The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 411

Xiao LIULANG was stiff.

How long has he not heard the sound? It's like a world apart.

He fell on the ground, back to Princess Xinyang, Rao is so, he also felt each other's eyes fall on himself.

He didn't dare to look back, and he didn't dare to turn his back. He tried to restrain the shaking of his body and said calmly, "I'm ok."

"You..." Princess Xinyang heard him say nothing, but Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the crutch that fell out.

It seems that crutches are not like walking sticks. They are more like walking sticks. They are suitable for people with inconvenient legs and feet, but they are not completely unable to land.

Princess Xinyang is not sure whether the other party is born bad at the line or just recently injured, no matter which does not seem to exist all right.

She said: "it seems that I tripped you just now. Can I still get up? I'll call a doctor for you. Someone will help the adult up first. "

As soon as her voice fell, the little servant girl who had helped her stepped forward and reached out to help Xiao LIULANG

Xiao LIULANG quickly raised his sleeve to stop: "don't come here!"

Little servant girl a Zheng, don't understand ground turn head to see to the princess of Xin Yang.

Xiao LIULANG calmed down and said, "I'm not used to being touched."

When he was 14 years old, he didn't change his voice. He was a green and childish young voice. Now, after the period of changing his voice, he changed into a voice between a young man and an adult man, low and clean.

For a moment, Princess Xinyang didn't recognize the wrong voice, but she obviously felt the other party's escape and resistance.

When he thought of the incompatibility between men and women, he was wearing a Hanlin official uniform, and this was near the Hanlin Academy. He should be careful not to damage his reputation.

Princess Xinyang didn't embarrass him any more: "if you have something to do, go to Princess Xinyang's house and say it."

Although she doesn't live in Princess mansion, her servants can still tell her when they are in Princess mansion.

Xiao LIULANG tried to control himself not to look back: "no, I'm ok."

Princess Xinyang always thinks that this person is strange, and her heart is also strange: "where are you going, I can let the escort escort you."

"No need." Xiao LIULANG refused, "I can go myself."

After that, he stood up with his hand on the opposite side. Under the gaze of Princess Xinyang, he limped to the door and bent over to pick up the walking stick Gu Jiao had made for him.

There has never been a moment like this, he knew she was watching behind, but he didn't want her to see himself like this.

His hand holding the stick was shaking. He didn't look back and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Princess Xinyang looked at his leaving figure, showing a thoughtful look.


Yujin came in breathlessly.

Xinyang Princess consciousness cage, looked at her one eye, said: "you go to buy a cake, how to buy yourself like this?"

"I..." Yujin opened her mouth and hesitated. Did she want to tell her what she had just happened.

Princess Xinyang said, "just say what you want to say. When did you become a woman?"

Yujin looked at her, summoned up courage and said: "princess, I just... Seem to see the little marquis."

Princess Xinyang's face slightly changed, but only in a moment she recovered her old calm: "Yujin, I want to tell you how many times, he died."

Xiao LIULANG fled back to the Imperial Academy.

Ning Zhiyuan just came out of the Imperial Academy. Seeing that he seemed to be lost, he pulled him aside and asked, "what's the matter with you, LIULANG? Didn't you go to the academy to give lectures? Is someone bullying you? I knew it! Gongyuan that group of make-up examinations are all from yinguanyin, a water prickly! Well, I'll go for you next time! "

"I'm fine. It's fine over there." He can even hold down the super prickly head of the prince, not to mention the little prickly head.

"But I think you have something on your mind." Ning Zhiyuan doesn't believe that Xiao LIULANG is OK. He has known Xiao LIULANG for a long time. He still knows what temperament Xiao LIULANG has. In the past, he was always read by Yang Shi and changed his way, but he was never so embarrassed.

Ning Zhiyuan had a flash of inspiration in his mind: "are you worried about something in the morning? Did I break the inkstone or offend Princess Xinyang? You, you don't feel sad, I'll explain to her! I broke the inkstone. It's because of me. "

Xiao LIULANG said, "I'm really OK."

Ning Zhiyuan looked at him suspiciously: "but you look so bad."

Xiao LIULANG said casually, "maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Ning Zhiyuan said suspiciously, "is that so?"

Xiao LIULANG nodded: "well."

"That..." Ning Zhiyuan looked at the end of the alley, "sister-in-law didn't come to pick you up today, I'll find a carriage to take you back."

"Not at all." Xiao LIULANG refused his kindness.

Xiao LIULANG looks at his friends and speaks well. But once he pouts, no one can persuade him. Rather, he has to let him go.

Xiao LIULANG walked aimlessly on the street with a cane. When he left the clothing shop, he almost ran away without looking back at her

But her voice was deeply engraved in his mind, hovering and lingering.

The sky did not know when it began to rain, pedestrians have to avoid, only Xiao LIULANG did not know, slowly walking in the rain.

It was not until a young voice came to his mind that he suddenly regained his mind.

"Brother in law, why don't you take an umbrella?"

It's small clearance.

Xiao Jingkong, holding a small yellow umbrella made by Gu Jiao, looks up at Xiao LIULANG who has been drenched in water for no reason.

Xiao LIULANG realized that he had come to the gate of Guozijian unconsciously.

"Are you here to pick me up today?" Xiaojingkong asked, holding Xiaohuang's umbrella.

In fact, it's not time to finish school at this moment. The small clearance is to finish the homework ahead of time and make an exception to finish school first.

"Well." Xiao LIULANG said faintly, "let's go."

Small clearance does not move: "you did not umbrella!"

"I don't have an umbrella." He said, pausing and saying, "I don't need it."

"Here you are." Xiao Jingkong handed him the umbrella.

"You do it yourself." How could Xiao LIULANG have a child's umbrella? What if he wants him? This umbrella is so small that it can't hit two people.

"I have a raincoat," he said

The raincoat Jiaojiao made for him!

There are also big red flowers painted by him!

Xiao Jingkong hands Xiao LIULANG the umbrella. Xiao LIULANG still carries it for him. He takes out his little yellow raincoat from his schoolbag and puts it on casually. Then he takes off his shoes and grasps them in his hands. Barefooted, he steps on the water on the ground.


You just want to step on the water

Xiaojingkong stepped on the water all the way, where there is a pit, where to jump, anyway Jiaojiao is not there, he does not have to worry about his tough little image!

He stepped happily, like a little jumping frog falling into a pond.

It turns out that I can have so much fun going home with my bad brother-in-law!

To the door, he said very generously: "good Ba, later I allow you to pick me up in rainy days!"

Xiao LIULANG: ha ha, it's like who seldom comes to meet you.

Next door, Liu Quan was about to pick up Xiao Jingkong. When he saw the two people at the door, he was slightly stunned: "eh? Are you back? "

"Good uncle Liu!" Small clearance politely said hello.

The little guy was wearing the raincoat that Gu Jiao made for him and the little hat of the raincoat.

He liked the golden things, but there was no gold in the dye that Gu Jiao could get, so he took the second and made it yellow.

Xiaoyuyi itself is very beautiful, but he painted so many ugly big red flowers, it became a bit difficult to say, all relying on the face value.

It's so cute.

But Xiao LIULANG, the Imperial officer, with a childish little yellow umbrella, looked funny.

Liu Quan said with a smile: "it's good to come back, then I'll pick up the master."

"Goodbye, uncle Liu!" Little clearance waved politely at him.

Liu Quan then said to Xiao LIULANG, "LIULANG, change your clothes quickly. You are all wet."

Xiao LIULANG should go down.

One big and one small went into the yard.

No one in the family was there. Gu Jiao didn't come back. Yao was invited to her house by grandma Zhou. Although she was not far away, she was all in Bishui Hutong, but suddenly it rained so heavily. She was worried that Yao would fall. Grandma Zhou asked Yao to wait until the rain stopped.

Yuya'er and nanny Fang are also there.

As for Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun, they went to study arts.

Xiaojingkong was not enough to step on the water alone, so he ran to the backyard and released all eight, nine and seven chickens to step on the water.

The nine beasts at home said they didn't want to step on the water!

Xiao LIULANG went back to Westinghouse to change his dry clothes. Then he went to his study and took out the arithmetic book of the state of Yan. He continued to study and calculate.

Xiaojingkong stepped on the water for a while, walked into his study, came to his desk, held his stomach, and said seriously: "I'm hungry."

Xiao LIULANG glanced at him: "are you sure you want to eat what I make?"

Xiaojingkong choked and stammered, "that, that's still not good."

The bad brother-in-law is too bad. He can be hungry for a while.

Xiaojingkong's stomach is growling, and he is not full after eating preserves and snacks. After all, he is a child with a lot of food, otherwise he would not have eaten with other young monks at the beginning.

Xiao LIULANG went to the kitchen and cooked a bowl of green vegetables and egg noodles for him.

Looking at the black noodles on the table that night, Xiao Jingkong's heart refused.

Xiao LIULANG handed the chopsticks to him: "eat it."

Xiaojingkong sat on his special chair with a small horizontal plate in front of him. Instead of taking the chopsticks immediately, he looked at Xiao LIULANG seriously: "I just want to ask you, can you eat this bowl of noodles yourself?"

"It's not me who's so hungry now," said Xiao LIULANG

Xiaojingkong lowered his head. What the bad brother-in-law said was reasonable, but he didn't reply.

In the end, hunger prevailed.

"Alas." Xiaojingkong sighed, reached out his little hand, took the chopsticks, and ate them.

Now it's not far from the dining place, but Xiao LIULANG is not hungry, but he didn't let Xiao Jingkong sit alone in the hall to eat.

He directly moved the small headroom with the chair to the study, he ate his, he counted his.

In the middle of xiaojingkong's meal, he suddenly looked at Xiao LIULANG bitterly: "can I ask you a question?"

"He said Xiao LIULANG didn't look up and went on with his arithmetic.

Little clearance shook his head like an adult: "how do you make every meal worse than the last one?"

Xiao LIULANG took a look at him and said shamelessly: "work hard and cook well."

Small clearance:

Xiaojingkong asked himself that he couldn't learn this skill, because when he was three years old, the sweet potatoes baked by him were better than those made by his bad brother-in-law.

Xiaojingkong has developed a good habit of not wasting food in the temple. No matter how bad it is, you will eat it yourself.

"Full?" Xiao LIULANG looked at the black empty bowl in front of him and asked.

Xiaojingkong pursed her lips and looked dignified: "you've done such a terrible job. Do you still expect others to have a second bowl... Well, congratulations. Your long cherished wish has come true."

Woo, he can't help if he doesn't have enough to eat!

Xiao LIULANG knew that the little monk's stomach was not so easy to fill. He steamed vegetarian jerky, corn cobs and sweet potatoes in the pot. Now it's almost ripe.

He took away the empty bowl in front of xiaojingkong and went to the kitchen to bring over the steamed vegetarian jerky, corn and sweet potato.

Xiaojingkong put his arms around his face and said, "I don't want this plate."

He has beautiful tableware!

Xiao LIULANG said, "do you still dislike it? I won't get used to you if I like it or not. "

Xiaojing hollow reluctantly picked up chopsticks, skimmed his mouth and said: "a child who is not delicate is a grass!"


It takes a lot of energy to take care of children. Xiao LIULANG feels tired after a while, but this kind of tiredness seems different from the usual tiredness. He is a little dizzy.

After dinner, xiaojingkong went to the backyard to wash the dishes. The cupboard was too high for him to reach, so he had to stand on tiptoe and put the clean dishes and chopsticks on the stove one by one.

He also took a wet rag to wipe his little table.

But as soon as he entered the study, he felt something wrong.


Bad brother-in-law fell asleep on the table?

It's not dark yet!

Xiao Jingkong walked over and called Xiao LIULANG with his head askew: "brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"

No response.

Xiaojingkong thought, "ah Heng."

Still no response.

Xiao Jingkong gave a strange cry, took out a small hand that had just grasped the wet rag and touched Xiao LIULANG's forehead: "ah! How hot

Xiao LIULANG fell ill. He had no premonition. He was hot all over and his brain became paste.

He began to have a dream again and again. In the dream, he returned to the princess mansion.

Today, Zhuang Xianzhi came to class for Wen Linlang. He was originally at Wen's home, but Wen's home was too far away, so he changed to Princess mansion.

Wen Linlang is his fiancee. He accompanies her to class.

Zhuang Xianzhi finished and had a break.

Wen Linlang complained: "ah Heng, Mr. Zhuang's class is too difficult. Shall we go out to play?"

Go out can see Niang, he nodded.

They went to the back mountain.

Wen Linlang found a rabbit: "ah Heng, this little rabbit is injured. Shall we take it home?"

His son-in-law rabbit died not long ago, and his mother felt sorry for it for a long time.

"Ah Heng, I want to eat dates. Would you go to the tree and pick them for me?"

His mother also likes to eat dates, he climbed up and picked them.

"Ah Heng, will you go and buy me osmanthus cake?"

His mother also likes sweet scented osmanthus cake. He went to buy it in a carriage.

When he was holding the rabbit, carrying a bag of dates and carrying a box of sweet scented osmanthus cake to find Princess Xinyang, what he saw was a cold and world weary face.

"Ah Heng." She waved to him and smiled.

He walked slowly over: "mother, are you sick?"

She looked at him meaningfully: "ah Heng, do you like Niang?"

"I like it."

"Are you willing to do anything for your mother?"

"Yes!" He said firmly.

"Then you die for your mother... Ah Heng, will you die for me?"