The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 438

Is king Ning good at martial arts?

Nature is extremely high, but who let rather king have no guard at all, didn't think that Gu Jiao would come to such a hand.

Ningwang's anti assassin training is all knife, sword and concealed weapon. Who will step on the horse to defend a sack!

No matter how normal he is, he can't do such a thing as sacking the prince!

As soon as she overheard that review near the rockery, Jiao learned that King Ning's martial arts are unfathomable. She has never played with King Ning. It's hard to say who is better at martial arts. She is confident but not conceited.

Besides, this is not a competition for sportsmanship, not to mention martial arts.

It's over!

As soon as Gu Jiao put the man in the sack, she quickly pulled out the anesthetic needle hidden in her sleeve and thrust it into his body through the sack.

This kind of anesthetic is specially developed for emergency surgery by the Research Institute. Its efficacy is very fast. It can be injected intramuscularly without intravenous drip. It can make people lose consciousness instantly. The disadvantage is that its efficacy is short.

But enough to drag people away.

"Turn left. The LORD said to wait for someone in the alley over there." Gu Jiao told the coachman.

The coachman didn't know that his master was covered with sacks. He thought it was his master's idea, and obediently drove the carriage into one side of the alley.

The moment the carriage stopped, Gu Jiao chopped the driver unconscious with a knife.

Then she dragged the sack from the carriage.

The effect of the anesthetic gradually dissipated, and King Ning began to recover his consciousness and pain. However, it was not so easy for him to start with Gu Jiao.

Without waiting for him to respond, Gu Jiao grabbed the sack and swung it on the ground, making a loud noise!

Ningwang in front of a black, only feel a mountain shaking, avalanche tsunami, bottom egg quack quack quack pain!

Ningwang tried to move, but he was not lucky in Dantian. The sack was lifted high and fell down again.

Gu Jiao grabs the sack and smashes it in a mess!

Ningwang's brain was almost smashed!

What is the disaster of no rash, this is it!

It's not terrible to be hurt when fighting, but to be hit as a sandbag.

It hurts your self-esteem, OK!

This is different from beating the princess. After all, the nature of the two accidents is different. The former is bluffing and the latter is killing.

Gu Jiao beat her to death. King Ning had martial arts skills, but he also beat her. Gu Jiao beat her even more happily.

When Gu Jiao was beating hard, a shadow suddenly came down from the sky. Gu Jiao fixed her eyes and saw that it was the emperor's Dragon shadow guard!

Long Yingwei looks at the sack on the ground and Gu Jiao in front of him. For a moment, he makes a decision and attacks Gu Jiao.


Gu Jiao has a toothache.

You don't need to know that the Dragon shadow guard was assigned by the emperor to the king of Ning. Gu Jiao once fought with the Dragon shadow guard, but after the Dragon shadow guard was recalled by the emperor, she was invincible to Gu Jiao.

He just hesitated for a moment, should be in order to his task, Gu Jiao is not the enemy, but the emperor let the Dragon shadow guard to protect King Ning.

Naturally, the order prevailed, and the Dragon shadow guard launched an attack on Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao recognized counsels for a second, threw the sack to him, and ran away with a chirp!

Afterwards, Gu Jiao recalled that she didn't play well enough. She should beat her two fists and throw them again. She was a little bit domineering and didn't give so much advice.

Gu Jiao pocketed the king of Ning in front of him this time, not because she was impulsive, but because he had decided on her husband, there was no need for them to continue to whitewash peace.

Another reason is that King Ning is so popular in the capital. How many people want to harm him and have the ability to harm him?

If she does not show her face, the first suspect is Yuan Tang.

She's a good person.

She doesn't bother her new leeks for no reason... No, new friends.

Gu Jiao thought about things in her heart, but suddenly she ran to Zhuque street.

Well... To be honest, no wonder she, Zhuque street is one of the nearest streets to the imperial palace. Just now, the alley comes out in a string, and you can walk a few steps to reach Zhuque street.

However, she went so far as to come to Princess Xinyang's house that she was very fascinated.

Gu Jiao looked up at the hidden gate, and chose the latter between going back on the same road and being caught by the emperor's long Yingwei and beating him violently, and going into the house to avoid the wind and having afternoon tea.

She stood on the doorstep and inadvertently strained the heel of her right leg.

As a result, the calf stomach cramps

Princess Xinyang is about to go out. As soon as Yujin opens the gate, she sees Gu Jiao, who is bent and cramped.

Yu Jin was stunned: "doctor Gu?"

Gu Jiao stood up as if nothing had happened. The next second, her cramp became more severe. Her expression suddenly lost control. The cramp in her calf and stomach was absolutely intolerable

Princess Xinyang glanced at her faintly and said, "what? A fight? Are you lame? "

Gu Jiao: "No."

"Oh." The princess of Xinyang said carelessly, "that's being beaten, and the leg is crippled?"

Gu Jiao

This is not very harmful and insulting.

Xinyang Princess light pick eyebrow: "always can't be hit didn't hit to run, also run own leg lame."

Gu Jiao: it's forbidden to hurt people with facts.

"Oh." Princess Xinyang turned and went back to her house.

Yujin looked back at Princess Xinyang, this is... Don't go out?

Yu Jin smiles and says to Gu Jiao, "doctor Gu, please follow me into the room."

Gu Jiao's right leg was cramped and collapsed. She could only limp into the house step by step. It was very pitiful.

Princess Xinyang likes to sit by the window with good lighting and ventilation, and can smell the fragrance of the courtyard.

Yujin takes Gu Jiao to the chair opposite to Princess Xinyang, squats down and pinches her right leg: "does it hurt here? Let me see. "

"No, I'm cramped, not injured. I'll be fine in a moment." Gu Jiao seriously suspected that she was growing too fast and lacked calcium.

She didn't have such a cramp in her previous life. After all, she was in the organization in her previous life. Every agent had a professional nutritionist, and there would never be a lack of trace elements.

"I'll press it for you, and it won't hurt that much." Yujin said gently.

"Thank you, Yujin." She remembers what the princess called her.

"If you don't dislike it, call me aunt Yujin." Yu Jin said with a smile.

Yujin moved a small bench to come over, put Gu Jiao's leg on his leg, and began to knead gently for Gu Jiao.

After all, the person who has served Princess Xinyang is really good. Gu Jiao almost fell asleep.

Yu Jin said in a warm voice, "doctor Gu is only 15 years old this year. He is really young and promising. I'm afraid it's hard to find a doctor who is more skillful than you in the capital."

Gu Jiao nodded seriously: "I think so, too."

Princess Xinyang, who plans to practice calligraphy in her spare time

This girl, can you order a face?

Princess Xinyang was quiet for a while and continued to practice calligraphy.

Gu Jiao glanced at her and said, "my husband always asked me to practice calligraphy. I learned from you at first sight."