, "it seems to be, it's a bit similar to the sound of the beautiful, but it's still far away."

Gu Jiao: How did you hear that?

Or does this man's trust in the crown princess have reached a certain unshakable level?

"Besides, Linlang will not betray me." The prince said.

Sure enough, it's the latter.

Prince, Prince, you are blind and green.

The original plan is that the crown prince hears Wen Linlang's voice and suspects that she has an indistinct relationship with the man outside the palace. Gu Jiao secretly throws some perjury at the king of Ning.

As long as the crime of adultery is settled, King Ning will not be able to return to heaven.

Who could have thought that Prince Taizi's pig mate would be so suck?

Gu Jiao doesn't want to talk to him.

The prince said in a cold voice, "I have to go and have a look. Who is going to mess up the harem here?"

Go on, go on, you can see the ghost!

Of course, the prince couldn't see it. Gu Chengfeng left after finishing his performance.

The prince clenched his fist and said, "Damn it, I'm sure you will thoroughly investigate this matter!"

Gu Jiao rolled her eyes.

The first plan failed.

It didn't take long for this matter to spread to King Ning.

After being beaten by Gu Jiao, ningwang secretly sends someone to stare at Gu Jiao.

Ningwang is drinking medicine, smell speech squint: "she really took the prince to catch the traitor?"

Qi Fei said: "it should be catching traitors. She didn't know where to find a man who was very eloquent and imitated the voice of the princess. The man was wearing a mask, and her subordinates didn't know who he was

Ningwang sneer: "this means, also with the king fight, continue to stare at her!"


Staring at Gu Jiao these days, Ning Wang has a great harvest.

Unknowingly, at the end of the month, King Ning recovered from his injury and went to the palace to greet the emperor.

Gu Jiao and the prince are also here.

Gu Jiao is here to feel the pulse of the emperor, and the prince is here to report to the emperor the progress of investigating Xiao LIULANG's whereabouts in recent days.

After such a long time, Xiao LIULANG was still unheard of. Both the prince and the emperor began to speculate whether Xiao LIULANG had already suffered an accident.

Gu Jiao came to the Qing palace many times. The emperor knew that she was anxious to know Xiao LIULANG's whereabouts.

The emperor did not dare to tell Gu Jiao his guess, for fear that Gu Jiao would be upset and could not bear it.

Because of Xiao LIULANG, the emperor's heart was heavy. He didn't feel very happy when he saw the cured King Ning.

"I'm fine. I'll be able to go out with my second brother to look for Xiao Xiuzhuan in a moment."

The emperor sighed and recovered from his serious injury, so he should rest in bed. But the Emperor didn't refuse King Ning's proposal. He really wanted to find Xiao LIULANG as soon as possible, even if it was just a corpse.

"By the way, did you catch the assassin who attacked you last time?"

King Ning took a look at Gu Jiao without any trace. Gu Jiao was not guilty at all. The corner of King Ning's mouth drew and said to the emperor, "if you go back to your father, you won't have it for the time being."

The emperor said in a cold voice: "continue to investigate. I'm afraid it's not against the sky that the emperor assassinates the prince at his feet!"

King Ning said, "this matter has been handed over to Jingzhao's office. I believe there will be news soon."

Gu Jiao's look still did not change at all. She took back her hand to feel the pulse of the Emperor: "Your Majesty, you are very angry recently. Your diet must be light."

Duke Wei said: "Your Majesty can't eat it at all recently! Miss Gu, help to persuade your majesty. The words of the old slave don't work! "

Duke Wei is really the best team mate. He doesn't have such a tacit understanding of his lines!

Gu Jiao sighed and said: "it's not as good as that. I'll stay for dinner with your majesty for a while. It happens to celebrate that his highness King Ning has recovered."

King Ning took a deep look at Gu Jiao.

The Emperor didn't notice their undercurrent. He nodded: "OK, you two brothers should stay for dinner, too." After a pause, he said, "call Xiao Qi, too."

Duke Wei said with a smile: "Your Highness has a lesson today. He is in the Imperial College."

The emperor jokingly patted the forehead: "I've been busy."

Gu Jiao said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager likes the flower cake I made very much. I'll make some for you."

The emperor said with a smile, "good."

Not long after lunch, Gu Jiao's fresh flower cake came out. She personally took the steaming fresh flower cake to her study. The fresh flower cake was packed in delicate small plates, with dried flowers and fresh flowers. It sold very well.

"Your Majesty." Gu Jiao took a piece of flower cake and handed it to the emperor, and then to the prince.

The emperor knew Gu Jiao's skill and ate it without saying a word.

The prince is a little disgusted. How delicious can a country girl make?

He took a look at his father and emperor, but he just took it.

Just one bite. He's in the mood.

This girl's skill is so good!

King Ning sat far away, and Gu Jiao finally handed it to him.

King Ning didn't move after he took it.

Gu Jiao asked, "why doesn't your Highness the king of Ning eat it? Do you despise my craft? "

Ning Wang smiles: "how can?"

He said, picked up the flower cake and tasted it slowly.

"Is it delicious?" Gu Jiao asked.

"It tastes good." Ningwang Wensheng way.

He said that, but when Gu Jiao turned around, he took out his handkerchief and spat it out without any trace.

Oh, insect carving skills!

After lunch, King Ning arched his hand to the Emperor: "father, it's late. My son's ministers went to find Xiao Xiuzhuan first."

The emperor nodded: "you go."

Although the father loves his son's health, he doesn't worry about his life. It's the most important thing to find Xiao LIULANG's whereabouts now.

The king of Ning went to find someone. Naturally, the prince couldn't fall behind. He also stood up and said to the emperor, "father and emperor, son and minister have gone too."

"Well. Be careful on your way. " The emperor was a little worried that the master who hurt King Ning secretly would make a comeback.

"Your Majesty, I'm going back, too." Gu Jiao said.

The emperor nodded: "OK, you go."

Gu Jiao came out of Huaqing Palace with a basket on her back. She went to Renshou palace to say goodbye to her aunt, who installed some snacks for her.

Gu Jiao brought snacks out of the palace. Surprisingly, King Ning was waiting for her at the gate of the palace.

"Doctor Gu, your highness King Ning, please." Ningwang's coachman came to Gu Jiao and said politely.

Gu Jiao looked at King Ning's carriage. King Ning opened the curtain of the car window and gave a gentle smile to Gu Jiao: "doctor Gu doesn't take this king's carriage. Are you afraid that this king will do harm to doctor Gu?"

Gu Jiao didn't say anything and strode into the carriage.

She is not like an ordinary woman to pay attention to her manners, and her actions are full of youthful heroism.

Ningwang light smile: "Gu doctor's courage really make this king admire."

Gu Jiao found a seat beside the king of Ning, and said, "this sentence should be said to the king of Ning."

"Oh?" Ningwang laughingly looked at her, "by your luck, you attacked me once? It's just that I don't have to defend myself. You're not my opponent in a fight. "

Gu Jiao didn't speak.

Ningwangquan when she acquiesced.

The carriage marched a section of road, Gu Jiao suddenly said: "Your Highness King Ning, don't you feel uncomfortable?"