The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 427

Gu Jiao went to Qinghe academy and fished Gu Chengfeng out of the men's room.

Gu Chengfeng was about to explode: "can you stop fishing for me in such a place every time?"

He won't lift a few more times!

Gu Jiao took him to a wood room of the academy and pressed him to wash his hands.

Gu Chengfeng: you know you mind this!

Gu Chengfeng washes his hands slowly. Gu Jiao thinks he is slow and grabs him into the small firewood room.

"What are you doing this time?" Gu Chengfeng didn't ask.

Last time I risked my life to accompany this girl to empty ningwang's coffer. In the end, I didn't give him a gold bar.

He worked as a porter for her for nothing!

Finally hid a, the result was small nine that eagle to take out!

Even the eagle has the same virtue as her!

If you are not angry, you can say that you are not!

"I have something to ask you." Gu Jiao folded a branch, squatted on the ground and drew a double knife emblem, "do you know this?"

Gu Chengfeng was still complaining about the gold bar. He hummed and said, "what's the matter with Shuangdao gate? You're not going to rob them? I said, are you crazy about money recently? Robbing everywhere, I'm not afraid of being exposed! "

"No robbery this time." Gu Jiao said, "are they very powerful?"

Gu Chengfeng squatted down beside her and said, "it depends on who you compare with. It can't be compared with the old organizations like Qianji Pavilion, but they are more outstanding among the new schools rising in recent years. What are you asking about? "

Gu Jiao said: "nothing. This sect may offend me in the future."

What is possible in the future?

Do you know anyone else?

Do you know divination or dream?

Gu Jiao asked the address of shuangdaomen again and got a general idea of it. In view of the fact that it was still early to the day of the incident, Gu Jiao decided to stare at them for a while.

From Qinghe academy, Gu Jiao went to Hanlin Academy.

There was a bit of traffic jam on the road. It was already past the time when I arrived at the Hanlin Academy.

Gu Jiao looked at the cake shop and thought about it. She went over and asked, "boss, do you still have dried vegetable cakes?"

The boss said with a smile: "the last few plum dried vegetables are bought by your husband."

Because he always patronizes his business, people in the bakery already know that Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG are young couple.

"Did my husband buy it raw?" Gu Jiao asked subconsciously.

Most people don't buy them. It's strange for her to ask. In fact, she thinks it's strange.

The boss only thought that she had told her husband that she must buy a baby. She worried that he would buy the wrong one.

The boss laughed and said, "it's raw!"

Is Gu Jiao a coincidence?

In his dream, the sunrise when he bought raw plum and dried vegetable cake ended, but it happened two or three months later.

It's not every day when you buy raw prunes and vegetable cakes that something goes wrong.

Think so in the heart, Gu Jiao still went to the place where he had an accident.

It's a time-honored Rouge shop. Its business has been robbed by the shops around it. There are very few guests in and out.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the scene is well preserved, and no one finds it or destroys it.

Gu Jiao saw the dried up blood on the ground.

Gu Jiao squatted down and looked at the traces of the blood. She could not help but see the picture of him falling again and again.

Yes, he fell twice.

For the first time, he knocked on the lame mouth of the threshold and cut the tiger's mouth and arm.

The second time, he fell on the ground a few steps ahead, where there were his bloody fingerprints.

I only fell once in my dream. It was snowy. I fell miserably and fainted on the spot.

"What's the matter? Is the dream ahead of time? "

Gu Jiao is also the first time to encounter such a situation, for a moment no experience, I do not know whether they guess right.

"This bloodstain may be someone else's, in case of mistake..."

There are several mistakes. She must not gamble on Xiao LIULANG's life.

It's not Xiao LIULANG's best. If it is, it won't delay the time to save him.

His hand can't be broken and his life can't be lost!

Gu Jiao Shun blood all the way to find the past, found a sparsely populated old street, blood suddenly no more.

There are two possibilities: one is that the blood has stopped, and the other is that he has been abducted here, not by lightness skill, but by carriage.

It's easy to find people using lightness skills to fly over eaves and walls in broad daylight, and there will still be a little blood left.

But Gu Jiao looked for it in the outer wall and found nothing.

With the unfortunate constitution of his husband, the possibility of blood stopping is not great, and the possibility of being hit and taken away by mistake is great.

Gu Jiao guessed right, Xiao LIULANG was really unlucky to be caught.

He obviously threw away the assassins and went to the car shop to hire a carriage. Xiao LIULANG, the old street, didn't come for a long time. He was not very impressed, so he found a carriage to ask the way.

It happened to be the assassin's carriage.

What does it mean to break the iron shoes without looking for a place? It takes no effort. That's it.

The assassin opened the window with a confused face.

It's OK to step on the horse!!!

Xiao LIULANG was so unlucky that he was caught in the carriage by the assassin.

There were four assassins, two of whom were driving outside and two of whom were staring at Xiao LIULANG inside.

Xiao LIULANG was tied up and blindfolded, but the cloth was not stuffed. The main thing was that it was too thin. He could spit it out himself. If it was too thick, he was worried about suffocating him.

"Don't you still have nose ventilation?" Assassin B asked.

Assassin a glared at him and said, "what if the nose is blocked? How did that man die last time, you forget? "

Assassin B recalled a hostage they had captured. He blocked his mouth and his nose was stuffy. As a result, he belched on the way.

Assassin B stopped talking.

The point of Assassin A's knife made a gesture on Xiao LIULANG's handsome face and threatened: "don't make any noise. Do you hear me? If you dare to shout, I'll cut your tongue!"

Xiao LIULANG leaned against the wall and ignored him.

He couldn't see or walk, but listening to the sounds on both sides of the street and smelling the fragrance from the shops, he could probably infer that the carriage was going through Luoyang street and was approaching the east gate.

Are they going to take him out of town?

Xiao LIULANG's conjecture was soon confirmed.

He heard the unusual sound of the horse's hooves, which were stepping on the official road near the gate.

When it was almost their turn, a group of iron cavalry rushed over. Judging from the sound of the friction of horseshoes and armor, it was like the imperial palace guards.

The leader of the guard said, "those who go out of the city must be strictly investigated."

"Big brother, why did you check it out all of a sudden?" Assassin B asked flurriedly, "can't we be exposed? Not so fast! "

Xiao LIULANG also feels strange. Only his majesty and the Empress Dowager who can mobilize the guard are captured. Did your majesty and the Empress Dowager find out?

It's not too late. Even if he doesn't go home, he won't be regarded as being captured by the assassin——

The assassin couldn't figure out the problems that Xiao couldn't figure out.

It's one thing to be confused, but it's another to have a way to deal with it.

"Point his hole!" Assassin a said.

Assassin B points Xiao LIULANG's cave.

As if aware of something, assassin B scratched his head and said, "eh? eldest brother? Since we can point the acupoints, why do we have to work hard to bind him just now? "

Assassin A: "no one will dumb you if you don't speak!"

Xiao LIULANG was not only unable to move, but also could not make a sound.

The cloth strip on his eyes was torn off, and the next moment, a piece of cool stuff stuck to his face.

It's a rumored human skin mask.

Of course, it's not really made of human skin. The raw material is fish skin. Only after processing, it looks like human skin.

There are still some flaws in this kind of mask from a close view, but from a distance, it can almost confuse the real with the fake.

Maybe the guards didn't expect that the people in the river and lake would use this evil method. They got out of the city smoothly.

"Brother, no, the officers and soldiers are out of the city! They are coming Assassin B looked at the distance also out of the city of the guards said.

Assassin a frowned, looked at Xiao LIULANG, said: "not so quickly found... Forget it, not necessarily to find him, just be careful."

"Assassin B asked:" then... Are we still in accordance with the original plan

Assassin a thought, in the end is a little guilty guard, he said: "take the path!"

They abandoned the official road and went on a country road. They passed through a small village. When the guards left, they returned to the official road again.

Assassin B whispered: "let's slow down. It's time to run into the guard in front of us."

I always feel that the guards are here to catch them!

Assassin A is also in trouble.

Isn't it just a poor official from the countryside? It's OK to catch it. How can it cause the guards?

"Big brother, big brother! People from the government! " Assassin B looked at a group of people coming behind him.

Here came four yamen officers, four on horseback, escorting a prison car, in which sat a prisoner in prison clothes and shackles.

Assassin a suddenly had an idea: "hijack the prison car!"

Four assassins hijacked several small yamen of the government. They knocked the Yamen unconscious and threw them into the nearby grass.

"Go, open the van." Assassin a throws the key from the Yamen to Assassin B.

Assassin B drove the van and said to the prisoner, "OK, you can go."

Prisoner: No, thank you.

Assassin B a big ear to call out people, stripped his prison clothes and shackles to Xiao LIULANG change.

Naturally, his action would not be too gentle. Xiao LIULANG's hand was injured and treated rudely. The scabby wound was torn again and the blood flowed all over the ground.

The assassin complained: "be careful! Don't kill people before you get the silver! Find something to tie him up

Where is there something to wrap up?

Assassin B tore a piece of Xiao LIULANG's clothes and wrapped it around him.

The assassins put on the clothes of the yamen, rode on the horses of the yamen, and went to their destination openly.

The assassin's dressing is really not good. Xiao LIULANG's wound is bleeding all the time, but he was pointed again. He can't wrap the cloth tightly by himself.

The carriage took another official road, and they met Mr. Zhao, Minister of the Ministry of industry, who came back from other places.

Zhao Shangshu also participated in the assessment of the six books. Xiao LIULANG was the examiner, and they met each other.

Xiao LIULANG tries to ask Zhao Shangshu for help.

About assassin B's acupuncture skill is not in place, Xiao LIULANG has been able to move slightly, but he is not sure whether this blow can attract Zhao Shangshu's attention, he is very cautious.

With the tumbling of the prison car, he rushed forward heavily, looking as if he had not sat down and fell down.

His shoulder and head were heavily knocked on the prison car. Zhao Shangshu lifted the curtain because of the huge movement. However, he just looked at the prison car and put down the curtain again.

Obviously, he didn't intend to interfere in the work of other yamen, nor was he suspicious.

The two sides passed quickly.

Zhao Shangshu's carriage has gone far, and Xiao LIULANG knows that this hope has been dashed.

This may be... The last hope.

Because, they're almost there.

"Look, brother! We're almost there! It's right in front of you Assassin B was so excited that he almost rode out.

Assassin a glared at him: "don't make noise, be careful to lead the guard!"

"Yes, yes! We can't bring in the guards! " Assassin B answered with a smile.

A group of people along the official road came to a T-junction, they did not continue along the official road, but turned to the path.

Just at this time, another carriage came from the other direction of the official road.

Xiao LIULANG just glanced faintly and froze all over!

Suddenly, he could not hide the fact that he could move a little. He turned his face and lowered his head, trying not to let the other party see him.

He suddenly forgot that he was wearing a human skin mask. What if he saw it?

I can't recognize it.

"Princess, there is a prison car ahead." On the carriage, Yujin whispered to Princess Xinyang.

Princess Xinyang said, "then slow down and let the prison car pass first."

"Yes." Yu Jin should go down, open the curtain and say to the coachman, "go slowly."

The coachman tightened the reins slightly and slowed down.

After the van passed, they continued to speed up.

Dragon a horse, also in the ranks of the entourage.

All of a sudden, the Dragon did not leave.

Princess Xinyang didn't hear the sound of longyi's horse's hooves. She frowned. She opened the curtain and saw that longyi's figure was gone.

"Stop." Said Princess Xinyang.

"Yes." The coachman stopped the carriage.

Princess Xinyang motioned to Yujin to open the back window.

Yujin opens the curtain and opens the rear window.

Princess Xinyang saw longyi riding in the carriage, stopping at the intersection, looking at the prison car for a moment.

Princess Xinyang looked at the prison car, her expression did not change at all, she said: "dragon one, let's go."

Long Yi doesn't go.

On the prison car, Xiao LIULANG is dripping blood.

Drop by drop, all over the road.

The Dragon jumped the horse.

Princess Xinyang said coldly, "don't move the prison car!"

Long Yingwei won't disobey the master's orders. Princess Xinyang won't allow him to move the ambulance, so he didn't move.

The next second, he struck, and the four assassins were killed on the spot!

Long Yi calmly takes back his sword, walks over and directly grabs Xiao LIULANG's cage on the prison car.

Princess Xinyang looked at him angrily.

His eyes turned, and because his hands were busy, he could only kick the carriage with his toes.

As if to say.

Here's the van. I didn't move.

I move the cage.