The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 417

Yuan Tang is chased and killed everywhere, where can he still take care of the suspect?

In fact, he usually goes out with his men. Only when he comes to Liu Yisheng, he is always alone, because Liu Yisheng doesn't like to be disturbed. He doesn't even want to see him, let alone his men.

How did you expect that so many times there was no accident, but today you fell?

The assassins were so fierce and powerful that he was almost overwhelmed.

And the assassin really just wanted to shoot him at the beginning, but after he couldn't shoot, he didn't worry about whether there was anyone else in the room. Several arrows almost shot Gu Jiao and Liu Yisheng.

In order not to implicate them, Yuan Tang gritted his teeth: "I'll go first!"

With the departure of Yuan Tang, the assassination around really gradually disappeared, it seems to be chasing Yuan Tang.

Liu Yisheng's face became very ugly.

Gu Jiao doesn't know whether he is recalling something or simply worrying about Yuan Tang's situation.

Yuan Tang's situation is really not very good, the other side seems to be determined to burn the boat this time, to kill him at all costs.

No matter where Yuan Tang fled, he could feel the group of people chasing him.

His martial arts can not be compared with that of long Yingwei, but he is at least one of the top ten experts in Chen state. He asked himself that he would not lose to these assassins alone.

But there is a saying that the outnumbered are outnumbered.

All the way back to the palace was blocked, as if the assassin didn't want him to go back to the palace to move soldiers.

"How mean! Don't let your highness catch who did it, or your highness will skin you! "

Yuan Tang had to flee in another direction.

He didn't know how long he had been chased, until night fell, until the lights of the house were far behind him, and until his internal power was exhausted, he could not escape any more.

He was surrounded on an empty street corner.

On the eve of the moon, the full moon was hanging high, and the cool and thin moonlight was shining on Yuan Tang's face full of sweat, and his eyes were emitting sharp and cold light.

"Who are you? Who sent you to kill his highness? "

He asked coldly.

However, no one answered. More than ten assassins in black just grasped the sword in their hands and couldn't help killing him.

As soon as Yuan Tang's folding fan turned, the mechanism opened and turned into countless blades, which blocked several long swords coming towards his head.

At this moment, a sword came to his side.

Yuan Tang caught the sword in time with the fingertips of his left hand!

It's just that it's not over, and there's a terrible attack behind him.

Yuan Tang's eyebrows jump.

I can't escape

When he was late and fast, there was only a loud bang, and the assassin in black who attacked him on his back made a shrill scream.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden change. People are always full of curiosity and fear about the unknown, because they don't know its exact killing power, so they dare not easily block their own lives.

The rest of the assassins froze.

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, Gu Jiao throws out a few black fire beads and forces back the assassins who want to kill Yuan Tang.

Yuan Tang regained his mind and shook away the four assassins with his internal power.

He collapsed after the shock.

Gu Jiao quickly stepped forward and held his arm.

Yuan Tang also knew that at the critical moment of the war, he must not show his weakness, otherwise they would surely follow the victory.

Yuan Tang steadied his mind and tried not to let himself fall.

He stared at the greedy assassin, whispered to Gu Jiao: "thank you, today I owe you a life."

Gu Jiao light glanced at him: "your life is very valuable?"

Yuan Tang said: "the life of the future Prince of the state of Chen, do you think it's worth money?"

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

"What did you just use? Why is it so powerful? "

"Hidden weapon."

Yuantang: I know it's a hidden weapon, but can you tell me what it is?

Forget it, now is not the time to talk about this. It's the key to solve these people's assassins as soon as possible.

Gu Jiao has just wounded three people, but there are still 11 people. What is fatal is that Yuan Tang has already exhausted his strength on the way to escape. Now he can only barely stand up. There is no chance of winning the battle.

Yuan Tang says helplessly: "can rely on you only, Gu doctor."

"Stay away." Gu Jiao said.

Yuan Tang stepped back and stood by the wall.

The other side is a total of 11 experts. Yuan Tang doesn't expect Gu Jiao to solve the problem alone. She only needs to delay for a while. When he takes a breath and recovers a little energy, she can rejoin the war.

What Yuan Tang didn't expect is that he hasn't finished breathing, and the assassin on the opposite side has fallen in half.


Can this girl fight like this?

Gu Jiao uses a stick. She doesn't see any blood. She just knocks people down. She uses the moves that the Marquis taught her before she leaves.

She didn't think it would work that well.

The old man is very good.

She's good, too.

"Wow, if it goes on like this, don't you have to do it yourself?" Yuan Tang hands embrace bosom, always feel this wench a person can dry over the whole field.

The next second, Yuan Tang realized that he was happy too early.

"Stop it! Or I'll kill him! "

With a fierce drink, a masked man in black came out with his sword against Liu Yisheng's neck.

Yuan Tang's eyes sank.

elder male cousin!

Gu Jiao throws out an assassin in black and looks at Liu Yisheng and the masked man in black. There is a dangerous light in her eyes.

"Let him go." Gu Jiao said.

It's a tone of tone.

The man in black was surprised by the fact that a little girl could emit such a powerful aura, but it was only a surprise.

He cold voice way: "dare to hurt my so brother, the courage is not small! Give that boy over and you'll leave a hand. It's over. "

Liu Yisheng said without expression: "if you are arrested today, I will not do it."

"Son of a bitch! Shut up The masked man's sword suddenly approached Liu Yisheng's neck by an inch, and the blade stuck to his white neck.

Gu Jiao eyes cold way: "you dare to hurt his hair, I want you to pay for life!"

Liu Yisheng and Yuan Tang were stunned.

They didn't expect Gu Jiao to say such a thing.

Liu Yisheng's eyes swept a trace of complexity.

He looked at Gu Jiao, who also looked at him.

Liu Yisheng closed his eyes without hesitation.

At the same time, Gu Jiao single stroke a shake, a dagger slide into the sleeve, no one can see Gu Jiao is how to move, and so on reaction, she has the dagger shot out!

The masked man saw that the dagger was about to hit his eyebrow. He quickly waved his long sword to block it. The dagger was blocked, and Liu Yisheng also took the opportunity to run away!

"Damn it He gritted his teeth!

Some Yuan Tang can't come back. What's the matter? That wench is to suddenly move, still gave cousin what hint?

How else would my cousin close his eyes?

After all, isn't cousin afraid of this girl's failure?

Yuantang is jealous!

Cousins don't trust him that much!

Liu Yisheng quickly walks towards them. The masked man is about to slash Liu Yisheng's back with a knife, but Gu Jiao's black bead blows him back several steps!

Of course, he knew how powerful this thing was. Several brothers were injured by it!

Gu Jiao also quickly steps over to meet Liu Yisheng.

"Are you all right?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I didn't..." before Liu Yisheng finished, he suddenly reached out and held Gu Jiao in his arms, his other hand behind Gu Jiao's head.

A sword light splits down, Liu Yisheng's little finger flies out.

"Cousin!" Yuantang cried out!

Hot blood splashed to Gu Jiao's neck, she grabbed Liu Yisheng's right hand, saw the bare little finger position, blood cross flow wound, her eyes instantly frost flow!

In this instant, everyone felt that Gu Jiao's aura had changed.

It's like... The fight just now was just a casual fight, she didn't really get angry, but now, every hair of her seems to be going away!

Gu Jiao is not sure what the dream of returning to Hou's residence means. She only knows that she is more and more unable to separate herself from the one in the dream.

Liu Yisheng is the one who collects her body and buries her bones. She is the one who will protect her all her life.

No matter whether the strong emotion comes from her present or her dream, she only knows that there is a voice in her mind - no one is allowed to hurt him.

Gu jiaoshu tore off a train and wrapped Liu Yisheng's wound. Then she pulled out a dagger at her waist.

All of them were shocked by her sudden outburst of anger and murderous spirit, but they did not move when they watched her bandage the wound.

When Gu Jiao makes a move, people finally have a reaction, but it's too late.

Gu Jiao steps forward, throws the dagger up and grabs it in the air. At the moment of landing, her dagger plunges into the heart of the assassin who attacked Liu Yisheng!

Another blood spatter came out, spattered on her face!

She wiped it away, and her eyes became horrible.

Everyone was stunned by the scene.

They thought she didn't have weapons, or she didn't know how to use weapons. They also speculated that she might be timid, kind-hearted and indecisive.

She's a teenager, after all.

However, it was this "timid", "kind-hearted" and "indecisive" little girl who stabbed an assassin in the heart!

As if it was just a moment, as if after a long time, when the masked assassin came back from the horror, all the brothers fell down.

There was a thick smell of blood in the air.

His martial arts are not weak. He really fought with Gu Jiao to death. If he could not win, it would not be a problem to run for life.

But he was scared silly by Gu Jiao's means.

Is this really a little girl? It's a killing God!

Gu Jiao's blood is not her own, and her dagger is dripping with blood.

The violent factor in her body surges and screams endlessly under the stimulation of blood. Holding a dagger, she walks towards the masked man step by step like a Shura coming back from purgatory.

The masked man's legs softened and his butt fell to the ground.

"Don't come here... You, you don't come here!"

He backed back on the ground with one hand and pointed his sword at Gu Jiao with the other.

But what he said was not even a roar, at most a bluff.

Liu Yisheng and Yuan Tang naturally noticed something wrong with Gu Jiao. They called her many times, but she didn't seem to hear them at all.

"Dr. gu!" Liu Yisheng called her again.

Gu Jiao still did not respond.

Yuan Tang walked past and stood in front of Gu Jiao: "enough! That's enough! "

Gu Jiao pushes Yuan Tang away with her backhand. Yuan Tang bumps into the corner and almost breaks his ribs.

What's the matter? Is this girl bewitched?

Liu Yisheng came to Gu Jiao and looked at her back: "doctor Gu..."

Gu Jiao's hand rises and falls.

Liu Yisheng closed his eyes painfully.


Gu Jiao takes out the fire fold and finds out the cut finger on the dirty ground.

Liu Yisheng sat down against the wall.

She knelt down in front of Liu Yisheng, opened the small medicine box, took out the disinfection water and surgical instruments, cleaned her hands and put on gloves.

Gu Jiao cleans Liu Yisheng's wound, injects anesthetic, and stitches the broken finger and finger.

In the process of sewing, she didn't say a word, and Liu Yisheng didn't ask.

But Yuan Tang looked at her small medicine box with a very strange look, and the things she took out of the small medicine box.

"Well, what are these? Can you really connect it like this? "

"What did you just put on my cousin? Why doesn't my cousin hurt? "

"Say something."

"You're horrible, OK?"

Yuan Tang takes fingertip to shake in front of Gu Jiao, Gu Jiao has no response.

It's not intentional neglect, but she didn't seem to see him.

Yuan Tang looks at Liu Yisheng strangely: "cousin, she..."

Liu Yisheng gave him a shut up look.

Yuan Tang angrily closed his mouth, but his eyes couldn't help looking at Gu Jiao.

Is this girl really bewitched? Why can't you hear or see him?

Gu Jiao's operation was very meticulous. After the last stitch, she cut off the thread and wrapped it with gauze.

The next second, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

Gu Jiao had no consciousness for a long time, and she finished the operation for Liu Yisheng with an obsession.

After the operation, she doesn't have to go on any longer... She can't go on any more.

Seeing Gu Jiao fall towards the dirty ground, Liu Yisheng almost instinctively reaches out his hand and drags Gu Jiao's tottering body with his arm.

His arm gently closed, Gu Jiao fell into his arms.

The girl's fragrance mixed with rich blood gas penetrated into his nose.

He had never been so close to anyone.

His body was stiff.

However, without waiting for him to adapt to the existence of the girl in his arms, a strong figure came down from the sky and robbed Gu Jiao from his arms!

"Who is it?" Yuan Tang fiercely blocks in front of Liu Yisheng. He reaches out his hand to recapture Gu Jiao, but he doesn't even touch the corner of each other's clothes.

"Who are you?" Liu Yisheng held the wall and stood up coldly.

Just when they thought each other was another assassin to assassinate them, the other slapped at the southeast roof.

There was a scream on the roof, and then more than ten figures fell.

Yuantang's face changed.

When did so many assassins come in the dark!

If it were not for this man, the three of them would be more or less unlucky!

Who is the man in the mask?

Enemy or friend?

It's the enemy. Why help them?

Is a friend, why abduct Gu Jiao?